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Fantasy Arcadia


Aggressive lesbian
The Division: one day a discovery was made by the Collage of Rou, one of the highest honored organizations in Arcadia at the time. this discovery was that of a strange relic, buried deep within the world. it held great power that rivaled all else. At first its power was shared throughout the world to further better it and make miracles. but in time greed did get the best of those who used it and there was a division among the peoples of arcadia. coveting the relic. the initial struggles to take the relic were small, but in time they grew larger and larger until eventually there was only two sides to the struggle. two countries. The Crimson Empire, and the Cerulean Kingdom. 

The First War: As these countries rose, they fought one another for power of the relic. A great and bloody war that tore apart Arcadia itself, was waged. it lasted 20 long years and by the end of it neither side won, Arcadia was all but destroyed, and the relic had vanished. the two countries called for a cease-fire in order to start rebuilding their world. but bitter resentment still flowed through both sides. 

Modern Times: Its been about 7 years since the cease-fire was declared, but things only seem to be getting worse. the environments of the world continue to deteriorate and the tensions between the Crimson Empire and Cerulean Kingdom are rising. The war is dead set to come back with fire on its heals. It just needs a spark.


Sand Elves: once normal, mortal women who lived in what is now called The Great Arcadian Wasteland. The Sand Elves are beings who were magically infused to the desert by the nuke-like weapons used to destroy the cities of the desert. Essentially turning them into living sand and glass. (ask for details.)

High Elves: The star children of magic in Arcadia. they are known for their beauty and skill with magic.

Plain Elves: The original inhabitants of the now poison plains. Plain Elves are basically the child of humans and high elves, half-breeds if you will. their looks range from divine to grotesque, but their key feature is their blood red eyes. they are in tune with magic, but not nearly as much as high elves.

Humans: (do I really have to explain here?)

Dragons: the winged (or wingless) sentient beasts of the sky. they are tuned to a unique form of magic that allows even the youngest dragon to bend the rules of this world with their voice. their looks very depending on their mother. which can range from being a dragon, to something like a human, or even a rat.

Goblins: The quite spell swords of Arcadia. these beings are mostly fighters by nature and are often ugly. They are skilled with both  blade and magic. As a result of their lack of speech they often communicate with actions, such as dance, rather than any formal communication, though they are capable of it.

Un-Dead: As the name suggests, the un-dead are those death has abandoned through a natural force. their original memories and lives are retained. often times they are seen as average  members of society, unless of coarse they get mistaken for a zombie.

Zombies: Like the un-dead, zombies are those death has abandoned. But unlike the un-dead, zombies are abandoned through other, more unnatural means. most of them are a result of illegal necromancy. further, they do not remember their former selves and are usually seen as second class citizens or even slaves.

Ware-Wolves: Ware-Wolves are beings who have handed their entire being over to nature. weather it be by choice or accident. in society most ware-wolves are seen as average, if not dangerous, people who mostly just want to be left alone.

Vampires:  Vampires are often misunderstood beings. seen as a disease by many people and are hunted by the few evil enough to “cure” them. as a result most vampires keep their vampire blood a secret. they do need to feed. on either blood or magic itself. (ill explain the feeding bit later, and yes, they can walk in the sunlight.)

Kiev: The Kiev (Key-Ev) are a strange being to be seen in arcadia. Mainly because none of them can use magic at all and also because of how similar they are to  each other. because of their lack of magic the kiev make many intricate machines to overcome their obstacles in the world. the kiev work like bees in a hive and actually share many personality traits with those they grew up with directly. don’t mistake them for being all the same though. each kiev is their own person in small, unique ways. (note: the kiev knda look like small humans and they love to wear armor. also, they are Asexual and genderless.... sort of. just, ask for details.)

Chesspieces: Chesspieces are living suits of armor, originally created by wizards who were simply too cheap to hire guards. chesspieces are born to serve their creators until death. when their creators die they are free to live their own lives as individual beings. each one is unique and has their own personality. however they do have one thing that makes them all alike, other than being empty armor. and that one thing is their fierce loyalty and devotion to anything or anyone they deem worthy, weather it be a cause they truly believe in or a stray cat that kept them company.

Changelings:  Changelings are the shape shifters of Arcadia and can change their forms to that of any being they desire. They have no form of their own however, and often have difficulty finding themselves. as a result most changelings are extremely susceptible to multi-personality disorders throughout their younger years. but almost all of them settle as one person eventually. 

Animus: Born from nature, magic, and elves. The animus are the animal folk of Arcadia. The animus are as varied as nature itself and share both sentient and animal traits. Each one has the abilities of whichever animal they share traits with and are often known to be able to transform into that animal as well. this is the reason most people dont typically see them, or at least, dont think they see them.

(as a note, zombies and un-dead can be something other than just human, but it only effects their looks and is purely aesthetic.)


Crimson and Cerulean Provinces: The two lands rebuilt successfully after the first war. The provinces are also the only places where there is any form of large scale government. 
these lands range from simple forests to large ornate cities. the inhabitants are as varied as you can find in the world of Arcadia. (Note: the provinces are on opposite sides of the world.) 
(The crimson is a fairly warrior like society. Dedicated to a militaristic lifestyle. Their mages often practice the art of destruction. They are not a destructive people however. They learned from the war as did the cerulean. They use their military might to protect the world.

The cerulean kingdom is a very artistic and advanced society(the equivalent of Atlantis) they specialize in creation, preservation, and the arts. Their mages practice ways to prolong life, building magical structures, and giving life to inanimate objects(making beings such as chesspieces) they however are not entirely a society that desires good for the world. They hold it to their hearts to find the relic and use it to reshape the world as they see fit. )

Scar of Arcadia: This baron and lifeless canyon, this scar on the face of Arcadia, was the final battleground of the first war. it is by far the most damaged land in Arcadia. no plants grow on the rocky terrain of the scar and not even the most enduring being could survive here for more than a day without some form of artificial protection.  

The Ever-Growing Graveyard: The Ever-Growing Graveyard was a made as a result of the first war. the Graveyard is beyond massive and stretches out for miles. underneath it is a city of the un-dead and zombies alike. mind you there are a few vampires here and there, but they aren't very common.  

The Flotilla: Here is where the vast majority of the Kiev live. Shortly after the relic was found, the Kiev sought a way to escape the destruction that its power was sure to bring upon the land. It took them years and all of their resources to create this massive legion of these highly advanced flying structures. They were wise to do so. Shortly after they left the ground war broke out and destroyed much of the lands. 

The Shifting Badlands: The shifting badlands are what use to be the Faye Mountains. sometime during the first war the Crimson empire cast a curse on the entire chain that brought the mountains to life and made them drive out the Cerulean soldiers that hid within. the Crimson Empire had planed to undo the curse so they could occupy it. but as they went to do so the Cerulean kingdom cast their own curse to stop the crimson. it mixed with the curse already in place. making the lands even more unstable and wild. now the place is one impossible to navigate or map because where a mountain would be one day, a chasm would replace it the next. 

Darkwood: this place has changed little since the war. in fact the only thing that has changed is the size of the place. it has grown to a size at least twice as large as before, due to it eating up the abandoned towns that skirted along it. darkwood is a the darkest forest in arcadia, somewhere light was only allowed to reach for only an hour a day. it is filled with living trees, ware-wolves, and white-skinned animals. at its center however there is a town built into the ancient trees of the forest. its inhabited by druids, nymphs, spriggings, and the occasional self-aware ware wolf.

The poison Plains: once known simply as the soft plains, a place where many people once lived in tiny farming towns dotted across the landscape, is a poisoned field where only the most horrific and poisonous plants grow with beasts to match them. most of the towns were fled, but the few that remained became iron forts and prisons. existing on the edge of civilization. 

The mourning Tree: What use to be the single largest living thing in Arcadia and the symbol of all of Arcadia's fortune and life once known as The Morning Tree. the mourning tree is now the symbol of all that has gone wrong in Arcadia and all the death the first war brought. The mourning tree is the single tallest thing in Arcadia. so much so that it looks down on mountains and can be seen from anywhere in Arcadia.... anywhere. 

The Screaming Mountain:  once, the screaming mountain was a relaxing summer retreat. a place to get away from all the noise of the city. but after a large amount of psychological warfare during the first war it has become a place of unrest and insanity and now serves as Arcadia’s largest psyche ward, housing only the mad and those crazy enough to keep them there. 
The Great Arcadian Wasteland: Once known as the Arcadian hot lands, a desert wonderland built before the first war, is now just a barren and hellish land filled with the ruins of the world before, where the only inhabitants were once mortal women who have been transformed into what the people of Arcadia call sand elves.  

The Edge: This is quite literally, the end of the world, or just the edge for you less dramatic people. be careful, you might fall off. 

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