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Fantasy Assassin's Assemblage and Alien Apples (Adventuring Assassin's attacking Alien Asshats aquiring Apples)


The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
For hundreds of years humans have fought. It is in their very nature to fight!
They fought the elements using fire and shelter.
They fought against nature for survival and sustainace.
But mostly humans fought each other...
They punch, kick and flail. But.... It wasnt long before they made tools for warfare.
Slicing stabbing burning and shooting their enemies.
In fact humans fight so much that many made combat into a art. Specifically called Martial arts...
Fighting hand to hand has evolved over decades. Boxing, judo, karate and wrestling are some common examples...

But some humans have gone beyond what most consider possible. There is only fifty styles of close quarter combat that has reached the mythical rank of Godtier.
A indvidual who has reached GT literally has to give a verbal warning before fighting as it's common knowledge any who challenge after hearing the warning are insane or have their own Godtier style.

You want another example?
Ever heard of...
Vanishing sky style? Precise movements so swift and deadly it cripples people, leaving them unable to look up at the sky due to hemotoma and worse.

How about...
Kêjâ fu? A style of fighting that allows it's user to strike before the opponent realised what happened.
Often resulting in a sudden feeling of "Have I been kicked in the head like this before?"

Most terrifying I've heard of?
Scuttle claw, a style so brutal masters can destroy or dismember a victim. Leaving them forever walking sideways like a crab...

I won't bother writing a page of information because the lore is basically any comedy anime/manga.
The world is one where humans can...
Move fast enough to dodge or deflect bullets,

Focus Ki, chi, chakra, energy or whatever you want to call the drive/spirit inside of you,

Produce after images,

Survive being severely beaten up by a mob of people for the sole crime of being suspected of having a girlfriend, (I rewatched grand blue don't judge aha)

Be martial arts master by age ten, etc etc etc

The logic of this world is primarily a comedy or shounen fight series.
70% of the time
Players will have the option to beat up anyone/survive almost any situation
The other 30% will be more serious.
Think Gintama, it's a comedy/parody but every so often a badass fight happens that makes you go
"oh damn"

If people would rather it be more serious that can work as well.

The plot calls for people, (wanted seven but I'm up for four)

don't care how you make these characters as long as they are able to interact with others.

The CS will require you to make up a fictional martial art or exaggerate a real one that will become one of the fifty Godtier styles.
The seven assassins are on a "team" or "club"
One is a new arrival who for various reasons (I'll leave vague for now.)
Is quickly forced onto the team.

If I had to look at fiction for you to draw a comparison to... I'd say Gintama mostly but anime in general will have a lot of similarities.

Ask questions here or go apeshit.
If you want to secure a spot post the name of your Godtier style and mention in some way that you don't want to look weak infront of the community.
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