

The First Iron Warrior
Tinman submitted a new role play. @Tinman, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Race: (for magical races name two because you can be an elf vampire technically)




Name: Finkbrink Tosselspanner (Fink for short)

Race: Gnome (Member of the Clerics Order)

Sex: Male

Appearence: (The one in the front seat)


Fink was a somewhat normal Gnome (if gnomes can be concidered normal) living his life as a tinkerer fixing things, that is until one day a mysterious figure came into his shop and wanted him to fix a watch. It was when he was nearly done when The stranger started to change right before his eyes. This man was now a Werewolf and doing what any gnome would he tried to outrun and out think his foe, the only thing was is that Fink is only 3 "6 and was easily caught by the faster wolf. after that all he remembers is waking up in the Clerics Fort being healed by both


Quite Qwerky and loves adventure, high risk situations, the rush of almost getting caught, and food. He has been know to glorify tales of himself and seeks to pull out the best in others, besides if he is going to have a sidekick he is going to need someone as awesome as he is. Getting to know who he truely is, is harder then it seems but when he makes a friend he makes it for life.
Name: Loraine Rose

Race: Human, turned Vampire

Sex: Female



History: Loraine worked as a medicinal alchemist, and though magic had been banned her practice wasn't bothered. Until one day her fate turned ill. A customer entered her shop after closing hours, but he had been no ordinary customer. She was attacked by a starved vampire and though she managed to slay him, it had been too late for her, the bite was already taking effect. She quickly abandoned her home and shop knowing that if she was discovered she would be killed. Still practicing as an alchemist, she now sticks to the shadows and the darkness of night continually on the run.

Personality: She was kind and tenderhearted in her human years, but being turned into a vampire and being on the run has made her closed off, distrusting and reserved though that kindness still lies deep inside her now non-beating heart. 
Name: Nisha Daeris

Race: Elf

Sex: Female



History: Born and raised in elvish clan that's focus was on stealth and combat rather than magic the purge didn't effect her life greatly. Later on she left her clan using the skills she learned from a young age to become a rouge for hire.

Personality: Calm and collected she sticks to her own strict moral code. She is typically reserved but can be openly friendly. She is always cautious and keeps an open mind about everything and everyone a habit of her training.









A pure werewolf, she hid in the forest with her pack and grew up in secrecy. One day, her father sent her out to go hunt, she hadn't eaten in days and she was starving. She reluctantly said yes and left the home. She was on one side of the forest, her pack on the other half. They were so far apart that she couldn't hear the howls and screeches of her dying pack.When she returned, her pack was dead. The sole member left of her pack.


Confident in her decisions, rude sometimes, reserved, very moody, She is altogether another person if she likes you. She is funny, sarcastic, a smart aleck, but either way, she can be really pessimistic.
Name: Skyric Ae-un Morte.

Race: Human, but with slightly heightened senses, reflexes, agility, and strength. Also has a higher pain tolerance, but that's from getting constantly scratched and injured by things.

Sex: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/a18efe6ea42f59bf729408d16ceae784.jpg.30511a4314f0d557aebcaaf5f433d079.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18083" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/a18efe6ea42f59bf729408d16ceae784.jpg.30511a4314f0d557aebcaaf5f433d079.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Skyric has lived all her life in a village of Beast-masters, one of the few left after the purge. Her village, though some might call what they do magic, were allowed to live, them being the only ones able to tame and breed certain animals, the animals in question being wild and dangerous; Just what nobles and royalty love.

Her people rejected most technology, sticking to traditional methods of living, more like a tribe than a village. They work with both hostile and non-hostile animals, and are not savages as people think. They have a strict code, or rules shall we say, and are not afraid to enforce it.

Some do practice magic, but nothing spectacular, and almost no strangers come to the village so it hasn't been a problem yet.

They do not fear the day, when or if, the king decides he no longer has need of them, ordering his army upon them for slaughter.

Personality: Hard-working, brave, wild, confidant. Very reckless, but somehow hasn't gotten herself killed yet. Sweet and caring if she gets attached to you, and fiercely loyal. Not good at handling strangers, or really anyone outside her village, and can be a bit prickly. Not afraid to say what she thinks, but knows her place. Hates technology, the idea of the purge, crying, and unnecessary death.



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Name: William "Halo" Bell

Race: Human Vampire

Sex: Male



History: Born William Bell, Halo was the third son in a religious family. Halo was born with slight magical capabilities for some reason, which scared his parents, so he was forced to live in a temple from the age of 4 to be purified. He lived the regular temple life, pretending to believe in the crazy stories they told him, until he was 16, at which point he got priested and they changed his name to Halo. He was to spread the teachings in a small chapel, back in his hometown, which he also did until he shortly after he turned 21. That day, a woman in a cloak came into his chapel late at night, just after a sermon, and started talking to him about what he thought happened after death. People did this all the time, so he just went along with it, but as soon as the last person left the church, she stopped talking. She just stood there for a moment, then she looked at him, whispered "Sorry", and the next thing he remembers is waking up on the floor in a small pool of his own blood, only to realize that he's now a vampire. Seeing as he was now a vampire, he didn't feel bad about using magic anymore, since he was technically illegal either way.

Personality: Despite the teachings that were shoved down his throat for 12 years, Halo isn't religious. He likes most of the values of his religion, but he doesn't believe in the god. He's quiet and calm, and tends to try to help other people, or offer advice, but mainly for people like himself, who are hunted. He prefers to get out of situations without using violence. He smokes. He may seem arrogant or belittling, but he unless he has personal connections to a person, he thinks everyone has the same value, and would give his life for a complete stranger, if the chance was offered. He does his best to keep his diet as human as possible, only drinking the blood of people when ultimately necessary.
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Name: Alverian Shadowshard

Race: (for magical races name two because you can be an elf vampire technically) Vampire/werewolf

Sex: Male

Appearence: Vampire form:

Werewolf form:

History: Alverian was born a hybrid one of the first of his kind. Raised by a vampire sorcerer his father, and his mother a lycan battle worrier. As a child he was trained in the various forms of combat as well as the art of war. When he matured into his teens he was tought by his father in the ways or magice. Raised as he was he did wonder why he was kept ferom the other children in there secluded tiny villige hidden from the world they could no longer exist in. When he reached 21 the age where his physical appearence would no longer change with time he entered his first state of change. Normally a vampire would not under go this till there first 1,000 years, but given his heritage his came prematurelly. When he emerged from his 50 year slumber he was know a adult fully able to use his abillitys. He was given blood from both his parents giving him the knowledge they possesed by way of passing there memories through blood. This was a ability all vampires possesed. Afterwards he entered into the small battle group his villige possesed raiding small isolated places along with the occasional patrol miles away from there chosen residence. On the day of his 500 th birthday battalions of knights and palidens stormed their small community killing everyone in sight. Alverian wanted despretly to fight back, but as his parents did what they could they knew it was lost. They instructed Alverian to flee taking only what he needed to survive the harsh world. Reluctant he fled leaving his parents to what he knew was their death. Hatred filled his heart knowing that he did nothing as well as hatred for those who killed his family including the empire they came from.

250 years later:

Alverian Know roams the lands never staying in one place long he searches for whatever intel he can find as well as gathering what reasorces he can. He currently resides in a small town owning a small shop for alchemical potions along with various other objects.

Personality: He is calm with a calculative look he generally is polite and friendly, but when threatened or sences danger he will put on a calm face while underneath is prepared for ingagment. He has a strong sence of morality.
Oh and also look at the occ section (seems when i posted in there it didnt bring up a notification)
Name: Lance Stoneshield

Race: Human Paladin

Sex: Male


In armor:

History: Was born and raised by the Paladins and eventually became one himself when he came of age. fighting magical creatures he has fought for years and learned how to dampen the magical abilities of others. Seeing the Paladins as family he protects them and fights for them with all that he has and will defend them from the horrors he has seen.

Personality: Strong and sure of himself and all that the paladins stand for. he tends to not care for stupid people or people that canniot hold their own.
Name: Michael Pierce

Race: Paladin

Sex: Male

Appearence: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Paladin.jpeg.e279821a921f97b44170eee40588f754.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18305" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Paladin.jpeg.e279821a921f97b44170eee40588f754.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Michael is following the path of his father, a legend among the Paladins, and after his father's death, dawns his armor. The armor gives boosts his strength and ability, but the longer its worn the more this armor taints the soul. With this great power comes great consequence, yet Michael dawns his father's armor with pride, risking his life and soul for what it is that means most to him

Personality: Use to be care free but loyal and diligent, but seems to be slowly becoming colder, more detached, as well as, vicious, malevolent, and sadistic 
Name: Ace

Race: Werewolf

Sex: Male

Appearence: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/ace.jpg.db9bd5e9418f390e593fe0d14af77bc2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18306" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/ace.jpg.db9bd5e9418f390e593fe0d14af77bc2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/aces.jpg.0cf6cdc85d9050229b83c95a9b5afd1a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18307" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/aces.jpg.0cf6cdc85d9050229b83c95a9b5afd1a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Had been living under the radar since he can remember. His packs creed specified that they were to be as covert as possible, but Ace was never good at following the rules. Falling for a Paladin's daughter he put the entirety of his pack at risk, and further did so by revealing himself to his lover. She accepted him and all would have been well had it not been for her brother, who eavesdropped on their conversation. The next day when Ace was suppose to meet up with his lover she came running and crying to him, the last thing he heard from her was "sorry" before he was set upon. Him and his pack were rounded up and locked away and forced to fight each other to death in the dungeons for amusement. He ended up being the lone survivor, or champion, but was left to rot. His lover eventually came to his aid and broke him out and pleaded for his forgiveness, and after he told her he could never forgive her betrayal she later killed herself out of depression

Personality: A happy facade hiding the pain and sorrow he constantly feels. He feels the void within him by replacing the sadness with fury and rage and the lust for the blood of those who had condemned him and his brethren to kill one another. His smile hides his sorrow as well as concealing his murderous intent



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