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Fantasy Arivale, The City in the Sky

June Smith
"God, you really think I'd do something that shitty? Well, you're right."

The form that June usually takes is as pictured. While she sometimes makes herself different depending on who she is talking to, this is what she looks like in her day to day life. She wears rather casual clothes even if the situation shows she should be in something more formal. Comfy is best in her opinion. She stands at about 5'9" with pale skin and brown eyes. While she looks lanky and weak, she is a lot stronger than you'd think.

  • June is a total wildcard. Her personality is often different depending on who she is talking to or what she wants. The side of her that one person knows will not be the same as the next. She is generally known to be a pleasant girl despite her love for pranks and sometimes rude jokes. While those are her favorite things, she pays attention and tries not to cross any lines. She will try to be your friend until you give her a reason to not want to be near you. She is the type of person to either love you or hate you, there's no in between. Once you're on her bad side, unless you do something over the top, you will usually stay on her bad side forever.

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scaryyangell said:

June Smith
"God, you really think I'd do something that shitty? Well, you're right."

The form that June usually takes is as pictured. While she sometimes makes herself different depending on who she is talking to, this is what she looks like in her day to day life. She wears rather casual clothes even if the situation shows she should be in something more formal. Comfy is best in her opinion. She stands at about 5'9" with pale skin and brown eyes. While she looks lanky and weak, she is a lot stronger than you'd think.

  • June is a total wildcard. Her personality is often different depending on who she is talking to or what she wants. The side of her that one person knows will not be the same as the next. She is generally known to be a pleasant girl despite her love for pranks and sometimes rude jokes. While those are her favorite things, she pays attention and tries not to cross any lines. She will try to be your friend until you give her a reason to not want to be near you. She is the type of person to either love you or hate you, there's no in between. Once you're on her bad side, unless you do something over the top, you will usually stay on her bad side forever.

hmmm... She's okay. Just keep in mind that she does need to have the ability to fly or levitate in some way. Otherwise, there is no way for her to leave the city or enter other areas of it then the one she is already in. If you give her some way to fly, you will be accpeted
SmittenKitten said:
hmmm... She's okay. Just keep in mind that she does need to have the ability to fly or levitate in some way. Otherwise, there is no way for her to leave the city or enter other areas of it then the one she is already in. If you give her some way to fly, you will be accpeted
Oh, okay. I added in teleportaion (hopefully it's not too op with the way I described it)
Name: Kynerith Loran

Species:Fire nymph

Age(if you want, but not necessary):

Powers/Abilities: Complete fire manipulation, the tips of her hair is fire, and flames up when she's angry. She has quite the silver tongue.



Easily angered, sarcastic, hard to make friends with, keeps to herself, easily amused, very manipulating, liar, cares for herself.

Faction: Lahare
DarknessSpirit said:
Name: Kynerith Loran
Species:Fire nymph

Age(if you want, but not necessary):

Powers/Abilities: Complete fire manipulation, the tips of her hair is fire, and flames up when she's angry. She has quite the silver tongue.



Easily angered, sarcastic, hard to make friends with, keeps to herself, easily amused, very manipulating, liar, cares for herself.

Faction: Lahare
Name: Rune

Species: Dragon



Rune has the ability to shift between 3 forms


Dragon Knight


Dragons judgement- an intense blast of magic and fire, this ability is purely offensive.

Dragons force- a barrier of pure magic energy, often meant to defend large areas that his body alone can't cover

Dragons talon- a crescent arc, only usable in human form, that empowers his blade in elemental energy.

Looks: (anime pics only, please)


Dragon Knight


Personality: Rune is very laid back and difficult to anger. He lets everything go and hardly ever retaliates...unless his friend is insulted. He is very temperamental matters concerning allies

Faction: Faerun

Additional Information: Rune's Dragon Knight form is what he calls his "combat" form.

The Dragon form is a last ditch effort, and isn't to be taken lightly. This isn't rune. This is an animal, plain and simple.
Mistory1997 said:
Name: Rune
Species: Dragon



Rune has the ability to shift between 3 forms


Dragon Knight


Dragons judgement- an intense blast of magic and fire, this ability is purely offensive.

Dragons force- a barrier of pure magic energy, often meant to defend large areas that his body alone can't cover

Dragons talon- a crescent arc, only usable in human form, that empowers his blade in elemental energy.

Looks: (anime pics only, please)


Dragon Knight


Personality: Rune is very laid back and difficult to anger. He lets everything go and hardly ever retaliates...unless his friend is insulted. He is very temperamental matters concerning allies

Faction: Faerun

Additional Information: Rune's Dragon Knight form is what he calls his "combat" form.

The Dragon form is a last ditch effort, and isn't to be taken lightly. This isn't rune. This is an animal, plain and simple.
First dragon! I like it! Accepted~

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