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Fandom ARK: Survival Evolved RP?


Your resident irradiated Kaiju King
Roleplay Type(s)
So, I'm a huge fan of ARK: Survival Evolved. So much so that I'm ashamed to admit how many hours I have in it on Steam alone, not counting console versions. Lol.


I'm interested in seeing if anyone else out there is a fan of ARK and might want to do an RP about it!

If you're at all interested then please keep reading!!

Here are (what I hope are) the draws of the RP:

  • You can create a character from any time period in real human history

    - (if doesn't matter if they speak different languages as I've got a way to explain the language barrier and our ability to communicate in the early stages of the RP)

  • Every creature naturally tameable in ARK can be tamed in this RP

    (I'm putting an asterisk on this to explain in the section below)

  • We will be using the actual ARK map of The Island as our starting point and will Ascend through each actual ARK story map until we reach the end

  • Modded content will be part of this RP (see the section below for explanations)

  • Death and respawning is a thing, but it IS potentially permanent (please read the section below for further details)

    - This means that you have a natural out if you find the RP not to your liking, or if you find that you're not quite satisfied with your character and want to make a new one you can die as the first one and create a new Survivor to continue the adventure!

    - Note: If you ghost from the RP I will kill your character myself in whatever manner I see fit.

  • Other survivors will be in this ARK separate from our own to serve as both allies (multiplayer alliance function) and enemies alike as we proceed through our adventure

To explain the finer details of the above points:

First, each of us will have our own HLNA companion who will translate any communication from the other survivors that our characters wouldn't naturally understand due to language barriers. For example, if one of us has a feudal Japan samurai character, and another character has a modern day British Special Forces operative who doesn't speak Japanese, the HLNA companion will translate any communication between the survivors.

In the RP, you don't need to write that HLNA did this. It's implied and understood, so you can just write dialogue like normal back and forth between posts and we'll all know that HLNA is translating and allowing this communication to take place.

Second, as mentioned every tameable creature in ARK is going to be tamable in this RP from the humble Dodo to the mighty Giganotosaurus (who, by the way, will be nerfed to be a more realistic size and relative strength level compared to the Rex, but NOT in the style of Jurassic World since that was a load of inaccurate scientific shenaniganry). Creatures not tamable in the game (viewable here are not tameable, period).

Third, Ascension will not be in levels like Gamma, Beta, Alpha. Ascension will happen only once as we move from story ARK map to story ARK map in order to proceed through the actual ARK story including the lore left behind by Helena Walker and her companions/enemies. However, this lore will come in brief spurts and not be a primary, front and center feature of the RP.

Fourth, I will be implementing modded content including the following (With an asterisk at the end of the list):

  • Upgrade Station (Use materials to make weapons/armor stronger and more durable)
  • Dino Aid Potions (We can brew potions and salves that heal our creatures faster after damaging encounters)
  • Death Recovery (A headstone we can place to instantly recover lost items if and when our characters die)
  • Dino Tracker (So if/when we die we can locate our creatures which were with us in our (temporary) last moments)
  • Bulk Crafting Stations (We can craft and smelt in bulk to save time)
  • Charcoal Baker (For rapid charcoal production)
  • Meat Spoiler (For rapid meat spoiling for narcotic creation)
  • Accessories Plus (Backpacks which increase our weight and crafting speed)
  • Homing Pigeon (Put a collar on the flying dinos and they'll automatically return to a Return Flag you've placed elsewhere on the island, such as home base, when you die or tell them to go back)
  • Beacon Enhancer (Supply Drops will actually be worth investigating and getting stuff from)
* The promised (and dreaded) asterisk with some of this modded content is that I'm implementing it as a natural part of the world. So, our characters won't think of them as "mods." It'll just be natural because a lot of them just make sense like the Upgrade Station being a method for upgrading and improving stuff, being able to make Dino Aid stuff, etc.

The Beacon Enhancer is the only oddity as I will be controlling what loot is available, as well as what Drops are available at any given time. If I don't say there's a Supply Drop anywhere nearby, there isn't one. So don't try to say your character spotted one and went to get loot that turns out to be amazing cause that'll earn you a one-way ticket out of the RP.

Fifth, I pretty much fully explained death in the RP. You can die in-world once per every seven days because the HLNA companion has a respawn function. But it takes time to recharge. If your character dies twice within 7 days they are permanently dead and will be erased from the simulation forcing you to either make a new character or withdraw from the RP.

Finally, as stated there will be other survivors in the simulation with us who will serve as allies and enemies we will meet along the way. Those which serve as enemies will be doing the same things we are by crafting weapons, armor, bases, and taming creatures to protect themselves as they search for their own way to survive and Ascend (or just become the "kings" of the simulation Island world). And yes, there will be a group or two who try to do this meaning they're 100% hostile with no chance for amicable relations which will force us to either avoid them or kill them permanently if and when we become strong enough to do so.

If you're interested please submit a character to me in DM's using this exact CS (if you don't copy-paste what's in this code box I will instantly reject your character regardless of how detailed or well-formatted it is):

[b]Name:[/b] Please be realistic and accurate to your character's background
[b]Picture:[/b] (anime preferred, CG acceptable)

[b]Age:[/b] The youngest allowed will be 18 years of age
[b]Date of Birth:[/b] (use real world dates appropriate for the time period they come from)
[b]Height:[/b] Be appropriate
[b]Weight:[/b] Be appropriate
[b]Voice:[/b] (please find a voice example on YouTube and link it here)

[b]Personality:[/b] (Please provide a least one paragraph with five sentences describing their personality)

[b]Biography:[/b] (Please provide at least one paragraph outlining the basics of their most important life events leading up to the moment they were transported to the ARK)

Thank you!!
Played a load of Ark in my younger days. Iโ€™m totally down.

Be expecting a sheet coming your way soon.

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