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Realistic or Modern Arts middle school


In the name of the moon, I will punish you owo
Welcome to Arts Middle School. Students at Arts Middle School don't only get a great learning experience with our amazing curriculum!

In our school we offer the following arts: Dance, Theatre, Vocal music, and Visual Arts.
Marcel Chester

"Last kiss!" Marcel's mother said. He looked at his mother and giggled. "I must have given you like 50 kisses already!" He walked over to his mother and gave her a big kiss. He turned and made his way towards the front door. Before he walked out he turned and waved goodbye to his mother. He got outside and shut the door behind him, he took out his phone. "Directions to Arts Middle School" he typed in on his phone. He had forgotten how to get to the school. He made a sharp turn towards the direction he would be heading towards. "Arts Middle School here I come!"
Erika couldn't stay still on the ride to Arts Middle School. She was nervous about starting a new school. Leaving friends behind wasn't that much of a problem; she didn't have many in the first place due to how quiet she always was. It was more of getting used to the layout of things and getting used to her new classes. What if she didn't do well enough? What if she couldn't keep up with the school work? Thoughts such as these ran through Erika's mind while she sat in the passenger's seat of her mom's car. No, it wasn't the time to think about all this. She had to remain calm and not stress, she didn't have a reason to. School hadn't even started yet! Taking a deep breath, the car came to a stop. Here she was, a new school!
Isla had just finished getting ready for school, dressed finely to make a good impression on her peers and teachers.Saying goodbye to father as he drank his Coffee and watched the news, her mother still in bed. Isla marched out the door. she actually didn't live too far from the school luckily so she walked from her house to the Arts Middle School. About 15 minuets later she arrived to her new school, as soon as she stepped over the line to the entrance gate to her school, excitement swelled inside her like a baloon and skipped to the entry door.
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Marcel Chester

Marcel arrived to the school and looked up at the giant building, he knew it was big but not that big. Excitement swelled inside but he was still a little nervous and wanted to back out. "No Marcel! This is a new school and you're going to be fine!" He thought. He stepped over the line, looked back once more, then made his way to the entrance.

Lunaria Von Soulis

Luna found herself climbing out of bed lazily. As always, she bore nothing on her form as she slept but her oversized shirt. Afterall, it was always hot to her. Scanning her room, her gaze caught sight of her bedside table clock. Peering at it almost blindedly, Luna finally read it, coming to the conclusion that if she didnt huryy, she risked being late for school.

Sucking her teeth with a 'tsk' sound, Luna drug herself to her closet and pulled out the new school uniform. Another school. Another issue. Another year. The only thing Luna clearly looked forward to was grasping an instrument. Nodding her head in approval to her thoughts, Luna was soon dressed and grabbed her bag frok her closet's top shelf and exited her room.

Hurrying down the staurs of her home, Luna grabbed herself a piece of fruit from a bowl on the kitchen bar and exited her home, locking the door. Imeediately, her ride awaited her outside. Blowing her breath, Luna skipped down the steps and entered the back of the vehicle, before arring at school and being let out some 30 minutes later.

Stepping out the car, Luna glanced at her driver, acknowledging him before flipping her hair over her shoulder and entering the school gates with her bag at her side.
"Have fun. Make some friends!" Erika's mother exclaimed as Erika stepped out of the car. Giving a smile and a nod, the car door closed with a satisfying 'thunk'. Instinctively keeping her head down as she walked towards the entrance, a bad habit she had developed, she only gave a few glances to the other students. Once she took a look at the school, she realized how much bigger it was than her old school.
Hayate watched as the students rolled in. Some walked, some came by car, and some rode a bike. He prepared himself for another school year. He saw a lot of new students come in. "Welcome!" he said everytime a student walked in. He studied each student closely to see who may be a trouble maker but everyone seemed fine.

Marcel Chester

Marcel received his dorm key from the front desk. Marcel found his room. He noticed bit beds in the room had folded sheets on them with a little peice of paper. Marcel chose a bed then read the paper. 'Welcome to Arts Middle School! Here you still learn like how you would at a normal school but you get to study your art focus! If you have more than one arts focus you can choose yourself what you want to do, but you must make sure you go to both of them.' Marcel threw the paper in the garbage near the door and put his bed together. Marcel unpacked his stuff and put in the top two draws in the dresser. His dorm mate could have the bottom two. Marcel left the room to look around the school.
Shawn stepped onto his new school's front lawn. He wasn't worried about being late at all, as he had ended up leaving his house way earlier than he needed to that morning as a result of an argument with his mother. The argument was still fresh on his mind, and it was thankfully distracting him, keeping his nervousness levels at a low. "Well, I suppose things can only really get better from here," he muttered as he walked through the school's front doors towards the office. While he walked, he made note of the other students. He wondered who he would end up in a room with. Hopefully they wouldn't be too overbearing.
Echo woke up and groaned, her alarm clock was screaming at her to wake up. She slammed her hand on the snooze button and walked to the closet, there she found a small outfit and threw it on.

Her mother told her that the school was only two blocks away and that she should walk. Echo frowned and stepped out the door, she preferred to be driven but at least she would get to school.

As Echo arrived at the school she gasped. She had never seen such a sight, it was magnificent. She stood there in complete awe, her mouth hanging open a bit as she looked at the school that stood in front of her.
"Thank you very much," Shawn said the the secretary at the front desk who had just handed him his dorm key. Quickly, he ducked out of the office before anyone tried to make any more small talk towards him. Shawn never really enjoyed pointless chatting with strangers anyway, but today he was in an especially anxious mood as a result of his bad start to the day. His only goal now was to make it to his dorm and get settled in as soon as possible, hopefully dealing with as few people as possible along the way.

Once he made his way to his dorm room, Shawn speedily unlocked the door with his new key and shut it behind him. He figured that since he had to unlock the door himself, he must have been the first person to make it to this room today. Sighing, he dropped his bag on one of the beds and sat down next to it, taking a moment to catch his breath. After he had brought himself up to a normal mental state, he began to unpack his things and get settled in.

Luna's direction went towards the main office of the new campus. Of course, her things were awaited for her as promise up at her room, but she still had yet to receive her key. It wasnt as if Luna didnt like doing things on her own, but majority of the time she wasnt allowed to. With a slightly purposeful yawn, Luna removed herself from the main office and stepped back into the center of the yard.

Scanning the campus as if judging it by how it looked, Luna soon began walking towards what she thought to be the dormitory. She didnt see anyone else of which she could possibly ask and have them direct her, and thus deemed it being every person for themselves. Not that she had a problem with it in the least. For she didnt.


Zoe Chester

The sound of the alarm rang in the girls ear. She swung her arm and pushed the alarm off the bed side table. She sat up and looked at the broken clock on the floor. "Aww... I just bought that!" She cried. She went and looked at another clock in her house. She was pushing for time. She quickly grabbed something nice from her closet, she wanted to make a good impression at her new school. She grabbed her messenger bag from the chair and ran out the house. She remember where the school was from the time she walked passed it. She crossed the gate to the school and walked inside. She got her dorm key and went to her dorm. She thought about who her dorm partner may be.

Echo finally stopped staring and grabbed all her things. She walked up the steps of the school and into the office. Once she got there, the secretary asked for her name and gave her a dorm room key.

Echo figured that the girls would be with the girls and boys would be with the boys, so she was not surprised when she opened the door and found a girl unpacking. She was excited to make new friends.

Echo walked over to her bed and set all her bags down, "Hi," Echo said to the girl, "Looks like we're roommates."


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Zoe Chester

While Zoe was unpacking a girl came into the room, she figured it was her dormate. She was excited to make a new friend. "Hi! I guess we are dormates. I'm Zoe!" Zoe was so excited she couldn't hold it in. She hoped the girl would be nice so she wouldn't have to deal with some annoying dormate.

@Fantasy Crazy
"Thanks," Erika replied quietly to the person running the front desk as she took her keys. Glancing back to the front desk, the secretary had a confused look on her face as if she didn't hear Erika. Oh well, Erika was used to people not hearing her. She had the bad habit of talking softly, almost to the point of whispering her responses. Once arriving to her dorm room, she turned the key and opened the door. Glancing around the room, it seemed she was the only one there right now. Her roommate would probably come later. Thinking of having a roommate made Erika nervous. What if her roommate didn't like her? Oh well... She thought, I can't really control that, can I?
Isla had waited in line long enough to get her keys. She would fidget and tap her toes until she walked up to the counter.

"Thank you!" She responded cheerily to the person running the desk after getting her keys finally.

She hurried to her room and triple checked to make sure this was the right room dorm for her. Isla turned the keys and peaked through the crack of the door to see if anyone was in the room yet.

"Hello?" Isla called.

No response.

She opened the door more to enter the room, finding it empty. Isla claimed the top bunk assuming her roommate would prefer the bottom. after that, she started to set up her red speaker for future practicing dancing in this very room.
Once Shawn had finished unpacking his things and sorting out his dorm space, he found that he didn't really know what to do next. His roommate still had yet to show up, which he thought was strange. "I wasn't that early, was I?", he asked himself out loud. No, he couldn't have been. There were plenty of students out in the halls. Maybe he just had a roommate who had a habit of running late or something.

Now Shawn turned his attention to what he considered the more pressing issue. His boredom. Shawn came to the decision that he would go outside and try and figure out where he was supposed to be first that day. He exited his dorm, locking it behind him. He would have to remember to make a habit of doing that, considering all of his stuff was in there.

Shawn exited the dormitory area and started roaming the halls, trying to figure out where he was supposed to go next. He was hoping that he could successfully do this without having to ask a stranger. While he walked, he tried to remember the locations of all the classrooms so that he wouldn't be as lost once classes started.

Luna had already ventured to her dorm, unpacked her things, and claimed her bed. She saw no sight at all of anyone having been there before her, and decided to go ahea and roam about the campus. Holding a book in her hands, Luna had been roaming throughout the building of which held the classrooms. Her gaze had never left from her book, which for anyone , would leave a disadvantage in awareness.

As much as she couldnt see, Luna could still hear. What did she hear? Footsteps. A teacher? Why would a teacher be here this late? Not even bothering to peer up from her book, Luna continued walking, her lengthened black strands flowing effortlessly behind her as she walked. It was quiet. She liked quiet. Besides those annoying footsteps that continued ringing through the otherwise silent and empty halls. Who could be making such a racket just by walking?

Annoyed, Luna looked up from her book and spotted a boy. To her, he looked intriguing. At first, she was about to simply fuss at him, that was until she read the expression on his face. "Hello." Luna didnt bother to change her sense of direction, but she did stop within a few feet away from him.

Marcel Chester

Marcel was walking around the school. He watched as a bunch of kids walked around him to get to their dorms. "Wow, everyone is in such a rush to get to their dorm" he thought it was a good thing he got to the school earlier. Marcel went back to his dorm to see if his dormate arrived.
Echo smiled at the girl who was her roommate, "My names Echo." She smiled and put a hand out for the other girl to shake. She was happy that she got a roommate, she didn't really like being alone.

Damnit, thought Shawn. Of course he'd run into someone in an empty area with his luck. The girl in front of him didn't look like she meant him any ill intent, but that didn't stop Shawn from being uncomfortable. "Um, hi," he said, not making eye contact. "Can I help you or something?". Hopefully he could make this as painless as possible.
Hayate saw what time is was. It was pretty late. "All students please report to dorms, it's time for bed! You have classes tomorrow early in the morning so get some sleep" he said into the loud speaker that was heard in and out of the school.

Zoe Chester

Zoe put out her hand and gave the girl a firm handshake. "Nice to meet you Echo! We're gonna be great friends!" She said excitedly. An announcement came on that could be heard around the whole school. "We should probably go to bed." Zoe grabbed her clothes from the dresser and went to the bathroom to put in her night clothes. She went back into the room and lay on the bed she couldn't sleep because all she thought about was what school was going to be like. She turned to Echo "Goodnight! See you in the morning!"

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