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Community ~*April 2024 Buddy Event!*~

Michael & Free


Arriving at the scene of the confrontation, Michael quickly assessed the situation, noting the positions and actions of the others as they engaged with the titan Mudruck. The creature's size and the power behind its movements were formidable, but Michael saw an opportunity in its slow reaction to the attackers' efforts. With Free by his side, he knew they had to act fast and smart to make their contribution count.

As the titan Mudruck raised its arm, preparing to swipe down at its assailants, Michael recognized the immediate threat.

"Free, dodge and get closer!"

he commanded, his voice cutting through the tension of the battle. His instruction was clear, aimed at avoiding the initial attack while positioning Free for a more effective counter.

Free, embodying its windy nature even in the heat of battle, moved with surprising agility. The Buddy's unique blend of abilities gave it an edge in trying to dodge the titan's coming swing.

Michael watched closely as Free executed the maneuver, closing the distance between itself and the Mudruck.

Positioned at a safe distance, Michael prepared to command Free's next move, his focus sharp.

mentions: Moonberry Moonberry
actions: dodging mudruck's attack

10/10 balls
1/1 bait
3 wind buddies
1 wind/lightning/metal buddy +1 speed +1 intelligence (Free)
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Moonberry Moonberry

Adelhein was searching for another buddy to capture and study, when his search had come to a stop. The rumbling he was hearing from the center of the Mesa zone had caught his attention and, when he looked up, he saw a humongous rock formation moving. At first, he thought it was his senses playing tricks on him, probably from the earlier exposure to different volcanic gazes in the previous zone he was in. Whoever, after keep his eyes locked onto the moving rock formation, he would soon come to the realization that it was actually a creature!

It resembled his own Petrodillo slightly, yet its height was towering, casting an ominous shadow upon the earthy terrain. The teen's surprise would only last a moment, however, as he noticed the creature was already engaged with several other smaller creatures. Not only that, those creatures also appeared to be accompanied by others, who probably had also joined the professor's experiment. Curious to see the abilities of the creatures he had captured so far, he would approach the battle scene, using his own [Elemental Affinity Metal F] to create a makeshift, coarse seat, which resembled a throne, albeit with jagged edges due to his own fledging manipulation of metal. Sitting down on it, the young magus crossed his legs, leaning into one of the arm-rests. "Well, time to see what you are all about, Metallumino." He said, a slight flicker of excitement on his voice as he pointed at the gargantuan creature, ordering the creature to join in on the defense.

Saber Alter observed the unfolding scene intently, gauging threats and opportunities amid the brewing chaos. When her Master summoned his metallic creature to engage the melee, she turned her keen eyes upon it expectantly.

Remaining positioned protectively at Adelhein's side, Saber Alter maintained her vigilance. Her hand rested loosely yet readily upon Excalibur Morgan's hilt, prepared to draw the cursed blade in an instant should any danger arise. Though Adelhein appeared casually intrigued, Saber Alter never allowed her guard to drop even momentarily.

Her focus shifted between the combatants, analyzing fighting styles and abilities with a veteran warrior's insight. Memorizing attributes and strengths of potential allies or enemies could prove tactically valuable information. Yet her attention always returned first and foremost to guarding her Master, whose safety was her singular imperative.

No word passed her stern lips, but her golden gaze spoke volumes - any who threatened Adelhein would face her undying wrath. For now, she observed and learned, dissecting each movement for signs of beneficial or hazardous factors. Her duty was vigilance through all changing tides, standing as an immovable bulwark against those who stood against her Master's will.

Metallumino (Metal Buddy)

Bait 1
Buddy Ball 6/10
Metal buddy Metallumino: 1
Fire buddy Flamurillus: 1
Rock buddy Petrodillo: 1
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

Having absolutely no confidence in Rhinox to avoid the inevitable folding he was almost certainly about to get. Izuru chose to crack the proverbial whip so the little bastard didn't get any funny ideas that he was in the clear. "Hey! You better not be about to get your little ass beat or I'll BEAT YOUR ASS" shouted the dragonkin while gesturing at Rhinox with his stick. Poking the little rhino on its back a few times to assert dominance. Izuru commanded Rhinox to risk his safety even further.

  • x1 Buddy Balls
  • x1 Bait
  • x1 Wind Buddy
  • x1 Lightning Buddy
  • x1 Metal Buddy
  • x1 Water Buddy
Equipped Buddy: Rhinox


Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Moonberry Moonberry


The Battle is won.

Though it felt almost as though he were fighting against the environment then that he was fighting against the buddy. With little in the realm of self preservation, one could wonder how these critters seemed to survive so long. Then again, they are made of mana. He didn't think about these things too much as such was not immediately relevant to the task at hand.

The man walked over to the ball to retrieve it. He leaned over to grasp it with his hand. But for some reason...the ground was getting closer.

And closer.

And closer.


Just like that, Marcus was face first in the silky sand of the beach. He probably should have taken the helmet off sooner. While passed out, his body was cooling and resting. He has pushed himself a little too hard.

Action: Nothing. Marcus has passed out.

Buddy Ball-
Bait- 1/1
Wind Buddy
Water Buddy
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Moonberry Moonberry
The fact that she failed whilst Kuro had aced it first time was just a repeat of what had happened in the Mesa zone, feeling embarrassed that it felt like she was lucky for those around her but not for herself. Sighing softly, she lifted her head and began looking out for a new buddy now that the little Wind one had fleed. Maybe her chances would yield better results with the next.
1. Search for a buddy.​

Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Perhaps third time was the charm this, second time, around? Was that how it worked? He'd have to try in practice.

Actions: – 3. Catching a Buddy: Attempt to catch a buddy using the provided items.
Balls: 7/10
Bait: 1/1
  • Wind: 1 (Regular Stats)
  • Water: 1 (Regular Stats)
  • Earth: 1 (Regular Stats)

Designer (7).png
With three small shakes of the Buddy Ball, the water Buddy had been captured successfully. Kuro celebrated with a big smile, and went over to collect the Buddy Ball. Now I have two Buddy's! That should be enough to go around and learn more about them...I could even make them stronger or something too! But before she could do all of that, she felt that some names were in order.

Up until now she'd just been safely carrying the Lightning Buddy around in the B-ball, so that way it wouldn't get too tuckered out following her around. And she hadn't actually named them at all, which would make being a team a bit harder if it was to all work out. She took both B-balls out and then summoned them promptly in front of her.

"I gotta give you guys some names so that way we become a stronger team! First thing's first, I am Kuro. And you are..." She looked at the Lightning Buddy for a few seconds before snapping her fingers. "Your name will be Voltzy! And you!" She pointed to the Water Buddy. "You're Frozzle! Voltzy and Frozzle are very cute names, I've really outdone myself with the naming conventions, haven't I? We'll head back to the lab, get more supplies, and I'll see about making you two stronger." Frozzle and Voltzy let out excited chirps that Kuro assumed meant "Whatever you say, Lord Nekomata!" and they all journeyed from the Beach to the Lab together.

Moonberry Moonberry
♫ Sudden Encounter ♫


The creatures arm came down with a vengeance. As it did, Toortle began to sidestep as commanded. It also released another stream of water, aimed straight at the behemoth's feet. The ground below began to grow muddy. Free had managed to maneuver around the large arm, without getting hit. He darted in with surprising grace and speed, flying around in front of the creature's face. At around the same time, both Rhinox and Petrodillo leapt up and charged forward. Tackling the center of the beast. Everything coupled together, the titan fell back on its bum with a loud earth-shaking Crash! The group was forced to take a moment to steady themselves as the tremors shook everything around them, including them.

Eeriels roll of 10 saved the group. Mudruck takes +5 damage.
(Okay guys good job! No one takes any damage. Everyone is still at full health. Take this round to attack again! It'd be better if you try to work together and come up with a plan. Just sayin' :P)

Mudruck 76/100

Random Encounter Rules
Str for damage
F, E: 3 sided dice.
D, C: 5 Sided Dice
B, A: 8 Sided dice

Vit for health
F,E: 25 hp
D,C: 50 Hp
B,A:75 HP

The stats of your buddy will determine the amount of damage you can do. And the roll will show how much you actually did. Once everyone involved has reacted, I will respond with the raid boss's retaliation. And then you may react again with your rolls. This will continue until it's beaten. Once beaten, each participant will receive +1 to any stat they choose for their buddy. Please list the chosen buddy you will be using and their stats in your post.
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Maxxob Maxxob Novama Novama
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

Rhinox had escaped getting their shit kicked in for now. Izuru rewarded such efforts by pushing it closer to the mass of rocks and telling the little shit to keep fighting. The master strategist that he was. Once Rhinox was close enough to the titan. Izuru commanded Rhinox to hit it in the testicles. He had no idea if the rock titan even HAD testicles. However not many creatures could handle having blunt force trauma to the genitals.

  • x1 Buddy Balls
  • x1 Bait
  • x1 Wind Buddy
  • x1 Lightning Buddy
  • x1 Metal Buddy
  • x1 Water Buddy
Equipped Buddy: Rhinox

♫ Buddy Center ♫


The professor looked up from his musings as John returned to the lab. "Ah you're back!" He stated, nodding quietly to himself. "Yes, yes let's see." He held his hand out to take the buddy balls, immediately placing them int he respective chambers. Falling into his usual routine of switch flipping and knob turning. He glanced over his shoulder as the glowing began. "You're not much of a talker are you my boy? Wouldn't hurt to speak up and make a few friends." As the glowing faded, the professor took the buddy from the middle chamber out. Handing it over to John with a smile. "Looks like a fine specimen indeed."

LightningJay LightningJay
INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry LightningJay LightningJay

  • training time!

    After Griffin had made it back to the lab, he had gone to hunt down the professor. He had taken Nickelas out of the Buddy Ball, since he'd known the Metal Buddy far longer than the Earth Buddy, which he named Marbell. Griffin would train Marbell, but loyalty comes first, and it would not be fair to Nickelas if he had chosen Marbell first. Well, so he believed. After finding the professor, he saw the man with someone he didn’t recognize, with an interesting-looking buddy. Griffin waved at the two.

    “Uh… Hi! I came to ask about training my buddies, so I hope I am not interrupting anything,”

    Action 1:
    Ask to train buddy

    Supplies: 1 Bait, 10 Buddy balls.

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Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

A cute little turtle friend! Squink grinned barely containing her excitement hoping that she would manage to catch it, thinking about the use of the rock before. It would make moving along between trying to catch buddies much faster, plus it would help her actual throwing practice. Grabbing another rock, she aimed to try her best with the Water Buddy.

1. Try to catch buddy (Rock), 9/10 balls and 1/1 bait.​
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Moonberry Moonberry

Adelhein watched in palpable interest, as Petrodillo, thanks to the action of another one of these little creatures, was able not to only avoid the damage that the hulking behemoth would have caused it, but also charged its center of mass with a furious headbutt. The attack, which was joined by others, were just enough to force the creature to sit, shaking the whole region. The teen magus was glad that he had conjured the make-shift, rough metallic throne, as it helped him to worry little about keeping himself on his feet. Point at the gigantic Mudruk, Adelhein gave his rocky creature the next command. "Go on, Petrodillo! Headbutt that brute once more!"

Petrodillo (Rock Buddy)

Bait 1
Buddy Ball 6/10
Metal buddy Metallumino: 1
Fire buddy Flamurillus: 1
Rock buddy Petrodillo: 1
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

"Aah~! I caught it, that was so good, Sparkle did you see that? It's a cute little turtle one, I wonder what we should call it. Hm... maybe I'll think of a name while we're looking around more. We could move to a different zone, but lets try look around just a little bit longer, maybe we'll see that little dragon one again!" Squink said to her shadowy bird companion as she waltzed around, looking to see what else she could find. Now down to 8 balls with still her bait left, she had caught both buddies of the Shadow and Water varieties. Hopefully this was a good sign of things to come.

1. Search for a buddy (in the Beach zone).​
INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry

  • training time!

    After there was no results for Nickelas’s training Griffin gave him some words of encouragement, he was quite certain his adventure buddy was quite capable of training.

    “Come on Nickelas! You can do it!”

    Action 1:
    train buddy

    Supplies: 1 Bait, 10 Buddy balls.


Languages: Common | <Beastial>

“Welcome, friend~” He spoke, his tail wagging, as the lightning spirit joined his team. With four of the creatures on his team, he believed he was set for now, so he returned to the professor's lab.

Actions: – [Move – Ice Zone to Lab]
Balls: 7/10
Bait: 1/1
  • Wind: 1 (Regular Stats)
  • Water: 1 (Regular Stats)
  • Earth: 1 (Regular Stats)
  • Lightning: 1 (Regular Stats)
1712352571169.pngCalliope Dar'Maoro

Buddy Balls x6
Bait x0

View attachment 1155118
  • Gilgamush F (Earth) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit F

Things were shaking up and it was now or never. Time to see if she could get this Buddy battling business down. She threw her arm out commandingly, finger locked pointing to the mudrock. "We got this, Gilgamush, mmhhmm! Focus your attacks on its legs, mmhhmm! Bring it to the ground, mmhhmm!" The buddy nodded in resolve and charged with a loud cry!

Action: Attack with Gilgamush

Mention: Moonberry Moonberry

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

Upon arriving, he'd politely call out to the professor's. “Hello again, sir. I'd like for your aid to join these creatures in Holy Union.” He stated, gesturing at the [Wind] and [Water] buddies he'd obtained and indicated he wished to [Merge] them.

Actions: – 4. Using a machine to Merge: Use a turn to speak with the Prof. and use his machines.
Balls: 7/10
Bait: 1/1
  • Wind: 1 (Regular Stats)
  • Water: 1 (Regular Stats)
  • Earth: 1 (Regular Stats)
  • Lightning: 1 (Regular Stats)
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Casually wandering along on her merry way as she thought about names for her new Water Buddy, she was interrupted by the presence of another of the same type.
"Oh, that's a surprise. Well, I guess I could just try the little rock trick again, I'm in no hurry to get another one but I'd appreciate it" she hummed, Sparkle still remained her favourite even if the little turtles were cute.

1. Catch the tutel (using rock).​
♫ Buddy Center ♫


The professor nodded, taking the buddies and placing them in the respective chambers. "mmhmm Yes I see. These should do nicely. Let's see." He began his ritual and watched the glow start and fade. Before taking them out and handing them over with a hum. "Yes yes. Quite the holy matrimony. A fine match." He chuckled handing over the creature.
Elvario Elvario
Location: Mesa

The cat almost fell off from Toortle's back as the buddy suddenly performed some extreme agility weaving through the titan's attack. Now that the titan had stumbled, it's time for them to counterattack.

"Go, Toortle! Tackle its testicles!" The turtle let out an audible groan before it begrudgingly charged forward. Meanwhile Eeriel jumped off and stand next to Izuru, watching their buddies rushed towards the titan's groin.

"I see you are a man of culture as well." She commented at the sight of it.

Team up attack

Str F
Int F
Prc F
Spd F
Vit F

Moonberry Moonberry StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Maxxob Maxxob Novama Novama

3/10 ball
1/1 bait
Water buddy
Shadow buddy
Last edited:
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Moonberry Moonberry
But no luck, and fled had the little tutel. Perhaps now she was on Tutel collection mode now that she had obtained her first and been tempted by the presence of more, but now she was also curious what else lie in the Beach zone before she explored elsewhere or returned to the lab to see what was up. She might as well use up her current balls first, perhaps sending them around at things while relying on the little rock technique and head somewhere else once she used a few more up.
"Come Sparkle, and unnamed little tutel friend! Lets go find some more. Maybe there are more tutels, or other aquatic friends" she smiled cheerfully, having eight balls and a bait piece left.
1. Search for a buddy.​
Michael & Free


With the titan Mudruck now off balance, having fallen back with an earth-shaking crash, Michael saw the opening they needed. The concerted attacks on the titan were working, and it was time to add Free's unique abilities into the mix. The moment had come for another decisive move.

"Free, let's show them what you can do," Michael said, his voice filled with determination. He had been hashing ideas over with Free on their way over, one thought leveraged Free's control over electromagnetism to create a powerful and precise strike. "Electromagnetic Rail Cannon attack, aim for the legs!"

Free, understanding Michael's command, began to gather energy, its body crackling with electrical currents. The air around Free hummed with power as it used electromagnetism to manifest particles of metal in thin air, drawing them together into a singular massive railgun shaped like a cannon. The particles coalesced, the cannon humming louder as they did so, accelerated by Free's lightning abilities.

Then, with a burst of wind to add speed and direction, Free launched a metallic projectile from the cannon. The bullet-shaped mass of metal, now spinning at incredible speed, shot towards the titan Mudruck's legs with pinpoint accuracy.

Aimed to coincide with the other attackers' efforts to target the titan's legs and bring it to the ground, Michael hoped their combined assault would be enough to incapacitate the Mudruck.

mentions: Moonberry Moonberry
actions: attacking with intelligence based elemental attack

10/10 balls
1/1 bait
3 wind buddies
1 wind/lightning/metal buddy +1 speed +1 intelligence (Free)
♫ Buddy Center ♫


The professor nodded, taking the buddies and placing them in the respective chambers. "mmhmm Yes I see. These should do nicely. Let's see." He began his ritual and watched the glow start and fade. Before taking them out and handing them over with a hum. "Yes yes. Quite the holy matrimony. A fine match." He chuckled handing over the creature.
Elvario Elvario


Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

Ceylan nodded, happily at seeing his friends be combined into a new friend. “Would you, perhaps, be willing to merge this creature with my new friend as well” He asked, hoping to [merge] the [Wind/Water] and [Lightning] creatures next.

Actions: – 4. Using a machine to Merge: Use a turn to speak with the Prof. and use his machines.
Balls: 7/10
Bait: 1/1
  • Wind/Water: 1 (Regular Stats)
  • Earth: 1 (Regular Stats)
  • Lightning: 1 (Regular Stats)
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