Demestral Asella
Andouphe- Docks
Andouphe- Docks
Score! With Fergie as the Quartermaster, the crew had as much of a down-to-earth bridge between her and them as they could get. Since the Mozreliun fight, Demi had been feeling slightly insecure. Like it or not, she had demonstrated strength able to melt through
"I'm ever grateful for your support, Sebas. Past and present," Demi said with a smile. In true noble fashion, she bowed at the waist in respect to him.
"Now it's my turn to say drop the formalities," He responded with a chuckle, brushing it off. "You're my sister in arms." It always made her happy to hear those words, but they were now doubly so when they came out of the mouths of Sebas and Fergie. If there were 2 people she would hesitate to destroy if Elewynn gave the order to, it would be them. I am their sister in arms, she thought. I pray I never have to take the blade to you, Sebas. Though you
When Bogrum offered his congratulations and gave his own hopeful words, she was happy that she had won his confidence as well without it being laced with fear. "Good luck yourself, Captain," Demi said, returning the salute as snappy as possible, "If you need anything, I will assist to the best of my ability. No more formalities from you either." Demi was more than
"My Lady, your belongings have been moved to the Captain's Quarters." Her faithful maid had sat by quietly until there was a slight pause
"Right..... Then let's move." It was time for business. "Fergie, I will give you a back brief later."
Demi took her leave from the group. She had a ship to oversee effective immediately and she needed to get moving. Time to go from Squad Leader of the Beast Riders to the Captain of the Hackle. She also needed to bestow onto the Deputy Squad Leader the position of Squad Leader
Sebas Deadeye
Andouphe-Docks -----------> The Canine Captain's Quarters
Andouphe-Docks -----------> The Canine Captain's Quarters
"Yeah, we have to do a passdown of captain shit," Sebas told Bogrum, "Luckily since I'm here with you taking only a slight demotion, this passdown will be pretty easy." It took a lot to pass down a ship from the outgoing captain to the incoming captain. Demi had it easy since she would be the inaugural captain of the Hackle. Bogrum had it easy since his quartermaster was the former captain so he had all the time in the world to get the orc spun up on how to run one of these ships.
Nancy came over and inquired how to help in the transition. He was offering a body, so Sebas wouldn't hold back in putting him to work. "We do indeed. Let's go," Sebas told Nancy and started walking. His destination was the Captain's quarters of the Canine so he could move his stuff. It wasn't a far move by any means. "Be thinking about your alchemy shit and your needs. I'll not bother learning about it, but you'll be the teacher if either of the girls ask questions."
He flicked his crystal twice. Sebas to Nancy, he said over the crystal, not bothering to see if Nancy received it. He did. The Goddess was who gave him the signature so there was zero doubt. Listen, your beef with the Goddess is yours, he told Nancy, before reverting back to his own voice while they walked. "I'll not mention Her. I'll not pass any messages to you from Her, and I will only bring Her up when it's necessary." This was a win-win because Sebas didn't communicate with the Goddess unless absolutely necessary. He'd give his prayers in tribute for what she did for Lostro, but never would Sebas feel like the Goddess was the way to go for him, especially after what's been done with Nancy.
The duo made it to the room. "You start moving Orabelle's stuff. She's off with Doc. Lostro can move all her stuff at the same time, so that's what she'll be doing." Ora's stuff was mostly religious stuff and books on Holy Magic and others on Water Magic.
"You'll be sleeping in the Quartermaster's Suite with us." Sebas didn't have a bed prepared for Nancy, but he would get Nancy either a cot or a hammock in one of the corners. "I'll get you a cot or a hammock or something so you're not on that stale-ass wooden floor." He tapped on Ora's large tank full of Holy Water. It alone would take up an entire wall of a room. This cost quite a lot to get made, though the water was free, courtesy of the little one being able to generate it herself. "This is Ora's bed. It must be moved with far too much strength for me to do so we'll be getting either Naka to move it, or we'll get some mage to move it," he explained, "In general, you will check the tank for cleanliness on a daily basis while she is NOT in the tank. Ora generally keeps it clean, but you will be the adult to verify its cleanliness. I'll show you how later." The Holiness in the water generally kept the water treated in purified, but once it fell below a certain threshold, the water had to be drained and refilled. For cleanliness, Ora is a child, and a Triton nonetheless. Fish weren't exactly known for etiquette in where to poop and piss in the waters they swam in. The best solution was to keep the water treated to prevent having to drain it often. While Ora generally learned to do her business like everyone else, that sort of went away when she was in the tank. The concept of "soiling herself" only existed when she was moving among landwalkers and wearing landwalker clothes. That being said, she did her business before bedtime so the issue wasn't prolific enough to be a big deal. There was also the general body oils and BO that came with living. She wasn't required to bathe before bed, since the tank would cleanse her entirely overnight. However, not bathing before bed would contribute to having to clean the tank more often. It was a matter of cleaning yourself now or taking the pain in the ass time to drain the tank later.
"When we're done and settled in the new room, get a list of basic alchemy shit so I can get that stuff for you. If you're not working, I'll need you NOT attached to my hip while I am." Sebas was a man of business. If there wasn't a task to be worked on, he wanted to be left alone. Plus, getting Nancy his necessities would give him some form of familiarity in this unfamiliar world on this unfamiliar ship full of unfamiliar people away from the few familiar people he knew.
The ships were loaded up quickly, and the pirates choosing their living places. Those in the bay chose their hammock or cot, and their place in the bay. Those given their own rooms chose their rooms unless specially assigned to them (ie. the Quartermaster's quarters). The ship's supplies were inventoried, bad food sent back to be replaced. Lattice took extra care in setting up Demi's quarters as closely to the original as possible. The Beast Wing had its own wing of the ship just like with The Canine. Only this time, the Hackle would hold ALL beasts. Ash and Mama Bear had to manage the things on the largest ship effective immediately and had little time for passdown from the outgoing quartermaster. It make her wonder why the hell weren't one of Adonis's circle serving as the Quartermaster if one of his circle was serving as co-captain. Still, if Ash weren't used to running around and thinking quickly, she would be swimming with cement shoes in trying to figure out what to do, but since her specialty was in the troops, she took to it.
Sebas and Nancy got the Quartermaster's Room picked up and moved. It wasn't far since they were on the same ship, and Sebas was conscious enough to not pack out his Captain's Quarters, so the moving was smooth. Lostro came by later to move all her stuff far faster than Sebas and Nancy did, and without breaking a sweat. Steven moved to fulfill the Chaplain position on The Canine, so he moved to the Chaplain's Quarters, clearing the room of the departed Chaplain and then ritually burning the more personal belongings he had, a symbol of sending his things so he could have them in his afterlife. He noticed that the Chaplain served Altalune, Goddess of the Full Moon, so he just performed the last rites to Altalune to ensure She received her follower's belongings. Now he had a neat new room.
Meanwhile, Jack got moved to a new and bigger bay with less people, so all he had to do was move his safe with his belongings. As the sort of "bay leader" he was given relative prime real estate. Duradel's position did not change either, and neither did Kersact. They stayed at the Armory and the Vault respectively. Avery's spot in the Beast Wing of The Canine did not change. He still had every intention of sleeping in Sebas's room, though he did cozy it up once he heard that Nancy would be moving in. A little twinge of jealousy hit him, but he knew Sebas was looking after Nancy. If he fucked a fish before he fucked him, Avery would probably be eating Locathah filet.
Doc had her equipment set up with the help of Orabelle. Her staff had everything they needed, and her position didn't change. The Chief Medic of the Basenjis. Orabelle was given a little space in the Medical Bay to put more of her stuff and her own little equipment. She had already been sleeping in the bed with Laylah anyways on those particularly busy days where they both ran themselves ragged and Ora couldn't drag herself back to her actual room. She had been given the title of Apprentice Medic, working directly under the tutelage of Dr. Laylah
Nothing changed with Evangeline. She was the Master Enforcer of the Basenjis and ran the Chapel on the Basenji Main Ship. Nothing changed. Her door stayed locked under the penalty of instant death if someone ever entered without permission, as posted on the door. The Chapel itself was open 24/7. Just not Evangeline's Office which doubled as her bedroom like everyone else's spaces. Very few in the Basenjis in one of these specialized positions slept separate from where they worked. A ship's space was finite afterall.
Everyone was almost set to get this next mission on the road