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Realistic or Modern Arts middle school

Damnit, I'm late again! Rosy thought as she stepped out of her mom's car in front of the school. She noticed that everyone around her was heading to the dorms, so she followed, trying to find hers.
Hayate woke up with a moan. He doesn't use an alarm clock because his baby can wake up on its own. He took a quick shower and put on one of his suits. I should wake the kids now he thought. He walked over to the microphone and pressed the "record" button. "All students are asked to be up at this time, all students are asked to be up at this time." Hayate then pressed a "play" button which sounded a alarm clock that played through out the whole school.

Marcel Chester

Marcel woke up with a jump. He didn't expect to here an alarm at school. He got up out of his bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower. Since his dorm partner still hasn't arrived he just changed in the room. He put on a flannel and a pair of jeans. This should be easy he thought then grabbed his messenger bag from the bed. He walked out of his dorm and headed to the cafeteria for breakfast. A lot of students were already eating. Since he had no friends he sat alone and ate a quick sandwich.​
Rosy woke up on the floor of her dorm room, because she didn't have the energy to move all the boxes off her bed. She yawned and got dressed, not really ready for her first day at the academy. She headed to the cafeteria.
Rosy grabbed a sandwich, and ran to her first class, sitting down at a desk near the back.

Marcel Chester

Marcel went to his first class which he knew was math. He saw that other students were in the classroom already. He gave them a little wave then sta in a seat by the window. He knew if he were to doze off he could just look out the window.


Paula Hannam

Puala walked into the classroom where her students were sitting. She went to her desk and out down her bag. She wrote her name on the board "Ms.Hannam" she turned and faced the class. "Hello everyone! I'm your math teacher Ms.Hannam."


Zoe Chester

Zoe watched as her new teacher wrote on the board. She listened to the teacher introduce herself. Along with the rest of the class she said "Good morning Ms.Hannam."
Echo woke up a bit late, being a heaby sleeper and all the alarm clock didn't wake her. She shot up and changed into a floral print dress with cream colored flats and sprinted to class.

She made it to class and braced herself for the embarrassment, she stood in the doorway for a few minutes then finally gained the courage to walk in the classroom. Once she got in she mumbled a quick, "Sorry," and sat at a random desk.
Puala watched as a student walked in. She gave her a slight look that pretty much said hurry next time. She began to tell the class what they would learn during the school year.

Zoe Chester

Zoe went to her second class when the bell rang. She had science next. she walked into the classroom followed by other students. She sat down in a seat towards the back of the class where she hopefully wouldn't be noticed.
BlueArrow said:
Damnit, thought Shawn. Of course he'd run into someone in an empty area with his luck. The girl in front of him didn't look like she meant him any ill intent, but that didn't stop Shawn from being uncomfortable. "Um, hi," he said, not making eye contact. "Can I help you or something?". Hopefully he could make this as painless as possible.
Luna stared at him for a few moments, looking him over. She was just about to speak, until she heard the bell ring. She wasnt expecting class to start so soon. Sighing, Luna returned her gaze to the boy before her. "We should get to class. Dont want to get in trouble on our first day." With those words, Luna took hold of his hand without allowing him any time to react, before leading him down the hall and into an open classroom. To what it seemed, class had already started, but this didnt truly bother Luna. Dragging the boy into the class behind her, Luna halted at the front of the room, slowly taking her gaze to the teacher. "Excuse us. He had to help me with something."

Erika sat down in her second class, towards the middle of the room. She didn't want to get the teacher's attention and be called on, so she guessed this was the best place for her. The only problem was that she was in the middle of other desks. Maybe I should move.... Erika thought, glancing around the room. She decided against moving and hoped no one notices her.
Shawn slipped into his theater class quietly. He was still trying to recover from being dragged around by a complete stranger. It wasn't at all that he wasn't thankful for her covering for him being late. He most certainly was. However, the thing that had been at the front of his mind was the being manhandled by someone that he had no personal knowledge of.

As a result of his being thrown off of his groove, Shawn had remained mostly quiet throughout his first classes. Only really speaking when spoken to, and a lot of nodding and avoiding eye contact with anyone. Suddenly, two things occurred to him while he was remembering the events of earlier this morning. One, Shawn had yet to thank the girl who had covered for him. And two, he had been so busy with keeping his head down, he had completely neglected to even learn her name.

Shaking his head, he turned his focus to the class in front of him. He could think about how to solve these issues later on in the day. Right now was class time.

Luna had been thinking about the boy from earlier. He seemed shy to her observations, and she figured she'd scared him a bit too much. Clutching her books to her chest, Luna ade her way down the hall, searching for the music room. She wasnt sure where it was located, but soon enough, she located it.

In doing so, Luna slowly entered the classroom, taking her own seat at the middle of the class. The teacher hadnt said anything when she walked in, and thus she found it beneficial for herself. One less thing to deal with. Setting her books down into her lap, Luna shifted her gaze to look at the other srudents in her class. They all seemed to have their attention directed towards her. Which was something she didnt like at all.

Luckily for her, school was over some good time later. Sighing in relief, Luna collected her books and placed them into her bag. After doing so, Luna picked her bag up off the floor and stood to her feet, holding her bag with both her hands in front of her. Exiting the classroom, Luna made her way gracefully down the hall, the ends of her skirt bouncing with each step she took. Her black, lengthy strands of hair flowing behind her as she walked.

She couldnt helo but find herself thinking about that kid from earlier. What was he doing in the hallway? Why didnt he say anything? Was he one of those? Shaking it out of her mind, Luna focused on getting back to her dorm room.
The final bell ringing brought a sense of relief to Shawn. Today had been long and full of stress and new things. He was anxious to get back to his dorm and get some relaxation in. At some point he would have to thank that girl and get her name, but right now his priority was just making it to his room and dropping of his stuff. As he walked quickly down the hallway towards the dorms, he made sure to draw as little attention to himself as possible. The last thing he needed was even more people to deal with.

Shawn reached his room and dropped his bag on his bed. His roommate still had yet to arrive, and Shawn was absolutely okay with this. Hopefully the staff wouldn't realize that he was by himself and try to force another person into the room. He wasn't quite ready to just take over the entire room though. If someone did end up showing up, he didn't want to make a bad first impression on them.

Now what? Shawn thought to himself. There was still a long time before lights out. Maybe he would go for a walk outside, since the weather was so nice. This sounded like a good idea to him, so he exited the building and started roaming the grounds, enjoying the sunlight.
Erika looked up when the bell rang. School was over? It seemed short for some reason. Maybe it was because Erika was so busy throughout the day with new classes that she hardly even noticed the time go by. She realized that most students would be heading back to their dorms. But, Erika wasn't quite ready just to head back to another room. Standing, up, she glanced out the classroom window. It seemed like a nice enough day to read outside rather than be stuffed up in a room all day. Plus, she wasn't sure if she was ready to meet her roommate yet. Slinging her backpack over her shoulder, Erika heading outside.

"Perfect!" Erika whispered cheerfully to herself, finding a tree with lots of shade underneath it. She sat down and unzipped her bag. Pulling out one of the new books she had gotten to keep from getting bored, she flipped it open and carefully removed the bookmark. Erika always used a bookmark instead of dog-earing the pages. It wasn't long before she was completely absorbed in the book she started.

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