Chitchat astrology

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DISCLAIMER: i'm not a professional astrologist nor for sure always accurate in my assumptions! this is just a fun, silly tool to maybe get to know people (or not). not to be taken seriously, trust me LOL.

hiya! i seriously have no one in my life to chat about astrology with (the majority think it is stupid, which is understandable), so i just wanted to see if anyone out there was as much interested in it as i was! in addition, i love meeting people who have cool sun + moon + rising combos (and others, like mars + venus + mercy combos)! so post them down below, and my nerd self would be so eager to write some assumptions based on your big three. that would be so much fun. :) or to just chat in general!

to start, i am a Leo Sun, Pisces Moon, Virgo Rising! whatcha think?
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Currently know nothing about Astrology but here's my take

Gemini-Sun Gemini-Moon Libra-Rising.

I had to look these up, so they're more assumptions than anything I'm certain off
your chart is most definitely less disastrous than mine, lol.

- cancer sun cancer moon sag rising
ayyyy we're nearly matching evi. mine's leo sun, pisces moon, and libra rising. i don't know much about astrology so i'd love to get a vibe check
Currently know nothing about Astrology but here's my take

Gemini-Sun Gemini-Moon Libra-Rising.

I had to look these up, so they're more assumptions than anything I'm certain off
okay, some assumptions:
you have a hard time making decisions, you get fixated on one thing for a few months and then move on to the next thing (say a hobby or famous person or series), and ahhh, commitment makes you nervous? last thing! sensitive skin?

your chart is most definitely less disastrous than mine, lol.

- cancer sun cancer moon sag rising
oh my gosh! double cancer! and then some fire in the mix!
i would saaaay you absorb a room’s energy and have a tug’o’war between feminine and masculine energy? i hope that makes sense. :) as in, you want to be honest w your emotions and yourself but pride / other things won’t allow you to say them out loud? that’s a lot of tug’o’war energy i see! a lot of inner conflict! on the bright side, you’re probably wonderful at reading people! i think!

ayyyy we're nearly matching evi. mine's leo sun, pisces moon, and libra rising. i don't know much about astrology so i'd love to get a vibe check
oh my gosh! you’re me but probably way better and more socially adept. do you get compliments on your eyes? that’s common in libra risings. i feel that you’re prone to escapism, maaaaaybe alcohol (if not, some other form), and you must have amazing hair if you’re a Leo. bahahaha. :p also, do you predict things or feel things before they happen? verrryyy vivid dreams too?
oh my gosh! you’re me but probably way better and more socially adept. do you get compliments on your eyes? that’s common in libra risings. i feel that you’re prone to escapism, maaaaaybe alcohol (if not, some other form), and you must have amazing hair if you’re a Leo. bahahaha. :p also, do you predict things or feel things before they happen? verrryyy vivid dreams too?
i am both amazed yet terrified by how accurate that was omfg. personally i don't feel v socially adept but everything else is pretty spot on so good job !!
aw! that’s so nice to hear! admittedly, it’s probably bc we have two of the same big three. easy for me to guess! :) i bet you are socially adept and just do not know it yet!
your chart is most definitely less disastrous than mine, lol.

- cancer sun cancer moon sag rising
yours is actually so similar to mine it's crazy
i'm a sag sun, cancer rising, and cancer moon!
ooooooo! This is interesting! I honestly didn’t learn about moon, sun, rising etc until very recently ~!

I’m a Scorpio moon, cancer sun and Scorpio rising ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
this thread is so fun! commenting so i can get ~*perceived*~
i’m a sag sun, virgo moon, and libra rising!
yours is actually so similar to mine it's crazy
i'm a sag sun, cancer rising, and cancer moon!
ooh, interesting! sagittarius and cancer placements combined are always so fascinating! with those, i get the impression that you were deeply sensitive as a child, grew up and lacked a filter for a bit of time as a preteen or teenager (at least you were sort of blunt), and then sort of reverted back to being sensitive? not sensitive in the sense you cry a lot but just keenly aware of the people around you? this is my experience with one or two sagittarius people with heavy water in their chart! also, kind of weird, but is your height below average? they say that it's normal for cancer risings to be a little shorter with round faces (think moon faces)! c: cancer risings are so very comforting to look at, almost ethereal. Angelina Jolie and Cher are cancer risings! i will even go as far to say you have motherly energy, and mothers or women figures were intense figures in your life? strong, strong influences, whether that be good or bad. also, i'd say your intuition is feeling things rather than inherently knowing things... idk if that makes sense, pfft.

ooooooo! This is interesting! I honestly didn’t learn about moon, sun, rising etc until very recently ~!

I’m a Scorpio moon, cancer sun and Scorpio rising ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
that is so cool! lotsa water! the instant takeaway i had from reading that was intensity. i've heard having a Scorpio Moon can be the most difficult bc of how intense it is. coupled with a Cancer Sun and Scorpio Rising, i'd say an individual like this would sway between one extreme to another, whether that be emotions or ideas or opinions or energy. in fact, most Scorpio risings i've met do not have one signature "look"! they are always transforming themselves whether it be hair, clothes, makeup, or even attitude! do you switch gears often? also, most Scorpio risings i've met have been tall, tall, tall with dark features (dark eyes, dark brows, dark hair). another thing i might assume is that you do not like to reveal a lot about yourself. you may pretend to give little tidbits of information to your friends that you think is telling to satiate their curiosity, but there is a big emphasis on privacy in your life. oh! and if someone betrays you, it's over for them. you will never forget it ever ever ever.

this thread is so fun! commenting so i can get ~*perceived*~
i’m a sag sun, virgo moon, and libra rising!
helloo! :D the first assumption i had from reading this is that many times in your life, people have come up to you and said "you hurt my feelings". criticism and honesty are big facets in your big three, since i've known sagittarians to be very, very blunt + having virgo placements at least makes the bluntness constructive. another assumption is that you most criticize yourself. that is a very generic thing to say, as we are all critical of ourselves, but i've never met a virgo moon that wasn't nitpicky about the most insignificant details. also, have people told you you look younger than your age? virgo and libra placements together make for youthful appearances! is your face rather symmetrical? another assumption is confidence! all of your placements destine you for confidence. sagittarius in the way you speak, virgo in the way you act, and libra in the way you compose yourself. all of these are wonderful potentials for self-esteem! i am super jealous!

Ooo I love going through this thread so far :). Still learning the rising signs though.

Gemini sun, Aries moon, Cancer rising
wowza! this is a big three with a big potential for outbursts! that is not always a bad thing. most aries moons i've met have no issue sharing their emotions with the rest of the class. that is most notably anger however joy as well! combined with a gemini sun, i am making the assumption you communicate wonderfully with people who you are happy for, who upset you, and who you admire. geminis get a lot of flack for being flaky and/or changing their mind a lot, but i think that is simple fluidity. it is easy for you to adapt to different roles in your life, and as a cancer rising + gemini sun, do people confide in you a lot? also! i get the feeling you were insane as a kid! you were the type to come up w crazy schemes w all the neighborhood kids and get everyone into trouble!

DISCLAIMER: these may be accurate and are just my observations/assumptions/first impressions about the signs! i have a high chance of being wrong, and i totally get that! i hope i do not offend anyone! :) <3 <3
wowza! this is a big three with a big potential for outbursts! that is not always a bad thing. most aries moons i've met have no issue sharing their emotions with the rest of the class. that is most notably anger however joy as well! combined with a gemini sun, i am making the assumption you communicate wonderfully with people who you are happy for, who upset you, and who you admire. geminis get a lot of flack for being flaky and/or changing their mind a lot, but i think that is simple fluidity. it is easy for you to adapt to different roles in your life, and as a cancer rising + gemini sun, do people confide in you a lot? also! i get the feeling you were insane as a kid! you were the type to come up w crazy schemes w all the neighborhood kids and get everyone into trouble!
Yeah, the three signs that are just known for being insane and have a lot of outburst 😂 . You know a lot of people when they meet me, they always don't believe I'm a Gemini because of how usually shy and quiet I am. I usually gain a lot of energy from being an introvert more than an extrovert, and I will admit I do like staying at home more getting time for myself compared to going out and socializing with friends xD.

You are on point when I talk to people about my feelings even though being the Gemini that I am I also hate it at the same time so with that emotion it's just everywhere 🤣 . As for cancer rising, I was terrible as a little kid since I used to be spoiled a lot and have a terrible attitude towards people. And around high school, I did get in trouble a lot with sneaking out and just living that freedom I wanted as a teen xD. So I would say it is pretty close enough 😳 . And I feel slightly a bit called out xD
ooh, interesting! sagittarius and cancer placements combined are always so fascinating! with those, i get the impression that you were deeply sensitive as a child, grew up and lacked a filter for a bit of time as a preteen or teenager (at least you were sort of blunt), and then sort of reverted back to being sensitive? not sensitive in the sense you cry a lot but just keenly aware of the people around you? this is my experience with one or two sagittarius people with heavy water in their chart! also, kind of weird, but is your height below average? they say that it's normal for cancer risings to be a little shorter with round faces (think moon faces)! c: cancer risings are so very comforting to look at, almost ethereal. Angelina Jolie and Cher are cancer risings! i will even go as far to say you have motherly energy, and mothers or women figures were intense figures in your life? strong, strong influences, whether that be good or bad. also, i'd say your intuition is feeling things rather than inherently knowing things... idk if that makes sense, pfft.
that is actually all so spot on that it's scary omg
yes to literally everything you suggested.
thank you for your time!
that is so cool! lotsa water! the instant takeaway i had from reading that was intensity. i've heard having a Scorpio Moon can be the most difficult bc of how intense it is. coupled with a Cancer Sun and Scorpio Rising, i'd say an individual like this would sway between one extreme to another, whether that be emotions or ideas or opinions or energy. in fact, most Scorpio risings i've met do not have one signature "look"! they are always transforming themselves whether it be hair, clothes, makeup, or even attitude! do you switch gears often? also, most Scorpio risings i've met have been tall, tall, tall with dark features (dark eyes, dark brows, dark hair). another thing i might assume is that you do not like to reveal a lot about yourself. you may pretend to give little tidbits of information to your friends that you think is telling to satiate their curiosity, but there is a big emphasis on privacy in your life. oh! and if someone betrays you, it's over for them. you will never forget it ever ever ever.
its so interesting bruh~! there are some things you touched on that are like oh yes, 100% me haha
i don't know if it counts, but I'm forever rearranging my house haha but i do change up my hair colour, and when it stays one way for too long i feel like I'm not being 'myself' if that makes sense??
as for having dark features, i suppose ill be one of those few you meet you doesn't have those haha i have blonde hair (used to be white blonde when i was a child and a light blonde as i grew up; after having chemo, i have a mixture of brown and dark blonde), blue eyes and white eyebrows LOL.
i used to not like to reveal much about myself but since having cancer i kinda have a bit of a yolo outlook on life now lol now i just overshare things too much haha but about the betrayal - oh boy. i like to try and give people second chances, and i have and have made wonderful friends that way. but lets just say my ignore/blocklist seems to grow throughout the years (¬‿¬)

man, well done though! you're a gun with this astrology stuff! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
ooooh! i just saw this and i'm always so intrigued about astrology!
i'd love to hear your thoughts about my lil' combinations! alsooo, hellooo fellow pisces moon!
i'm a gemini sun, pisces moon, and sagittarius rising!
ooooh! i just saw this and i'm always so intrigued about astrology!
i'd love to hear your thoughts about my lil' combinations! alsooo, hellooo fellow pisces moon!
i'm a gemini sun, pisces moon, and sagittarius rising!
omg, not me totally forgetting to reply to this. pls forgive me. you are so, so, so special. <3

these are some first thoughts about your wonderful placements + i added extra bc you waited so long! ;-;
  • just from looking at that, i get the sense you are an all-or-nothing person! perhaps you go weeks without crying and being cheerful, but then things suddenly come crashing down, and you almost... retreat within yourself? does that make sense? this sounds weird, but you are very much within yourself.
  • are you ditzy? gemini + pisces placements tend to be very ditzy and forgetful! space cadets!
  • idk why i have this feeling, but do you get complimented on your teeth? orrr do you have large and straight teeth? sag risings that i know have beautiful, beautiful teeth that tend to be quite long and large. big, beautiful smiles. bonus if you have a tooth gap!
  • you are funny. and yeah, everyone thinks their funny, yes, humor is like a spectrum, but i think you get told a lot in person how funny you are. all of your big three just points to a very fluid sense of humor. as in, you can switch up your sense of humor and find humor in all things.
  • adaptation. you are a chameleon. however, with your pisces and sagittarius placements, i think it is hard for you to hold it in when you are upset/angry. i think no matter how hard you try, the tears just can't stop sometimes. :c
  • do you or have you engaged in riskier behaviors than a normal person? this could be gambling, drug/alcohol use, unsafe promiscuity, or even putting yourself in dangerous situations? pisces and sag placements are so very telling when it comes to risky, risky activities! though if you were to engage in these, i'd assert it to be a form of escapism (as a pisces moon, i'm super guilty of this ahhh)
  • have your legs/thighs been a prominent source of insecurity for you?
  • i think you can discuss a wide, wide range of topics. you are comfortable and non-judgmental to all walks of life! if you get out of your comfort zone, i think you can sit on a bench all day and have enlightening conversations with all sorts of people!
  • are you bit of an idealist? your optimism is unrelenting, i think! in my opinion. i think you build fantasies of people (not bad ones, just good ones!) in your head, and that is how you see them! in other words, you find the best in any and every person and situation!
okay, i hope these are okay. :'D my truest and most honest thoughts. let me know whatcha think!
Hi, I'm ready to be read to filth please ;3: This looks so fun!

Taurus sun, Scorpio moon, Taurus rising
omg, not me totally forgetting to reply to this. pls forgive me. you are so, so, so special. <3

these are some first thoughts about your wonderful placements + i added extra bc you waited so long! ;-;
  • just from looking at that, i get the sense you are an all-or-nothing person! perhaps you go weeks without crying and being cheerful, but then things suddenly come crashing down, and you almost... retreat within yourself? does that make sense? this sounds weird, but you are very much within yourself.
  • are you ditzy? gemini + pisces placements tend to be very ditzy and forgetful! space cadets!
  • idk why i have this feeling, but do you get complimented on your teeth? orrr do you have large and straight teeth? sag risings that i know have beautiful, beautiful teeth that tend to be quite long and large. big, beautiful smiles. bonus if you have a tooth gap!
  • you are funny. and yeah, everyone thinks their funny, yes, humor is like a spectrum, but i think you get told a lot in person how funny you are. all of your big three just points to a very fluid sense of humor. as in, you can switch up your sense of humor and find humor in all things.
  • adaptation. you are a chameleon. however, with your pisces and sagittarius placements, i think it is hard for you to hold it in when you are upset/angry. i think no matter how hard you try, the tears just can't stop sometimes. :c
  • do you or have you engaged in riskier behaviors than a normal person? this could be gambling, drug/alcohol use, unsafe promiscuity, or even putting yourself in dangerous situations? pisces and sag placements are so very telling when it comes to risky, risky activities! though if you were to engage in these, i'd assert it to be a form of escapism (as a pisces moon, i'm super guilty of this ahhh)
  • have your legs/thighs been a prominent source of insecurity for you?
  • i think you can discuss a wide, wide range of topics. you are comfortable and non-judgmental to all walks of life! if you get out of your comfort zone, i think you can sit on a bench all day and have enlightening conversations with all sorts of people!
  • are you bit of an idealist? your optimism is unrelenting, i think! in my opinion. i think you build fantasies of people (not bad ones, just good ones!) in your head, and that is how you see them! in other words, you find the best in any and every person and situation!
okay, i hope these are okay. :'D my truest and most honest thoughts. let me know whatcha think!
there's absolutely no need to apologise at all! i totally understand the lateness!
me? special? 'tis you who are! i mean look at the detail of your thoughts and description of my astrology! it's absolutely perfect to the teee!

one thing that stuck out to me was teeth! i always get nightmares of losing my teeth, however, i often do get compliments about them!
definitely riskier behaviors whenever it comes for the need of escapism! so i totally understand the tooo!
eeeek there's so much to talk about one by one, but everything is lovely !!

how would you unravel your signs? i'd love to hear!
Ohh this looks fun!
Can't wait to see what this is going to tell you ^-^

Okay let's see...
Aries sun, Leo moon, taurus rising
Hi, I'm ready to be read to filth please ;3: This looks so fun!

Taurus sun, Scorpio moon, Taurus rising
interestingly enough, my little brother is a Taurus Sun, Taurus Moon, and my little sister is a Taurus Rising, so i believe i am the expert on this! also, i've known quite a few other Taurans in my life. (:

this has remained consistent: flat affects. you are so very inexpressive w your face and tone. very, very straight-faced, you never crack, everything is even, even, even. now, that doesn't mean you can't get frustrated and roar out of anger, but usually, your energy is soooo still, calm, and straight. this is a terrible comparison, but think of it as a medical monitor going flat when a patient dies.
another thing! you value where you put your energy. if it is not worth your time, you will simply not do it. however, if it is something you are passionate about, oh god, it is getting done, and it will be the best thing ever, so help you god.
also! idk why i am getting the feeling your nose is significant somehow? whether you've been insecure about it and/or praised for it, there is something very particular about your nose? c: do you have an acute sense of smell perhaps? i am assuming your nose gets complimented and/or envied quite a bit! are you rather short too? this is common w Taurus rising people, as well as being one of the most attractive rising signs!
i am rambling a lot here, but i think the combination of a Taurus Sun/Scorpio Moon is beautiful. they are polarities, and i think they work together to manage you. there is an overarching theme of death + comfort in your big three. death not being literal death but death in the sense of transformation. with your scorpio moon, i get the sense you've gone through a lot of internal transformation. politically or religiously perhaps? i am leaning more towards religiously. you could have felt a certain way about religion when you were younger and did a complete 180 as you got older. c: also, do you stubbornly hold long grudges? that is totally a taurus/scorpio thing!

Ohh this looks fun!
Can't wait to see what this is going to tell you ^-^

Okay let's see...
Aries sun, Leo moon, taurus rising
wowza! i am seeing someone very secretly theatrical and dramatic. however, i think you were dramatic as a kid! you did not like authority or following rules, and you let many people know whether it be verbally or just through your behavior/body language! also, did you ask for snacks more often than not? or was food sort of a central part of your childhood? idk why i'm getting the sense that it was, but i see some sort of... battle about food? some conflict that started in childhood? and pls, i could be totally wrong.
your forehead! do you have a prominent forehead? i understand that is such a weird part of the body to fixate on, but a lot of Taurus Risings have interesting foreheads (maybe ones that poke out?) and brow bones! (: i just know you are beautiful. something about your brows and forehead + being an Aries sun = *chef's kiss*
oh. do you say things you do not mean in the heat of the moment? since you are double fire (Aries Sun + Leo Moon), that is a recipe for impulsive verbal jabs or even behavior! to add insult to injury, do you have a hard time apologizing after? i am super guilty of this and used to be the worst at apologizing after i've said something terrible!
also, another odd thing to point out, but do you get complimented on your cheekbones? LOL, idk why i feel like your facial structure is just wonderful. very... angular? i know so many earth risings who have the best bone structure in their face.
with these signs all in the same pool, there is steady charisma and leadership skills! people who have aries + leo placements make such fierce leaders. now, they are late bloomers. they can be immature when they are young BUT this gives them an advantage that most people will not recognize. the more we experience error, the more potential we have to grow, and your Taurus Rising will stubbornly make you persevere through all the growing in the world!

there's absolutely no need to apologise at all! i totally understand the lateness!
me? special? 'tis you who are! i mean look at the detail of your thoughts and description of my astrology! it's absolutely perfect to the teee!

one thing that stuck out to me was teeth! i always get nightmares of losing my teeth, however, i often do get compliments about them!
definitely riskier behaviors whenever it comes for the need of escapism! so i totally understand the tooo!
eeeek there's so much to talk about one by one, but everything is lovely !!

how would you unravel your signs? i'd love to hear!
aw, you are so very sweet! i mean it though! those are very special placements! :) and wow, thank you for asking! i think it is a little hard to have a Leo Sun and a Pisces Moon bc i am so annoying and dramatic LOL. i can be wishy washy and make grand gestures if i am feeling a certain emotion. like people will know when i'm happy or pissed off or sad. a thing about Pisces Moons though: i've noticed people act more like their moon signs than their sun signs as children. so, i think Pisces Moons tend to be the favorite child due to their empathetic and obedient nature. this can be a good thing and a bad thing. the pros and cons of the Golden Child, if you are familiar with the term. c: coupled w having a Virgo Rising which has forced me to annoyingly nitpick at everything i've ever done and criticize myself and those around me, i've been a textbook definition of the Golden Child. a big people pleaser!

however! i've tried to grow out of that mindset, and i think my Leo Sun has helped a lot w leading me away from my old nervous habits. it is important to stand up for yourself and be a leader, even if it scares you! that's what i feel with my own placements at least. sometimes, i can be very prideful, arrogant, and cocky (and that is from a combination of a Leo Sun + Virgo Rising) w the worst martyr/savior complex in the world (Pisces moon) BUT i am steadily working on these things! :) haha! i like to think i'm empathetic, open, and considerate though. i always want to cheer someone up if they are upset, and i will work tirelessly doing it!
hiya! i seriously have no one in my life to chat about astrology with (the majority think it is stupid, which is understandable), so i just wanted to see if anyone out there was as much interested in it as i was! in addition, i love meeting people who have cool sun + moon + rising combos (and others, like mars + venus + mercy combos)! so post them down below, and my nerd self would be so eager to write some assumptions based on your big three. that would be so much fun. :) or to just chat in general!

to start, i am a Leo Sun, Pisces Moon, Virgo Rising! whatcha think?
Not sure if this is still around and I'm not really into this stuff, but why not give it a shot?

Sun and Moon are apparently both Libra, and rising is Scorpio. :3
I have friends who are totally way into astrology. I’ve never personally taken the results seriously, but I don’t look down upon it. To each their own and it’s fun to think about future possibilities. The logic behind its origins is interesting too. It’s like allowing the people from the past interpret their own fate.

I’m not even sure I know what sun and moon signs are. Although, I’ve been told I’m an Aquarius as a late January baby. 😅

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