
The Mad hatter

Junior Member
The Silken Armor Artfact from the eclipse book states that it is basicly  magical clothes and may be worn with other armor, dose this mean for MA pourpses it shouldnt be counted as armor or it is?
AFAIK, that's entirely open to debate. There seem to be two main camps:

One line of thinking says, "It's called 'armor', so it's armor. No."

The other says, "While it's called 'armor', it actually seems like more of a soak-enhancing Artifact. Yes"

I persoanlly fall into the latter camp. I could design something mechanically identical to Silken Armor, but make it a ring, and call it "The Ring of Iron Skin". I think few would argue that you can't use MA with a ring on. Likewise, SA isn't a bulky outer shell. It's a shirt. If you can bust out the Fu with a mundane shirt on, I don't see why you couldn't do do with a magic shirt on.

Those who disagree aren't wrong, though, they just interpret the rules more literally.

Alternatively, you can look at it this way:

 Silken armor's soak values are comparable to that of an artifact breastplate, which is a 1-dot artifact.

 Now, what ability is worth two extra dots of artifact for you, your ST, and the players you game with: stackability with other armor, or stackability AND does-not-count-as-armor-with-regards-to-MA ?
since its unliky to be stacked with other armor, id say stackablity with dosent count as armor for MA, after all the point of having it is to look like your not protected, so wearing other protection is pointless
Alternatively, you can look at it this way:
 Silken armor's soak values are comparable to that of an artifact breastplate, which is a 1-dot artifact.

 Now, what ability is worth two extra dots of artifact for you, your ST, and the players you game with: stackability with other armor, or stackability AND does-not-count-as-armor-with-regards-to-MA ?
I've always thought that it was more like an artifact cahin shirt, not a breastplate.

Anyway, I've felt that silken armor can be used with MA, but since I've yet to include it into my stories, it matters little.

Stillborn said:
so wearing other protection is pointless
Not really. It would be armor UNDER you armor. That's a lot of soak.

right but if you got the artfact because you didnt want to wear armor, and most of your ablitys are not compatable with armor it is pointless
The Silken Armor Artifact, in my games, does not count as Armor.  It is, for all intents and purposes, a magically enhanced silk shirt.
I agree with Obsidian Soul, though I pictured it more as a robe.

I think Silken Armor was created to give defense to martial artists so that they have more protection than just their Dodge pool and charms.

My current character isn't much of a martial artist, so he has breastplate and the silken armor for extra soak.
Stillborn said:
AFAIK, that's entirely open to debate. There seem to be two main camps:
One line of thinking says, "It's called 'armor', so it's armor. No."

The other says, "While it's called 'armor', it actually seems like more of a soak-enhancing Artifact. Yes"
A third camp (that I just made up) would be:

The restriction on martial arts is not a restriction due to bulk but rather a thematic restriction. As such, any added armour would render the charms non-working, simply because of the inherent condition that no armour be added.

In my opinion, an artifact that allows a lot of armour to be added, usable with martial arts, stackable with other armour, and passable as simple clothes is more than a one-dot item.
Ormseitr said:
Silken Amor is a three dot artifact ;)
Ah, I misread Silence In Daylight's comment above to mean that it was a one dot. In that case by all means stack it with martial arts. You payed for it. :-)
Get a downloading program and buy them online.

I use Kazaa, but there are many others out there.

Or, just buy cpoies of them online from places like
Page 81 line 2 says "this armor" tho doesn't it? If it says armor isn't it armor? If not then i would love to start wearin some
I'm surprised you're asking that. Did you read theis thread?

It also says it can be worn with other types of armor, so by extension it should work with MA.  

But if the ST says it does not, then there is not much you can do about it, but have your character strip befor combat because it does not say that you can wear cloths with MA either.   :P  If you can't use a MAGICAL SHIRT, then what is the point of ever wearing a MAGICAL SHIRT.  It's a SHIRT that acts like armor, thus it is called armor, but it is still a SHIRT.  

Now get your chocolat out of my penut butter.

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