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Fandom ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 Assassination Classroom

F o o l i s h n e s s

// v a n i l l a //





Year: (

Class: (3-E, or if you are creative and don't mind a side character something else)

Appearance: (Anime Preferred)

Personality: (At least a four sentence paragraph)

History: (At least a four sentence paragraph)

Relationships: (Family, Friends Ect..)






Years of Employment:

Appearance: (Anime Preferred)




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Your One and Only GM claims this post for a W.I.P character.

Azamukimasu Atatakasa

Name: Azamukimasu Atatakasa

Nickname: Blondie, Muki (Anyone calling him that will be digging their own grave..), or Atata

Name Origin: Japanese

Name Meaning: Deceiving Warmth

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Year: Year 2

Class: 3-E

Appearance: Atata-san has short, messy blond hair. his eyes are shown to be a red-orange color. He stands around 5'6, slightly higher than most of the people his age in Japan. He also His attire consists of a black T-shirt, dark blue jeans, a white and teal cap and a puffy white tip, and a white jacket with a black rim.


Sometimes it isn't the person that changes...


"I don't know..."


+ Sweets

+ Cats

+ Bad Puns

+ Messing with Korosensei

+ New things

+ Judgement (Namely his own.)

+ Reactions

+ Messing with people's heads

+ Birds


- Pointing a finger gun at someone

- Disrupting Class

- Falling asleep in class


- Track/Running

- Writing

- Reading

Prefered Weapon:

Knife or Dagger


Seijitsuna Atatakasa - 20 - Older Brother: He is probably the total opposite of his brother considering his nature to 'conserve' his energy and it seems at first glance that the relationship isn't the 'right way'. His older brother looking up to him.

Inpei Atatakasa - 45 - Father: He seems to be whom Atata takes from more, not having a personality himself - according to his mother- following what the mood is being easily swayed. Although Inpei is the true 'Chameleon' of the household, he heard this from his mother (somewhat scornfully)

Aishimasu Atatakasa - 44 - Mother: His mother, he cares for Atata the same as she had his father before he had left them both and his brother.

Melee Combat:


Ranged Combat:














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no slide
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[fieldset="I keep forgetting the things I want to hold on to.&quot]


Irona Caste Hornset








3-E :: END Class


Irona is a small, fragile boy. He holds a height of 5'2 and carries a tiny frame, skinny arms, thin neck, small shoulders. He has a hour-glass-like figure, a little wider at his shoulders then he is his abdomen, then getting back a little wider at his waist. Usually, Irona wears a large jacket and a scarf to hide how skinny he is, not being proud of his thin frame. He has small, quaint hands and fairly-toned skin, his fingers small but skinny. Irona's head is covered in a set of thick, curly dark-chocolate colored hair which appears lighter in the light and his face is small and simple. He has long eyelashes that go with his elegant, gold-like eyes and a pointed nose to go with. His lips are soft and little, completing the structure of his head. His jawline is more oval-shaped then it is strong and square-like, his cheeks being chubby and setting the figure. His thighs are a little bigger, but the rest of his legs are skinny, feet tiny.

Irona doesn't have a certain style of clothing, he usually wears anything comfy. He wears a long, black sweater that goes down to his mid-thigh and the sleeves are longer then his arms and a red scarf though, so that could be apart of his casual attire. He wears jeans more often then none, and usually tee-shirts, so that could also be put on the list. But he is willing to wear other clothing as well.



Irona was born in a small, rich family and lived separated from them. He split himself away form his relatives, not really talking to any of them and only speaking to someone when spoken to. When he does talk to other people outside of his family he says weird things and finds himself babbling on and on. He isn't the type to approach others, but more to have others approach him instead. Irona also tends to talk to himself a lot, and finds he's lonely despite people around him. When he does gain friends, Irona tends to get a little possessive of them and gets jealous if they were to talk or be friends with anyone else, making him feel a little annoying and clingy.

Irona can be rather absent-minded and forgetful, loosing things in his hands all the time. He forgets special events, due dates, and he usually forgets his own birthday. It's crazy he's even smart with his forgetfulness, but something about focusing on something really hard makes him remember a little faster.

Not to mention, being a closeted homosexual is rough on him. He pretends to flirt with girls, not wanting to reveal his sexuality to anyone because he already feels like a shame to his family. Irona winks at girls and pretends to be attracted to them, even if he really finds them disgusting (which he doesn't find girls disgusting, it's just an overstatement. Put the sword down). If a girl were to flirt back, Irona tends to get uncomfortable.

Well, with all of this said, let's add more to my anxiety-filled character. Irona is self-conscious. He always thinks about what other people think of him and gets nervous when he feels people dislike him. This is why he mostly avoids people, really. When he does talk to people he tries to alter his real personality to try and fit in. He rarely ever tells his real thoughts and avoids crying in front of other people or getting angered, just so he can avoid trouble. He is friendly to a lot of people and fears making enemies, even with people he hates.


Irona doesn't like to talk about his past much, it disturbs him to even remember it.

Irona was born and raised in Japan with an older brother, Yamato, a drug addict mother and a businessman for a father. His father was never home and Irona and Yamato had to deal with their drunk mother all the time. They lived in a quaint house in the suburbs and lived a decent life. That was until the "accident".

One night Irona had found that his father had brought home a gun, he told his brother all about the weapon and they both checked it out together. It was hidden away in their father's dresser drawer. They found it was loaded with bullets, and Yamato had taken the items out from the gun. He said it was for "safety purposes". Two nights later Irona was woken up in the middle of the night by his father who was yelling at him. They both ran into the kitchen to find Yamato holding the gun to their mother, sprawled out on the floor and staring at her son in wild horror. Irona still remembered what his father had told him, "I tried to talk some sense out of Yamato, but he wont listen to me! Do something Irona!" And with that Irona had gone over to his brother and had simply taken the gun from his hand. Yamato looked at him with wide eyes and hugged his brother roughly, causing Irona to drop the gun. Their mother had unknowingly crawled over and grabbed the gun, raising it and pointing it at Yamato. There wasn't enough time before their mother shot the boy in the head, killing him immediately.

After that night Irona's father had left, the police had considered it to be self-defense on the mother's part and life lived on. Sort of. Irona hated his mother after that night and the woman was going through depression issues. One night Irona's mother had found the gun buried under the floorboards and had gone into Irona's room, threatening to kill him. Irona- acting out in his own self-defense - took the gun from her in a struggle and shot her with it, killing her.

The police came and arrested him, but luckily his father had come and bailed him out. Since then the man had taken care of the broken child, homeschooling him for a little bit before he finally sent him back to school.

Somewhere along the lines of depression, Irona had begun hurting himself. He'd purposefully use sharp items in a way he shouldn't and would fall over and act clumsy on purpose. He has large bruises around his neck that he covers with his scarf. He received them from one night when he held his own hands to his throat and gripped his neck until he passed out. He has more scars on his arms and legs too, which is why he always wears a long-sleeved jacket or just a long-sleeved shirt in general and wears jeans.




San Yung Hornset- Deceased- San was a short, chubby Korean woman with a set of black hair atop her small head and framing her chubby cheeks. She died when Irona had shot her to death in self-defense.


Yuichi Amane Hornset- 39- Yuichi is a tall man with golden colored eyes and a medium frame. He has short brown hair and obviously strong Japanese background.



Yamato Hiro Hornset- Deceased- Yamato was a tall, medium framed man with incredible blue eyes and black hair. He died from being shot in the head by his and Irona's mother, San.

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Madoka Fujimoto


no slide
Basic Information





3rd year of junior high


Personal Information

Madoka is a girl of short stature and petite build, standing at a height of 4'9". She has long, light brown hair (usually braided like in the picture) and circular-shaped, amber eyes. Her hair is slightly wavy since she usually keeps it up in a braid. Her usually attire, outside of the school uniform, consists of comfortable, modest and feminine clothing.


Madoka has a strong case of social anxiety, bordering on social phobia. She is afraid of being judged and evaluated negatively by others, leading to feelings of self-consciousness, inadequacy, inferiority, embarrassment, humiliation and depression. As a result, she avoids social interactions by keeping quiet and sticking to the background and shadows. Because of this, she seems to have a subconscious talent for erasing her presence to the point where those next to her easily forget or are unaware that she's in the same room. Her poor health and past situation greatly contribute to her social anxiety. Madoka heavily relies on video games and the online world as means to forget about reality and her problems. She tends to cry easily when feelings of frustration, confusion, and pain arise, but she'll just quietly sniffle while trying her best to hold it in.

Still, Madoka is an optimistic young girl, always looking towards a brighter side, even if very naive and gullible. She gets excited easily, especially when completing tasks on her own that she had trouble with earlier. Some people may see her as wishy-washy due to the fact that she tries her best to stay on people's good sides. Madoka doesn't like interacting with people who are angry, upset, etc.


The only people Madoka actually interacted with before junior high were her parents. Her father wasn't around a lot since he was always away on business, but Madoka was very close with her mother as the two did everything together. Madoka's mother was afraid of something bad happening to Madoka, especially with her poor health, and would do everything to provide for Madoka from inside the house so Madoka wouldn't have to go outside (i.e homeschooling and such). Because of this, Madoka grew up isolated and heavily restrained, but didn't say anything for a while because she loved her parents too much to break their hearts. Eventually, Madoka expressed her wish to go outside like a normal kid, starting a harsh battle between her and her parents. She was eventually allowed to enroll into Kunugigaoka Junior High School for the second junior year. Despite being in class 2-B when first enrolled, Madoka was eventually moved to 3-E due to missing out on tests because health reasons and failing make-up tests.


Masahiko Fujimoto = Madoka's father. He is a successful entrepreneur and is the one who provides the family money. Masahiko loves Madoka dearly, but is regretful that he's not as close to his daughter as he should be. Still, he chooses to do his job so that he can provide for Madoka and his wife with everything they need and then some. Masahiko doesn't really care about Madoka's failing grades and is somewhat happy by it since it could possibly mean that she would never get a good job and would have to live with him and her mother indefinitely, an idea he's rather fond of.

Mikoto Fujimoto = Madoka's mother. She is a housewife and spends all her time with Madoka. Mikoto loves and cares for Madoka, being very close to her daughter since they do practically everything together. However, this love could be considered borderline obsession with her daughter's health. It wasn't until Madoka decided to enroll in an actual school did Mikoto start to tone it down. Like Masahiko, Mikoto doesn't care for Madoka's bad grades just as long as she's safe and happy. However, Madoka lies about this whenever she is asked.

[QUOTE="Cece Meep]

Madoka Fujimoto


no slide
Basic Information





3rd year of junior high


Personal Information

Madoka is a girl of short stature and petite build, standing at a height of 4'9". She has long, light brown hair (usually braided like in the picture) and circular-shaped, amber eyes. Her hair is slightly wavy since she usually keeps it up in a braid. Her usually attire, outside of the school uniform, consists of comfortable, modest and feminine clothing.


Madoka has a strong case of social anxiety, bordering on social phobia. She is afraid of being judged and evaluated negatively by others, leading to feelings of self-consciousness, inadequacy, inferiority, embarrassment, humiliation and depression. As a result, she avoids social interactions by keeping quiet and sticking to the background and shadows. Because of this, she seems to have a subconscious talent for erasing her presence to the point where those next to her easily forget or are unaware that she's in the same room. Her poor health and past situation greatly contribute to her social anxiety. Madoka heavily relies on video games and the online world as means to forget about reality and her problems. She tends to cry easily when feelings of frustration, confusion, and pain arise, but she'll just quietly sniffle while trying her best to hold it in.

Still, Madoka is an optimistic young girl, always looking towards a brighter side, even if very naive and gullible. She gets excited easily, especially when completing tasks on her own that she had trouble with earlier. Some people may see her as wishy-washy due to the fact that she tries her best to stay on people's good sides. Madoka doesn't like interacting with people who are angry, upset, etc.


The only people Madoka actually interacted with before junior high were her parents. Her father wasn't around a lot since he was always away on business, but Madoka was very close with her mother as the two did everything together. Madoka's mother was afraid of something bad happening to Madoka, especially with her poor health, and would do everything to provide for Madoka from inside the house so Madoka wouldn't have to go outside (i.e homeschooling and such). Because of this, Madoka grew up isolated and heavily restrained, but didn't say anything for a while because she loved her parents too much to break their hearts. Eventually, Madoka expressed her wish to go outside like a normal kid, starting a harsh battle between her and her parents. She was eventually allowed to enroll into Kunugigaoka Junior High School for the second junior year. Despite being in class 2-B when first enrolled, Madoka was eventually moved to 3-E due to missing out on tests because health reasons and failing make-up tests.


Masahiko Fujimoto = Madoka's father. He is a successful entrepreneur and is the one who provides the family money. Masahiko loves Madoka dearly, but is regretful that he's not as close to his daughter as he should be. Still, he chooses to do his job so that he can provide for Madoka and his wife with everything they need and then some. Masahiko doesn't really care about Madoka's failing grades and is somewhat happy by it since it could possibly mean that she would never get a good job and would have to live with him and her mother indefinitely, an idea he's rather fond of.

Mikoto Fujimoto = Madoka's mother. She is a housewife and spends all her time with Madoka. Mikoto loves and cares for Madoka, being very close to her daughter since they do practically everything together. However, this love could be considered borderline obsession with her daughter's health. It wasn't until Madoka decided to enroll in an actual school did Mikoto start to tone it down. Like Masahiko, Mikoto doesn't care for Madoka's bad grades just as long as she's safe and happy. However, Madoka lies about this whenever she is asked.

Accepted :D

x xD i T T 0X x' date=' post: 5349455 said:


Irona Caste Hornset








3-E :: END Class


Irona is a small, fragile boy. He holds a height of 5'2 and carries a tiny frame, skinny arms, thin neck, small shoulders. He has a hour-glass-like figure, a little wider at his shoulders then he is his abdomen, then getting back a little wider at his waist. Usually, Irona wears a large jacket and a scarf to hide how skinny he is, not being proud of his thin frame. He has small, quaint hands and fairly-toned skin, his fingers small but skinny. Irona's head is covered in a set of thick, curly dark-chocolate colored hair which appears lighter in the light and his face is small and simple. He has long eyelashes that go with his elegant, gold-like eyes and a pointed nose to go with. His lips are soft and little, completing the structure of his head. His jawline is more oval-shaped then it is strong and square-like, his cheeks being chubby and setting the figure. His thighs are a little bigger, but the rest of his legs are skinny, feet tiny.

Irona doesn't have a certain style of clothing, he usually wears anything comfy. He wears a long, black sweater that goes down to his mid-thigh and the sleeves are longer then his arms and a red scarf though, so that could be apart of his casual attire. He wears jeans more often then none, and usually tee-shirts, so that could also be put on the list. But he is willing to wear other clothing as well.



Irona was born in a small, rich family and lived separated from them. He split himself away form his relatives, not really talking to any of them and only speaking to someone when spoken to. When he does talk to other people outside of his family he says weird things and finds himself babbling on and on. He isn't the type to approach others, but more to have others approach him instead. Irona also tends to talk to himself a lot, and finds he's lonely despite people around him. When he does gain friends, Irona tends to get a little possessive of them and gets jealous if they were to talk or be friends with anyone else, making him feel a little annoying and clingy.

Irona can be rather absent-minded and forgetful, loosing things in his hands all the time. He forgets special events, due dates, and he usually forgets his own birthday. It's crazy he's even smart with his forgetfulness, but something about focusing on something really hard makes him remember a little faster.

Not to mention, being a closeted homosexual is rough on him. He pretends to flirt with girls, not wanting to reveal his sexuality to anyone because he already feels like a shame to his family. Irona winks at girls and pretends to be attracted to them, even if he really finds them disgusting (which he doesn't find girls disgusting, it's just an overstatement. Put the sword down). If a girl were to flirt back, Irona tends to get uncomfortable.

Well, with all of this said, let's add more to my anxiety-filled character. Irona is self-conscious. He always thinks about what other people think of him and gets nervous when he feels people dislike him. This is why he mostly avoids people, really. When he does talk to people he tries to alter his real personality to try and fit in. He rarely ever tells his real thoughts and avoids crying in front of other people or getting angered, just so he can avoid trouble. He is friendly to a lot of people and fears making enemies, even with people he hates.


Irona doesn't like to talk about his past much, it disturbs him to even remember it.

Irona was born and raised in Japan with an older brother, Yamato, a drug addict mother and a businessman for a father. His father was never home and Irona and Yamato had to deal with their drunk mother all the time. They lived in a quaint house in the suburbs and lived a decent life. That was until the "accident".

One night Irona had found that his father had brought home a gun, he told his brother all about the weapon and they both checked it out together. It was hidden away in their father's dresser drawer. They found it was loaded with bullets, and Yamato had taken the items out from the gun. He said it was for "safety purposes". Two nights later Irona was woken up in the middle of the night by his father who was yelling at him. They both ran into the kitchen to find Yamato holding the gun to their mother, sprawled out on the floor and staring at her son in wild horror. Irona still remembered what his father had told him, "I tried to talk some sense out of Yamato, but he wont listen to me! Do something Irona!" And with that Irona had gone over to his brother and had simply taken the gun from his hand. Yamato looked at him with wide eyes and hugged his brother roughly, causing Irona to drop the gun. Their mother had unknowingly crawled over and grabbed the gun, raising it and pointing it at Yamato. There wasn't enough time before their mother shot the boy in the head, killing him immediately.

After that night Irona's father had left, the police had considered it to be self-defense on the mother's part and life lived on. Sort of. Irona hated his mother after that night and the woman was going through depression issues. One night Irona's mother had found the gun buried under the floorboards and had gone into Irona's room, threatening to kill him. Irona- acting out in his own self-defense - took the gun from her in a struggle and shot her with it, killing her.

The police came and arrested him, but luckily his father had come and bailed him out. Since then the man had taken care of the broken child, homeschooling him for a little bit before he finally sent him back to school.

Somewhere along the lines of depression, Irona had begun hurting himself. He'd purposefully use sharp items in a way he shouldn't and would fall over and act clumsy on purpose. He has large bruises around his neck that he covers with his scarf. He received them from one night when he held his own hands to his throat and gripped his neck until he passed out. He has more scars on his arms and legs too, which is why he always wears a long-sleeved jacket or just a long-sleeved shirt in general and wears jeans.



Korosensei has his work cut out for him, doesn't he? Accepted.
Chie Izumi


Basic Info

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Year: Second Year

Class: 3-E


Chie is for the most part agreeable, though she tends to be deeply hurt by even slightly insulting remarks and response with an unbridled fury. She is very aware of herself and her hyper-sensitive emotions, though really has no control over them. Just as she is quick to anger, she is also able to empathise greatly and is, for that reason, very compassionate. She tries to act cool, as if she doesn't care about anyone or anything, but she cares for those who show her kindness very greatly. She is also stellar in holding grudges.

She is quite timid in social situations, finding the whole process incredibly nerve-wracking. She finds them stressful and, when pressure is applied to a certain degree, she snaps. She flies into a rage for a while before becoming incredibly withdrawn.


Chie was raised under the same roof as both her parents and her elder half-brother (they shared different fathers, and his father lived elsewhere and visited him from time to time) Daichi. Raised with the idea of working hard to achieve good grades in school, Chie originally did put effort and thrived because of it. As she grew older, however, she lost friends and was either indifferent to or hated by the people around her. Her mood dipped and she stopped trying; she saw the effort as wasted as she saw no point to any of it. She associated education with a place to feel alienated, alone and hated. She grew to hate the system.

She instead dove into books and video games as opposed to studying. Her grades remained constant for a little while but they soon plummeted. Her parents urged her to try but she ignored them. They eventually left it up to her, saying that she was sabotaging her own future. Eventually she ended up being placed in class 3-E, filled with hatred for herself and also for the people around her. She began to see people as always having some underlying motive and would never truly like her for her.


Mother Chie's relationship with her mother is relatively close. She watched movies with her from time to time and she realised that her mother genuinely cared for her.

Father Chie attempted to avoid her father for the most part, as he constantly badgered her about school work. He enjoyed making jokes about her but did indeed care for her greatly. He was quite a serious man, but also enjoyed telling jokes.

Daichi While Chie did not speak to him much and displayed indifference in his presence, she secretly admired him. He displayed a confidence in his own abilities that bordered on narcissistic. He was clever and dramatic and enjoyed making a show of how smart he was. He was laid back and casual for the most part, yet also maintained his academic level. Chie always attempts to model herself after him.

Junko Her best friend, Junko was one of the only people that stood by Chie through everything that happened. She wasn't as naturally smart as Chie, though she is in a higher class than her because of the extreme amounts of effort she puts into her work. They are both the closest of friends and are inseperable.

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Ko Orshiro
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Accelerator.600.1477958.jpg.73684b84ff74a5b3b7964af6cae66f4a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114737" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Accelerator.600.1477958.jpg.73684b84ff74a5b3b7964af6cae66f4a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Ko Orshiro


Shiro, puppy lover, crazy sob, Whitey






Bisexual (leaning more to men however)





Blood Type






Being the best


The dojo




His mental issue


Being betrayed

His family

His neighborhood

The school he is attending

Getting caught red handed


Twirling/playing with his bangs.

Cracking his knuckles

Closing his eyes and counting down from seven when he's in a tough situation or pissed


The dark

Close spaces

People learning about his mental issue

Personality Ko, is a clever guy always one to be the first to try and solve any puzzle given to him. Whether it be a cross word, a riddle, a maze, or a rather hard mathematical puzzle. When he get's hooked onto a puzzle it can take his full attention till he completes it meaning he can skip meals, sleep and even classes just so he can figure out the puzzle, though usually it doesn't
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Accelerator.600.1490578.jpg.adcd1f4eae224ae750c9fdbaf6422f4f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114738" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Accelerator.600.1490578.jpg.adcd1f4eae224ae750c9fdbaf6422f4f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
take him more than a few hours to complete said puzzle. To go with his cunning self he also has a quick wit. While he is great at solving almost any puzzle thrown at him he also very good at winging it when the time calls for it. He doesn't have to stick to one plan and can adapt, forming a new plan in mere seconds to get out of whatever mess he got himself into.

To go more in his actual social personality, he is iffy others. He can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Who he makes friends with is rather random, whoever he clicks with is who he will talk to. He doesn't stick to one person for a long time unless said person is persistent, one thing he always tries to avoid is people that may betray him.

He may look like someone that is completely humorless with that rather blank face of his, however he practiced to look like that. No one really expect the seriously looking guy that's 'moping' in the corner to be the one that set of the sticky bomb in the kitchen. He loves to set pranks on people that are superior to him whether it be physically or because of their social standing. Either way he is more than willing to pull a prank on them and is rarely caught as he usually frames someone he hates.

He may seem open, but there are a lot of times he is on the secretive side. If asked something he doesn't want to answer he will be round about or try to deflect the question to something else, like changing it to a joke or changing the subject entirely. It matters of course what it is, if it's personal he won't answer but if it effects others....well he would decide when the time calls for it. One thing is for certain if someone he knows and trusts asks him to keep a secret he will not tell a single soul.

He's a nice guy who is almost always calm, it's exteremly hard to read his face and tell what he is thinking. It takes quite a bit to get him actually pissed off, as he usually stays calm and figures out a way to deal with whatever the annoying situation is. If he does lose his cool however, it will show instantly on his features and when he's pissed he won't calm down till whatever pissed him off is silent, or unless someone restrains him. Even when he is pissed he will have this smile on his face that will send shivers down many people spines.

Oh and when it comes to puppies his serious, sarcastic or jackass manner will instantly disappear. He will glomp the puppy and hug/play with it till he is either dragged away or something gets his attention. Hurting a dog in his eyes is worse than killing a person... Never let him see you hurt a dog, he will hurt you enough to keep you in the hospital.

Early crappy life
Ko never had a great life to begin with, it was like from the moment he was born he was cursed. When he was born it was all good, however there was one slight problem that the family learned. He had a bad heart, one that could be lived with, but it was still pretty weak. He has to take special medication to make sure his heart is fine and so he doesn't have an episode. With a heart like that it didn't help that his father was your standard gambler who wasted any money he could possibly get his hands onto. His mother on the other than was a veterinarian...who had zero money management skills. With a family like this it was a miracle that Ko had a roof over his head, even if it was in a terrible part of town. With his mother taking IOUs when she looked at pets and his father gambling, the only reason he had anything was thanks to his uncle on his mother side who was kind enough to pay for their living arrangements.

The only reason he did this was because he couldn't stand the thought of her living on the streets. He hated Ko's father and didn't truly care much for Ko either. He only paid enough for the mother to be okay and never a cent more. Because of this Ko had to learn how to do things on his own mainly cook, and figure out how to scrounge up money as well as hide it from his wasteful family. For a good eleven years his situation was livable, however after his eleventh birthday things started to go to hell.

His father ended up not only being a huge gambler, but he started to become a dealer as well. He used his mother's vet as a front to sell certain drugs to clients and to laundry money. This operation however didn't even last a month before Ko's mother found out what was going on. When she did a fight broke out and it was very intense. Ko did what he could to ignore it and didn't return home till he heard the yelling stop and the door slam close.

The fighting had gone on for three solid days, and by the end of it, his mother just up and left. No warning, she didn't come back for him, she didn't call him, she just left him with his gambling father.

When she did life got harder for them, and Ko struggled even more in his damned life. When the bills started to pile up he began to pickpocket and steal to make ends meet with his low life of a father. Luckily he had a knack for it and by the age of twelve was the best pickpocketer in the neighbor hood.

Despite how hard this part of his life was for him, he was determined more than anyone to get out of this life. So every moment he had a chance he studied like no tomorrow. He learned as much as he could from the public library and when he could he showed up in a public school and enrolled, he couldn't get a uniform or the books but he still tried his best. And ended up getting in the top of class due to his hard work. His teachers were so impressed they recommended he went to Kunugigaoka Junior High. A school he was more than delighted to go to...if he could.
life in the dojo

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8c1cfb98_ERIKAS-3ed4d4a86cc1a525532b3c14ab2fa669.jpg.e206fd7496559417c224a4fde72a8fef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114739" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8c1cfb98_ERIKAS-3ed4d4a86cc1a525532b3c14ab2fa669.jpg.e206fd7496559417c224a4fde72a8fef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
If he wasn't dealing with his father, or out on the streets trying to steal his next meal, or if he wasn't studying in the library, he was at a small dojo that happened to be in the town. This place was his refuge, whenever he needed to calm down or get out any stressed this is where he would be with his Sensi Azumi. She was a kind women who helped him in many ways such as encouraging him to study, teaching him self defense for free, and really acting like his real mother should have.

She cared for Ko making sure he never got too stressed or overworked, and because of this he looked up to her quite a bit. So much so he seemed to go out of his way in order to impress her. Despite how crappy he felt his life was he certain that he could always confined to her about anything, knowing full well she wouldn't tell a soul. Because of the relationship he developed with this women, he never fully became like his farther or did anything too terrible like join a gang. And because he had her support he did anything he could to make her proud of him.

Due to how much time he spent there he quickly worked his way up in the ranks of her dojo. She cracked down on him far harder than any of her other students and personally taught him a lot of techniques she wouldn't teach the others. Not only because she liked the kid, but he had a knack for this stuff, so she trained him accordingly.

However, despite all her training there was only so much Ko could do to defend himself. One day on his way to the dojo when he was twelve he got jumped by some anger men that were outraged because of his father. Instead of attacking the father directly they took it out on his son. Ko did a good job defending himself against four men, however one of them had tazed him and unable to recover from that he was beaten terribly. Before any fatal blows could be dealt however Azumi had noticed Ko was late had looked for the young boy. Having found him she beat the shit out of the attackers before rushing the boy to the hospital.

He survived the attack, however he had extensive head damage. Not enough to put him in a coma, however there were lasting effects. Ever since the attack he has had short term memory loss. This just made everything a million times more difficult for his life. He would forget things at random and how long apart as well as how much he forget was completely random as well. It was hard for him and made it near impossible to do anything right at times, at the very least he always had to triple check what he did.

Even though he had this, Azumi still didn't abandon him. She stayed with him and did everything she could to cheer the now down Ko up... Even going as far as to give the dog lover a puppy, a Siberian Husky no less! Sure the memory thing was a pain, but after he got out of his stopper he went back to trying as hard as before. If anything he tried harder doing his best to mask his mental issue knowing full well people could easily abuse him for it, just like his father would do at times.
Betrayal, and class E-3

Even with that issue in the way, he managed to get into class A after taking the rigorous exam. Nearing perfect in math, though he did have problems with his grammar in English... Still due to his high score he still was able to get by with relative ease...kinda. At first he had the problem of paying the tuition, however Azumi who wanted the young boy (who she practically saw as a son) paid for this even though the dojo didn't rack in that much money.

With her help he was able to get into his classes, get a uniform and even get the books he needed to study. He kept his high grades and made certain that the first to know about it was Azumi. For the longest time he was proud of everything he did, he felt confident, he thought for once his life would actually get in order. Shame it didn't end up that way.

As time went on he made a few friends, making certain to keep his mental issue hidden from them as well as his family. He avoided any subject about any sensitive issues... However it was only a matter of time before he was found out with the mental issue and his father. The students in class A kept this to themselves and didn't even let Ko know about their discovery. As time went on they started to use his terrible memory to their advantage making him do homework for them and claiming they had a deal, or simply having him do chores or any type of work under the façade that he owed them. For a while he belived them but soon it started to get worse, so much so they began to outright steal from him.

At first he didn't notice, but one day he arrived at class and noticed his most prized possession was dangling around the neck of another student. When he confronted him about it he told him that it was never his in the first place. But Ko wasn't fooled, he had given the other the necklace to barrow (though he
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8c1e8f19_ERIKAS-_precious_love___handmade_sterling_silver_pendant_by_seralune-d9hv9r1.jpg.57618eb105bd7b72b78fe0654f80b23c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114740" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8c1e8f19_ERIKAS-_precious_love___handmade_sterling_silver_pendant_by_seralune-d9hv9r1.jpg.57618eb105bd7b72b78fe0654f80b23c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
forgot this) however this student was claiming it was his. After a squabble a physical fight broke out and he was outmatched four to one.

This however...didn't stop him from kicking all of their asses. At the end of it all he got back his necklace and ran off home. The next day however he was called to the principle office along with the four other students. Sadly... As one could imagine four against one in a verbal argument about who done it, made it so he didn't stand a chance. Not only did he get a huge suspension for the rest of the year, he was kicked to class E-3. He was lucky not to get expelled...or so what the principle said.

With that he left the school for the rest of the year feeling utterly betrayed by what the student's in class A did to him. He spent the rest of his time just getting better at fighting and learning to fend for himself. Obviously he couldn't even think about making friends in this school... So he would just solo it just like he did with most his life, only having Azumi and Snowy (His husky) by his side.

Reason For Being In Class 3-E

Misbehavior, and because he kicked the asses of three students and he punched the principles son. (Year 2)

Preferred Method Of Killing

He prefers getting up close and personal so he can see the fear in his opponents eyes when they realize he is not going to hold back. He practices the style Krav Maga, but adds his own twist to it. Making it highly unpredictable, he loves to use concealed weapons as well mainly hidden blades or weighted gloves that pack a punch. He could use a pistol but really a blade is way more up his alley.

Best Subject


Worst Subject







Ranged Combat





  • Has short term memory loss and his rather sensitive about the subject
  • He has a relatively weak heart, making it so he can't do that much. If he overworks himself or is too highly stressed he can pass out from the increased pulses, or worst case scenario he can have a heart attack
  • Has a husky that is a year old called snowy that he adores to know end
  • The only one he trusts right now is Azumi
  • He has a necklace given to him by Azumi that he adores to no end and hates anyone touching it
  • He loves knives...really if he was old enough he would by every knife he saw...though not two of a kind, he prefers to keep things diverse.
  • He secretly tries his best even when others think he's slacking
  • He wears red contacts his eyes are naturally blue, his hair is all natural.



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Peaceswore said:


Ko Orshiro


Shiro, puppy lover, crazy sob, Whitey






Bisexual (leaning more to men however)





Blood Type






Being the best


The dojo




His mental issue


Being betrayed

His family

His neighborhood

The school he is attending

Getting caught red handed


Twirling/playing with his bangs.

Cracking his knuckles

Closing his eyes and counting down from seven when he's in a tough situation or pissed


The dark

Close spaces

People learning about his mental issue

Personality Ko, is a clever guy always one to be the first to try and solve any puzzle given to him. Whether it be a cross word, a riddle, a maze, or a rather hard mathematical puzzle. When he get's hooked onto a puzzle it can take his full attention till he completes it meaning he can skip meals, sleep and even classes just so he can figure out the puzzle, though usually it doesn't take him more than a few hours to complete said puzzle. To go with his cunning self he also has a quick wit. While he is great at solving almost any puzzle thrown at him he also very good at winging it when the time calls for it. He doesn't have to stick to one plan and can adapt, forming a new plan in mere seconds to get out of whatever mess he got himself into.

To go more in his actual social personality, he is iffy others. He can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Who he makes friends with is rather random, whoever he clicks with is who he will talk to. He doesn't stick to one person for a long time unless said person is persistent, one thing he always tries to avoid is people that may betray him.

He may look like someone that is completely humorless with that rather blank face of his, however he practiced to look like that. No one really expect the seriously looking guy that's 'moping' in the corner to be the one that set of the sticky bomb in the kitchen. He loves to set pranks on people that are superior to him whether it be physically or because of their social standing. Either way he is more than willing to pull a prank on them and is rarely caught as he usually frames someone he hates.

He may seem open, but there are a lot of times he is on the secretive side. If asked something he doesn't want to answer he will be round about or try to deflect the question to something else, like changing it to a joke or changing the subject entirely. It matters of course what it is, if it's personal he won't answer but if it effects others....well he would decide when the time calls for it. One thing is for certain if someone he knows and trusts asks him to keep a secret he will not tell a single soul.

He's a nice guy who is almost always calm, it's exteremly hard to read his face and tell what he is thinking. It takes quite a bit to get him actually pissed off, as he usually stays calm and figures out a way to deal with whatever the annoying situation is. If he does lose his cool however, it will show instantly on his features and when he's pissed he won't calm down till whatever pissed him off is silent, or unless someone restrains him. Even when he is pissed he will have this smile on his face that will send shivers down many people spines.

Oh and when it comes to puppies his serious, sarcastic or jackass manner will instantly disappear. He will glomp the puppy and hug/play with it till he is either dragged away or something gets his attention. Hurting a dog in his eyes is worse than killing a person... Never let him see you hurt a dog, he will hurt you enough to keep you in the hospital.

Early crappy life
Ko never had a great life to begin with, it was like from the moment he was born he was cursed. When he was born it was all good, however there was one slight problem that the family learned. He had a bad heart, one that could be lived with, but it was still pretty weak. He has to take special medication to make sure his heart is fine and so he doesn't have an episode. With a heart like that it didn't help that his father was your standard gambler who wasted any money he could possibly get his hands onto. His mother on the other than was a veterinarian...who had zero money management skills. With a family like this it was a miracle that Ko had a roof over his head, even if it was in a terrible part of town. With his mother taking IOUs when she looked at pets and his father gambling, the only reason he had anything was thanks to his uncle on his mother side who was kind enough to pay for their living arrangements.

The only reason he did this was because he couldn't stand the thought of her living on the streets. He hated Ko's father and didn't truly care much for Ko either. He only paid enough for the mother to be okay and never a cent more. Because of this Ko had to learn how to do things on his own mainly cook, and figure out how to scrounge up money as well as hide it from his wasteful family. For a good eleven years his situation was livable, however after his eleventh birthday things started to go to hell.

His father ended up not only being a huge gambler, but he started to become a dealer as well. He used his mother's vet as a front to sell certain drugs to clients and to laundry money. This operation however didn't even last a month before Ko's mother found out what was going on. When she did a fight broke out and it was very intense. Ko did what he could to ignore it and didn't return home till he heard the yelling stop and the door slam close.

The fighting had gone on for three solid days, and by the end of it, his mother just up and left. No warning, she didn't come back for him, she didn't call him, she just left him with his gambling father.

When she did life got harder for them, and Ko struggled even more in his damned life. When the bills started to pile up he began to pickpocket and steal to make ends meet with his low life of a father. Luckily he had a knack for it and by the age of twelve was the best pickpocketer in the neighbor hood.

Despite how hard this part of his life was for him, he was determined more than anyone to get out of this life. So every moment he had a chance he studied like no tomorrow. He learned as much as he could from the public library and when he could he showed up in a public school and enrolled, he couldn't get a uniform or the books but he still tried his best. And ended up getting in the top of class due to his hard work. His teachers were so impressed they recommended he went to Kunugigaoka Junior High. A school he was more than delighted to go to...if he could.
life in the dojo

If he wasn't dealing with his father, or out on the streets trying to steal his next meal, or if he wasn't studying in the library, he was at a small dojo that happened to be in the town. This place was his refuge, whenever he needed to calm down or get out any stressed this is where he would be with his Sensi Azumi. She was a kind women who helped him in many ways such as encouraging him to study, teaching him self defense for free, and really acting like his real mother should have.

She cared for Ko making sure he never got too stressed or overworked, and because of this he looked up to her quite a bit. So much so he seemed to go out of his way in order to impress her. Despite how crappy he felt his life was he certain that he could always confined to her about anything, knowing full well she wouldn't tell a soul. Because of the relationship he developed with this women, he never fully became like his farther or did anything too terrible like join a gang. And because he had her support he did anything he could to make her proud of him.

Due to how much time he spent there he quickly worked his way up in the ranks of her dojo. She cracked down on him far harder than any of her other students and personally taught him a lot of techniques she wouldn't teach the others. Not only because she liked the kid, but he had a knack for this stuff, so she trained him accordingly.

However, despite all her training there was only so much Ko could do to defend himself. One day on his way to the dojo when he was twelve he got jumped by some anger men that were outraged because of his father. Instead of attacking the father directly they took it out on his son. Ko did a good job defending himself against four men, however one of them had tazed him and unable to recover from that he was beaten terribly. Before any fatal blows could be dealt however Azumi had noticed Ko was late had looked for the young boy. Having found him she beat the shit out of the attackers before rushing the boy to the hospital.

He survived the attack, however he had extensive head damage. Not enough to put him in a coma, however there were lasting effects. Ever since the attack he has had short term memory loss. This just made everything a million times more difficult for his life. He would forget things at random and how long apart as well as how much he forget was completely random as well. It was hard for him and made it near impossible to do anything right at times, at the very least he always had to triple check what he did.

Even though he had this, Azumi still didn't abandon him. She stayed with him and did everything she could to cheer the now down Ko up... Even going as far as to give the dog lover a puppy, a Siberian Husky no less! Sure the memory thing was a pain, but after he got out of his stopper he went back to trying as hard as before. If anything he tried harder doing his best to mask his mental issue knowing full well people could easily abuse him for it, just like his father would do at times.
Betrayal, and class E-3

Even with that issue in the way, he managed to get into class A after taking the rigorous exam. Nearing perfect in math, though he did have problems with his grammar in English... Still due to his high score he still was able to get by with relative ease...kinda. At first he had the problem of paying the tuition, however Azumi who wanted the young boy (who she practically saw as a son) paid for this even though the dojo didn't rack in that much money.

With her help he was able to get into his classes, get a uniform and even get the books he needed to study. He kept his high grades and made certain that the first to know about it was Azumi. For the longest time he was proud of everything he did, he felt confident, he thought for once his life would actually get in order. Shame it didn't end up that way.

As time went on he made a few friends, making certain to keep his mental issue hidden from them as well as his family. He avoided any subject about any sensitive issues... However it was only a matter of time before he was found out with the mental issue and his father. The students in class A kept this to themselves and didn't even let Ko know about their discovery. As time went on they started to use his terrible memory to their advantage making him do homework for them and claiming they had a deal, or simply having him do chores or any type of work under the façade that he owed them. For a while he belived them but soon it started to get worse, so much so they began to outright steal from him.

At first he didn't notice, but one day he arrived at class and noticed his most prized possession was dangling around the neck of another student. When he confronted him about it he told him that it was never his in the first place. But Ko wasn't fooled, he had given the other the necklace to barrow (though he
forgot this) however this student was claiming it was his. After a squabble a physical fight broke out and he was outmatched four to one.

This however...didn't stop him from kicking all of their asses. At the end of it all he got back his necklace and ran off home. The next day however he was called to the principle office along with the four other students. Sadly... As one could imagine four against one in a verbal argument about who done it, made it so he didn't stand a chance. Not only did he get a huge suspension for the rest of the year, he was kicked to class E-3. He was lucky not to get expelled...or so what the principle said.

With that he left the school for the rest of the year feeling utterly betrayed by what the student's in class A did to him. He spent the rest of his time just getting better at fighting and learning to fend for himself. Obviously he couldn't even think about making friends in this school... So he would just solo it just like he did with most his life, only having Azumi and Snowy (His husky) by his side.

Reason For Being In Class 3-E

Misbehavior, and because he kicked the asses of three students and he punched the principles son. (Year 2)

Preferred Method Of Killing

He prefers getting up close and personal so he can see the fear in his opponents eyes when they realize he is not going to hold back. He practices the style Krav Maga, but adds his own twist to it. Making it highly unpredictable, he loves to use concealed weapons as well mainly hidden blades or weighted gloves that pack a punch. He could use a pistol but really a blade is way more up his alley.

Best Subject


Worst Subject







Ranged Combat





  • Has short term memory loss and his rather sensitive about the subject
  • He has a relatively weak heart, making it so he can't do that much. If he overworks himself or is too highly stressed he can pass out from the increased pulses, or worst case scenario he can have a heart attack
  • Has a husky that is a year old called snowy that he adores to know end
  • The only one he trusts right now is Azumi
  • He has a necklace given to him by Azumi that he adores to no end and hates anyone touching it
  • He loves knives...really if he was old enough he would by every knife he saw...though not two of a kind, he prefers to keep things diverse.
  • He secretly tries his best even when others think he's slacking
  • He wears red contacts his eyes are naturally blue, his hair is all natural.

Dear lord, so much....

Accepted -hands da cookie-

Cipah said:
Chie Izumi

Basic Info

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Year: Second Year

Class: 3-E


Chie is for the most part agreeable, though she tends to be deeply hurt by even slightly insulting remarks and response with an unbridled fury. She is very aware of herself and her hyper-sensitive emotions, though really has no control over them. Just as she is quick to anger, she is also able to empathise greatly and is, for that reason, very compassionate. She tries to act cool, as if she doesn't care about anyone or anything, but she cares for those who show her kindness very greatly. She is also stellar in holding grudges.

She is quite timid in social situations, finding the whole process incredibly nerve-wracking. She finds them stressful and, when pressure is applied to a certain degree, she snaps. She flies into a rage for a while before becoming incredibly withdrawn.


Chie was raised under the same roof as both her parents and her elder half-brother (they shared different fathers, and his father lived elsewhere and visited him from time to time) Daichi. Raised with the idea of working hard to achieve good grades in school, Chie originally did put effort and thrived because of it. As she grew older, however, she lost friends and was either indifferent to or hated by the people around her. Her mood dipped and she stopped trying; she saw the effort as wasted as she saw no point to any of it. She associated education with a place to feel alienated, alone and hated. She grew to hate the system.

She instead dove into books and video games as opposed to studying. Her grades remained constant for a little while but they soon plummeted. Her parents urged her to try but she ignored them. They eventually left it up to her, saying that she was sabotaging her own future. Eventually she ended up being placed in class 3-E, filled with hatred for herself and also for the people around her. She began to see people as always having some underlying motive and would never truly like her for her.


Mother Chie's relationship with her mother is relatively close. She watched movies with her from time to time and she realised that her mother genuinely cared for her.

Father Chie attempted to avoid her father for the most part, as he constantly badgered her about school work. He enjoyed making jokes about her but did indeed care for her greatly. He was quite a serious man, but also enjoyed telling jokes.

Daichi While Chie did not speak to him much and displayed indifference in his presence, she secretly admired him. He displayed a confidence in his own abilities that bordered on narcissistic. He was clever and dramatic and enjoyed making a show of how smart he was. He was laid back and casual for the most part, yet also maintained his academic level. Chie always attempts to model herself after him.

Junko Her best friend, Junko was one of the only people that stood by Chie through everything that happened. She wasn't as naturally smart as Chie, though she is in a higher class than her because of the extreme amounts of effort she puts into her work. They are both the closest of friends and are inseperable.




"Violence truly is an art form."

- Nanami Makoto




Nanami Makoto





Date Of Birth:

14th February 2002


Cisgender; Female

Sexual Orientation:

Heterosexual Demiromantic


Year Two


Class 3-E




5'8" (172.5 cm)


127 lbs. (57.60 kg)

Hair Color:

Pinkish Purple

Eye Color:

Bright Pink


Ghostly Pale

General Description:

Nanami holds the looks of a cool beauty. Her face is always set in a calm and composed manner, though a tad bit amused and mocking at times, added with her height, Nanami looks like she's constantly making fun of you, just by her stare alone. Her hair is a pinkish purple and cut in a stylish looking bob, with the ends curling slightly, her fringe pinned up by a yellow star clip. Nanami's eyes are a bright pink to match her hair, with beautiful dark lashes framing them, and to end it off, her skin is a very pale shade, sickly almost, though it's just due to a lack of going outdoors. Her body is the typical lanky and flat type, having a speedy metabolism and the height of a model, though she is lacking in the curves department.

In Depth





-Horror Movies


-Comfortable Clothing

-Friendly Banter

-Mind Games



-Uncooperative People


-Over-emotional People

-Attention Whores

-Young Children

-Being Wrong


Not the most likeable person in the world, Nanami to the public eye is a manipulative and narcissistic trickster, with a knack for trapping people in her web of lies and deceit. To those that haven't met her, they'd probably think she's a nice person. Funny, smart, and a great gamer, what more could you want right? But no, this is merely a mask for Nanami, a mask to hide her true and more... Apathetic and cruel nature. After you become useless, she'll walk away, uncaring, inconsiderate and heartbreaking huh? Many have learnt this lesson after becoming friends with this pink haired girl, and news spreads like wildfire, so she's pretty much feared throughout most of her home town, but oddly enough, Yukino seems to like being feared.

But are there any good traits in her? Well, yes, there are, of course. As previously mentioned, Nanami's mask is funny, and her true self is too, though her true self's humour might get a tad bit dark at times, it's mostly pretty punny and light-hearted. Nanami is also extremely intelligent, bet you weren't expecting that huh? Yup, the pink haired master manipulator is well-versed in both street smarts and book smarts, a previous IQ test showing her IQ to be around 142, which is higher than the average adult, and keep in mind, she was only 13. Nanami also tends to be a bit protective over her loved ones, like her family for example. If you talk bad about them or bully any of them, Nanami will split you in half.

So, is there any way to unlock this side of her? Well, first you need to ask yourself, do you have the intellect to match her? Do you have the willpower to cut through all her lies, and maybe even... Leave her speechless for once? If the answer to all that is yes, then be my guest, try to find the real Nanami, but just a warning, it won't be easy.


The talk around town but never for a good reason, would be perfect to describe Nanami. She was destined to be the ultimate manipulation queen from birth, her crying was like an alarm to her parents, an alarm that she needed something, and she'd throw a tantrum every time she didn't get that thing. As she grew up though, her parents would long for that crying and demanding child, as the teenage Nanami is not a pretty sight to see.

At the age of 5, Nanami had stopped crying. And by that I don't mean she stopped crying for things, I mean she hasn't cried since she was 5, it's like her capability to feel sadness is annihilated. But it has to be replaced by something right? Well, it sure was. Her sadness was replaced by rage. Sure, Nanami doesn't seem to be an angry person, although she does have her outbursts every once in a while. But the rage she harbours is one that she keeps in her brain, mentally plotting and planning ways to get revenge on whoever made her angry in the first place. At the age of 10, Nanami was already starting to be feared around town, from her charismatic yet evil persona, Nanami sure didn't use her gift of the gab to help anyone but herself. Soon, there were bullies that started arising, thinking that they can take on this feared girl. But oh, how wrong they were. Nanami kicked the shit out of them, and got herself landed in the E Class, not that she minds too much.

Weapon Of Choice:

Anti-Sensei Knives & Grenades

Best Subject:


Worst Subject:

Social Studies



Melee Combat:

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Ranged Combat:

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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Name:Scarlett rose


Gender: female

Year: 3

Class: 3-E


Personality: Since her mothers death Scarlett has kept to herself. Scarlett is a good student but since she always ignored the teachers she got sent to the E-class. When people get past her shy self she tends to be a little happier instead of being her down self. Often she keeps a blank face that way no one can tell what she is thinking. That is if they notice her at all since half the time no one does.

History: Since Scarlett was young she was always traveling to different places because of her parents being in the military. Since she moved all over she didn't stay in one school for to long. When she was nine her house was being robbed so she hid in her hiding place that her mother told her to go. Her mother tried to fight off the robber but failed and ended up getting shot and killed right in front of her. Since then her father retired and moved to Japan even though they were from America. Her father decided that it would be a good idea for her to learn how to defend herself so she was taugh how to shoot with a few different types of guns and a few other things.

Relationships: her father but everyone else it T.B.D
Brokenbri said:
Name:Scarlett rose

Gender: female

Year: 3

Class: 3-E


Personality: Since her mothers death Scarlett has kept to herself. Scarlett is a good student but since she always ignored the teachers she got sent to the E-class. When people get past her shy self she tends to be a little happier instead of being her down self. Often she keeps a blank face that way no one can tell what she is thinking. That is if they notice her at all since half the time no one does.

History: Since Scarlett was young she was always traveling to different places because of her parents being in the military. Since she moved all over she didn't stay in one school for to long. When she was nine her house was being robbed so she hid in her hiding place that her mother told her to go. Her mother tried to fight off the robber but failed and ended up getting shot and killed right in front of her. Since then her father retired and moved to Japan even though they were from America. Her father decided that it would be a good idea for her to learn how to defend herself so she was taugh how to shoot with a few different types of guns and a few other things.

Relationships: her father but everyone else it T.B.D


Name:Shou Nakamura



Year: Second Year


Best Subject:Japanese

Worst Subject:Science

  • +Music







    +Helping out



Melee Combat

Ranged Combat







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[QUOTE="Hana Koen]


Name:Shou Nakamura



Year: Second Year


Best Subject:Japanese

Worst Subject:Science

  • +Music







    +Helping out



Melee Combat

Ranged Combat







Chibii said:



"Violence truly is an art form."

- Nanami Makoto




Nanami Makoto





Date Of Birth:

14th February 2002


Cisgender; Female

Sexual Orientation:

Heterosexual Demiromantic


Year Two


Class 3-E




5'8" (172.5 cm)


127 lbs. (57.60 kg)

Hair Color:

Pinkish Purple

Eye Color:

Bright Pink


Ghostly Pale

General Description:

Nanami holds the looks of a cool beauty. Her face is always set in a calm and composed manner, though a tad bit amused and mocking at times, added with her height, Nanami looks like she's constantly making fun of you, just by her stare alone. Her hair is a pinkish purple and cut in a stylish looking bob, with the ends curling slightly, her fringe pinned up by a yellow star clip. Nanami's eyes are a bright pink to match her hair, with beautiful dark lashes framing them, and to end it off, her skin is a very pale shade, sickly almost, though it's just due to a lack of going outdoors. Her body is the typical lanky and flat type, having a speedy metabolism and the height of a model, though she is lacking in the curves department.

In Depth





-Horror Movies


-Comfortable Clothing

-Friendly Banter

-Mind Games



-Uncooperative People


-Over-emotional People

-Attention Whores

-Young Children

-Being Wrong


Not the most likeable person in the world, Nanami to the public eye is a manipulative and narcissistic trickster, with a knack for trapping people in her web of lies and deceit. To those that haven't met her, they'd probably think she's a nice person. Funny, smart, and a great gamer, what more could you want right? But no, this is merely a mask for Nanami, a mask to hide her true and more... Apathetic and cruel nature. After you become useless, she'll walk away, uncaring, inconsiderate and heartbreaking huh? Many have learnt this lesson after becoming friends with this pink haired girl, and news spreads like wildfire, so she's pretty much feared throughout most of her home town, but oddly enough, Yukino seems to like being feared.

But are there any good traits in her? Well, yes, there are, of course. As previously mentioned, Nanami's mask is funny, and her true self is too, though her true self's humour might get a tad bit dark at times, it's mostly pretty punny and light-hearted. Nanami is also extremely intelligent, bet you weren't expecting that huh? Yup, the pink haired master manipulator is well-versed in both street smarts and book smarts, a previous IQ test showing her IQ to be around 142, which is higher than the average adult, and keep in mind, she was only 13. Nanami also tends to be a bit protective over her loved ones, like her family for example. If you talk bad about them or bully any of them, Nanami will split you in half.

So, is there any way to unlock this side of her? Well, first you need to ask yourself, do you have the intellect to match her? Do you have the willpower to cut through all her lies, and maybe even... Leave her speechless for once? If the answer to all that is yes, then be my guest, try to find the real Nanami, but just a warning, it won't be easy.


The talk around town but never for a good reason, would be perfect to describe Nanami. She was destined to be the ultimate manipulation queen from birth, her crying was like an alarm to her parents, an alarm that she needed something, and she'd throw a tantrum every time she didn't get that thing. As she grew up though, her parents would long for that crying and demanding child, as the teenage Nanami is not a pretty sight to see.

At the age of 5, Nanami had stopped crying. And by that I don't mean she stopped crying for things, I mean she hasn't cried since she was 5, it's like her capability to feel sadness is annihilated. But it has to be replaced by something right? Well, it sure was. Her sadness was replaced by rage. Sure, Nanami doesn't seem to be an angry person, although she does have her outbursts every once in a while. But the rage she harbours is one that she keeps in her brain, mentally plotting and planning ways to get revenge on whoever made her angry in the first place. At the age of 10, Nanami was already starting to be feared around town, from her charismatic yet evil persona, Nanami sure didn't use her gift of the gab to help anyone but herself. Soon, there were bullies that started arising, thinking that they can take on this feared girl. But oh, how wrong they were. Nanami kicked the shit out of them, and got herself landed in the E Class, not that she minds too much.

Weapon Of Choice:

Anti-Sensei Knives & Grenades

Best Subject:


Worst Subject:

Social Studies



Melee Combat:

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Ranged Combat:

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

((sorry for lack of fancy application. Don't really know how to or want to learn how to))

Name: Shiro Drugov

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Year: Year 1

Class: 3-E



History: Shiro Drugov is the daughter of a Japanese nurse and a Russian assassin. They met after her father, Viktor, ended up in the hospital after an assassination went bad. After a few years they had their first and only child, Shiro, who they named after her silver hair. Growing up, Shiro didn't see much of her father due to his work but still grew very close to him, forming her personality around him. The small amount of time he spent with her he would tell her of his stories from work, teaching her self defense, or treating her to candy. While her mother didn't exactly approve of some of this, Shiro's smile was enough to convince her she enjoyed it. Shiro's father used his money to put her in one of Japan's best schools. Her grades were good and despite her cheerful front, her short temper ended up with her breaking a 3rd year boy's shoulder and ending up in the End Class.

Shiro is a sweet young girl that takes heavily after her Japanese mother, or at least that's how she seems. In reality most of her cheerful personality is a front for her true self which more resembles her Russian father. She is quick to anger and not afraid to lash out at any and all people that annoy her. The small girl wears her sweet and gentle front as a way to fool those around her, knowing that nobody can resist the smile of a cute girl. Though thanks to her short temper, anyone that knows her knows that it's all a show.


Reading- Shiro loves reading books. She has a small collection of books from various countries. Her favorite is Sun Tzu's Art of War.

Gun-Otaku- Since firearms are outlawed in Japan (and she is under the age to be handling them), Shiro has collected a rather sizable collection of replica firearms and airsoft guns, all paid for by her father. She enjoys studying them and taking them apart/putting them back together in her free time.

Best Classes:




Worst Class:

Japanese History


Viktor Drugov (Father): A true Daddy's girl, Shiro loves her father more then anything in the world despite only seeing him a few times a year and he in return treasures her more then anything. The stone faced Russian turns into a lovable father when in the presence of his daughter. Most of Viktor's earnings goes towards her upbringing and presents. Shiro is often considered to be Viktor's one true weakness.

Kuno Drugov (Mother): Kuno is a caring mother and supportive of her daughter. They share you're generic mother/daughter type relationship. Shiro listens to her mother's rules and her mother makes sure that her daughter is brought up to be good girl.

(If I need to change anything or made any mistakes let me know)
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[QUOTE="Shyla Nesthorn]((sorry for lack of fancy application. Don't really know how to or want to learn how to))
Name: Shiro Drugov

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Year: Year 1

Class: 3-E



History: Shiro Drugov is the daughter of a Japanese nurse and a Russian assassin. They met after her father, Viktor, ended up in the hospital after an assassination went bad. After a few years they had their first and only child, Shiro, who they named after her silver hair. Growing up, Shiro didn't see much of her father due to his work but still grew very close to him, forming her personality around him. The small amount of time he spent with her he would tell her of his stories from work, teaching her self defense, or treating her to candy. While her mother didn't exactly approve of some of this, Shiro's smile was enough to convince her she enjoyed it. Shiro's father used his money to put her in one of Japan's best schools. Her grades were good and despite her cheerful front, her short temper ended up with her breaking a 3rd year boy's shoulder and ending up in the End Class.

Shiro is a sweet young girl that takes heavily after her Japanese mother, or at least that's how she seems. In reality most of her cheerful personality is a front for her true self which more resembles her Russian father. She is quick to anger and not afraid to lash out at any and all people that annoy her. The small girl wears her sweet and gentle front as a way to fool those around her, knowing that nobody can resist the smile of a cute girl. Though thanks to her short temper, anyone that knows her knows that it's all a show.


Reading- Shiro loves reading books. She has a small collection of books from various countries. Her favorite is Sun Tzu's Art of War.

Gun-Otaku- Since firearms are outlawed in Japan (and she is under the age to be handling them), Shiro has collected a rather sizable collection of replica firearms and airsoft guns, all paid for by her father. She enjoys studying them and taking them apart/putting them back together in her free time.

Best Classes:




Worst Class:

Japanese History


Viktor Drugov (Father): A true Daddy's girl, Shiro loves her father more then anything in the world despite only seeing him a few times a year and he in return treasures her more then anything. The stone faced Russian turns into a lovable father when in the presence of his daughter. Most of Viktor's earnings goes towards her upbringing and presents. Shiro is often considered to be Viktor's one true weakness.

Kuno Drugov (Mother): Kuno is a caring mother and supportive of her daughter. They share you're generic mother/daughter type relationship. Shiro listens to her mother's rules and her mother makes sure that her daughter is brought up to be good girl.

(If I need to change anything or made any mistakes let me know)

Name: Shi No Saibankan (Death Judge)

Nickname: Tree

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Year: First

Class: 3-E

Appearance: View attachment 256067

He's already 5'10.

Personality: Tree seems like your average laid-back guy, if a bit mysterious-acting at times. He also seems to harbor a love of bad puns, children, and video games. However, this is all an act: inwardly, he's already tired of living, because of the pain faced by everyone in the world every day. Interestingly enough, he volunteered to be in Class 3-E, because he feels it'll lead him down a path where he can help the world by killing those who plague it. Despite his depressing views on life, if Tree meets someone he feels could be a friend, he puts in a lot more effort than you'd expect from him. He is also quite charismatic when he wants to be.

History: Tree's original name is [REDACTED]. He is from [REDACTED]. Ever since [REDACTED], he has been trained as a [REDACTED] for [REDACTED]. Before being entered in [REDACTED] (by his own recommendation), he has been trained in the art of gathering, retrieving, and/or destroying intel, whether it be videos, documents, or anything else of that nature. He has also been taught the standard procedure for executing people, whether it be an inmate on Death Row or The Pope, by means of lethal injection. Lastly, he currently undergoing training for the following martial arts: Aikido, Muay Thai, Sambo, and Bojuka. Unlike the rest of his training, he's still at the second levels of each martial art, because he's not focusing on learning techniques: He's focusing on learning the disciplines and how to use the separate styles together.

Relationships: He has one friend. He's never met her in person, but his associate (Codename: Arc) in the government did him a favor, and looked into her past. Apparently she's just a girl a couple of years older than him who simply took an interest in his online persona, mostly because of the puns.


CQC: 7/10

Intel: 9/10

Interrogation/Torture: 8/10

Speed: 7/10

Strength: 5/10

Stamina: 5/10

Agility: 8/10

Initiative: 7/10

Wits: 10/10

Weapon/s Of Choice: USP.45 handgun, UMP.45 SMG, Butterfly Knife, and when in straight combat (the butterfly knife is for stealth), he uses a steel knife that's longer, heavier, and thicker than a combat knife. The flat of the blade shows signs of formerly being rusty, but the edge is stained black, and it's edge has the perfect balance between sharpness and durability.
[QUOTE="Shaded Skies]Name: Shi No Saibankan (Death Judge)
Nickname: Tree

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Year: First

Class: 3-E

Appearance: View attachment 256067

He's already 5'10.

Personality: Tree seems like your average laid-back guy, if a bit mysterious-acting at times. He also seems to harbor a love of bad puns, children, and video games. However, this is all an act: inwardly, he's already tired of living, because of the pain faced by everyone in the world every day. Interestingly enough, he volunteered to be in Class 3-E, because he feels it'll lead him down a path where he can help the world by killing those who plague it. Despite his depressing views on life, if Tree meets someone he feels could be a friend, he puts in a lot more effort than you'd expect from him. He is also quite charismatic when he wants to be.

History: Tree's original name is [REDACTED]. He is from [REDACTED]. Ever since [REDACTED], he has been trained as a [REDACTED] for [REDACTED]. Before being entered in [REDACTED] (by his own recommendation), he has been trained in the art of gathering, retrieving, and/or destroying intel, whether it be videos, documents, or anything else of that nature. He has also been taught the standard procedure for executing people, whether it be an inmate on Death Row or The Pope, by means of lethal injection. Lastly, he currently undergoing training for the following martial arts: Aikido, Muay Thai, Sambo, and Bojuka. Unlike the rest of his training, he's still at the second levels of each martial art, because he's not focusing on learning techniques: He's focusing on learning the disciplines and how to use the separate styles together.

Relationships: He has one friend. He's never met her in person, but his associate (Codename: Arc) in the government did him a favor, and looked into her past. Apparently she's just a girl a couple of years older than him who simply took an interest in his online persona, mostly because of the puns.


CQC: 7/10

Intel: 9/10

Interrogation/Torture: 8/10

Speed: 7/10

Strength: 5/10

Stamina: 5/10

Agility: 8/10

Initiative: 7/10

Wits: 10/10

Weapon/s Of Choice: USP.45 handgun, UMP.45 SMG, Butterfly Knife, and when in straight combat (the butterfly knife is for stealth), he uses a steel knife that's longer, heavier, and thicker than a combat knife. The flat of the blade shows signs of formerly being rusty, but the edge is stained black, and it's edge has the perfect balance between sharpness and durability.

Accepted but I won't 'let him' in just yet mainly because he is a trained Assassin.

Name: Kagawa Hyobe

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Year: 3 (Class: 3-E



Personality: She's a very noble person, and takes her pride in her work seriously, kagawa doesn't like failing, and when she does, she'll start questioning her excistence, on the other hand kagawa she is seen much of a respectful individuals to only those who are higher then her own, and much superior, anyone lower then her, she treats them harshly.

History: Kagawa Hyobe is a well fitted human being, who was tought how to fight at a young age, just for self protect from her master which she worships dearly. At the age of 12, her master would send her off to a school, not just any ordinary school however, her stay wasn't so pleasent and was placed in class 3-E. It took some time to adjust, as everyone seemed weird in there own unique way, Kagawa was too surprised to see an alien like creature, as her teacher, he seemed quite kind, and inteligent, way above hers.

Relationships: Her master is the closest one she has, and consider him as a father figure.


Combat > 9/10 Wits > 7/10 Intel > 11/10 Stamina > 10/10​

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