Armed Chaos

Vulcan Xanthis

Junior Member
The year is 2112 and technology has advanced to a high degree, many people have personal computers upon there bodies. On there wrists on there watches and some have replaced body parts with a machine limb computer. Although not all people have this computer preforming basic operations. Street gangs have modified tech and created weapons for armed robberies and organized crime throughout cities amongst the world. Although one city was about to experience the worst of this tech. This city was Metroid city, a city with many large sky scrappers and packed buildings. Subway systems with a population of 2.5 million. This new tech was developed by a brilliant man named Murasame, but this man didnt use his tech for the good of man. Modifing computer tech limbs, he converted them into weapons, but these weapons were far from ordinary. He created a form of weapons called beam weapons. These weapons didnt fire bullets, but a beam that fired with a ultra violent intensity that melted steal. But in these tough times, there was a hero called Electric Blue.

A man who's identity was concealed, he lived to protect the great metroid city he had lived in since birth. But underneath the armor the man lived as a race car driver. But this was no ordinary race, it was a gran prix of a new form of racing. In this race, there were no cars, but racing pods. The pods were like a miniture space ship that had ion boosters. These boosters were underneath the pod lifting it from the ground . While also larger ones were upon the back which were the main thruster boosters. This gran prix had a track that the pods followed consisting of vertical loops and long turns. This was one of the many popular sports of the century. This mans name was Cloud Avalon, he was currently one of the most popular pod racers of the gran prix.

The man was working upon his pod when his personal computer he kept in his pocket began to ring. The man stopped what he was doing and turned to grab the comp. He looked at it seeing there was a distress call from down town. Modded Gangsters had robbed a bank and were firring up the place. Cloud turned looking around the shop seeing no one around, then turned to his old pod racer as he said electric blue. Metal was lifted off the ground forming around his body. A armor was formed around his body, with the colors of blue and gold. Ion boosters upon his feet and back. Cloud had the ability to shift and control metal and had a great deal of knowledge how to build a pod racer so he was able to convert the metal into a armor around his body.

Immediately cloud moved into the sky like a shooting star, soaring in the skies he moved with his boosters roaring. In about two minutes he got from high town to downtown, there he saw the modded gansters in the street having a shoot out with the police. The police members had hand guns and were returning fire to the modded gansters. Although the police were severely outclassed in weaponry. The gang members had beam technology upon there robotic limbs. Upon there arms they fired beam blasts tearing through cop cars and buildings as they fired upon the police. Electric blue swept down from the skies tackling the first gang member into the building. He grabbed his right robotic arm ripping it off.

The modded gang members began to fire upon electric blue as his boosters roared again entering the sky with the ripped off robotic limb. Electric blue used a barrel roll evading beam weapon attacks as he spiraled into the sky. Electric blue had not faced such beam technology against him yet, and he needed a offensive strike. So without any further pause, Cloud used his abiltiy and applied the ripped off robotic limb and applied it to his armor. Although it didnt result in just a beam weapon, it resulted in a beam cannon. Electric blue spiraled in the sky instead of going up he went downwards with his cannon pointed downwards. With three blasts he fired the blast with a blue ray of energy firing downwards . With perfect precision he took out each modded beam technology limb. "My work here is done" said electric blue as he returned home to investigate this new technology.

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Metroid City

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I'm actually pretty interested in this one, are there any limits to what a character can do and does it have to stay technology based?

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