Assassin's Creed: A New Age

Wolf Ghost

New Member
Welcome to Assassin's Creed: A New Age. Please fill out the following and post it bellow.

Choose a rank for you OC. Novice, Initiate, Apprentice, Solider, Disciple, Warrior, Veteran, Assassin, Master Assassin. (i know there's a lot but that how many there are in the game)

Full Name:








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Full Name: Calla Winter Sathoreion

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Rank: Warrior

Bio: She was a thief on the streets when an Assassin brought her to join the Creed at 13, she has lived there ever since. She doesn't like to talk about her life before the Creed.

Sexuality: Pansexual.

Pets: A dark grey Andalusian gelding called Raul.

Weapons: One long sword, two short swords, her hidden blade, three daggers and a various amount of long range handguns.



Name: Dominic Strider


Gender: Male

Rank: Assassin, slowly but surely earning the title of a Master Assassin

Bio: His parents were both assassin's and have trained him since birth to follow in their footsteps. Slowly and surly he has shown his ability to adapt easily to harsh situations and doesn't mind a bit of criticism as long as it benefits his skills. Around the age of 16, his parents retired, taking security in the fact that their son had made up his mind to keep on training for the title of Master Assassin. Recently, however, his drive as become more of a personal one. A certain Templar that he's been feuding with for a while managed to find his parents. He trapped them and used them as bait, in the end... he wasn't able to save them.

Sexuality: Hetrosexual

Pets: Dominic owns a falcon, Frost, trained to signal when danger approaches while flying high to spot it.

Weapons: Hidden Blade, Silenced Pistol, and various throwing knives.




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