Music Are you able to play an instrument?


Cold Blooded Idiot
The title says it all. For me, i able to play Violin and Piano. I'm also in progress to learn Singing (well it's not an instrument but I don't know why I want to put it)

How about you guys? Fancy playing an instrument?
I can play the guitar at a beginner-intermediate level, if that's what you call being able to play. I bought a violin maybe 3 years ago and haven't touched it in ages ><. Hopefully I can get the motivation to learn it soon.
I've plaid Guitar for 8 you could say I have mastered it in a way.

And the drums...even got my own drum-set xD
Vexxum said:
I've plaid Guitar for 8 you could say I have mastered it in a way.
And the drums...even got my own drum-set xD

Acheivement Unlocked: Well Plaid!

I play the piano, the flute, guitar, ukulele, spirit flute (which is basically a tenor recorder xD ) and the recorder. :P
I play acoustic guitar because I think it has a sound to it that just relates to me you know? I think that every song I have played on my guitar gave me more motivation to continue with what I am doing today and it just intrigues me on how music can make us move onto better things. I love the band three days grace and I've learned some of their acoustic guitar songs along with some seether. I love music, I want to show my emotions through music even if its just playing an instrument, if you put more feeling into it, it will show a major difference on how you feel.
I can play the flute quite well, as well as the piccolo. I am also currently learning guitar! I really do suck at it though.
I was a teenage flautist, but it's not really an instrument that's much fun without a band. Now I mess around with the ukulele, but I can only keep about three songs in my head at any one time! I'm thinking of joining a club in the new year.
I've been rocking the Bass guitar for nearly ten years... on and off. I've recently got back into playing it after a three year hiatus. All told though, I've been a frequent player for at least five years. When I lived up in North Wales, I used to play a lot of open mic jam sessions at this awesome little pub in Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch on the weekends, and I've studied music in college though I haven't yet actually finished a course because I've been moving home so damn often. But, I'm currently taking a BTEC Level 3 course in music technology now that I'm finally settled in life, and that's like the equivalent of three A-Levels. Not that I plan on pursuing music as a career, but it's something that will benefit me in my future endeavours! (>n<)

More recently, I've been learning how to use the Microkorg synthesiser. Beautiful piece of hardware that allows you to craft almost any sound you desire. You don't need to be an amazing musician to play one; just a basic understanding of notes and chords, etc. and a good mind for song structure and the like. And patience. You need a lot of that too because you can spend hours messing with the sound settings and still not get the sound you want. It's fun though, and you can do some really neat things with it. I plan on buying my own one at some point soon so I don't have to borrow the one from college.

Err... Just looked outside my window now and noticed that it looks like you could go for a swim in my neighbour's back garden because of all this rain. I used to play the snare drum in the Marine Cadets marching band many many years ago and we used to make our own drumkits using their whole drum section during practice sometimes. Snare drum, bass drum, tenor drum, cymbal and triangle. That was a good laugh, and that's kinda stuck with me since because I can lay down some pretty groovy groves. (*U*)

I'll have to upload a song I wrote, featuring a couple of college buddies of mine. Simple instrumental piece that we did for one of our assignments.
I've been playing the guitar for the past six or seven months, and I've been playing the bass for about two weeks, but I'm really passionate about it and I'm learning really fast.
Well I just set up a sound cloud and uploaded two versions of a song me and a couple of others did as a college assignment. I figure that when I get some extra funds coming through, I'll be able to do a lot more so my profile will be more full of stuff.

Notes: V1 is the first take. The three of us were only just starting to get familiar with using Logic so it was a huge learning curve that had us cooped up in the studio for the better part of two days. And then there's V2, where we went back and remastered everything and added in a bunch of extra stuff to really pad out the track. The cheesy power metal scream near the end was thrown in partly for shits and giggles and partly because we needed to demonstrate being able to throw in a vocal sample and use effects on it and shit. You'll notice a massive improvement on the overall quality between V1 and V2 though. And considering one of the guitarists had never even touched a guitar before making this instrumental, I'd say we did a banging job with it! Oh, and the guy who did the power metal scream... We didn't even know him. He just popped into the theatre while we were pratting around recording tons of drum sounds and we never saw him again afterwards. (>n<)

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I've been playing the piano for about three to four-ish years...? I also starting playing the clarinet last year. I want to learn guitar but I doubt I will anytime soon. I also have a recorder and I've played it for one to two years, but then I stopped to focus on piano.

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