Armstrong Rehabilitation Center [Accepting]


New Member
Armstrong Rehabilitation Center; Located in Malibu California.

Welcome ___________,

This packet will guide you threw the halls of the Armstrong Rehabilitation Center. On the back, you will find a map of the premises that will be your home for the next __ months.

We have an outstanding staff that will satisfy your every need and help you threw out this journey. Your recovery is the most important thing to us. Here in the Armstrong Rehab Center, we have loads of activities for you to try and do. This isn't just a place were you have to be and take medicine and be treated like a mental person, but a place to make friends and get back on your feet. We hope that you enjoy your stay and make it a memory.

(Each patient will receive Therapy based on their needs)


They, said it would be fine. They said it was a good place, were you would get better... Eventually. But they never told you the real story did they? The people who say that are going to 'help' are monsters. Take me for example, I'm here for cutting and anorexia. If I don't eat, I get sent to the cellar. The cellars are a place were the patients go to it if they don't listen or do as they are told. I've been there twice, they lock you up like and animal, no light except the sun light from the little window in the corner of the room. Some times people say that they hear voices that say help or save me. The people here don't actually care about you, they just want their money, they say its the best Rehabilitation Center in the US, but their wrong. There is one person who will stop at nothing to get her money, Ms. Rae doesn't like the people here. Some say she abuses the patients when she get bored.. Welcome to the real Armstrong Rehabilitation Center, enjoy your stay.


Real People (Site Models, Celebrities with different names, etc.)

No god-modding

No more than 4 characters per person


Character Sheets:

Full Name:



Reason why in rehab(Drinking,Cutting,Smoking,Anorexia,Bulimia,Drugs, Etc):

How long staying(Up to a year):




Please keep the boys and girls balanced.

If one character does fall for the other keep it PG-13, their in Rehab, NO SLEEPING TOGETHER.

M y C h a r a c t e r s:

Full Name: Ms. Nancy Rae Armstrong

Age: 48

Personality: just wants her money, doesn't let anyone get in her way

Reason why in rehab(Drinking,Cutting,Smoking,Anorexia,Bulimia,Drugs, Etc): Founder

How long staying(Up to a year): forever

History: She was raised to believe that if you did something bad, you needed to be punished.

Appearance: View attachment 13327

Full Name: Anabel Anthony

Age: 17

Personality: was out going and fun to be around, now she's quiet, shy, and doesn't like to talk much.

Reason why in rehab(Drinking,Cutting,Smoking,Anorexia,Bulimia,Drugs, Etc): Cutting, smoking, and anorexia.

How long staying(Up to a year): 6 months

History: In middle school she was the well known girl, she was pretty popular. Getting into high school there were more people, she felt like an outcast, her mother became a drunk and almost burnt the house down, she started cutting at 15 and the smoking came along after a couple months. She became depressed and stopped talking to people, she became quiet. People called her names, they didn't like her. She felt as if she had led her mother into the drinking. She stopped eating around when she was 16, she weighs 100 pounds, and losing weight everyday. She has a low self esteem and is trying to get better.

Appearance: View attachment 13324
Name: Tyler T. Ray

Age: 18

Personality: Tyler is That Boy who think's he can get any girl he want's with his charm and good looks.

Tyler loves to Charm people, he like's to make everyone like him. He is generally sweet and caring. But when angered can be fierce and brutal. Tyler loves to get on somebodys good side. He is a sweet talker.

Reason Why is Rehabb: Drinking, Smoking, and Drugs. { No Shocker there }

How long staying: 9 Months.

History: Tyler was known as the Player in school, Yet girls still threw themselves at him. He had always charming, even the teachers could agree. After enetering Highschool he droppd into the wrong crowd. When they began Drinking, Smoking, and doing drugs. They quit school. One day they were hanging out in a bar, when the cop's showed up. His friends bailed. Tyler was Caught druken. They had sentenced him to rehab instead of jail.


View attachment 13351
Full Name: Kora Wren Alder

Age(15-25): 19

Personality: Sarcastic, joking, fun to be around, outgoing, smart alack, hard to get her mad or serious.

Reason why in rehab: Drinking, putting herself through any pain she can from cutting to choking to punching, and serious drug abuse.

How long staying: 6 months.. but with her behavior they might change the sentence to longer.

History: She lived with her parents and older brother happily, until age five. Her parents go into a motorcycle accident due to drunk drivers.. Her brother was to take care of her, but when it came down to it, he didn't want anything to do with her, so he got out of state. So she was sent to an orphanage. She spent a year there and was adopted by a younger couple. It was alright at first, until they started getting into fights about this and that.. and of course, anger was taken out on her. She filled for abuse reports but they denied.. so, growing up, she was beaten, and raped. She ran away, did everything she could to escape... 17 she ran across states.. Leaving them far behind.Doing that she found herself doing drugs, and blaming herself for everything. A few years passed and she was found in a ditch, unconscious and taken to this rehab center.

View attachment 14053

(If no male is to join after me I will make one to even it out.. If I am accepted c: )
@KoraWrenAlder the link to the picture doesn't work, but other than that accepted! :3 && If you want to make another boy to even it out then go head, or I can, or we start and wait for other people to join in. (:
Full Name: Patch Saunders

Age(15-25): 17

Personality: Really shy at the beginning, but once you get to know him his really funny. He's the kind of person you can be crazy and random with, but still can have real serious and deep conversations. He's really aesthetic.

Reason why in rehab(Drinking,Cutting,Smoking,Anorexia,Bulimia,Drugs, Etc): Cutting and depressed.

How long staying(Up to a year): 7 months

History: When he was a kid he only had one friend, Mark. Mark was like a brother to Patch. They did everything together. Untill on day mark ook suicide. Ever since, Patch been depressed. He doesn't play soccer anymore, soccer used to be his life. Patch blame himself for Mark's death. After a while he started cutting too. And now, he's here.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/image.jpg.4a6414a614f6b0bf1726a1accf276802.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/image.jpg.4a6414a614f6b0bf1726a1accf276802.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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