Ask about the World [Two Faces of the Wyldspan]

Red Shadow Claws

Six Thousand Club
Any general question about the world you live in, and other worlds you find can be asked here as long as it's not too specific.
Not at the beginning, unless one of you picks up Old Realm. That is within your ability to recall from past incarnations.

Also, anyone who wants to take up Sorcery or Necromancy during the game, let me know in advance, so I can incorporate it into the story.
Question: Will I be playing my Agent of Heaven or my Ronin? If the latter, will I need to find a Sifu to continue with Celestial Monkey Style?
I actually have Old Realm and memories of my past life as part of my character idea so would I specifically know the languages New Realm and the Scarlet Imperium?

Also, while not with any speed (I want craft and sail charms for a long while yet), I may pick up sorcery (well into the future though).
The K'rag speak Riverspeak.

Aurellian, thanks for letting me know, I'll think of some appropriate tests for your character, and when you let me know you want to pick it up, I'll have the sacrifice done.

I'll get back to you about the languages. just got back home, and it's past 1am.
Radio silence has been pretty palpable in this game for a while now. While I understand yesterday was Good Friday and we're going into Easter, it was pretty tumbleweed-y even before that. I'm looking to gauge my expectations for the speed of this game accordingly sooo...what is your posting schedule-like SRC? Should we expect mostly weekend updates, or weekday updates, or what will the game be like going on from here?
Sorry, I've run into some RL problems recently. usually i try to post within a day or two, at the latest.

Will update the threads later tonight or tomorrow morning
Unfortunately, college is about to be over, but there's tons of work to be done. It's likely that I won't be able to post until Tuesday.
Sorry for the long silence. Between graduation, and problems with it, year-end exhibition set-up, running, and taking down, and having to find a place to rent, I was overwhelmed by real life.

I'm terribly sorry for how this affected the games I run, and would like to apologize deeply. But things are beginning to look better, and I want to get the game going. So the first order of business is, WHO IS STILL AROUND?
I'm still here.

...Granted Group 1 hasn't an update since mid April, but I'm still here.
Will get this started again within the next few days, have to deal with a RL issue first. it's gonna pretty rough period for me for the next few months, but will do my best to get this game restarted and going.

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