Ashen clouds Academy


The Homeless Writer

Any questions or extra stuff you need please post here <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/37036-rikku-glowdream/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="37036" href="<___base_url___>/profile/37036-rikku-glowdream/" rel="">@Rikku Glowdream</a> will be a moderator helping me out with this rp so feel free to ask her stuff as well

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@MariahChanell Please Add more detail to your weapon, how it is used, when it is used, and what you do with it. It may just be a sword but it could have special properties which we must know about. Also please Specify your Power more. Your Power is blank right now and you have Skills and weaknesses filled in. Go into more depth on your Power. Your Power is what you will call it. Your skills are what you can DO WITH the power and your weaknesses is what conflicts the power. Weaknesses against your character is what you have now. "crying, love, tickles" is only what stops your character, but your powers may to be able to be used during these times. Make a weakness not being able to use your powers against certain people maybe or say you cant use them at a specific time. "discovering a liar, seducing,fighting,spells" would be something your character is proficient at and should be put under Other Details, not skills. The Skills Category if for Things you can do with your powers.

If you need an Example you can look at already accepted character sheets or PM me or Darekk to help you.
@Captain Azulium Spots are not required to be saved, this roleplay will never be closed Untill it ends. Joining is possible at anytime due to the setting we are in. School has transfer students and if you do not post during the few first posts, or the starting phase, you will be introduced as a transfer/foreign exchange/or any thing that would make sense to the story, such as you were sick for a long time or was on a vacation and was stuck. Your choice when to post you character sheet. After it is approved you can post your first post.

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