Armada Family Inn


CrisisKill submitted a new role play. @CrisisKill, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Character Sheet




Role-(Family, Son, Aunt, Daughter, etc or Guest)


Background- (you may skip this and reveal your background in the RP)

Basic Info-(go to High School or College? Boyfriend Girlfriend?)


Pic-(anime or real)

Dakota Armada-OctoberRain


Danny James Armada-ForgottenBlood


Gavin Bentley-Muffin Tyrant

Family Friend - Best Friend of Neal Armada

Cecile Armada-PandaAngel


Neal Armada-NerdyGeekFlower

Adopted Son

Jameson Armada-CrisisKill


Evalynn Armada-Muffin Tyrant


Elena Armada-StrawberrySuicide

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Character Sheet




Role-(Family, Son, Aunt, Daughter, etc or Guest)


Background- (you may skip this and reveal your background in the RP)

Basic Info-(go to High School or College? Boyfriend Girlfriend?)


Pic-(anime or real)
Name: Cecile Armada

Age: 23

Role: Aunt...?

Personality: Cecile is a calm person. She loves kids and just got out of college not too long ago. She is bubbly and is always there for you.

Basic Info: Aunt of the Armadas, Needs a boyfriend, open..

Pic- <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/images-2.jpeg.e09bb95446bb3e9baf8b9b9df82746d1.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12098" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/images-2.jpeg.e09bb95446bb3e9baf8b9b9df82746d1.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name- Neal Armada (ADOPTED)

Nickname- N/A

Age- 17


Personality-Neal likes to express himself, through art or through music. He is typically a big ball of energy and all around happiness, he bounces off the walls. Neal is the kind of person to project into the world that he loves everyone and has a classic, 'I don't care what people think about me' attitude. this is in fact to prevent people from getting to close, if Neal lets you in you, you must be special. You could also easily break him from the inside. It's rare and he doesn't let it happen. Neal very much likes to focus on what is going on right here and right now around him. He is normally more casual not to formal and not to informal, he gives everyone he meets a chance, never judging on a snap, he knows that he has a story so everyone else must. But be warned you only get one chance with him and he can be rather easily offended. Neal likes to move with the time and flow with whatever is happening around him. He is not the type of person to interrupt something that seems like a good thing, a perfect combination of 'go with the flow' and 'if it ain't broke don't fix it'. On the other hand if he sees something wrong with the 'flow' or general happenings he will by no means keep quiet about it. He is one who will speak his mind and not back down. He is calm in a argument and keeps a cool head in most situations. Neal speaks his mind at all times and generally doesn't filter his thoughts feeling that if people can't handle him inside there is no reason to have them around him. He is kind and gentle, especially towards animals and children.


Neal's father died before he was born, his mother couldn't bare it and alone and pregnant adopted some very unhealthy habits; not eating well or getting any sun, sleeping too much or too little. This caused her to be far too weak for childbirth, and lo and behold, Neal was born into the world to be an orphan. Mrs. Roco grew up like a sister to Mrs. Armada and when she heard of the tragedy, took the baby in to their home where he grew up a Armada. His mother's practices when she was pregnant had startlingly few negative aspects on his health, though there are a few, he catches cold easily and is ever so slightly more delicate than other boys. Neal only ever let's this stop him if he has to in order to stay alive. Neal has lived with the Armadas for as long as he has been alive for all intensive purposes and is extremely grateful to them for all they have done for him, giving him as little as a place to sleep and food to as education. He would never in a million years wish to tarnish the Armada name, and would do anything he needs to to help the family. He realizes that he would have noting if it were not for them. He keeps very little secrets from them and the only ones he does keep are for his and his family's own protection.

Basic Info- Highschool and no


Name- Jameson Armada

Nickname- James, Jim, Dad, Daddy, JimBoy (from his father)


Role-Father -Owner-

Personality- There is no nicer person than James. He wears his heart on his sleeves and will take in anyone on the street. He has been chewed out by his parents for bringing in homeless who couldn't afford a room. He will give you space when he asks but he is protective over his children even over his guests if they need it. He can have his heart broken easily but he learns from it and plays his Atari or Super Nintendo to get over it. He really is a big child in heart but he knows when to act serious.

Background- He was raised by a huge family but most have passed away or moved away. He was raised by both his parents. His father taught him how to fix anything in the Inn. His mother taught his how to cook almost every meal there is. He never wanted to run the Inn.. He always wanted to be a Chef who ran his own restaurant. So he went to college and took Entrepreneur and Culinary classes. A week before he bought his restaurant his mother got very sick and passed away. She asked him to take over the Inn so people will always have a Home. He cried that night and canceled his restaurant and starting fixing up the Inn updating the appliances and renovating the kitchen to make it bigger and beautiful. His first guest was Abbygale Colt. It was true love at first sight. They started a family and filled the Inn with love. They even adopted and smothered him and the whole family in love. A year ago she got a call from her family in London and told her to come visit her sick mother. James knowing the feeling made her go and the first 3 months everything was fine and she called every weekend and sent postcards or letters. The next 5 months her calls got fewer and fewer and she finally told him that she is staying in London with her family and she doesn't know when she will come back. He hung up and told the family and they cried together. That was 6 months ago. His father now lives with them and he is healthy as a horse. (Cant have grandpa pass away. >_< )

Basic Info-Owner


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Evalynn Armada


Lynn, Eva, Short-stack, Pancake, Daddy's Princess






Evalynn is a very independent girl like her mother. She has rarely asked for help with school work and never bothers to update her father about school events or assignments because she believes she has everything under control. Evalynn is a bright young girl who is surprisingly very mature for her age and sometimes tends to be a bit bossy. She likes when things are done the right way; which means her way or her fathers way. Evalynn has a hard time making friends though even if her family worries she doesn't think it's a big deal and most likely will say she doesn't need friends.


Basic Info:

Attends her first year of middle school




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Name- Elena Armada

Nickname- Ellie, Cupcake, Lenna, Lenny, Len, El



Personality- Elena is like her father in many ways. She is a very sweet and optimistic girl. She can be pretty immature and Bubbly at times. She loves playing video games. She loves to make everyone around her that happiest people, even if she's the saddest. Because she's so nice, she usually gets used by her "friends". She never shows when she's sad because she feels like she's a burden. She's always helping people around her by giving advice or just being generous. She rarely breaks down in front of her family, because she feels like they would think she's a burden. When it comes to relation ships, she usually falls too fast and ends up getting hurt.

Basic Info- Highschool. (Her ex broke up with her)

Other- She sometimes dyes her hair red or black.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/x_35c7379c.jpeg.e70890316fff4cacaf1e27aca058cbbf.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12149" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/x_35c7379c.jpeg.e70890316fff4cacaf1e27aca058cbbf.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Aaron Embersonn

Nickname- Ron, Ronnie

Age- 20

Role- Guest

Personality- Aaron is very hardworking person. He would do anything he could to protect the people he loves. He has a bit of a hard time when it comes to trusting people. He will always stand up for what he believes in and never gives in to peer pressure. He is a very wise and kind person, and would never intentionally do something to hurt the people he loves. He can be very humorous and dorky a lot of the time.

Background- Aaron grew up in a very poor, but loving family. He was always the happy, outgoing child and loved to do the unexpected, which usually led him to trouble. Unfortunately his father had passed away when he was only 11 years old. His mother began to struggle with depression after his father's death. About 2 years later, him and his sister ended moving into their aunt's small, broken down apartment. Throughout high school, Aaron struggled with bullying. He was constantly getting into fights and had also gotten several suspensions. When he was 18 he moved out to live with his girlfriend that he had been with since they were 15. He, later found out that the love of his life was cheating on him with 5 other men. A year later she left him for someone else, he was completely heart broken. A week later he got fired from his full time job. He was officially homeless. One day, when he went to visit his little sister, she invited him to stay at the Armada Family Inn. He loved it there. He loved the family and the people around him. He felt like this was a new beginning for him.

Basic Info- College, Single


Has a few tattoos

-He speaks French, Russian, and Spanish

-He plays several instruments & collects them


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/ash-stymest-fix2.jpg.cb9f158bcb61295d486adf15301cceb2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12202" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/ash-stymest-fix2.jpg.cb9f158bcb61295d486adf15301cceb2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Erika Embersonn

Nickname- Rik, Rikki

Age- 16

Role- Guest

Personality- Erika is a very bubbly and playful person. She loves to have fun and make new friends. If someone was to ever say or do something bad to her or the people she loves, she would not hesitate to get physical. She is not the type to let people walk all over her or the people close to her. She's very loving and accepting. She is a pretty assertive girl. She's a bit of a slacker at times and is a pretty laid-back person.She likes to sleep. A lot. She's pretty rebellious at times and tends to get in trouble quite a lot.

Background- After her father's death, Erika went from the happy and optimistic child, to the quiet and loner child. She couldn't even talk to her mother because every time she tried, her mother would break down and cry. She completely stopped talking and became mute two months after the death. When she moved in with her aunt she became a very lonely person, especially since her brother had moved out. She soon found out about the Armada Family Inn. Her aunt took her there because that last thing she wanted was for Erika to end up like her mother. Erika became happier, and finally began talking again. She felt full again, like she had a family again. They'd always mean the world to her.

Basic Info- Highschool, Single



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[[ Decided to make a family friend instead ^.^ Is that okay? ]]


Gavin Bentley





Family Friend - Best Friend of Neal Armada


Gavin is extremely stubborn. He doesn't like to ask for help because he feels weak if he does. He's to independent to ask for any help in the first place. Gavin is a genuinely nice guy who likes a little humor but when it comes to talking about him or his life he isn't so pleasant. Gavin hates when people try to pry themselves into his life and try to help him when he obviously doesn't want any.


Gavin was raised in a wealthy life style as an only child. His father is a successful lawyer and his mother is a party planner that has to much free time on her hands. Gavin's father is a big drinker and cheater. His mother has always known about her husband cheating but instead of leaving the man she drains her sorrows in wine and younger men. The Bentley family is known to be the ideal family though they are far from it. Gavin's father doesn't care about his family but he does care what people think so he puts on a charade whenever he is out in public with his wife or son. Gavin has a habit of talking back to his father and his father has the habit of building up a temper which leads to a mark or bruise appearing on Gavin.

Gavin drops by the inn from time to time. The first time he went, he loved it. The family is really nice to. He thinks there more of a perfect family then what everyone proclaims his family is. Gavin loves to stay in the inn whenever he doesn't feel like going home for a couple of days.

Basic Info:

Attends high school

[[ Anyone wanna be his boyfriend or ex? ]]


He is homosexual but only his parents know; his mother is the only one that accepts it



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Danny James Armada








Danny hates people.No,no not every kind of people,just the ones that get on his nerves.

He hates people that don't do anything yet complain about something.He hates when people

try to rule over someone and bully someone who they know can't defend themselves.

He hates people that constantly ask for help when they don't even try to help themselves.

Danny loves when guys/girls are independent now and then because,it shows that they don't

need him around 24/7(The ones he dates).He doesn't like when people play in his hair to much

and often gets mad unless it's his siblings.He doesn't have to much of a short temper but,he will

set off when you do something he doesn't like.He also doesn't like when he has to repeat himself

more than twice for a person to get it which means he gets impatient when people don't get thing

then first or second time he says them.He's a rebel,he doesn't like doing what other people do.When

everyone turns right,he turns left.Playing by the rules is a one way ticket of death,at least that's what

he thinks.He isn't dumb or anything in fact,he's never gotten anything lower than a B in school.

Judging a book by it's cover is not something he does,he loves trying new things including new

types of guy and girls.Now let's talk about relationship.Danny doesn't like to jump into a relationship

with anyone.He has very few crushes on people and doesn't like when some desprate girls come up

to him with a "trying to flirt" motive and say hello to him.He tells them off bluntly in their face and walks off,

In of story.

Basic Info-

Danny finished college earlier because of his grades~

(He went to college when he was 15.)

He now works at a cafe and is happy to have the job~

He plans on being a Surgeon once he gets old enough to be one.


If you're wondering,Danny's eyes are honey brown

His height is 6'9



(I'll make another soon.~)

Name- Dakota Armada

Nickname- Koda

Age- 17

Role- Cousin

Personality- Dakota is a bright and lively person. She is almost never found scowling ( unless playfully, of course ) and always has a smile on her face. She loves to tell jokes, even if they most often fall flat, and loves a good story. Dakota is a Disney movie fanatic and is often found sitting alone somewhere watching some Disney movie, her favourite being Mulan. She can get very defensive if you insult somebody she cares for. Dakota is super sensitive about her weight and always wants to lose that last five pounds, even if she already is underweight. it's never enough for her and so she'll often skip meals. If you mention anything about her weight she will snap on you and quite possibly literally rip your head off.

Basic Info- Junior in High School, just got out of a bad relationship

Other- Notorious for dying her hair funky colours. Has an eating disorder.



Alissa Myers








Alissa is a very kind girl. She helps out when she can and tends to think about other people than herself. She is a major bookroom and spends most of time reading in her room. She's very musical and plays many instruments like the flute, piano and the violin. She can stick up for anyone that's close to her but she tends to never stick up for herself.

Basic Info

Senior in High school. Still Single


Really likes asian candy



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/319753-barbara-palvin-the-model-who-caused-jelena-split.jpg.8bb8a028bb64c882fea5d1fa37e70c8b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12270" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/319753-barbara-palvin-the-model-who-caused-jelena-split.jpg.8bb8a028bb64c882fea5d1fa37e70c8b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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