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Finished [Aslan City] The Ethereal Luminary Entrance Exam Arc Part I


Roleplay Artist
The purpose of this RP is for Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer and Finnel to pass the entrance exam and gain student status at The Ethereal Luminary.
Location: Aslan, Grand Duchy of Roran

Weather: Temperate, gentle cool breeze.

Time: Early Morning

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob

Screenshot 2024-06-30 at 7.03.13 PM.png

At the very least for examination day, the weather was cooperating in the Duchy. A sprawling metropolis near the continent lake, the capital city of Aslan was. The buildings were more advanced than many places the realm supported with the infusion of magic, a true urban environment with people of all sorts traveling and going about their days through the streets. To anyone from a less developed nation who had never been to a city before, it truly would be quite a sight to behold.

The hums of teleportation portals could be heard, as well as glowing street lamps powered by magitech, the streets cobblestoned, as well as the occasional arcane powered automaton moving through the streets going about it’s mundane task whether that was cleaning or moving things about.

Not only that but in the skies there were people on broomsticks occasionally, floating carriages, and all sorts of unique ways of transportation made possible through the expert use of combining technology with magic, even farther up way above there appeared to be a pristine airship of sorts, leaving a slight sparkly trail of sorts in the sky.

What made getting into this particular academy a bit more difficult was that it didn’t exactly advertise where it was, as if finding it in of itself was part of the challenge for people who were not very familiar with it’s existence nor with the land of the magic Duchy. Perhaps there was even strong illusion magic at play, whatever the case was to one who had their head in the game if they wanted to be admitted entrance. This also meant that at least one of the people who was trying to gain admittance, Adelhein, would need to navigate his way through the city in some capacity to find the building site. At the very least when he had sent his intention to join they had responded by sending him some sort of bluish looking magitech bracelet to wear which radiated a bluish energy, probably to signify that he was someone who was in fact taking the entrance exam.

so Adelhein and company would find themselves together in this city expanse on the streets of Aslan.

What was stranger still was how every now and again it looked like what had been established as true would shift as they moved along, a portal which looked out of place or the very same looking one in a different location despite them being on the same street , a bench which was on one side which was now on the other after turning back to look at it again.. Evidence that tricks were indeed being played.

Saber Alter
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“Tch, It’s beneath you to have to jump through hoops like this master, they should be admitting you immediately on merit. Were the fine deeds on your resume, not enough to earn you a place at this institution? I doubt the majority of the other students achieved as much as you have..I mean how could they not knowing the true way of the Magus and being coddled as they have been, I can only imagine.”

She would pause however and sound a bit more positive but still serious.

“However, the value of the opportunity to learn about other magic users in an institution of higher learning which has more prestige in this world is not lost on me.”

Gilamesh on the other hand looked out at the landscape staying near Adelhein, a bit of a smug grin on her face.

“Personally I believe it will provide a wonderful opportunity for my Little Magus to show the others what true magecraft looks like, if they can’t keep up then they’ll fail, it’s simple as that..oh I do wonder what their looks of despair will be when they realize they’re not even close…”

“At least, I would hope there’ll be an element of participants interacting with each other. Hopefully one will manage to put up a challenge, what a drab test this will be if it’s all just child’s play.”
She’d sigh a bit toward the later part, it was pretty clear her stance was that some conflict would be entertaining even if it wasn’t spoken explicitly.

“Either Way we’ll find out if this world has something to offer after all..” She’d place her hands assertively on Adelhein’s shoulder briefly, looking over to Saber, who was practically glaring daggers at her now, as she simply flashed her grin back.

The real question was how would Adelhein and his company find the school now? Try to consult a public map? Continue to walk their way around strategically? Just up and ask someone on the street? Or perhaps investigating what was causing the strange activity was key….
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Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter // Gilgamesh

Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


The trip to the Grand Duchy of Roran from Ryke was rather uneventful, especially considering it was a neighboring country to the mercantile realm. Adelhein had set his mind on understanding the magic present in this new world, his calculating mind already preparing for the obstacles that could impede his desire for prestige. He had heard that the Duchy was magically superior compared to the rest of the land. Despite his ingrained elitism, thanks to his background in the El-Melloi family and his education in London, the potential boon the place could offer had caught his attention. His betterment in the arcane arts was paramount.

Stepping into the capital city of Aslan, Adelhein confirmed what he had heard. The sheer aesthetics of the place spoke volumes, starkly contrasting with the more provincial feel of Ryken. His crimson eyes noted the intricate architecture as his black leather boots struck the cobbled streets. He glanced upwards, observing an array of curious aerial transportation: flying broomsticks and airships soaring above. Begrudgingly, he conceded that this place was several notches above his homeland in magical prowess. He wondered if the lack of secrecy here allowed such advancements. Stopping for a moment, his gaze locked onto an arcane-powered automaton, reminiscent of a Mystic Code. Excitement mingled with wariness, though his youthful face betrayed none of it. A self-soothing gesture brought his gloved hand to adjust his cravat, the place certainly had much in store for him.

The azure hue of the bracelet on his wrist pulled him back to the present. The device marked him as an aspirant seeking admittance to the academy. Composing himself, Adelhein steeled his mind, determined to uncover whatever arcane knowledge the academy offered. The shifting scenery around him—objects moving, portals appearing—signaled the beginning of a test. “An exam before the exam… They are highly selective,” he muttered, a slight smile tugging at his lips as he observed the illusions. Saber’s voice cut through his thoughts, drawing his attention.

“Indeed, to think they would treat me like any other ‘student’ is beyond me,” he replied, his voice laced with displeasure and arrogance, tinged with pride. “But I suppose this is like the acceptance exam from the Clock Tower. Soon enough, when these tricks are overcome and I am inside the academy grounds, they will realize their folly.” His crimson eyes glinted with determination. “Hopefully, whatever they offer will be worthy... ‘learning’.”

The fallen monarch's words played on his pride, reinforcing his sense of superiority. Then, the King of Uruk spoke, her words inflating his ego further.

“It will be interesting to see what tricks they have up their sleeves,” he mused, his arrogance flaring brighter. “Even if only to show them what proper lineage and methodology can accomplish. They will learn… even if it’s the hard way.” His excitement mixed with pride as he prepared to test his mettle.

A slight surprise registered as he felt Gilgamesh’s hands on his shoulders, easing into the touch effortlessly. His mind drifted back to her promises of rewards for future success, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. It took a moment to refocus on the task, oblivious to the silent interaction between his Servants.

Considering his options for the entrance exam, he discarded the idea of asking the city’s denizens or consulting maps. The distortions in reality, the illusions, held his attention. “I bet this bracelet holds the key…” His crimson eyes darted to the magical device again. With a small smile, he approached one of the portals, paying close attention to any reaction from the bracelet.
[Mundane Fae] [Elf] [Caster]

Finnel, a young elf with a sense of adventure, had finally made it to the grand city of Aslan in the Duchy of Roran. After hopping on random caravans and traversing through portals, he now found himself in a metropolis unlike any he had ever seen. The city sprawled out before him, with buildings infused with magic, bustling streets, and a mix of people from all walks of life. As he wandered through the cobblestone streets, despite being in awe, Finnel felt a strange sense of belonging in this magical city.

Lost in his thoughts, Finnel was abruptly brought back to reality when a distressed blonde girl ran into him. "You okay?" he asked, his concern evident. Instead of answering, the girl muttered to herself, "I can't do this, I can't do this," and ran past him. Finnel’s eyes caught a glimpse of a blue-hued bracelet on the ground. “This must be hers,” he thought, picking it up. Turning to call out to the girl, he found she had already vanished into the crowd.

With nothing better to do and a curious nature to satisfy, Finnel decided to follow in the direction the girl had gone, hoping to return the bracelet. As he wandered, he began to notice strange occurrences. Benches seemed to move, and portals appeared out of place or shifted locations. Finnel shrugged off these oddities, focusing on his mission to find the girl.

After some time, he noticed a small group ahead, one of whom held a bracelet identical to the one he had found. With a casual wave, he approached them. "Hey there!" he called out, his easygoing nature evident. "You guys have one too?"

He raised the bracelet to show them, hoping they might have seen the girl. The thought of making progress brought a grin to his face. Maybe these strangers knew something that could help him. He had to act cool though; he wouldn't want them to think he was some sort of weirdo who just walked up to people for no reason.
Location: Aslan, Grand Duchy of Roran

Weather: Temperate, gentle cool breeze.

Time: Early Morning

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Jayuen Jayuen

(General Narration note: From this point onward please no unauthorized “Co-Narrating” AKA bringing prop pieces onto the scene which I have not described being there and creating and controlling characters who are not your own player character. This message is so we are adhering to Isekai Hell rules, where I as the narrator of this rp dictate the aforementioned alone unless stated otherwise.)


“Being this selective is a good sign after all, you may be fortunate and there just may be someone at this academy worth sparring with.”

She replied somewhat amused sounding, clearly pleased at the prospect of an entertaining engagement later, a smile on her face once again.

“Defeating someone in a duel of magic certainly isn’t a bad way to bolster your reputation after all~” It was true in the world that dueling was certainly a thing, so her words weren’t unfounded, even if there were some ulterior motives behind them.

Saber Alter
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Saber rolled her eyes a bit at Gilgamesh’s obvious focused interest, before she nodded. “Indeed my master, Even if it’s the best case scenario as..Gilgamesh speaks, I’m certain you’ll be doing quite a bit of teaching to them yourself.” She’d reply with a bit of a dark smirk forming on her face at the prospect of Adelhein driving more individuals into submission through a show of power if need be.

Of course she was well aware that the power of this world scaled quite high from what she had seen in the likes of Bishop Ceylan, it was obvious if they wanted to get ahead Adelhein would do well to have access to that level of power and even more potentially if he was to rightfully assert himself where he belonged in this world, at the very top.

Adelhein would go over and wave his bracelet near one of the nearby portals. The bracelet would light up a faint reddish hue toward the center, and suddenly the portal would vanish away, perhaps suggesting it had been an illusion. The very same looking portal would then appear to be across the street, parallel from where it had been before he waved the bracelet.

Saber would look over at the bracelet. “Most curious...I suppose you’ll have to try it again to properly figure out if it’s giving you any helpful information or not.”

She knew better than to help too much encase they were being observed, not entirely sure how the academy would take to him being assisted by her in any seriously meaningful way.

Gilgamesh and Saber would both look over at Finnel by the time he arrived looking a bit guarded, now standing on either side of Adelhein sort of like bodyguards.

Saber Alter would speak coldly. “State your business. You are in the presence of Lord El-Melloi. Try anything foolish, and I cannot promise your well being.”
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Jayuen Jayuen

Fishy Aroma - Umineko no Naku Koro ni

As Gilgamesh’s words reached his ears, a new glint appeared behind Adelhein's crimson eyes. The idea of a magic duel was intriguing, but if the opposition was too weak, would it even hold any value? Perhaps, given the Luminary Academy's selective nature, there would be interesting challenges ahead, making any triumph that much sweeter.

Saber’s words added to the feeling, a fleeting smile crossing his pale lips. Adelhein wished to assert his reputation through magical combat, rather than arcane development—both methods being common in his homeland. As his skills improved, becoming his apprentice would soon be an honor.

But before any of that could happen, the first challenge had to be tackled. Approaching the portal, he noted the red hue forming in the bracelet's center just before the portal vanished and reappeared across the street.

“Ah, interesting…” he murmured, palpable interest in his tone. “Maybe this bracelet can be used as a guide, detecting the illusions with the change of its hue. Let’s see what happens if the ‘true’ path is followed.” His gaze was analytical, examining the bracelet. Experimentation was the basis of magecraft, and Adelhein wasn’t a stranger to it. But before he could test his theory, someone approached the trio.

The sight of the trio might have been curious: a boy flanked by two towering females, one in ebony armor, the other in golden, like counterparts to one another.

Turning around, Adelhein's crimson gaze appraised the newcomer from head to toe. The auburn-haired man with horns also wore a bracelet. Narrowing his eyes slightly, a grin tugged at the corner of his lips—an opportunity to size up the competition.

After Saber's introduction and warning, Adelhein watched the man's reaction. “Another participant in the entrance exam?” he asked, pointing his gloved finger at the bracelet on the man's wrist. “Who might you be?”
Location: Aslan, Grand Duchy of Roran

Weather: Temperate, gentle cool breeze.

Time: Early Morning

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Jayuen Jayuen (Rounds Absent: 1)

Saber Alter
Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 2.19.21 PM-1-1.png

“...Do you think he’s deaf?” Saber asked, looking stern still at not getting a response. She would lean in a bit closer to the unresponsive FInnel, before moving back, like she was examining him. He didn’t appear to be a threat.


“Maybe he’s stunned because he’s in awe.” She’d say with a smug confident look as usual.

“Shame too, an ally or someone to outclass, such as an elf like him would have been most impressive on your examination report, young magus. My understanding is that many of those they call fae are naturally inclined toward a talent in magic after all.."

“It’s no matter then, Let’s get moving then my master, time is of the essence, since we are uncertain what the criteria of assessment is, a faster time of finding the academy might be advantageous for us, and I believe that your thoughts about the bracelet are worthy to investigate."

(Narrator Note: Maxxob Told me OOC what doing)

Presuming Adelhein went off to explore and use his bracelet more, Saber and Gilgamesh would follow him diligently acting like his bodyguards for the time being. Should anyone get too close they’d stand more assertively and give them a look like if they tried anything they’d end up in a body bag. He would use the bracelet sort of like a compass, looking around to see how it reacted to the surrounding environment. When he made his way toward another portal much farther down the street, this time instead of flashing red, his bracelet gave off a greenish hue, and the portal did not vanish.

What was more peculiar was that on the ground in front of the portal there appeared to be three or so .strange intricate arcane like symbols that only Adelhein seemed to be able to see, One was a more triangular geometric shape on the right side, the middle one had a pentagon base and to the left was a rectangular base. Furthermore the surrounding area around him continued to shift every now and again the longer he examined the new symbols of potential interest. The ball was back in Adelhein’s court, would he try to decipher the meaning of the symbols? Ask around? Use his bracelet to try to gain more information? Thankfully while he was looking, Saber and Gilgamesh were able to cover his blind spots to ensure he was protected during this process.

As a result when a young man who was wearing a fairly ornate silver and gold outfit who also appeared to be wearing a similar bracelet walked by, bumped into Saber instead of Adelhein, and tripped forward falling over.


Oof! Hey watch where you’re going!, I can’t be seen floundering on the ground like some common fool during this examination!”

The young man glared at Saber, before righting himself up.

“Well..aren’t you going to apologize?!” He’d ask indignantly, despite the fact he clearly hadn’t been paying attention to where he was going.

Instead of apologizing, Saber stood still and true, with a serious look on her face.

“You there! Get your servant to apologize!” He huffed with a demanding voice, before noticing that Adelhein also had a bracelet. He looked like his attention shifted to trying to see what Adelhein had been looking at.

Five Small Golems

It looked like behind the young man was a trail of five small earth like golems with blue gems toward their centers that appeared to be energized, crackling every now and again with magic energy.

Instead of responding Gilgamesh stood there with a grin. "I think getting an apology is the least of your concerns for this exam if you're struggling this much to simply get off the ground." There was a possibility in her words she was attempting to goad out more of a response.
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

An eyebrow was raised as crimson eyes gazed upon the unresponsive man. “I suppose it could be a mix of both. Or maybe he wants to hide his game until the right moment,” Adelhein chimed in, his lips flattening as his expression returned to neutral. Whether it was hearing problems, astonishment at the group, or a hidden game being played, time was of the essence, and the teenager decided not to waste it. Nodding towards Saber, he resolved to carry on with the entrance exam despite the lost opportunity.

As the portal reacted differently, a barely contained excitement began to bloom on the young magus' face, his crimson eyes glinting with something unknown behind them. His gaze lowered to the ground, eyes narrowing as he took in the shapes in front of the portal. Crouching down, he extended his arm, gloved index finger straight, looming closer and closer to the symbols.

Just as Adelhein was about to touch the symbol on the left with a rectangular base, he halted. Any attempt at that moment would be a brute force one, and with the surrounding area shifting constantly, it didn't seem like a good idea. The portal might disappear, and he'd need to search for it again. Instead, his methodical mind chose a different approach. His attention shifted to the bracelet, watching for any change in its hue. But his experimentation was cut short by a thumping sound and a flustered voice.

Standing up, hiding his slight annoyance behind a neutral mask, he turned on his heels to face the source of the disturbance. The young magus' red orbs met the golden-haired man's azure ones for a moment, a cold edge to them. Before dignifying the man with an answer, Adelhein's gaze slid through his form, from head to toe, noting his ornate attire. At the back of his mind, dark whispers from the Grail's black mud began to ooze into his very soul, like a Siren's call, singing a melody of unbridled violence.

Still, its weak grip found no purchase on the young Master, for now. His gaze, by then, looked at the newcomer as if he were a mere object, measuring whatever worth he could possess. “I see no reason why she should apologize when you bumped into her due to your own carelessness.” As Adelhein spoke, his left index tapped gently against the underside of his jaw. After a few moments, the corner of his lips turned upwards slightly. “In fact, I believe it is you who owe her an apology, as it is only proper.” His tone was one of mock politeness, hiding steel beneath silk.

While the young magus waited for the man's reaction, his gaze swept towards the small earth golems behind him, no doubt familiars of the golden-haired man. With mirth in his eyes, he had pushed the ante even higher, piling more on top of Gilgamesh's words. Goading was also his objective at that moment.
Location: Aslan, Grand Duchy of Roran

Weather: Temperate, gentle cool breeze.

Time: Early Morning

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Jayuen Jayuen (2)


“Well that’s certainly a thought my young Magus.” She’d say, seemingly entertained at the possible prospect that whoever this was could possibly be holding back for the right moment, just to see how they would react to their presence.
Saber Alter and Gilgamesh had both been watching and waiting even as Adelhein had been attempting to do his experimentation

Saber Alter
Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 2.19.21 PM-1-1-1.png

Saber would take notice of Adelhein’s excitement, a slight small smile forming on her usual face. “I see you’re making progress, master.” However she would not speak to him much more on the matter, nor Did Gilgamesh, for it was clear to both of them that Adelhein was very focused and making important decisions. He determined if he made too much contact with the symbols it could potentially upset the already tenuous balance of stability which allowed him to access the portal.

Unfortunately just as Adelhein would see that hovering the bracelet over the leftmost rectangular fancy symbol seemed to cause a green hue to appear on his bracelet this highly productive focused period of time was interrupted.

Nolan Cryros

His face shifted to looking more annoyed at hearing Adelhein’s mock politeness “That's ridiculous! Like I’d ever apologize to a servant who doesn’t understand they should move out of my way! If she had any common sense she should have apologized to me herself, I’m already showing a great deal of benevolence by allowing you to direct her even now!” What sort of servant do you have if she doesn’t understand the basics of this social order!?” He continued to rant.

“Not to mention your other servant, how dare she insinuate I’m incapable!”

“Do you have any idea who I am? I'm Nolan Cryos! I’m not clumsy! Do you have any idea who my father is or who his father was?! My great grandfather is Caden the white! I imagine that name rings a bell.”
He spoke sounding more smug now,

To which Gilgamesh would chime in, “I can't’ say I’ve ever heard of that name before.” Looking smug herself, which only caused Nolan’s face to shift once more to annoyance.

It wasn’t long after that point that the youthful exam taker would begin to interface with his own bracelet, and suddenly a blue transparent portrait icon of Adelhein and him on the other side would appear between the two of them, with both their names displayed below them, a transparent check and an x logo would appear above Adelhein’s bracelet.

“Well then Adelhein, I formally challenge you to a duel! I’ll impress the proctors and show you why you should teach your servants some manners!” He confidently spoke.

Saber would add in as serious as ever, "You'll refer to him as Lord El-Melloi."

Nolan would scoff at the suggestion, before awaiting the response.
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Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Adelhein watched the man in front of him growing more unnerved by his attitude, a smile of genuine amusement playing on his lips. He had been taught by the El-Melloi family to maintain his composure, but that didn’t mean slights should go unanswered.

“As far as social order goes, she is leagues above you. Imagine the Dragon Slayer being ordered around by anyone who isn’t me.” He waved his hand dismissively, finding the idea absurd. He had earned that privilege, thanks to the Grail and his actions during that distant war.

The young magus appeared pensive for a moment. “Well, the Babylonian king has a keen eye for talent. If she says you are incompetent or incapable, she would be correct.” Adelhein stated it as an undeniable truth.

“Nolan Cryos… Caden the White…” He repeated the names, his gloved hand scratching his chin as his crimson eyes glanced skyward in mock contemplation. Then, with a casual shrug, he looked at Gilgamesh. “I’ve never heard of either.”

Internally, Adelhein felt a surge of glee. Humiliating Nolan by dismissing his lineage was deeply satisfying.

His amusement grew as Nolan fiddled with his magical bracelet, summoning a magical interface and issuing a formal challenge. The unexpected but welcomed turn of events brought a vicious edge to Adelhein’s smile.

“Ah, participants can duel each other? This Ethereal Luminary Academy is more interesting than I thought.” He remarked, finding the academy’s approach refreshingly different from the Clock Tower’s.

Checking the confirmation box, Adelhein took a few steps back, eyes trained on his adversary. “Very well, Nolan Cryos, descendant of Caden the White. I’ll give you the first move. Let’s see what your lineage can do.” His crimson eyes narrowed, the smile on his face transforming into a cruel grin. The whispers at the back of his head were about to get their fill.
Location: Aslan, Grand Duchy of Roran

Weather: Temperate, gentle cool breeze.

Time: Early Morning

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob

Nolan Cryros

“Dragon slayer? Ordered around by you? Now I know you’re just making things up! That’s preposterous, as if one of you servants was strong enough for that kind of feat!”

Saber Alter
Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 2.19.21 PM-1-1-1.png

Saber Alter didn’t say a word, her serious expression shifting a bit into a knowing smirk, as she stood there looking at Nolan, like at a moment's notice she’d be ready to cut him down.

“Tch I’ll show you all! And how can whatever you said be King? How can a servant ever hope to reach such a status? I’ll show you who ought to be a king!” Nolan called out, looking increasingly indignant at the suggestions being made.


Gilgamesh chuckled when she heard Adelhein say that the Bablonian King had a keen eye. “He’s right you know.” She’d step a bit closer to Nolan looking down at him with a certain look in her eyes.

“I don’t think you know what you’re trying to trifle with, boy, but you’ll find out soon enough.” She’d grin, looking ever entertained at the idea of what was to come.

“One who claims he’s related to someone significant at that, yet none of us have ever heard of him! Can't be very accomplished then.” Gilgamesh added.
Nolan scowled at this, clenching his fists with a gritting of teeth, before he assumed a combative position, however as Adelhein gave Nolan the first move suddenly a magic pocket dimension of sorts opened from their bracelets and brought them both into a new space,

A large circular gray arena which was top lit on four sides of the circle. There didn’t appear to be wasn’t anything else around the circular gray stone arena besides an interesting sea of blue ethereal looking magical energy below. The place where the “sky” Should be also looked like an ethereal blue. There was a quality about the space beyond the arena which discretely suggested it was probably better not to make contact with it if it could be avoided. Both were on opposite sides of the circle and were just within Magic range F range of each other.

Gilgamesh and Saber Alter would be nowhere to be seen. However Nolan’s small golems also had not been brought into the arena from the looks of things.

“Tch you’re just giving me the first move because you think you’re better than me! Well That’s where you are mistaken, I’ll show you that the power of Caden the white flows through me!”

A strange countdown hud could be seen counting down from 5..4..3…2…1 until a see through bluish sign above them in the “sky” suddenly read “Begin!”

Immediately a bluish magic circle would form under Nolan as he looked forward with determination and aggression, his somewhat fancy outfit looking like wind was rippling it from the energy he was letting loose with his right hand exposed, it looked like the very ground beneath him was starting to freeze, his eyes crackling with a light cyan energy before he called out

“Icicle Hailstorm!” Suddenly a slew of five sizable icicles would come flying toward Adelhein diagonally from up above rapidly coming from above Nolan, an icy circle of sorts around where Adelhein was perhaps suggesting a target site of sorts for where the projectiles were being directed.

Thankfully one could only assume that the duel would not allow for fatal damage for the purposes of an entrance exam.
Scarlett Ashford

Meanwhile not all so far away from where this encountered had taken place leading to the duel.

A different examee was using her very own exam bracelet to look around the strange shifting streets. She had striking red hair and a confident look with how she carried herself looking quite serious.

"Come on..It can't be that hard to figure out these portals...guess it wouldn't be much of an exam if they weren't all scrambled from how they are when I usually use them..." She'd talk to herself softly grumbling a bit, sounding almost annoyed, as she tried to make sense of the different symbols geometric at the base of a portal, she had taken a bit of time to figure out that there were definitely illusions taking place which needed to be solved, and it looked like she had finally figured out that the colors changing were relevant to determining what was real and what would get you past this part of the puzzle. Unfortunately for her she had quite a few symbols which had appeared unlike Adelhein's three or so.
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Rougoku - Umineko no Naku Koro ni

While Adelhein's objective had not been to surprise or make Nolan indignant when he talked about both Saber and Gilgamesh, he couldn't help but enjoy how he was able to throw off any semblance of calm the blond-haired man might have had. To someone unfamiliar with his world, the young magus’ claims were nothing short of absurd. But then again, if he were ever able to go back to England and tell his colleagues at the Clock Tower what he had seen, he would certainly be met with the same degree of skepticism. That could work to his advantage.

Suddenly, the teenager found himself in a totally different space. A magical arena, in the form of a gray circle, with an endless blue and ethereal sea stretching as far as the eye could see. Adelhein quickly understood the limitations and boundaries of the place, finding it curious. The fact that such a small device could create a Pocket Dimension with its own physics was a feat in itself. He wondered if that place was being powered by something other than the bracelets.

Ideas appeared in his mind, even amidst the upcoming confrontation with the self-proclaimed prestigious blond-haired spellcaster. Maybe, in due time, he would have enough knowledge to create his own Pocket Dimension. However, his ambitions were much greater than that. Why not take a step forward and try to replicate a Reality Marble in the mold of legendary magi? That would certainly mark his coming to this world as a herald of unmatched and peerless arcanic prowess.

Crimson eyes darted around, noticing that both Heroic Spirits bound to him were missing. But the same could be said for the small golems that had once been behind Nolan. That was fine with him; a duel should be close and personal between two competitors. He saw no reason to break the honor of it, the potential gains of his victory over another competitor too great to ignore, or at least, that’s what Adelhein thought.

And, while the Caden successor was not wrong about the young magus’ opinions of him, the reason why the teenager had given his opponent the first move was much different than what he thought. “Not at all, Nolan Cryros,” Adelhein said, his voice dripping with disdain. “I gave you the first move to utterly crush you instead.” His crimson eyes narrowed dangerously as he watched his opponent make the opening move. The ground beneath Nolan froze, as icicles were produced above him through magic, shooting toward possible locations around Adelhein.

The young Master didn’t waste time. His magic circuits activated, and mana began circulating rapidly throughout his body. Under Adelhein’s black boots, a pool of mercury began to form, rapidly spreading around him, covering the possible areas designated as targets by Nolan’s [Icicle Hailstorm]. “Fervor Mei Sanguine!” the young magus uttered, as five metallic appendages shot out from the pool of mercury.

Furious and aggressive, the mercury extended like arms, their tips pointy and sharp as any blade. They traveled, soaring through the space between the two competitors, aiming to shatter the icicles in midair. If successful, the metallic tentacles would swerve sharply and start seeking Nolan himself.

The five appendages targeted different parts of his body: one against his chest, two against his shoulders, and two against his thighs. Their objective was clear and direct, with a single-minded reason for their momentary existence. They sought to pierce and impale the blond-haired man, to effectively crucify him. Adelhein was unleashing his brutality, and with luck, nothing fatal would come of it, if such a duel was designed in such a manner.


1 - Fervor Mei Sanguine - Magic E, Energized E, Magic AoE F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Selective Magic [Target Enemies] F, Affinity Elemental [Metal] F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects up to five enemies up to 30ft. Metal tentacles erupt from the ground, moving towards them to pierce them. After the attack, the appendages burst, further dealing Metal damage to other enemies inside a 15ft radius from each original target - Grade E Cooldown 0
Location: Aslan, Grand Duchy of Roran

Weather: Temperate, gentle cool breeze.

Time: Early Morning

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

Nolan Cryros

Nolan’s eyes seemed to shift and move through the blue hues of crackling energy, like a mini blizzard could be seen moving independently within them upon a closer inspection.

Nolan scowled when Adelhein revealed his true intention as to why he let him attack first. “Tch! I’ll teach you to underestimate a Cryros!” He’d call out. However he tensed up when he saw Adelhein start casting his spell, it wasn’t quite like anything Nolan had seen before, Adelhein’s magic not being from his world after all.

“What in the name of Zephyrus is that kind of magic!?” He exclaimed as Adelhein skillfully moved his mercury metal to smash into the icicles which had been sent, while fairly quick, they weren’t as fast as a more powerful spell could be, which actually gave Adelhein more time to do some real counter play.

Like dominos falling into place the icicles were smashed toward the middle, pieces of ice flying across the arena as they were broken. It looked like Adelhein’s counter play might go uncontested as all five of the metal tendrils flew toward Nolan, however Nolan wasn’t completely incapable himself as he quickly extended his hand and did a rectangular like gesture.

“Glacial BARRIER!” He’d exclaim as the area beneath him lit up again and froze over somewhat and a decently sized wall of ice and snow appeared between him and the mercury projectiles, but unfortunately for him the timing was so close that the wall hadn’t quite formed properly and while two of the mercury tendrils got caught up in it, three more of them landed their mark, the one at his chest, probably one of the most impactful struck him right through it as he let out a loud gasp of pain, another one struck him in the right shoulder and then his left thigh, but instead of bleeding everywhere like one might expect, holes were left in him that looked a lot like the strange ethereal blue below them in the arena, as he recoiled in pain and fell to his knees.

Suddenly a prompt appeared in the center that seemed to be directed toward Nolan, which read “Duelist is experiencing high levels of physical distress, surrender?”

Instead of adhering to the reminder/semi warning, he grit his teeth, “ I can’t..no No amount of this burning feeling..will make me… I Won’t Go down this easily! Not against you!” He then, even as he was crouching and almost semi prone raised his hand and waved it about.

“Cryogenic Crystals!” Instead of projectiles being fired at Adelhein, a faint blue rectangular transparent column would appear on the ground going from Nolan to Adelhein, and it probably wouldn’t be hard for him to figure out that was the way the attack was heading, and suddenly large pointed icy crystaline structures started shooting out the ground in the row heading toward him.

However Adelhein still had the advantage, it was likely Nolan would need to drop out if he managed to hit him again in a significant way, as it was apparent he was panting and wincing every now and again as it was.

Scarlett Ashford

Scarlett continued to look through the portal symbols, trying to remember from her studies what they could mean in this arcane context..she looked back and recalled some information with Arcana F + Academia F. After some more examining each one over with her exam bracelet, suddenly a knowing look fell upon her face.. as she spoke aloud to herself in focus "Wait a moment isn't symbolic text used to mean school? But the old way..not the way magic scholars typically write it now it's old school..and if the other symbols are old school that that should mean...."

Scarlett would give a small magic charge off on the symbols which lit up green when she put her bracelet over them and weave them together in a way so that one could read it, 'My destination is the place of knowledge.' Feeling herself get quite excited when suddenly the portal began to glow a bluish hue, energy igniting out of it, and the ethereal void appeared to step into, normally you would see the other side of a normal transit portal in the city, so it was safe to say some sort of masking magic was being used to block the location this combination lead too.

"Great this means one of two things..either this takes me to the next part of where I'm supposed to go, or it's a test that's about to make things a lot harder for people who messed this up..but whatever! You got this Scarlett!" A steely glint of determination in her eyes. After hyping herself up, even if she felt abit nervous in the back of her mind, she'd set forth into the portal to find out if she had been correct or not...the only thing to do was to press forward.
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Rougoku - Umineko no Naku Koro ni

The surprise on Nolan’s face about Adelhein’s magecraft prompted the teen’s crimson eyes to narrow, his chin moved slightly upwards as his irises moved to the very bottom of his orbs to fix themselves upon his adversary’s form, arrogance being etched on the young magus’ visage. “Hoh… I guess my magecraft must be unknown to a mere spellcaster, or should I say a cryomancer, of this world such as yourself.” He emphasized his otherworldly nature, the mirth in his voice crystal clear. “Well, I suppose it works to my advantage, for now, at least. I doubt my arcane prowess will remain a secret for too long~”

Adelhein’s attentive eyes watched as the mercury appendages he conjured crashed against his adversary’s icicles, searching for him afterward. And, while part of the attack had been stopped by the impromptu ice barrier, the young magus was overjoyed that it had been it had been effective in finding a good portion of its mark. “Well, aren’t you lucky that this isn’t a real duel?” He teased, noticing that, instead of bleeding, Nolan’s wounds were staunched by the same ethereal substance that made up the surrounding area they were in. “Something tells me you would bleed to death otherwise…”

A small smile began to form on the young magus lips. “While this type of duel lacks the novelty of actually pushing someone to their very maximum, for their survival, I suppose it is useful for when upstarts bite more than they can chew… you wouldn’t want the prestigious descendant of Caden the White to die against some unknown magus, am I right?” The arrogance and pride in each one of Adelhein’s words just made themselves more and more apparent, ingrained elitism being brought forth, unfiltered and uncontained against someone that, in his eyes, had wronged him greatly.

With Nolan’s refusal to surrender when the prompt appeared for him, Adelhein brought his left hand to his cravat, fixing it. “I suppose I can respect some desperate stand against the inevitable. It won’t change the result, however. But I have to say, from here, kneeling down really seems to suit you.” And those words concluded Adelhein’s thoughts. The possible last-ditch attempt that came from his adversary was met with the young magus’ expression going back to neutral, chin tilted upwards as if he were observing the pathetic and fruitless death throes of a cockroach which had half of its body being crushed by a shoe.

“Mercurius Obice!” Adlehein chanted, sprawled hand pointing at his own boots. Metal began to pool, once more, around his feet, this time around solidifying to try and meet the incoming crystalline spikes which burst out of the path previously being laid out by Nolan. However, this defensive attempt was only a half-measure. The plan of the young magus was to press on the attack.

In rapid succession, he would let more of his mana pour out of his body, concentrating on part of the surface of the solid mercury he had just conjured for his own defense. “Fervor Mei Sanguine!” The already hardened metallic surface would shift, five tendrils shooting out against Nolan. This time around, however, thanks to his almost prone position, all five appendages would aim directly at his head, twisting and wrapping around each other to form a singular, massive spike which more looked like a drill, spinning clockwise as it travelled.

The objective was clear: pierce and destroy the [Glacial Barrier] which had been formed. And, if not successful, the metallic drill would burst, attempting to volley Nolan with numerous razor-sharp shards, akin to a fragmentation grenade.


1 - Mercurius Obice - Magic F, Affinity Elemental [Metal], Barrier F - A barrier made out of solidified mercury - Grade F Cooldown 0
2 - Fervor Mei Sanguine - Magic E, Energized E, Magic AoE F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Selective Magic [Target Enemies] F, Affinity Elemental [Metal] F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects up to five enemies up to 30ft. Metal tentacles erupt from the ground, moving towards them to pierce them. After the attack, the appendages burst, further dealing Metal damage to other enemies inside a 15ft radius from each original target - Grade E Cooldown 0
Location: Aslan, Grand Duchy of Roran

Weather: Temperate, gentle cool breeze.

Time: Early Morning

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

Nolan Cryros
Nolan glared back at Adelhein with defiance in his eyes. “And I’m supposed to believe what you can do isn’t known?! Tch! I’m sure there’s an explanation for this, some kind of trick where you’re just putting up smoke and mirrors!” He called back sounding like he didn’t want to accept the fact that there was even a remote chance that someone could be someone with a magical ability which was beyond his understanding.

Nolan’s eyes flared up when Adelhein essentially taunted him about it not being a real duel. “If this was a real duel you wouldn’t even see a speck of my crimson! You’d be long gone!” He gritted his teeth having considerable bark without a ton of bite to back it up from the looks of things.

“Like you’d know anything about fighting for your life!” He verbally threw back, unaware of Adelhein’s past which was probably darker than a good few, even given the bleakness for some living in the current realm as well.

It looked like Nolan was going to call out something else to show his indignation and defiance, but unfortunately for him even as he looked like he poured even more mana into his attack, the traveling crystalline structures intensifying, starting to pierce Adehlhein’s defense. But it wasn’t long before Adelhein’s counter attack went off. It looked like perhaps for a moment that part of Nolan’s attack might hit him at least but the counter was well executed.

The five tendrils would work together to pierce the barrier which Nolan had made and shards flew around, and promptly struck Nolan in the head, it had been a close call from the looks of things, had Nolan’s attack landed but as soon as Adelhein’s attack hit his head, the bluish transparent prompt above would display Adelhein’s name as the victor and suddenly everything lit up…
and an orangey portal with a dark interior appeared below him and instead of being sent back to where he was suddenly he’d find himself sort of feel like he was falling until he..ended up in what appeared to be a forest on a dirt path of sorts. As he landed safely, he’d see that there were several other people with similar looking bracelets on, probably also exam attendees, near the front of the group who had gathered appeared to be an older looking caster sort of man.

ねつき (@netukitune) on X.jpg
“Ah, so we have another duelist. Congratulations Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer.” The man spoke, not sounding overly warm but also not sounding too clinical, looking over to Adelhein. It was pretty apparent that beyond the crowd which had gathered, that in the distance behind the older man was the entrance of some sort of cave opening.

Cave Opening

For the time being at least Saber and Gilgamesh were nowhere to be seen, however there was someone else who would also eventually be dropped by a portal, except this time it was green.

Scarlett Ashford

A certain crimson haired hopefully student to be making their appearance. She’d look around somewhat bewildered by the change of scenery, having been dropped to the back of the group harmlessly. Huh I would have thought that would have taken me straight to the academy… Scarlett thought to herself, as her purple eyes refocused before her, a serious enough look taking hold. Thankfully while Adelhein had been dueling she had discerned which symbols would get her through the portal to the next part of the exam, and in what order using her background knowledge from her studying.

The same older man would look to her with a nod,

“Congratulations Miss Ashford, so you saw through the illusions and solved the puzzle..however I will say that the examination is far from over, that goes for the rest of you as well…I’m anticipating at least a few more, before we begin.”
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Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Adelhein withstood the pain from the frozen spikes that came from Nolan lightly pierced the defensive metallic structure that the young magus had conjured around his feet, moments before he had launched his successful counter-attack. However, the teenager outright refused to let out even a wince of pain, gritting his pearly white teeth against each other, keeping his mouth tightly shut. And, as the first droplet of sweat formed on his forehead, the duel was over. “Checkmate,” he muttered, lips widening in a full smile from ear-to-ear.

It wasn’t long until he felt the ground under him be replaced with a portal, and he began to fall. Instinctively, as his black robes fluttered during the descent, Adelhein shifted his positioning so, in a hurry and with widened eyes, that his hands could point towards the approaching ground, ready to try and bring about some metal and mana made construct to stop his fall. Eventually, however, he would notice that his descent was a controlled one, instead of a free-fall.

Letting out a long-exasperated sigh, his boots touched the earthy ground, crimson eyes quickly scanning his surroundings and noticing all the others also possessing bracelets similar to the one he was wearing. His orbs searched and searched for both Saber and Gilgamesh, not finding either of them anywhere. A scowl began taking control of his expression, a degree of anxiety gnawing at the back of his mind for being away from his summoned protectors. He would move his gloved hand to his cravat, fixing it slightly, the small gesture calming his nerves.

Eventually, his gaze would fall upon the elderly man, eyes narrowing slightly to being addressed so informally and directly, before slowly widening again and a small smile appearing on his lips, followed by a nod. “Thank you for the congratulations. It is quite refreshing to find an academy of magic that takes combat prowess into consideration during acceptance… an effective way to separate the wheat from the chaff, I suppose.” Finishing, his gaze took on a more appraising edge.

But another one caught his attention, appearing from a portal of a different color than his own. Her red-hair made him think of home, the family name Aozaki, a prestigious magi family from Japan, appearing in his mind. Quietly, Adelhein listened to what the old mage said to her, gathering a few bits of information. What made him particularly curious was the fact that she had solved the puzzle. As soon as the old man spoke his piece, the young magus would turn towards her and approach her.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear. Ashford, right? I am Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer, a pleasure.” Introducing himself, with a smile on his lips and crimson gaze focused on her, he continued. “You have solved the puzzle, right? I am curious about the solution. I went as far as finding out the rectangle symbol was supposed to be the first one, before being challenged to a duel by one called Nolan Cryros.” Crossing his arms, Adelhein would look slightly pensive. “So, what came after it? The triangular shape or the pentagon shape?”

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