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Active [Aslan City] The Ethereal Luminary Entrance Exam Arc


Roleplay Artist
The purpose of this RP is for Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer to pass the entrance exam and gain student status at The Ethereal Luminary.
Location: Aslan, Grand Duchy of Roran

Weather: Temperate, gentle cool breeze.

Time: Early Morning

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob

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At the very least for examination day, the weather was cooperating in the Duchy. A sprawling metropolis near the continent lake, the capital city of Aslan was. The buildings were more advanced than many places the realm supported with the infusion of magic, a true urban environment with people of all sorts traveling and going about their days through the streets. To anyone from a less developed nation who had never been to a city before, it truly would be quite a sight to behold.

The hums of teleportation portals could be heard, as well as glowing street lamps powered by magitech, the streets cobblestoned, as well as the occasional arcane powered automaton moving through the streets going about it’s mundane task whether that was cleaning or moving things about.

Not only that but in the skies there were people on broomsticks occasionally, floating carriages, and all sorts of unique ways of transportation made possible through the expert use of combining technology with magic, even farther up way above there appeared to be a pristine airship of sorts, leaving a slight sparkly trail of sorts in the sky.

What made getting into this particular academy a bit more difficult was that it didn’t exactly advertise where it was, as if finding it in of itself was part of the challenge for people who were not very familiar with it’s existence nor with the land of the magic Duchy. Perhaps there was even strong illusion magic at play, whatever the case was to one who had their head in the game if they wanted to be admitted entrance. This also meant that at least one of the people who was trying to gain admittance, Adelhein, would need to navigate his way through the city in some capacity to find the building site. At the very least when he had sent his intention to join they had responded by sending him some sort of bluish looking magitech bracelet to wear which radiated a bluish energy, probably to signify that he was someone who was in fact taking the entrance exam.

so Adelhein and company would find themselves together in this city expanse on the streets of Aslan.

What was stranger still was how every now and again it looked like what had been established as true would shift as they moved along, a portal which looked out of place or the very same looking one in a different location despite them being on the same street , a bench which was on one side which was now on the other after turning back to look at it again.. Evidence that tricks were indeed being played.

Saber Alter
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“Tch, It’s beneath you to have to jump through hoops like this master, they should be admitting you immediately on merit. Were the fine deeds on your resume, not enough to earn you a place at this institution? I doubt the majority of the other students achieved as much as you have..I mean how could they not knowing the true way of the Magus and being coddled as they have been, I can only imagine.”

She would pause however and sound a bit more positive but still serious.

“However, the value of the opportunity to learn about other magic users in an institution of higher learning which has more prestige in this world is not lost on me.”

Gilamesh on the other hand looked out at the landscape staying near Adelhein, a bit of a smug grin on her face.

“Personally I believe it will provide a wonderful opportunity for my Little Magus to show the others what true magecraft looks like, if they can’t keep up then they’ll fail, it’s simple as that..oh I do wonder what their looks of despair will be when they realize they’re not even close…”

“At least, I would hope there’ll be an element of participants interacting with each other. Hopefully one will manage to put up a challenge, what a drab test this will be if it’s all just child’s play.”
She’d sigh a bit toward the later part, it was pretty clear her stance was that some conflict would be entertaining even if it wasn’t spoken explicitly.

“Either Way we’ll find out if this world has something to offer after all..” She’d place her hands assertively on Adelhein’s shoulder briefly, looking over to Saber, who was practically glaring daggers at her now, as she simply flashed her grin back.

The real question was how would Adelhein and his company find the school now? Try to consult a public map? Continue to walk their way around strategically? Just up and ask someone on the street? Or perhaps investigating what was causing the strange activity was key….
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter // Gilgamesh

Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


The trip to the Grand Duchy of Roran from Ryke was rather uneventful, especially considering it was a neighboring country to the mercantile realm. Adelhein had set his mind on understanding the magic present in this new world, his calculating mind already preparing for the obstacles that could impede his desire for prestige. He had heard that the Duchy was magically superior compared to the rest of the land. Despite his ingrained elitism, thanks to his background in the El-Melloi family and his education in London, the potential boon the place could offer had caught his attention. His betterment in the arcane arts was paramount.

Stepping into the capital city of Aslan, Adelhein confirmed what he had heard. The sheer aesthetics of the place spoke volumes, starkly contrasting with the more provincial feel of Ryken. His crimson eyes noted the intricate architecture as his black leather boots struck the cobbled streets. He glanced upwards, observing an array of curious aerial transportation: flying broomsticks and airships soaring above. Begrudgingly, he conceded that this place was several notches above his homeland in magical prowess. He wondered if the lack of secrecy here allowed such advancements. Stopping for a moment, his gaze locked onto an arcane-powered automaton, reminiscent of a Mystic Code. Excitement mingled with wariness, though his youthful face betrayed none of it. A self-soothing gesture brought his gloved hand to adjust his cravat, the place certainly had much in store for him.

The azure hue of the bracelet on his wrist pulled him back to the present. The device marked him as an aspirant seeking admittance to the academy. Composing himself, Adelhein steeled his mind, determined to uncover whatever arcane knowledge the academy offered. The shifting scenery around him—objects moving, portals appearing—signaled the beginning of a test. “An exam before the exam… They are highly selective,” he muttered, a slight smile tugging at his lips as he observed the illusions. Saber’s voice cut through his thoughts, drawing his attention.

“Indeed, to think they would treat me like any other ‘student’ is beyond me,” he replied, his voice laced with displeasure and arrogance, tinged with pride. “But I suppose this is like the acceptance exam from the Clock Tower. Soon enough, when these tricks are overcome and I am inside the academy grounds, they will realize their folly.” His crimson eyes glinted with determination. “Hopefully, whatever they offer will be worthy... ‘learning’.”

The fallen monarch's words played on his pride, reinforcing his sense of superiority. Then, the King of Uruk spoke, her words inflating his ego further.

“It will be interesting to see what tricks they have up their sleeves,” he mused, his arrogance flaring brighter. “Even if only to show them what proper lineage and methodology can accomplish. They will learn… even if it’s the hard way.” His excitement mixed with pride as he prepared to test his mettle.

A slight surprise registered as he felt Gilgamesh’s hands on his shoulders, easing into the touch effortlessly. His mind drifted back to her promises of rewards for future success, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. It took a moment to refocus on the task, oblivious to the silent interaction between his Servants.

Considering his options for the entrance exam, he discarded the idea of asking the city’s denizens or consulting maps. The distortions in reality, the illusions, held his attention. “I bet this bracelet holds the key…” His crimson eyes darted to the magical device again. With a small smile, he approached one of the portals, paying close attention to any reaction from the bracelet.
[Mundane Fae] [Elf] [Caster]

Finnel, a young elf with a sense of adventure, had finally made it to the grand city of Aslan in the Duchy of Roran. After hopping on random caravans and traversing through portals, he now found himself in a metropolis unlike any he had ever seen. The city sprawled out before him, with buildings infused with magic, bustling streets, and a mix of people from all walks of life. As he wandered through the cobblestone streets, despite being in awe, Finnel felt a strange sense of belonging in this magical city.

Lost in his thoughts, Finnel was abruptly brought back to reality when a distressed blonde girl ran into him. "You okay?" he asked, his concern evident. Instead of answering, the girl muttered to herself, "I can't do this, I can't do this," and ran past him. Finnel’s eyes caught a glimpse of a blue-hued bracelet on the ground. “This must be hers,” he thought, picking it up. Turning to call out to the girl, he found she had already vanished into the crowd.

With nothing better to do and a curious nature to satisfy, Finnel decided to follow in the direction the girl had gone, hoping to return the bracelet. As he wandered, he began to notice strange occurrences. Benches seemed to move, and portals appeared out of place or shifted locations. Finnel shrugged off these oddities, focusing on his mission to find the girl.

After some time, he noticed a small group ahead, one of whom held a bracelet identical to the one he had found. With a casual wave, he approached them. "Hey there!" he called out, his easygoing nature evident. "You guys have one too?"

He raised the bracelet to show them, hoping they might have seen the girl. The thought of making progress brought a grin to his face. Maybe these strangers knew something that could help him. He had to act cool though; he wouldn't want them to think he was some sort of weirdo who just walked up to people for no reason.

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