[Astrum: Heavens] [O-11] [Uziel] O1102

Helix Nebula

Three fries short of a happy meal: WHACKO!!
  • "Faster Than Light -jump, o-two.. Complete, and looks like we're in one piece too." A Helmsman said, chuckling as the crew of the FWRS Justice "came to live", in a sense and commotion filled the ship, as it's crew prepared for their second mission in space. Although, after their previous mission, the atmosphere was somewhat intense, but this time - They were better prepared.

    "Admiral, all ships are reporting in." Comms Officer Ann Williams said, as Lieutenant Singer fiddled with his terminal, "Confirmed- DRADIS shows six ships, all friendly, no other contacts." "What's the system look like?" Chief Scientific Officer, Andrew McFibbles said. "I detect twelve celestial objects and.. It appears, the planetary body O1102-A, is surrounded by a debris field of some kind." "Asteroids? Perhaps one of it's satellites collided with another." Lt. Singer hemmed, as his console beeped and buzzed, "Maybe, I am picking up, faint residual energy readings in the field, however. They're barely noticeable."
"Take us closer to O112A. Fire DRADIS probes first to investigate first, and find out what that debris field is, so we don't end up pissing off any Oculi that might be in there with our ships. All ships, I want on Yellow Alert. Have the Destroyer keep a little bit of distance to offer long range support."
"Aye, sir- Prepping Probe 1 for launch." "Plotting course for O1102A, 1/3, sublight speed." "Probe 1 is away, and it'll be in range of the debris within ten minutes."

Instead of ten, it only took eight minutes for the DRADIS Probe to start sending in readings, as it painted a DRADIS representation of a picture, depicting the orbit around O1102A. "Admiral, according to these readings- The debris field is formed by parts of very.. very old spacecraft. I'd say there was a massive battle here once." As the Lieutenant finished, pictures being sent back by the probe, began flashing by on the main view screen. The bits of debris, looked like nothing but hunks of rusting metal- Just by looking, it was easy to determine, not much could be salvaged from the broken bits of ancient spaceships.. Yet, some of them appeared... familiar.

"Sir, I'm now getting readings from the planet and.. It's not pretty. I'm reading a viable atmosphere, but there appears to be no life on the planet at all. I'm also detecting some large impact crates scattered on the surface, the largest is 8 kilometers in diameter. The moon is without atmosphere and has low gravity."

System information updated.
"Is the planet inhabitable? Can we walk the surface?" the Admiral asked, "And are we getting any Occuli readings? I don't want to get blindsided by those things. If not, we should consider making a salvage depot here and see if we can't reuse some of this technology and the hulls."
The Lt.'s console beeped and buzzed, as he typed on the interface. "No sign of the Oculi, sir.. And the air on the planet is a bit thinner than back home, but otherwise it appears inhabitable. I'm not picking up radiation or any other obvious hazards, although, long-term viability is impossible to determine without more time."
"Then send a Frigate with a Science team to perform additional, close-up readings of the planet. I'd like a report on what it might take to conduct a landing, soon. Let's send a probe to 01102-B and check out its moons."
"Hangar deck, this is the bridge. Prep another DRADIS probe for launch."

"Well, sir- We could establish a small outpost whenever, but, what I meant was, that it would take.. Several weeks, at least, to determine the local weather conditions and at least a month, to see whether or not, there's any extreme tectonic activity in the area.. As there is no vegetation or wildlife on the planet, it poses no risk, but there might be other hidden hazards, that cannot be determined quickly. Such as violent earthquakes, volcanoes or in worse cases, even regular megatsunamis, caused by some kind of weather anomalies.." As the Lt. finished, Wallace looked up from her console, "Hangar deck reports Probe 2 is away, sir, ETA 10 minutes. Shall I contact a Frigate and arrange for a science team?" While the Comms Officer awaited a response, Lt. Smith typed away at his console, bringing up the second probe's feed onto his monitor.
"Just keep a science team in orbit to monitor the planet long term. We'll keep that Frigate here to accomodate them until we can build something permanent. We can possibly introduce wildlife and plants later if we need to, as well. We'll learn more before dropping PRefabs and scientists. What does the second probe say, Lieutenant Smith?"
"Receiving telemetry now, sir.." The Lieutenant hemmed, as all sorts of information started flowing onto his monitor. "Preliminary scans would indicate that two of the moons, are barren and lack an atmosphere- Whereas the third moon, is largely covered in volcanoes and seas of magma. I'm reading a nitrogen-oxygen based atmosphere, but, I am reading a thick layer of sulfur dioxide and ash- All the way up to the stratosphere.." His console buzzed and beeped, as more information started coming in- At the same time, pictures of the moons and their primary, began appearing on the main view screen. "Interesting.. According to these readings, O1102B, is a Class M planet with a viable atmosphere. However, the probe can't seem to read temperatures higher than -5°C (23 °F)." He turned to the Admiral, "We'll have to get in closer, for me to get more detailed readings, using the ship's scanners, sir."

System information updated.

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