ARRM Agent Records


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Name: Eustass Petrovic

Age: 17

Gender: Male


View attachment 186957

Occupation:  Research and Development department

Personality: While Eustass is very shy and anti-social his ambition to the research and preservation of Magicite is very much augmented. During expeditions, though, if the going gets tough he will put his life in the line for others. 

Background: Growing up in a more poorer side of town it was hard for his family to make ends meet, with crime rampant and illness and disease around the corner. But when he found out that he had magical potential he quickly set off to join the ARRM and become a crystal seeker to help fund his family and for himself. 

Seeker Rank: Rookie (1st year)

  • Rookie [less than 5 years]
  • Seasoned [5 - 10 years]
  • Ace [10 - 20 years]
  • Veteran [20+ years]

Equipment: A standard bowie knife, a pistol modified to use tier 2 or 1 magicite for any type of attribute (tier 3 will make a more powerful boost but is not recommended because it could damage it and tier 4 is dangerous because it will cause the gun to explode, harming the person holding it.), a dagger that accepts magicite of any attribute and of any tier (at your own risk) to be used to amplify the blades effects, a Seeker's License, an ARRM communications device, Magicite excavation gloves, and a small survival kit consisting of the most essential needs.

Magicite: 10 tier 3, 15 tier 2 and 5 tier 1 magicite.

Tier 3: 4 fire, 4 ice, 2 lightning

Tier 2: 3 fire, 3 water, 3 earth, 3 wind, 1 lightning, 1 wood, 1 ice

Tier 1: 2 fire, 2 wood, 1 ice

Other: The ammunition for the pistol is capable of firing multiple shots from one magicite crystal, being that tier 1 has 10 shots and tier 2 has 20 shots. Though it is not recommended the ammunition rate for a tier 3 is actually 10 shots per crystal, though the damage output is greatly amplified. Tier 4 has never been successfully tested.

If you find anything that could be tweaked please message me.
Name: Aina Harven

Age: 22

Gender: Female



Occupation: Department of Research and Development Engineer


Where should we start? The abridged version then, Aina is what you may describe as 'having the lights on but nobody is home'. Her train of thought is rock solid to the point that only something short of an explosion would grab her attention. Even then she tends to show only a mild interest in it before carrying on with whatever she's doing. Surprisingly, she is shown to be surprisingly competent when she wants to.


Aina Harven is born as the only daughter of an artist and an ARRM engineer. From a young age, Aina has shown a vastly different mindset then most children and preferring to focus on random things. Her parents taught her to use that focus for things like studying and Magicite theory. This lead to her being surprisingly knowledgeable to things regarding Magicite and its application. At the age of 16, she joined the ARRM as a Magicite researcher before showing interest in being a seeker in order to prove her theory of a possible 'Philosopher's Stone' Magicite that can take up any attribute it wants at any moment. 

Seeker Rank: Seasoned (6th year) 

  • Rookie [less than 5 years]
  • Seasoned [5 - 10 years]
  • Ace [10 - 20 years]
  • Veteran [20+ years]


  1. A bullpup marksman rifle that accepts Tier 4-3 Magicite rounds without any issues. Tier 2 rounds are currently under field testing while Tier 1 rounds are under controlled testing.
  2. A standard backup pistol
  3. A survival knife with a piece of flint in the sheath
  4. A notebook filled with... notes and the occasional sketch of either an insect or a funny looking plant
  5. Seeker Licence (4th replacement)
  6. ARRM communications device
  7. Magicite excavation gloves
  8. Personal first-aid kit

Magicite: 10 tier 3, 15 tier 2, 5 tier 1

  • Tier 3: 6 wind, 4 water
  • Tier 2: 5 fire, 5 earth, 5 wind
  • Tier 1: 2 lightning, 2 wood, 1 ice

Other: Currently in trouble with Human Resources for 'misplacing' her Seeker's License. Again. For the third time. 


Name: Aiden Connors

Age: 17

Gender: Male



Occupation: Department of Commerce Junior Merchant


Aiden is a loner and a quiet person by nature. He has a deep connection with plants and enjoys gardening. He comes across as being rather fickle-minded and even cold but he's just uncomfortable with talking to people he's not familiar with. He also finds an odd sort of joy when seeing something burn or starting a fire. Ironic for someone who takes care of plants in his spare time.


Aiden had a very simple childhood. He's the only son of a single mother who works as a baker. During his childhood, he had asked about his father many times but his mother would always say that he was a rather busy man who worked as a Magicite seeker for ARRM. He stopped asking after awhile and has gotten used to the fact that he only had one parent. To hide his loneliness and to help pass the time, he took up gardening as a hobby and took care of a small garden in his backyard. 

When he turned 12, he discovered his potential in being a mage and remembering his mother's words, became determined to join the ARRM. If he was lucky, he might even find his father. So come his 16th birthday, he left his hometown with his mother's blessings and joined ARRM as a Magicite Seeker. So starting his life as a Seeker, not just for Magicite but for his father.

Seeker Rank: Rookie (2nd year) 

  • Rookie [less than 5 years]
  • Seasoned [5 - 10 years]
  • Ace [10 - 20 years]
  • Veteran [20+ years]


  1. A short mace with a revolving chamber that allows for quick change of Magicite used. Holds 4 separate Magicites. Aiden uses it more like a wand then a proper mace.
  2. A standard pistol
  3. Seeker licence
  4. ARRM communication device
  5. Magicite excavation gloves
  6. First-aid kit 

Magicite: 10 tier 3, 15 tier 2 and 5 tier 1 magicite.

Tier 3: 6 fire, 4 water

Tier 2: 2 ice, 3 wood, 5 lightning, 5 ice

Tier 1: 3 fire, 2 water

Other: Has slight pyromaniac tendencies and a phobia of anything insect or spider related.

Name: Charles Knight

Age: 37

Gender: Male


Occupation: [SIZE= 14px]Human Resources (Received go ahead from [/SIZE]@Xeris[SIZE= 14px] thanks!)[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]Charles is a very meticulous person. The kind of guy you wouldn't want to disturb when he's busy and he even has a rather stern expression to go along with that. Something the people in the offices call the 'Desk Knight' expression. Despite that, he's a rather friendly person who keeps an eye out on the younger Seekers while in the field. He's also known for being patient if in a good mood. At least to the point that he can stand his surrogate niece's near-constant blunders and thought pattern. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]Charles has a less then clean past. He grew up in a less then savory town and would always get in trouble with the local law enforcement for things such as stealing and vandalism. He was eventually caught at the age of 15 after robbing the wrong traveler and getting his own ass handed to him. The person that taught him that lesson was an 18 year old seeker named Alex Harven. After that incident, Alex took a liking to the young thief's bravery and guts, taking him up as an assistant of sorts when he left that town to head back to ARRM.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Five years later and Charles is now an official ARRM seeker who got injured by a series of less then fortunate events and lead to his unconscious form being found by a young baker's apprentice by the name of Clara Connors. She nursed him back to health and the two fell in love with each other. Due to his dangerous job, he was worried that he'll leave Clara a heartbroken widow and suddenly left in the dead of night, telling himself that its for the best. Unbeknownst to him, she was pregnant with his child and soon gave birth to a boy who she named Aiden.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Come to the present, he's now a hardworking member of ARRM's Human Resources department and still took up Seeking jobs. That and keeping an eye on his buddy Alex's slightly kooky daughter, Aina.  [/SIZE]

Seeker Rank: Ace (19th year)

  • Rookie [less than 5 years]
  • Seasoned [5 - 10 years]
  • Ace [10 - 20 years]
  • Veteran [20+ years]


  1. A shotgun that accepts both regular and Tier 4-2 Magicite rounds
  2. A survival knife
  3. Seeker licence
  4. ARRM communication device
  5. Magicite excavation gloves
  6. First-aid kit 


10 tier 3, 10 tier 2, 10 tier 1

Tier 3: 2 water, 2 fire, 2 earth, 4 wind

Tier 2: 4 fire, 4 water, 2 lightning

Tier 1: 2 lightning, 6 wood, 2 ice

[SIZE= 14px]Other: Treats Aina like a niece and is the one who approved all her replacement Licenses.[/SIZE]

He's Aiden's biological father but he's unaware of that fact.
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@Wandering Grim Hollow Aina Harven - Accepted

Charles Knight - I mean it's a secondary position within ARRM so I will approve of him being in Human Resources. Thank you for asking me if this was allowed though. I appreciate the consideration. 
Name: Aureole Shelby

Age: 18

Gender: Female



5 foot 4 inches

Occupation: Department of Communications and Transportation (Sending packages and messages; Works closely with HR for Public Relations and expeditions); Research and Development Department (Test pilot).

Personality: Cheerful and carefree like the wind. Aureole loves to fly and the freedom that comes with it. She wants to explore the world, but is content with sending packages to people just to meet new people. She tries to get people to talk and brighten people's days. She tends to stay out of the action, acting as the lookout for people below. Very whimsical in nature, she sometimes brings trouble upon herself. Still has a slight fear of immobilization.


Aureole was born to two loving parents who were part of ARRM. As a child, she could often be seen running around the main headquarters, trying to make friends with everyone. Around the age of 12, she may or may not have ran into a room with a shit ton of lightning magicite. Either way, she was found on the floor with a paralyzed torso. She spent several months in the hospital while her parent's requested aid from many parts of R&D. She eventually regained movement, but never enough to move like a normal human. At 15 years of age, the Research and Development Department created a special corset to be embedded into her body. After spending many nights in terror about possibly losing her ability to move entirely, she decided to go ahead with the operation. After a gruesome number of days and acclimation to the new corset, she was able to move and live like a normal human, just with the need to slot in a Tier 1 lightning every year. This of course forever stunted her growth, but she didn't mind, she was free yet again.

On her 16th birthday, as her way of saying thanks, she decided to register to become a seeker. Upon joining, she was immediately sought after as one of the few people in the world with a form of magicite-body augmentation. When given the opportunity to have wings, she immediately accepted it. She has tested a variety of models and has aided in the advancement of mechanized flight. She uses her 70th iteration, the F-50 wings, to fly across the skies sending packages and aiding in quests and expeditions.

Seeker Rank: Rookie [2nd year]


  • Prototype F-50 Wings - Large mechanized wings attached to her back. Magicite is stored in the base of the wings and a series of mechanisms will activate the magicite stored inside. Runs on Wind Magicite and is currently the most efficient model, using only 2 Tier 2 magicite (5 Tier 3) for an hour of flight time and achieve a top speed of 60 mph. Can be used to perform a variety of attacks but will quickly use up the magicite. Can engage in a dogfight, but was primarily designed to be the most efficient in speed and usage. Can be augmented with Lightning Magicite to achieve 90 mph, but only for 10 minutes and with very little control in direction. Used with other magicites to achieve other attack effects, such as ice to freeze over the air, earth to strengthen the wings, and water to cause rainstorms and mini typhoons.
  • Quick Repair Kit - A small set of tools to repair the wings. Uses Tier 4 magicite. Only patchwork fix and will only last about 3 hours.
  • Standard Pocketknife - In case a sharp tool is needed.
  • ARRM Communication Device - Helps with communication and coordination during quests and expeditions.
  • Modified Seeker's Goggles and Helmet - Runs on a single Tier 1 magicite that lasts for one month. Allows her to see far distances and spot neutral magicite from far away. Primarily runs on lightning, but will accept another magicite for 20 days. Modified by R&D to better detect Tier 1 magicite.
  • Seeker's License - Anyone who calls themselves a seeker without an official registration is just a delusional weirdo.
  • Storage Pack - A small pack she carries to ferry parcels two and from places.
  • Magicite Excavation Gloves - She doesn't use them often since she lets the others handle the excavation. She wears them just to keep her fingers from freezing in flight.


  • Tier 4: 5 earth, 5 wood, 1 fire
  • Tier 3: 2 Lightning, 2 Water, 2 Ice, 4 earth
  • Tier 2: 16 Wind, 2 Lightning, 1 ice, 1 water
  • Tier 1: 1 Wind, 1 Lightning


"Welcome to the sky!"


"Be happy like the birds that have no care for the earth below."

Other: Human Resources usually has to use her to convince others the need to properly store stuff.
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[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“... Sixteen”[/SIZE]






[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“I help out in the Mages Consortium.”[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“I’ve been told I am curious, and naive.”[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“I worked in... crystal research for a private company.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]-Seeker Rank-[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“I guess I would be a rookie.”[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“Well besides the basics, the seeker license, ARRM communications device, and magicite excavation gloves, I have a staff embedded with multiple different crystals.”[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“ Three Wood Tier 3, Three Water Tier 3, Three Earth Tier 3, One Wind Tier 3.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Four Water Tier 2, Four Earth Tier 2, Four Wind Tier 2, Four Wood Tier 2, Four Ice Tier 2”[/SIZE]



[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Rain has always been able to “feel” energies. She’s not sure how to explain it but it lets her charge crystals faster than any other mage. However to do so she requires immense concentration, while charging a crystal she goes into a sort of trance and doesn’t notice anything happening around her. If this trance is forcefully broken the crystal she is charging will shatter, and sometimes even explode.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Rain isn’t sure how old she is. The earliest thing she can remember is charging crystals. She used to be a member of a private military organization. They used her to charge their crystals as fast as possible. Tired of just charging crystals, and wanting to learn more about the world Rain managed to run away. She’s not sure if they are still chasing her, but ARRM seems like the safest place to stay if they are.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Rain is generally shy of people she doesn’t know, but is outspoken and joyful with her friends.[/SIZE]

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