Assassin's Pledge needs characters!!


Three Thousand Club
Hey guys, Kyero here!

Assassin's Pledge is an advanced level role-play, geared towards those who can face a challenge with a smile and ask for more. I know that there are not very many out there who would accept my challenge, but here it is anyway:

Your character in this RP lives in a rough equivalent to our Renaissance time period, but guns do not exist in the RP so please don't ask to use one or, if you decide to join, put one in your profile.

They will be caught in the middle of an all out war between the two most powerful Assassin organizations in the world: Te'i Sai and Roda Ah K'mht. Both have access to a special man-made concoction known as the Heaven's Tears which negates the neurochemical inhibitors released by the brain. This allows their operatives access to 100% of their muscular capabilities, 25% of their total brainpower (where normal humans only use 10%), and increased mental capacity and information absorption rates which leads to increased reaction times and muscle memory as well.

Basically, they're superhuman thanks to the concoction.

That is the challenge! Can you stand to be in an RP where your character is constantly and unquestionably outclassed by their enemies? Most cannot, and thus I am fully expecting to wait for a long time before I find someone willing to take up the challenge.

The RP can be found in the following link:

Assassin's Pledge
I hope to see you soon!! >

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Sadly the RP died a while back. However, if you'd like I can recreate it and we can just make it a 1x1. At this stage I don't trust a group to participate in it properly, so if you'd like me to resurrect it then say so. I've got all the important information saved and ready to be reuploaded if need be, so it's no trouble if you'd like me to do so.
If that's no trouble, I'd really enjoy a 1x1.

Thank you, by the way. :3

(I'm also doing lots of exams, etc soon so I may not be too active, however, I will make it work.)
Not a problem. It will take me a few days to get the RP up and running again though. My laptop, which is my primary tool for posting, has a HDD problem and needs a replacement. The laptop still functions, but sometime within the next few days I'll have to drop it off for a day or two in order to have the new HDD installed. I'll be sure to let you know when that happens. 
I need characters now, so please do check it out if you're all up for the challenge! 
Are you going to be playing/controlling all npcs? Is the red eye guy a NPC or is he your character? Also, the land I am most curious about is the desert and jungle kingdom that emphasizes strength above all else. Are they all united under one ruler or is it like the Dothraki from Game of Thrones where there are a bunch of different tribes?
The use of NPC's is going to be minimal, and yes, the Red-Eyed Demon is my actual character. He's not an NPC. Shaharan is the one I believe you are speaking of, and that nation, as with all nations, has several kingdoms each with its own ruler though they are all united in their ideals and social customs. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
[QUOTE="Dark_Matter]What kind of animals are there exactly?

The usual animals you'd see in our world today. There aren't many differences in that department as nature won't play much of a role in this RP. It's very human focused.
Kyero said:
The usual animals you'd see in our world today. There aren't many differences in that department as nature won't play much of a role in this RP. It's very human focused.
Ok, thanks for clearing that up for me. Wasn't sure if I'd be able to mention something like a lion or something in the history. 
Should also ask whether or not each race is specific to a region or if it doesn't matter. Well, does it matter?
The "races" are just ethnicities and they are not specific to any region. They can mix and match anywhere.
If you are not put off by the fact that I hold my role-players to the standard of the character profile that belongs to the Red-Eyed Demon in terms of content volume and the fact that it's an incredibly violent RP where I'm going to be pushing your writing abilities to their limit as well as your character's mental, physical and emotional stress levels to their maximum, then yes, you can send in a character sheet.
[QUOTE="Shido Oraclune]*Walks into the recruitment thread while holding a chainsaw* I hear someone is in need of a writer?


Well, if you want to check it out the link to the RP is on the first page of this thread. Also, be sure to check the Red-Eyed Demon's profile. That profile is the standard I hold all of my role-players to before they're allowed to join. If you don't think you can make a profile that matches it for content volume, then you should probably avoid the RP.

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