• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy ɪ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜᴇᴅ ᴀ ꜱᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʙᴜꜱʜ ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴏᴛ ᴛᴜʀʙᴏ ᴄᴀɴᴄᴇʀ — ✧.* applications


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
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Lore doc!
Interest check!
OOC thread!


to st. valens’ academy


Welcome to St. Valens’ Academy for aspiring dragon riders from all around the globe! The world is falling apart atom by atom, sure—all the more reason to join! Engross yourself in meaningless trench warfare, represent your nation in pointless politics, or become a slave to paperwork, all made possible by the exploitation of the dragon by your side. It’s never too late to start a boy band with your fire-breathing friend—everything is possible at St. Valens’ Academy!

Worry not about the magical corruption that’s slowly consuming your home or the war that encroaches on the peace of Greater Bylcade. In this war-torn and Corruption-addled world, you can consider this place an oasis for all sorts (so long as you don’t mind the academic torture to get in and the academic torture to stay in).

Whether you’re new or returning for summer break, you can enjoy lush dormitories here on campus safe from the harsh landscape scratching at your doorstep while you study for the task ahead. Prepare to join an epic battle against what may or may not be the apocalypse and whatever hostile forces lie ahead, or pick up a flute and lute together with your dragon to look cool in front of a crowd!

Whatever your goal is for your future as a dragon rider, we can promise you an interesting experience here at the Academy!*
* St Valens’ Academy can promise nothing else. Refunds will not be awarded if the interesting experience** is not achieved. See attached pamphlet and seek Terms and Conditions for more information.
** If an interesting experience to you is touching a strange bush, getting cancer, and dying brutally, you are responsible for all damages, including funeral costs.

♡coded by uxie♡

Turbo Bush


application info.

Species: (if you’re playing a dragon, please mention subspecies of dragon and element! If you’re playing a non-human humanoid, you can briefly talk about your take on the species here.)
Region of Origin: (you can also add specific ethnicity if you’d so please)

Student Status*: (Are you a transfer student or out-of-country student, did you skip a year, or other special circumstances? Skip if there’s nothing of note.)
Division & Subdivision:
Average Grade*: (Is your character scoring As or Cs? or Fs, if you really want a Character Moment)
Magical Affinity (1-100)*: (your character might not know their number!)

Appearance: (you’re allowed to use art to depict your character, but make SURE you have permission to use the image and credit appropriately! I also notice that people often split this up into a lot of categories to get across the same amount of information, so if you wish to, feel free.)
Personality: (same note as appearance.)
Background*: (keep secrets if you want, but I’ll be watching you. (If you want to keep it a secret but are unsure if something would be allowed, run it by one of the GMs.))

Skills & Specialties: (If you’re concerned about how to fit a particular skill or specialty your character has into the rest of the lore, run it by one of the GMs.)
Weaponry*: (intended for rider frontliners, but if your med student has a knife on them or your dragon has some modifications, go ahead and write it up.)
Notable Items*:

Rumors About This Character*: (like their reputation in the school. if they’re new, they probably won’t have any floating about unless they were (in)famous pre-acceptance)
Dragon or Rider: (remove if your character isn’t a student or is in their first or second year! if you don’t already have one set up, you can put “searching” :))
Affiliations*: (This can include characters inside and outside of the roleplay (such as parents or siblings). Like the previous, they may not have any, at least within the school, if they’re a first year. You’re welcome to edit this as characters and relationships progress.)




An elite group of students chosen directly by the Headmaster to represent the school and be an example of drive and excellence for fellow students. The exact qualifications one must have to become an Academy Prodigy is unknown. The criteria appears eclectic and varies greatly. A student from any year and any division can become a Prodigy. Common traits noted in Prodigies are exceptional drive and wit. Academic performance, surprisingly, seems to not be taken into account, though Heads state it can impact a student’s likelihood to be chosen. The Headmaster is not transparent with the maximum number of Prodigies the Academy can have, but he appears to keep the number under 9. He tends to favor odd numbers of Prodigies.

A chosen student will remain a Prodigy until graduation, transfer out of the Academy, when the Headmaster decides they no longer fit the role, or when they no longer want to be a Prodigy. Prodigies have sway over any decisions the Headmaster and Heads of Divisions make and have tuition and extra fees entirely paid for. Students who achieve and later step down from a Prodigy role keep their full ride.

Within Academy culture, most students know of the Prodigies. They’re treated with either awe or extra judgment by their peers.


offensive frontliner


Graduates have (FLO) attached to their title or replacing their title. Their ability is in raw strength, expected to either incapacitate or kill the enemy. The expectations of offensive frontliners tend to differ the most, as some work best purely at the forefront in order to overwhelm and overtake the enemy, while some work in tandem with defense or support units in order to ensure their safety as they chip away at the enemy. They’re typically the role children think of when they dream of becoming a dragon rider.

defensive frontliner


Graduates have (FLD) attached to their title or replacing their title. They’re expected to be able to hold the line on the battlefield and push the enemy back, as well as ensure minimal casualties and injuries. They’re the centerpiece in ensuring the front lines don’t ever get overwhelmed in the case of a frontal assault, and are also essential in protecting the offense as they fight.

frontliner bodyguard


Graduates have (FLBG) attached to their title or replacing their title. Their job is to defend the helpless in extremely hostile situations, such as transporting hostages in warfare, guiding asylum seekers to cities, and saving survivors in corrupted regions, and being able to identify and eliminate threats in any of the situations they may experience. Due to the nature of most dangerous situations in today’s day and age, students are taught how to identify stages of corruption in individuals and taught how to make tough calls if corruption is identified.


representa- tive


Graduates have (PRR) attached to their title or replacing their title. They’re the most actively involved in politics, known for their silver tongues and their abilities to get anything their country needs them to get. In a dangerous world where everyone is on the brink of war, a mix of sensitivity and a show of power is needed in just the right quantities in order to navigate this world, and representatives have that sense of reliability, intimidation, and charm in order to get just that. Their courses are majorly political ones, and they typically wind up war negotiators, politicians, or interrogators in prisons after graduations. Practice comes in the form of representing the Academy in debates with other dragon rider schools, or representing clubs as the club founder and/or leader.

public figure


Graduates have (PRPF) attached to their title or replacing their title. “Public figure” is the fancy word for celebrity in this case, as this course is for the students who joined in order to become one. Dragon riders are beloved in the community and the warriors whose stories are spread are cheered in whichever room they enter, earning a celebrity status, and many left the battlefield in order to ride this hype and become singers, actors, boy band players, and so on and so forth. This was extremely profitable, both for the economy as well as for the glorification of the country’s war machines, and people seem to adore this genre of celebrity, so a course was opened specifically for those who wanted to become popular alongside a dragon with similar ideals. Dragons and riders are taught the craft of their choice and are sent out in the world in order to chase fame and further hype up their profession.



Graduates have (PRR) attached to their title or replacing their title for safety reasons. This course is only available to Representative PR students who are scouted after at least three to four years in the academy depending on their performance in the Proficiency test. For the sake of concealing their identity, their paperwork will still list them as representatives. Once scouted, students are taught the art of deception, stealth, and charm, but majorly deception. Students are expected to be incredible liars, evaluate, understand, and fit into a situation perfectly and efficiently, and be able to subtly coax needed information out of others. They’re also taught how to remain undetected, depending on which type of spy the student plans on becoming. Due to agreements and numerous contracts signed with the country regarding the sensitivity and danger of this course, students have constant contact with military officers and are typically sent straight to Greater Bylcade’s military after graduation.


medical support


Graduates have (MeS) attached to their title. Riders and their dragons are taught emergency first aid and (physical and mental) trauma care in case worst comes to worst on the battlefield. Note that these individuals are not doctors and cannot give medical advice or diagnose conditions and ailments, though they are trained to identify symptoms of magical Corruption. They’re akin to trauma nurses or EMTs, except dedicated to the field of dragon riding. They assist every division, but most often are assigned to the frontliners for healing practice.

support bodyguard


Graduates have (SBG) attached to their title. This course developed after those with a lot of money and a lot of enemies began vying for military protection and another avenue for profiting off of the dragon rider profession was identified. Here, students are taught how to effectively secure the area, keep an eye out for danger, and otherwise ensure the safety of those around them. They have nothing to do with the war, but still have a somewhat dangerous job protecting those with a lot of targets on their back. They’re typically assigned to guard other students not trained in offense, such as the PR students, as a stand-in for whatever public figure they may guard post-graduation.

public relations support


Graduates have (PRS) attached to their title. Commonly given to those with low confidence or those unable to secure a better course but desperate to become a dragon rider, they’re essentially highly intelligent glorified assistants, often given the duty of sorting and managing overwhelming amounts of paperwork. They have, to be frank, the knowledge of historians and the reputation of a McDonald’s employee. They are being trained to assist government officials of the nation, with Public Relations Representative students as their stand-in until graduation. This subdivision has the least number of members.

extra information.

These don’t have to have fancy coding if you don’t want to go through the hassle!’/ Our main focus will be on how interesting and developed your character is, so as long as the information goes through, all is well. There’s no word minimum for any of this information and you can freely remove whatever is marked with *, but since acceptance is majorly based on the character’s Fun Factor, the more detailed, the more likely you are to be accepted!

For now, playable characters can only be those in the Academy. You can apply as a professor or the Head of a division once we get our feet off the ground. There will be NPCs. Important politicians and various other story-impacting characters outside of the Academy can currently only be played by the host and co-host (this will change as people become more familiar with the world).

You aren't required to have as long or detailed of an application as me or Fig by FAR (BY FAR.), but you can look at it if you don't know what we're expecting from a certain section or something!

Some extra notes to be aware of:

We're majorly accepting based on how interesting characters look, since we want each character to add something to the roleplay. We would love a lot of roleplayers who are capable of making interesting, touching, or silly shit, so anything that catches our eye gets an automatic pass ^3^

This isn’t first-come first-serve! We're going to be accepting people only at the end of every week, and applications will end when we have enough roleplayers to start. Approved characters will marked with 🍪.

This roleplay has a Discord for most OOC chatting! Accepted roleplayers will get an invitation to the server, which has a version of the lore doc that allows you to comment and suggest things. We'd recommend you use it!

This roleplay will only begin when we have an even ratio of dragons to riders. We allow and encourage you to make more characters after your initial one(s) are accepted to fill the deficit!

♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:

an example that you do not have to resemble at all <3

- [1] -


"You can either be a bitter spite-driven maniac or an honorable spite-driven maniac. I prefer honorable. It’s less sad.”

Abel “Able” Sideris
[ male [he/him] - human (72%), elf (26%) - 21 - bisexual ]


Full Name: Abel Sideris

Nickname(s): Able (he’s disabled and kids are mean.)

Student Status: Skipped a year.

Division & Subdivision: Offensive Front Liner [FLO]

Year: Fourth-Year

Region of Origin: Born in Bylcade, ethnically Greek-equivalent (don’t know where exactly yet, though).

Average Grade: Straight As.

Magical Affinity: 63%

»»————- ⚔︎ ————-««

Abel is, to say the least, a somewhat edgy looking fellow. Kind of the first thing you notice about him. It’s not intentional, but it certainly looks like it is — he’s got dark, jet-black hair, cut short everywhere except for his bangs which fall messily across his face, eyes so blue they look kind of scary when they’re fixed on you, and skin just a couple of shades paler from olive. He stands at a solid and decidedly too tall 6’10” where he’s under threat of cracking his skull open were he to ever fall over, and his size is only added to by broad shoulders and decent muscle. He constantly wears a stone-cold, focused expression, seeming far too driven to do whatever he’s doing at the moment, even if he’s just walking or cutting a piece of paper for an art project. Behind his long bangs are a couple of beauty marks that dot his face, although if you’d ask he’d tell you they’re everywhere else, too, although again, you’d probably never ask him anything since he’s broad and tall as hell and the serious expression in which is face is always set and the fact that he hardly speaks kind of sets a tone of unapproachableness.

When you look a bit closer, you notice the trembling. Abel has constant tremors running throughout all of his limbs, mild but certainly there. It makes him look almost terrified even when his face is set straight, but if you just asked, you’d know exactly why — he has a mild case of ataxic cerebral palsy that makes his coordination bad and his speech monotone and strangely paced. It’s easy to tell when you look closely, since his walk is brisk with his steps seemingly unnecessarily spaced, he usually has to reach for things multiple times in order to grab them (although he tries to make this period as quick as possible), and his eye movements are somewhat slow. Abel’s intense and constant focus is less because of scary amounts of focus and more in order to make sure he hits the mark as quickly as possible and doesn’t fall over, because as mentioned before, being 6’10” means his skull is way too high above the ground for him to be okay.

Beyond that and beyond his intimidating stature, you get to find that he isn’t very expressive. It’s a general fact of Abel. He completely doesn’t intend it, but it doesn’t come naturally to him, and he couldn’t force emotion into his voice or face if he tried. Most of them are mild — his happy face is a wide-eyed stare, his embarrassed look is at most two lines on his cheekbone (or, in non-artistic terms, pink so faint you couldn’t tell it’s there), and his sad look is just him looking downward. The most expressive he gets is his angry look, and even that doesn’t use many muscles in his face — but the dead-on stare he gives you is still more than enough to get across what emotion he’s trying to portray.


made by me, dokjacore dokjacore . please do not steal.

Abel is a studious man. Steadfast, driven, focused, devoted, all of those wonderful words — he’s every synonym you could possibly use for “single-minded,” so long as you include the bad ones, too. Stoic in his level of apparent calmness and level-headedness, he’s quiet, typically still and silent save doing what is asked of him and whatever he must for the goal he has in mind for the moment. He doesn’t laugh much except for a single chuckle and a small smile that quickly fades, and his responses are typically curt, monotone, and honest. It’s almost scary, his lack of nervous or bored fidgeting habits, instead opting for observing his surroundings silently, staring dead-eyed at whatever’s moving the most at that moment or closing his eyes for a bit of much-appreciated peace. He likes that — the stillness, the silence, the peace. It’s a bit of calm in the storm that is the academy he resides in.

His stoic demeanor isn’t the only reason he’s intimidating, though — it’s also that aforementioned drive that makes him a bit of a force to be reckoned with. It’s hard to miss. If he puts his mind to something, it’ll either get done by any means at his disposal that don’t contradict his other goals, or he’ll simply never stop thinking about it. Or mentioning it (one of the rare exceptions for which he’ll begin a conversation). His goals are mainly driven by his sense of justice — he felt he was unjustly looked down upon, so he worked hard and became a dragon rider. He felt his dragon assignment was unfair, and he’s still fighting against that to this day. He’s usually patient in this regard, but if his goals are unreached for too long and his methods for getting it done are starting to run out, his patience grows thinner and thinner until he gets completely irked, and that is a sight to behold for sure.

Able’s drive isn’t just single-minded, though — he knows his limits and how to dance around them. He refuses to do anything that even has the slightest chance of getting him kicked out, such as breaking any rule in any capacity or, frankly, even being in the near vicinity of rule-breaking. In its stead, he knows exactly how to push the rules just far enough to make a point. If those in power are against him, he’ll study every single rule and law so that he can speak back to them as much as possible and point to their own guidelines if they attempt to punish him for it. If they continue, then he’ll do every passive-aggressive thing to stop whatever they’re doing or irritate them until they get the hint and listen to him. When people insult or argue with him, Abel doesn’t say much, but they’ll wake up in the middle of the night locked outside on the balcony. Abel is a goddamn master in passive-aggressive acts, as well as outright aggressive acts if he knows it won’t bite him in the ass, and that’s part of what makes him scary.

It’s majorly because of how badly Abel wants to be believed. He knows — he has a disability, his eyes are closer to purple than gold and he’s quiet and not the greatest at arguing, and so people never believe in him. If he gives them any excuse to not believe in him, they’ll take it and take him to be weak and incapable of nothing. He’s capable of anything and he damn well knows it, and he does his best to make sure they know it and are forced to acknowledge it less they look like a goddamn idiot. He might be quiet and he might not be a debater, but he does have drive.

And by Lord, there is a lot of passion behind that drive. A lot of it. Abel is driven 100% by his whims and passions, the only difference being that those whims are incredibly long lasting, staying until he sees it through or never dissipating at all. He decided to become a dragon rider, so he saw it through — hell, he decided when he was ten to try to protect the rights of others, one of the most broad concepts out there that’s also the most difficult to produce results for, and he’s been following that decision past for the past damn 11 years of his life, even if he doesn’t have much fruit for his labor yet. He’s somewhat naive in his decisions to create new goals; he can easily be convinced by others if they make their causes look noble enough or themselves look pathetic enough (you give him one sopping-wet-cat look and he’s a slave to your bidding), as he inherently has a very soft heart that can easily be broken into. After all, his stoicism isn’t really intentional — he’s often thought of as the brooding, top-tier anime protagonist type by people around him thanks to his general lack of response, but frankly, that’s just how he is. He’s too focused on whatever he’s going to do next to be peppy.

People who look past his attitude and attempt to befriend him (or are simply around at the right time) find that he’s generally a very kind person. He never offers his services — or really anything, frankly, he’s too quiet to do that, majorly because he’ll just do his services for you if he thinks you need them. If you ask him to tutor you then he’ll almost always nod his head and by the end of the night you’ll be ten times smarter in algebra than you were before, or if you’re dumb enough in front of him, he’ll just shake his head, drag you to his dorm room and force you to get tutored against your will. He will grab your arm and death-stare you if you try to escape your duties as a student. He’s many a time found someone in trouble or overheard someone’s problems and silently went shiny-object-new-goal-spotted mode that very moment, focused all of his energy on solving that, and afterward, presented his work to them with a casual “here, I did this for you” and a proud shine in his eyes that led that person to going “I can fix him” and try to break the hard shell of a sweet person only to find out there was never a hard shell in the first place and he’s just a guy who wants to have friends. Most of his friends were actually acquired in this manner — people who thought they were the sole person to break down the stoic’s walls until they found themselves in a tutoring session with two dozen other people and a silently very happy Abel.

Believe it or not, he’s an extrovert.

+ Exercise :: It’s a great method to keep his movement and reflexes as precise and sharp as possible, so he does it. Often. It pushed him too hard at first, but he actually quite enjoys it now. You don’t have to think much during it. +

+ Learning new things :: He does it pretty often with Frenot. He has a lot of specific knowledge on random things. He enjoys learning it. +

+ Snakes :: He has a couple at home. They’re chill and cool-looking with cool bodily functions. He likes looking at ‘em, and the weight they have when you let them climb on you is comforting. +

+ Rain :: Calm. Comforting. Soft. Even when it’s pouring down hard, it still sounds soft to him, a beautiful white noise to remind you that you’re protected. +

+ Friends :: People he likes are lovely to be around. They give him energy, make him happy. He likes having a lot of chatter around him from those who enjoy his presence. He appreciates them. +

- Decorative objects :: He hates usually usable things that you’re not allowed to use since it’s for purely decorative purposes. Throw pillows are the bane of his existence. -

- Impatience :: He dislikes being forced to adjust his plans because someone else went ahead before the prime moment. The impatience of others often endangers themselves and the people around them, and that annoys him. -

- Cheating :: If he did everything fairly, others should, too. At least others cheating gives him the chance to outdo them even when playing squarely by the rules. -

- Being disregarded :: People disregard the facts that he puts right in front of them for the beliefs they already held far too often. It’s annoying at best and makes him want to tear all his hair out at worst. -

Abel was the result of an incredibly complicated pregnancy. His mother was often in immense pain while pregnant with him, and after a bout of powerful spasms while on the street, she fell down front-first. While Abel wasn’t killed, he did receive immense physical trauma, although that wasn’t the only issue that his mother experienced during her mere 8 months of being pregnant with him. The last and most major issue she’d experience was death during childbirth, resulting in a very alive Abel and a very widowed father.

Abel’s family wasn’t well-off to begin with, but they were getting by. After the removal of one of their primary sources of income, they were no longer getting by. Abel’s father managed to scrape by by getting a couple jobs, majorly physical ones such as construction since he didn’t have the magic to do illegal but well-paying jobs nor the education to do the legal but well-paying jobs. Things were further complicated by Abel’s diagnosis with cerebral palsy, happening shortly after his father noticed the development of fine motor skills was coming late and he freaked the fuck out. The diagnosis, at least, gave him things to do; try his damndest to put his kid through physical therapy and also normal therapy while convincing him his bullies were dumb and stupid.

It mostly worked. His kid grew up tough-skinned. Quiet, but sharp as a tack. He had the exact appearance of a person who had little potential and a handicap that further cemented it in people’s minds, but Abel resented that, and so did his father. His dad made damn sure he knew that he could do anything he wanted to despite it, too, made sure that he worked to do anything he wanted to because he’d have to work harder to get there but he’d do anything to make sure his kid did. Whenever Abel made some decision on something he wanted to do, his dad would tell him exactly how he’d get there and what he’d have to do to be able to achieve it, and Abel did it. Eventually, he was making his own plans, and his dad was proud of him.
His dad was sometimes too hard on Abel (sometimes he’d push him so far that Abel would straight up collapse on the ground. His dad screamed so loud when he saw that), but he put a lot of drive and spirit in him. He made sure Abel always knew his worth and knew that he was loved, he did his exercises with him when he had to go through physical therapy, and he praised him when he got a goal done.

One of Abel’s longtime goals was to get into a dragon-riding school. Despite applying for essentially every school possible, most of them turned him away when they saw the tremor in his hands or heard him talk, and those who didn’t found that Abel’s interviews were somewhat lackluster.

The only exception, to Abel and his father’s surprise, was St. Valens.

He was waitlisted, but he was still accepted. He was put into the school three years late (during which he continued his education and self-training, and even managed to get a gun license), but he made it in. He and his father threw the biggest party they could afford on that day, and he moved into St. Valens where he started working even harder than he ever had.
In fact, his work was so good that his teachers recommended him to the Heads, who recommended him to the Headmaster, who allowed him to skip a year after inspections and extra tests (there was also supposed to be an interview, but Abel had requested to skip it). He and his father threw the second biggest party they could afford over summer break, proud of his second occurrence of major recognition.

Despite being a fourth year, Abel has technically only been in the school for two years. This is his third.

»»————- ⚔︎ ————-««

Skills & Specialties:
Strategy >> While not the best at convincing people to follow his lead, Abel is a king at strategy for the same reason he’s good at presenting evidence and proving people wrong — his wit. Most of the battles he wins are won because of the stratagems he has to fight well without needing good hand-eye coordination.

Guns >> He has a license to operate a gun, which in itself is pretty rare.

+ Wit :: Abel is undeniably smart. He’ll come up with a way to do things by all of the rules placed upon him no matter what the cost. He also knows just how to prove points even with his habit of speaking as little as possible. +

+ Drive :: If Abel sets his mind on something, he will get it done. No matter what. Not by any means, though — he’ll either do it legitimately, or in a way that still abides by his moral code that won’t get him caught. +

+ Strength :: He’s physically strong. Incredibly so. Cerebral palsy is supposed to reduce muscle mass (and so is elf blood), but the insane amount of exercise he does to try and improve his coordination and fix that aforementioned muscle mass problem has led him to have quite the physical strength. His best deadlift is over 400 pounds. +

+ Size :: Being tall and broad means he can reach the highest shelf, reach his dragon easier, and fight easier using the extra pounds to his advantage. His fighting style involves heavy swings and a lower center of gravity, so more weight makes him harder to knock over. +

- Stubborn :: He’ll never give up on anything. Not a thought, not a goal, not a single fucking thing until he’s proven wrong and it’s proven impossible, and typically, he’ll take the later as “this avenue is impossible, but what other avenues are there?” It often lands him in tough spots, since he gets angry when things don’t turn out for long enough, and sometimes his goals are just genuinely dangerous to execute, but he wants to try anyway. -

- Precision :: Precision is, by no means, his strong suit. His handwriting is god-awful, he couldn’t land a dart if he tried, he often has to grab at something a few times in order to firmly grasp it and his feet hate him. He has to overcorrect most of his movements in order to ensure he gets things done as easily and quickly as possible, resulting in a lot of the things he does looking strange. Can’t fix the handwriting, though. -

- Speech :: Despite being great with action, he couldn’t argue for his life. Because of the speech impediment cerebral palsy gives him, he’s resigned himself to short and sweet sentences. That was a bad idea since it puts him severely out of practice, so despite the fact that he can express himself fine on paper when given time (and when the handwriting is ignored), he absolutely cannot express himself verbally in real time. This leads to a lot of debates where he’s hopelessly lost for words. He’ll often stay silent during an argument and later go into their dorm to leave evidence against everything they said on their table. -

- Size :: Cerebral palsy means he’s at an increased risk of tripping or falling over at every second. Being so tall means that even hitting his head somewhere from a basic standing position could be fatal, and it also means that his hitbox is way bigger for someone to bump into him and for him to go down. He has to put a lot of his focus and energy into not falling every second of every day. -

Cane >> Arguably, you could say it’s a weapon in and of itself since it allows him to be more mobile. You could also say it’s a weapon because you could smack people upside the head with it. Abel, however, would say that it’s a weapon because it’s also a gun. A laser gun, more specifically. You pop off the end in order to shoot and extend the base to reveal the trigger. He majorly made his cane his weapon in order to prove a point, but it’s also quite useful. He never uses it unless he’s in a pinch, since it needs to be reloaded with magic in order to function, but the resulting blast has a wide radius and it requires him to have a low center of gravity to use it, which means that he can just stand however he normally stands, point in the vague direction of what he wants to utterly destroy without worrying about aiming, and go at it. Needless to say, this is quite useful to him.

Sword >> A greatsword. Heavy, but easy to grip, and thanks to Abel's exercise, easy to swing. It packs a heavy punch and is good to use with his usual battle stance of low-center-of-gravity. It's his default weapon when unable to use his cane-gun.

Notable Items:
Wheelchair >> It’s just a basic wheelchair he keeps in his dorm. It has a seat cover crocheted for him by his dad with his name on it, one he clearly cherishes considering how clean it is despite that that’s where his ass goes, but people rarely see him in it. He refuses to use it in his Academy uniform to make a point and opts for just his cane, despite all of his friends insisting that it’d be quite alright, but when he’s acting outside of the school and is just alone with his friends, he’ll use the wheelchair in order to minimize chances of splitting his skull open.

Arm Reinforcement >> He has some of Frenot’s scales sewn into the backs of the arms of his uniform as a sort of shielding. Dodging is difficult for him in the heat of a battle, so having the option to just throw his arms up to block an attack helps greatly. He plans on doing the same when he gets his Frontliner uniform.

Rudolph >> Not really an item, but a snake. A boa constrictor, to be more precise. He’s a big ‘ol guy he has in a cage in his room, and he uses whatever he has of his savings to get the guy mice to eat. He loves the little (big) fella. He’s even taller than Abel is!

»»————- ⚔︎ ————-««

Rumors About This Character: There are minor rumors floating around that he cheated in order to get into the school, considering how low his articulation is, how shoddy his writing looks, and how bad his hand-eye coordination is, but the rumors are mild at best considering he goes out of his way to prove he does everything perfectly legitimately.

Theme Song(s):
24 Hr Drive-Thru - Origami Angel
Rules - The Hoosiers
Worst Case Scenario - The Hoosiers

Darrion Siberis [Dad]

“I love him. Why wouldn’t I?”

< His dad’s probably the person he looks up to most. Neither he nor Abel were ever eloquent or physically affectionate people, but they love each other dearly and are well aware of it. He was his first supporter, his first teacher, and his first friend. He was his biggest supporter for all of his life and worked damn hard to make sure Abel got here. His becoming a dragon rider may be something he did for himself, something to prove a point, but every accomplishment he achieves in the Academy is dedicated to his dad. He’ll make sure he’s able to retire safely and happily. >

Frenot [Dragon]

“Frenot himself is fine. His presence isn’t what bothers me.”

< It’s not that Abel dislikes Frenot as much as he does dislike everything he represents. Despite countless appeals that he can only assume are at the bottom of the Headmaster’s trash bin, alongside every attempt he could think of to make his life harder until the man gave in, Abel was assigned one of, if not the only dragon in St. Valens without any magic. Frenot is fine -- he doesn’t cause trouble, he’s intelligent, he’s hardworking, so on and so forth, but the part that irks him is that he’s certain the only reason he was assigned him was because they were both handicapped. Like that was all they meant to St. Valens. It’s unfair to both him and Frenot and he’ll fight against it ‘til the day he fucking dies. >

Hildith Macarius Valens [Headmaster]

“How does this man have a job?”

< Frankly, from even just two years of interacting with this man (which he has to do often, unfortunately, since skipping a year involves the Headmaster), he can confidently say he’s ridiculous. Incredibly so. Incredulously so. It feels like he operates his so-called “prestigious” academy on whatever’s funniest, and the fact that it works, so much so that his academy became the number one educational facility on the continent, irks Abel even more. Abel has to give him at least some begrudging respect for how far he’s gotten, but Abel’s watching him. If he fucks up or makes stupider decisions than he already has (and oh, how he has), he’s going to make certain that he’s there to correct them. And punish him legally and accordingly. He will wake up with wet socks. Ones that are taped onto his feet. >


  • His friends were the ones who told him to cut his hair like that. They said the long bangs made him look cool. Abel said the long bangs made it harder to see, but his friends won out.​

  • At home, his dad once kicked his door down hard enough that the lock and doorknob got ruined. Since they didn’t have the money to fix it, ever since then, he and Abel were forced to kick down the door every single time they wanted to enter or exit the room. They never fixed it even after they had enough money to, since they were already used to it.​

  • Abel still occasionally kicks doors down out of habit when he wants to enter or exit a room. He doesn’t intend to make a scene or anything, he’s completely straight-faced, he just... does it. Without thinking.​

  • Since he and his dad didn’t have much money but Abel wanted a pet, he got snakes. Typically ball pythons, but they once got obsessed with a boa constrictor at the store they went to and brought him home on a whim. He named all of his snakes variations of the name of Santa’s reindeer so he could remember what he called them easily while still not having given shitty names like “One,” “Two,” and “Three.” That was his initial idea.​

  • When he’s fighting with a gun, I sort of imagine his fighting style like Billy Kidd from Zenless Zone Zero? Constant low center of gravity, rolling to move and reposition so he doesn’t have to stand and risk falling over, etc. etc.​
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finally finished his dumb ass <3
(i'll add more later.....)

~ 1 ~

┌── I K I O ──────────────────


“Nothing matters, not even nothing itself.
Might as well have some fun before the end, eh?”

─────────────── ✧ ───────┘

-----— nineteen || he/him || 3rd Year —-----
HETEROsexual (<-- accurate)


Name: Irving Ashwood
Commonly Known As: Ikio <3
Species: Human (~90%)
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him/his
Sexuality: NOT gay (<-- AT ALL). Into WOMEN. EXCLUSIVELY. (<-- 100% true)

Accent: Northern Bylcade (General American English)
Region of Origin: Leste Autuire (Legal[?] Documentation)


Student Status: Transfer Student
Course: Front-Liner (Offensive) [FLO]
Year: Third Year
Average Grade: Undetermined Yet (Recent Transfer)

Magical Affinity: Unknown
Magical Aura: Quite intense, even in a resting state.


Height: 6’2”
Pale, ginger-haired, golden-eyed, and tall, Ikio is often asked if he’s Majian, to which he responds, “Everyone always asks me that~! Uaaaa!!” and promptly denies being one, reinforcing his origin as being fully Autuirean, though admits to a possible Majian ancestor.

His hair is his second most striking feature, beaten by the blazing gold of his eyes. It’s really, really ginger, and it grows like fuck, which he isn’t happy about. He often has Merek set parts of his hair on fire—giving it a bit of a burnt look—to keep it short, since he likes the messy shagginess of his shorter hair and absolutely despises how flat and “lame” it becomes when it grows to jaw-level. Longer hair softens the already soft angle of his jaw—makes him look sweeter. Innocent.

He keeps it short.

As mentioned, his eyes are gold-colored, a brilliant, molten hue with pale hazel streaks and small flecks of green and gray. They can be quite distracting.

Despite being outdoors quite often, Ikio looks like his body is unaware of the existence of sunlight. His skin is nearly porcelain-white, pink barely visible on his cheeks and nose. He is free of blemishes, scars, and acne. He looks quite untouched by hardship; even his hands are smooth, with not a single callous, a surprise given his main hobby involves much accidental stabbing into fingertips.

He has three small beauty marks under his left eye, positioned horizontally.

He’s primarily slender and lithe, though he’s packed some flesh and muscle lately. He doesn’t fit into the category of muscular at all, but he’s fit enough where his parka is a smidgeon tight at the sleeves.

Ikio is a very, very pretty man. His features are soft and elegant, the type of beauty that doesn’t exactly stand out but, when it has caught your eye, is difficult to look away from. He sometimes describes himself as “exotic.”

He’s never seen without his oversized parka. A rich, earthy brown, its expensive, rugged fabric promises years of warmth, and it hardly looks weathered despite all the adventures he’s claimed it’s gone through with him. The hood is lined with faux coyote fur, and he usually keeps it down, because when he has the hood on, his face almost disappears. It only has two flap-covered pockets in the front for when his fingers decide to be one inch from frostbite, though he’s got a legion of pockets sewed on the inside to hold various candies and mischievous little items. He does his best to wear the parka even during hotter days, only doffing it when he acknowledges that his stubbornness will give him a heart stroke.

The parka is completely zipped up and extends to just above mid-thigh. He claims he’s wearing the upper garments of the Academy uniform underneath the parka, but he really isn’t; all there is is just a thin, long-sleeved gray shirt (sans for the first two weeks he spends in the Academy, where he actually does wear the upper garments, tie and all). The only part of the uniform he wears is the pants. His are so long they engulf the entire upper portion of his black boots. Every step he takes risks the hems dragging across the floor. He’s certain he’ll give a germaphobe a heart attack someday.

Ikio doesn’t wear any notable accessories, but every now and then, he’ll wear extravagant necklaces, fancy bracelets, and the occasional chic earring on his left ear. They promptly disappear mysteriously within the next week, seemingly transforming into bags of coins.

With the hair, the eyes, the pretty face, and the refusal to take off the parka, Ikio doesn’t blend into any Academy crowd at all, and he doesn’t seem keen on changing that any time soon.


Ikio is a silly little guy with silly little whims and silly little goals, known by many as an energetic ball of impulsivity and off-the-wall charm. “Think before you act,” is a phrase nonexistent in his reality. In the eyes of everyone who has had the misfortune of knowing him, he acts and never thinks. Half of the population finds his particular version of fun-seeking to be indescribably annoying, half of that half loving him for it anyway because, unfortunately, when you put up with his blatantly nonsensical yapping and constant denials of homosexuality for long enough, he and hyper antics end up really fucking endearing. He seems to wear his heart on his sleeve—loud, brazen, and honestly pretty sweet once you begin to ignore how much he fries your eardrums. His opinions are on full-blast for all the world to see, filters so perforated they don’t exist, which makes it difficult for the people who consider him a friend to ever suspect him of being such a liar.

At heart, Ikio is a theater kid. He acts larger-than-life, gestures grand and bombastic, complemented by the volume of his voice and the theatrical delivery of his narratives. He is one massive hyperbole, capable of turning the mundane into a universe-altering event.

His energy and melodrama isn’t for everyone, and his bombast can be off-putting, overwhelming, and really annoying, but with enough time, most come to find the mess that he is nice to be around.

Ikio is a ball of endless energy, as can be discerned from his motormouth alone. He’s always moving to some degree. If Ikio ever sits still without finding a way to fidget or blab about something inane, that isn’t Ikio—that’s his evil twin brother, Irving. Even when asleep, he tosses and turns and, during the rare occasions he sleeps on a bed, face-plants to the floor. He seems to never have been acquainted with the idea of rest, lively, animated, and incapable of doing nothing.

Everything Ikio does revolves around making a spectacle of himself. He wants to be memorable, wants to exude an aura of grandiose flair to dominate every conversation he wriggles his way in, to be increasingly impossible to ignore. His enthusiasm can be infectious, dramatic irony, sharp wit, and clever wordplay combining into a cocktail of magnetic charm and audacious humor. He’s captivating, bold and unapologetic, a perfect combination of bombastic and ridiculous. His ability to navigate any social situation is impeccable: he’s able to make friends quicker than his brain can jot down their names and he can diffuse tension in almost any environment. Ikio, and his innate skill to entertain and endear, is a favorite in many of his friend groups. He’s silly and loves it.

For this reason, Ikio is difficult to take seriously. He’s perfectly fine with people laughing off his whims and categorizing him as an idiot; he’s come to find people will dig themselves into a grave if they think the one they’re speaking to is stupid—and he finds it quite funny, how they blabber on like he won’t use anything they say against them in the end. Besides, the trails of smiles and the he’s-such-a-moron head shakes he leaves wherever he goes makes it so that when he drops the act, when he states a reasonable observation, people actually want to listen, actually consider what he has to say. People give them their eyes and their ears—their attention—Ikio isn’t enough of a liar to deny his love for attention.

Ikio views life and all its facets as a game, moving through life pursuing only what makes him laugh and leaves him unscathed.

Ikio goes through life like he’ll never face consequences. When he gets a funny enough idea, he tends to just… immediately do it without actually thinking it through. Spontaneous and erratic, he leaps headfirst in hot-pursuit of his impulsive whims without any regard to the impacts he might have on the people around him. It’s at least made him very, very good at improvising; with this much of a destructive tendency towards making rash decisions, he needs some way to slither away from his self-made drama scot-free, and the cocktail of his quick-thinking and social intelligence saves him the most.

Coupled with his charm, he can drag people into his shenanigans quite easily, because the risk of harm looks minimal when he makes every daring activity look so fun.

Ikio is a massive troll. He adores tricks and stirring trouble. He’s the type of person to bring politics into Thanksgiving dinner and “Tee hee~!” on his way to the corner of the kitchen to watch the chaos unfold as he nurses a glass of sparkling grape juice. Perhaps it’s schadenfreude; there’s just something absolutely hilarious in pissing people off and pushing them as close to their breaking points as possible. He won’t break people, no, no; because if they snap, they’ll stop being entertaining—but he’ll bring them close to it, just because of how funny it is to see them struggle against their anger, to see the reason behind it be because of him. Whether it’s indirect or not, whether they know it or are completely unaware, being the origin of their frustrations in some way or another fills him with pride and gives him plenty of material to giggle about during boring classes.

Most of his trolling is subtle. He isn’t really ever obvious about his trolling. When he decides to be obvious, it’s less trolling and more in the form of genuinely good-natured teasing. Some of his methods come at the cost of looking dumber, but it’s a sacrifice Ikio is willing to make. When he knows it’s going to pay off in the end, he is more than happy to put portions of his dignity on the line.

His motivations can vary from just wanting a good laugh to borderline malicious, depending on how much he dislikes the person or group he’s targeting—and on how much they fight back. If they get back on him in any way or don’t give him the reaction he wants, he’ll push harder.

He doesn’t feel an ounce of shame.

In complete contrast to his happy-go-lucky, lively nature, Ikio considers himself a nihilist. He won’t exactly be open about it since he knows people will stop listening to what he has to say if they know what he thinks, but when prodded enough about his philosophies on life and the meaning of existence and all those other fun conversation starters, he’ll admit that he views everything as intrinsically worthless. There is no value in being alive because nothing matters. Existence and all its facets are meaningless. Fun is what counts, because, since everything is so worthless, he might as well have a blast before it all ends.

His dedication to this perspective is inconsistent. If he truly believed nothing matters, he wouldn’t have made long-term plans, but here he is, extensively planning out his life in the Academy and the countless diabolical things he’ll be up to after graduation.

When Ikio gets hooked on something, he holds onto it with an iron grip. If he wants it, he’ll get it. Whatever barricades are in his way is irrelevant to him; he can just walk around the obstacles, dodge the consequences. He can get tunnel visions, sometimes, from how intensely he pursues things. It’s made him hard-headed in a lot of ways, like a child who refuses to change.

He doesn’t exactly act like he’s the star of absolutely everything, but there’s a certain self-absorbed arrogance and look-at-me factor to him. “I’m actually the best person on the planet,” “I’m just that guy,” “I’m so smart, the smartest person to ever exist,” “I had it all according to plan, because I’m that intelligent and awesome” is all delivered jokingly, a sarcastic lilt to every word, ensuring that no one knows he actually believes what he’s saying.

Despite how often he pokes fun at himself and reduces himself into a fool in many of his grandiose, flamboyant retellings of his grand antics, Ikio thinks he’s superior to everyone. The fact that he can so easily fool people without them ever knowing about it while he can see someone attempting to trick him from a mile away—it makes him better, surely. The fact that he’s so funny, so helpful, so ridiculous that it’s lovable—no one could be beyond his level.

Every big ego is a fragile ego. Although most insults will fly off his back because he’s certain no one knows him well enough to ever land a direct hit, every now and then, someone gets to him, and it prompts him to do something just a little bit nefarious.

Ikio is fueled by an incessant need to one-up people and prove a point. His vengeance isn’t violent or aggressive or barbaric, but still fits into the category of “savage” spectacularly. He wouldn’t wish death on someone who wronged him; he’d just immediately be on his merry way to make their lives a living hell. Ikio attacks the mind, altering his target’s environment to get under their skin. He’ll start rumors, turn his target’s allies against them, steal opportunities from them—everything that will hurt them down to their soul, he will do. And if they bite back, he’ll yelp and display his injuries for all the world to see, encouraging a swarm of sympathy to cascade his way and direct blame to the one who dared fight back—another method to hurt his target, because they would shoulder angry glares and watch Ikio bathe in pity while being the only one to definitively know what Ikio has done.

It isn’t like all of who he presents himself as is entirely fabricated. Good lies are heavily based on the truth, after all. Very little about his personality is falsified, but because he exaggerates so much of who he is and can effortlessly change which traits to mute and which to amplify depending on the crowd and the situation, it’s become easy to lose himself in masks.

He likes this. He likes his masks. No one can know him if all they know are his masks. He likes fueling his mystique, likes making sure people are off-balance.

Ikio is good with children, and takes good care of the stray animals he comes across when wandering the outskirts of Academy grounds. He buys his friends multitudes of gifts even outside of their birthdays, and celebrates their successes more than they celebrate their own, and (tries to) pay for everyone during nights outside of the Academy. He wouldn’t risk his life for anyone, but he’d do what he can to make sure his loved ones are okay.

When Ikio loves, he loves deeply.

Ikio is absolutely not gay in any way.


  • Mischief.
  • Rain. Ikio can fall asleep so quickly to the sound of rain. When it’s a heavy downpour accompanied by some thunder, expect him to be conked out for the next four hours.
  • Physical affection. Although he can be uncomfortable with receiving it, Ikio is very physically affectionate with loved ones. He touches people he likes, often in the form of putting a hand on their shoulder and shaking them when he’s excited about some gossip or tugging their arm with force when he wants to show them something nice. With people he’s especially close to, he’ll kiss their foreheads and hair and cheeks whenever he experiences a burst of affection. He likes sleeping on top of people he trusts.


  • People who claim to know him. No, you don’t.
  • Cold. He likes warmth and fuzzies. He already runs warm, but he can always be warmer…
  • He hates the sun.



  • Vocal range. Ikio has a lot of control over his voice. He’s able to express emotions perfectly.
  • Multilingual and can change his accent. Ikio is fluent in three languages and is excellent at mimicking accents.
Weapons: Knives and daggers. He stores them in spots that people don’t poke their noses in in the locations he frequents. He often has at least one dagger on his person at all times, tucked safely into a makeshift holster he sewed into the inside of his parka.
Fighting Style: Messy and mildly discombobulated, as if operating on the rules of “If you don’t know what you’re doing, your enemy won’t either.” He can survive one-on-one with an average fighter using agility alone, but put him against someone significantly larger and stronger than him and he’ll end up folded like an omelet.


  • Persuasive. Ikio is so difficult to take seriously that he himself acts like he doesn’t take himself seriously either, so when he strays from his usual bout of silliness and states a reasonable observation, it’s easy to believe him. He exaggerates, yes, but when he does, he’s so obviously silly about it that you know it’s a joke. When he drops the act couldn’t possibly be making it up.
  • Likable. Ikio is fun to be around. He’s open and friendly, and, even at his most annoying, easy to laugh with, the type of person to throw your troubles to when you need someone to listen. It’s easy for him to gain friends.
  • Sleight-of-hand. Ikio can do things with his fingers.
  • Agile. You’d think someone so tall wouldn’t be able to maneuver himself so well, but Ikio is nimble. Even unfocused, he’s able to dodge most hits. He is precise and flexible, not only physically, but mentally, too, easily able to think on his feet and adjust to new circumstances on the fly.


  • Apathetic. It’s difficult for Ikio to care about anything other than himself—a lethal trait to have in the dragon riding domain. He’s guiltless in many of his decisions, his sorrys automatically leaving his mouth as his infamous “Oopsies~!” He prioritizes himself in every situation, and since so many of his actions revolve around having fun and keeping himself alive and safe, it’s difficult to feel anything terrible when his actions result in someone hurt. In the end, what matters is that he’s okay. The closest to guilt he’d feel is sadness in the sense that he wishes any loved ones caught in the crossfires weren’t hurt by his actions, but he wouldn’t feel bad because he fucked up, but solely because they’re sad, and he’d find some sort of way to blame what happened on them instead of bothering to understand what he did wrong.
  • Easily loses friends. Ikio doesn’t have much of an attention span and often flits about from friend group to friend group, individual to individual, too quickly for a friendship to survive. He’s known to ghost people. Whether he comes back to say hi months later like nothing happened is entirely dependent on how funny a person was during the few minutes he was fully aware they existed.
  • No focus whatsoever. He can only think about one thing for 10 seconds at a time. He struggles to get major things done, and always does assignments last-minute. It’s only the minor things he can get done on time since they need the least amount of time and energy.
  • Physically weak. As mentioned, he can be bested in a battle against someone remotely stronger than him. Essentially, the second you can corner him or somehow manage to grab hold of him, he’s done for.


Rumors About This Character: He literally just got here, so not much is being stirred up about him yet.
Legal documents state that Ikio was an out-of-country student at a private, isolated dragon riding school in Daefmir. Said school unfortunately collapsed completely due to Corruption while he was away on vacation in Kelflana. Much of the school’s documents and faculty were unfortunately lost to Daefmir’s control measures. He returned to his home country, Leste Autuire, and stayed there with his loving parents, three dogs, four cats, and two turtles (and Merek) for about three months until he felt better about his future. He applied to St. Valens Academy on a whim the day of the deadline of applications—and got in.

He wasn’t an honor’s student in his previous school, but his grades were high enough to meet the standards of St. Valens Academy. His essay was “astoundingly brilliant” and his interview was conducted by the Headmaster himself, strangely enough. He is a new third-year transfer student and is in the process of becoming a legal resident of Greater Bylcade.


His dragon is Merek. He cares for her like a toddler cares for their mother—she’s an extension of him, like an extra organ purposed for keeping his limbs intact. He sleeps on her stomach whenever he can, and steals candy for her.

Because he’s a third-year transfer student, he already has a dragon. They were assigned to each other in his previous school in Daefmir.


Nothing of note yet!


  • Ikio has been asked if he’s the infamous Shadow Thief, who was a notorious thief wearing all black and was active two years prior to Ikio’s acceptance into the Academy. The Shadow Thief was infamous for stealing from the royalty—not expensive belongings, but things of sentimental value, and during bright daylight no less. The Thief was a menace for about three years before abruptly vanishing into thin air. They allegedly had ginger hair and yellow eyes. Ikio is always greatly offended by the question and strongly dislikes being compared to someone who broke the law.
  • He wears aviator goggles. They’re either hanging from his neck like a necklace or pushed up to above his forehead.
  • HE’S NOT GAY!!!!!!! HE DOESN’T LIKE MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Ice Queen
  • attack
    I am the voice of reason.
    Malaika Aireh Nyah
    Laika, Angel, Ice Queen
    Female (Bisexual)
    Rank, Year & Course
    Rider, 6th Year, Medical Support Course (MeS)
    Elemental Affinity

    Malaika is a standard Ochresile - despite having some rarer genetic traits than most of her race sees. She has long, knee-length ebony black hair that is often worn in intricate braided styles - and now and then in some type of half-up, half-down style. Within her strands, she has brilliant silver streaks running through it and has an emerald-colored bead which is braided into one of the strands she wears to frame her face - signifying her dragon bond. Laika has margay ears and gyrfalcon wings, which she demonstrates with pride. Her eyes are almond-shaped and a deep icy mercury-dipped blue color with hints of emerald flecks within them - they almost resemble liquid silver. She stands at a simple 5 feet 4 inches. You could consider her to be elven in her stature - given how she holds herself.

    Her skin is sun-kissed tan which makes her tattoo - a hibiscus flower in silver ink to demonstrate her air elemental magic, stand out all the more obviously. She tends to wear the school uniform, a skirt and top with velvet and black colors, proudly. She does wear a coat (similar to a nurse would) and has her emblem proudly displayed on her uniform.

    If you took a closer look at her wings, you would find them to resemble gyrfalcon bird wings. Being lightweight and hollow-boned with gorgeous white feathers speckled with a grey or black feather here and there. Her ears are also something interesting. Margay ears are ebony black (which helps consider her hair color if you ask her) and white spots in the middle.

    Faceclaim: Jessica Green

    Malaika is considered the 'Ice Queen' of the Academy. She is calm, collected, and composed (most of the time anyway). Laika is intelligent and focused, taking her duties as a MeS upper year extremely seriously no matter the cost. She knows her reputation, but it doesn't mean she is cruel or rude. She may be quiet and distant when you first meet her but know that she has a protective streak that runs miles long despite her reserved side. This female can be a bit judgemental at first (considering many bully her due to her race) and prefers to not let it get to her. She is ambitious and will pursue her passions without a doubt.

    Once you get to know her, Laika is kind, patient, and sweet-tempered once you break past her cool exterior. Though introverted for the most part, this Ochresile is not one to take advantage of anyone, and should you ask for help in any subject (minus anything violence-related) then she will help. She refuses to allow others to be bullied. Malaika is loyal and while cunning, she also is extremely sassy and usually has a way to weasel her way out of tough situations. She is a bit caustic if you don't know her and can be intimidating at first glance. Once you get to know her, you will find yourself with a powerful ally that you do not want to be on the wrong side of. Laika is strict when it comes to healing, so you best listen to her as she doesn't joke around about health.

    While she can be empathetic, Malaika doesn't make it a habit of showing that side of her. She can be a bit naive at times, thinking that despite the differences many hold, that violence is easily avoidable. Laika is a bit shy to some extent, and while quiet and focused - she can also hold some bits of curious and mischievous sides. Laika can be patient and soothing when necessary - but also stern and very straightforward (and a bit blunt if you ask others). With this in mind, she tries to curb her blunt side - and it tends to come off as extremely sarcastic most of the time.

    Due to her cool persona, many others appear drawn to her (and having Azura as a dragon doesn't help considering her skill with human speech), but in all reality - Malaika isn't a fan of being in the spotlight or the center of attention. She is a bit more... reserved in her demeanor while surrounded by others. Laika can be creative and intuitive, but oftentimes those traits are hidden by the more reserved, icy side of her. She does have some interesting questions regarding why the heck so many at the Academy are drawn to her (especially because she can be so reserved and distant at times...)
code by Nano

Okay - now she is finished - fully
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Click Tabs on Left + Possible Scroll
  • Azura
    Dragon of Malaika
    Azura / Zura or Aza
    23 years old
    Female (Heterosexual)
    Fae Hybrid Dragon
    4 feet at her shoulder -10 feet length (nose to tail tip)
    Weight & Wingspan
    882 lbs & 10feet (5 ft each side)
    Course & Crew
    Medical Support Course (MeS) & TBD
    Elemental Affinity / Magic Affinity
    Wind/Air Elemental &
Background Artist: Google
Character Artist 1: Angevere (Deviantart)
Setting Artist 1: Pexels
Character Artist 2: Unknown
Character Artist 3: Jessica Green
Character Artist 4: TBD
Character Artist 5: TBD
Setting Artist 2: Google

Azura is pretty much done - though chances are more will be added over time
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will be adding more to this guy soon :3

~ 2 ~
┌── FRENOT ────────────────



“You really thought I would ever care
what you think of me?”

───────────── 𓆩 𓆪 ───────┘

-----— twenty-three || he/him || Fourth Year —-----
too bitter for romance


Name: Frenot Aithneson Valens
Species: Generic Four-Legged Winged Dragon
Region of Origin: Greater Bylcade (St. Valens’ Academy, Retirement Home)
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him/his
Sexuality: Too Busy


Student Status: He was waitlisted for two, almost three, years. He skipped a year.
Course: Frontliner Bodyguard
Year: Fourth Year
Average Grade: A+(+)
Magical Affinity (1-100): None (0; “without magic”)


Height: 17’ to shoulder
Wingspan: 30’
Appearance: Most notably, Frenot is absolutely massive. He’s three feet from the tallest height of most dragon species on the continent, with a hulking, bulky frame to contribute to his imposing figure. He towers, compact and muscular, over the majority of dragons in the Academy. His angular, broad face, hooked, blunt maw, and segmented throat, coupled with the glowing deep-set blue hue of his eyes, earns him a striking, robust profile. In flight, with his 30-foot bat-like wings outstretched, one would think him large enough to blot out the sun.

He blends in well in the night sky, his scales a dull, dark blue, almost black, with gold and silver-blue highlights. He lacks patterns, hide rough and rugged. Regal, elaborate crown-like horns line his forehead to the base of his neck, spikes interspersed down his spine and ending at the tip of his long, stout tail in a barbed tip.

Contrary to his size, he carries himself with a poised, calculated grace, steps quiet for his mass and the length of his claws, movements dripping condescension.

Personality: Frenot is, quite frankly, full of himself, his head held high in every situation and frame forever postured as if on a pedestal. Him even at his most relaxed radiates a dangerous aura of superiority. He is always looking down from a chin-up position, eyes narrowed in perpetual judgment of whoever traipses upon his domain. He’s arrogant, knows it, and is proud of it. He is an astute model of excellence and relentless drive; the effort he placed into achieving bare minimum and beyond, especially given a body so imperfect and flawed, is unmatched—and he makes sure everyone knows it.

Frenot’s confidence in himself is unwavering, denting his ego nearly impossible. Negative opinions of him fly off his back and leave a smirk on his face, and he will tackle every circumstance with the same uncompromising efficiency as always regardless of how harshly one attempts to take him down a peg. He selects whose views he’ll care about, self-centric to a T, dismissive of anyone he labels incompetent.

And, boy, are so many people incompetent.

With his perfectionism, addiction to organization, hatred for inefficiency, and steadfast commitment to rules, it’s, for obvious reasons, difficult for him to find someone he truly, unbreakably respects. When he does, they tend to be people with an obsessive determination to achieve their goals.

Finding warmth in Frenot is an arduous task. His pretentious ass is far too married to his fantasy of one day owning a three-acre mansion (with 3 hot saunas and 30 savings-destroying paintings and marble statues littering the front entrance, and his rider somewhere in a palace of a three-hundred-metre bedroom) to grant the average numbnut the chivalrous presence of his kindness.


  • Competition. Frenot loves a good challenge and an easy demonstration of how so much better he is.
  • Expensive decor. If it’s worth three limbs and a dragon’s entire hide, Frenot will want it in his dorm—several copies of it.
  • Helping people. He’s just a bitch about it and is picky about who is deserving of his help.
  • Incompetent people, of which there are a lot. Frenot automatically views everyone he encounters as incompetent until they prove otherwise, but even then, they’ll be an idiot to him in some capacity.
  • Tasteless environments. Some places are so drab. WHERE is the AESTHETIC? The GLORY?
  • Expensive meats, surprisingly. There are things in the world that are too refined even for him.

The Aithne?” is a common question Frenot is assaulted with whenever people come across his matronym. Yes, yes, the Aithne, the world-famous charming wind elemental Frontliner with a triple-digit kill count and double the fans, who backfired so terribly she shattered every bone in her limbs, turned her wings into ash, and killed her rider.

Not that the latter is public information.

When Aithne’s arrogance in “dual-wielding” fire and her innate wind element finally got the better of her, she was brought to one of St. Valens’ retirement home. Even without the public knowing of her being the cause of her rider’s death, her reputation tanked, and with it almost went the desire for the continuance of dragon riding given the dangers it now started to pose. It was only thanks to Representative dragon riders’ careful words that the entire event was swept under the rug so quickly, but Aithne didn’t handle her disappearing from the spotlight all too well. In an attempt to take back her fame, she tried for children. If they could be as known as she was, if they could be better, then perhaps people could see her as more than “a cripple who fell off.”

Despite her care team strongly discouraging an attempt at having children, she was stubborn. Her first few eggs never hatched, but the second batch of five had one survivor, Frenot’s older brother, and she absolutely piled expectations on him until he slowly started to fall apart at the seams. Misunderstanding the way to help her son, she had another batch of eggs a decade later with the intention of giving him siblings who could support him in his journey to making his mother proud. The two surviving hatchlings were Frenot and his younger sister, who both didn’t initially have as many expectations on their shoulders as their older brother did, but still were pressured to do well in the dragon riding domain.

Frenot was… somewhat of a disappointment given his lack of magic. Aithne bemoaned it, apologizing profusely for dragging another “cripple” into the world. His burdens weren’t as heavy as a result of his “condition”, until his older brother abruptly snapped from the pressure and abandoned them after a fierce attack that left his mother with scars. With him as the new eldest, she dogpiled the expectations left hanging in the air onto him and his sister, his sister taking most of the load given how she looked almost like an exact copy of Aithne and could actually manipulate magic. His mother often hedged when it came to what she wanted for Frenot, simultaneously pushing him to consider the dragon riding domain while pulling him away from the mere idea of it on the grounds of him being far too weak to actually succeed in it.

Him joining the Academy wasn’t because of her. He stopped caring about what she thought a long, long time ago. He decided to apply because being in the domain was cool and neat—and he wants a mansion, with no mortgage, and the paycheck as a Frontliner would get him exactly that. Knowing he was at a major disadvantage given his inability to manipulate magic, he decided to put effort into his frame, bulking up and pushing himself to his physical limits to get the body he has now. Everyone seemed keen on blocking Frenot from getting into the Academy as a student despite having been born in an Academy retirement home, having met all the standards for acceptance, and following all the rules. His magical affinity (the lack of it, that is) was cited as the primary reason. Those who didn’t immediately throw away his applications tried pushing him to the PR Support Course, but Frenot pushed back, unyielding in wanting to be a Frontliner in the Offensive subdivision, and his application would then be rejected. Eventually, perhaps by some stroke of luck, he managed to get waitlisted in an unspecified Frontline subdivision. Close to three years later, he was interviewed, and was coaxed into the Bodyguard subdivision. He acquiesced because… well, the fight to get in did become exhausting.

His first year wasn't all too fantastic. It's difficult for anyone to see a magicless dragon getting far in the dragon riding domain, after all, but he did win some people's respect by excelling in many of his classes. The one good thing was at least not everyone was aware he was Aithne's son and couldn't assault him with questions about her. His second year, however...

Frenot still cannot comprehend why the Headmaster decided to pair him up with Abel Sideris. The first few weeks of being officially the dragon paired with the man was... infuriating, to say the last. Not because of Abel, no; Frenot soon came to find he greatly respects the man. The fact is is that it seems like the only reason why they were paired together was solely due to their respective handicaps, like they can't be seen for anything beyond their disabilities. The anger he felt towards the Headmaster was enough to make it difficult to keep Frenot's emotions under control, but he... calmed down, and eventually grew to accept their situation and simply move forward with his current circumstances, working harder than he already was to show them he was more than just what he lacked.

Abel told him, one night, "We’ll prove him wrong. Them." And Frenot will do everything he can to do exactly that.


Skills & Specialties:
  • Tank (damage absorption). Frenot is built sturdy and robust. His thick hide enables him to withstand extreme heats and, to a significantly lesser extent, extreme cold. His body itself is a shield, able to absorb blows.
  • Taunting. Especially with more formidable enemies who can understand dragon language, Frenot, with just a few choice words, can draw attention away from the people he’s defending and make himself the primary target.
  • An eye for the wrong. Frenot can find an error even in the smallest of things, pin-pointing flaws and inconsistencies with, as he puts it, “inerrant accuracy incomparable to anything you’re capable of.”
  • Physical strength. Frenot is exceptionally strong. Some would say he’s more muscle than dragon. In battle, it’s clear how this is beneficial.
  • Difficult to anger. Although Frenot and annoyance are well-acquainted, Frenot is rarely angered. He has a strong hold on his emotions.
  • Needlessly judgmental. Frenot will find something wrong in everything. Those who understand him are often barraged with criticism.
  • Size. Frenot is far too large for his own good. This leads to a number of issues. He can’t fit in a lot of places, and his refusal to hunch does him no favors. The only reason why he isn’t littered with bruises from constantly bumping into things is likely due to the sheer thickness of his skin.
  • Picky. With his food, with his surroundings, with the people he calls his friends—Frenot is particular about everything. It impacts his ability to live comfortably, his ability to get things done, and his abilities in battle.
Fighting Style: Unstoppable force meets immovable wall, except Frenot is both the unstoppable force and the immovable wall. He has an immense amount of physical power and momentum, making him impossible to be halted or redirected if he decides to put his muscles to good use, but when fully committed to defense, overcoming this behemoth of a 17-foot wall of muscle is laborious. Having no magical affinity, he can’t rely on magic in battle, so he relies on his sheer brawn instead and the fact that he can tank most strong hits, both physical and magical. He has a certain clinical methodology in battle, electing to get fights done in very particular ways. It makes him predictable—a major flaw, but he’s stubborn about sticking to his ways, if only to show that predictability and knowing one’s opponent doesn’t guarantee a victory: sheer skill does.

Notable Items:

  • An elegant vest harness with metal clasps, fitted to a dragon of his size, with the Academy’s insignia stitched to the middle chest-area.


Rumors About This Character: Most find Frenot equal parts intimidating and excruciating to deal with given his personality. Some dragons who know of his lineage think he only got in by way of nepotism and treat him like he didn’t virtually fight for his life to get into the Academy, but Frenot doesn’t spare a fuck to their opinion. He has few dragons he’d consider his friends. They tend to be the types who can see the honesty in his harsh words and can withstand his abrasive and snobbish attitude.

Dragon or Rider: Abel Sideris, which is unfortunate. He doesn’t see their pairing as bad because of anything personal; it’s just unfair that it seems they were paired together solely because they’re both considered disabled. When his and Abel's names were called in the Delegation Ceremony, he shared not an ounce of every other dragon and rider's joy—he was indignated. It felt like a slight to their hard work. Frenot sends appeals whenever he has the opportunity to. Frenot likes Abel—he’s one of the few individuals Frenot actually respects, one of the most driven and head-strong humans he’s met—but they both deserve better than to be treated as if their greatest weaknesses (that are entirely out of their control) are the only thing they have going for them. For however long they'll be paired together (it seems like it'll be a while, since the Headmaster's skull seems too thick for the appeals to get into his brain), they'll work their hardest to prove him wrong. Them wrong.


  • Aithne, a former nation-famous dragon in Frontline work, is his mother. She placed a legion of expectations on Frenot, but he pursues his own goals without a care.
  • He has a hot-tempered, insatiably vengeful older brother, who was previously in dragon riding, but left following an altercation with their mother. He visits Frenot occasionally and often attempts to sabotage him by playing mind games. They have a tense relationship.
  • His younger sister is in the Academy. They also have a tense relationship. Frenot avoids her, but when they do come across each other, they’re courteous—that is, if they’re in public.
  • He has no idea who his father is.


  • In sixth year, he will get metal armor added to his design.
  • He and his brother look quite similar in coloration and build, except his brother is much smaller than him.
  • Nothing else of note yet, as he is in development.
  • He can't take Elemental Mastery for obvious reasons.
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Viktor Feinstein
Nicknames: Vicky (only call him this if you want a fight)
Species: fae folk
Region of Origin: Cirmaia
Age: 21
Gender: male (he/him)
Sexuality: bisexual, male lean

Division & Subdivision:
Defensive Frontliner [DLO]
Year: Fourth year
Average Grade: Average student
Magical Affinity (1-100): 93%, but he doesn't advertise it

It's possible that Viktor could be handsome if he tried, but due to his habit of taking apart and putting back together any gadget he can get his hands on, it is not unusual for his appearance to be a bit mussed in his eagerness to work on things and accident-prone tendencies. It's also not uncommon for Viktor to stay up late into the night working on a project or spell and stumbling into class with a caffeinated beverage, looking a bit haggard. Despite this, he does maintain personal hygiene relatively well (ex. showering regularly lol). He doesn't care much how he looks, but he does care how he smells.

Some people who don't know him well think of Viktor as being stuck up or standoffish due to the constant expression of boredom on his face. He is notoriously difficult to impress, and his face shows it. He's not a particularly expressive person, and when he does get expressive, it's generally due to someone annoying him. He has a roguish, pixie-looking face with arched eyebrows and naturally long eyelashes. He has short hair that's growing out in his lack of interest in maintaining it, growing to the nape of his neck. He generally wears his hair out of his face during training, dragon riding, etc. by tying it up or shoving some sort of goggles/glasses/etc. to push his bangs back. His hair itself is mostly straight with a slight wave and colored a pale blonde color, contrasting to the deep amber of his eyes. He has a smattering of freckles on his nose and cheeks that is beginning to fade as he enters young adulthood. During the warmer months, the freckles are more prominent. His skin is fair, but he tans during the warmer months and leans more toward tanning than burning in the sun. Viktor has a straight nose that is slightly upturned at the end and high cheekbones. His jawline is somewhat sharp and he has nice teeth, with the canines slightly pointed. His ears taper to delicate points and are adorned with a collection of silver earrings. He also has an eyebrow piercing and a nose piercing. He stands at an average 5' 8" with the lean muscles of a runner's build. His body is built for speed and dexterity, not strength.

One thing that sets Viktor apart from his peers is the wings that he notably has. He has four thin, dragonfly-like wings on his back that are a pretty sunset gradient, starting in a dark amber near his back and fading to a pale gold at the tips. Back in his hometown, he was considered attractive when he was younger, before he stopped maintaining his appearance, and his wings were part of the cause. He doesn't go out of his way to adorn them or make them look nice like he used to, but he does admit they're extremely helpful for maneuvering and is a fast flyer.

Though his regular clothing can charitably be considered comfort over fashion (no he was not popular back in Cirmaia), he can dress up when the occasion calls for it. He used to know quite a bit about fashion and won't admit how much he actually enjoys dressing up. He has a small collection of nice outfits and jewelry that he refuses to get dirty; one of the few things he is fastidious about.

Personality: Viktor likes to keep a low profile, preferring to stay anonymous and in the middle of any sort of ranking. Despite his average grades, Viktor is actually quite smart. He gets bored easily and doesn't try too hard in school subjects that he's not as interested in but will put immense effort into those he does care about. He is inherently very magical and quite gifted in that respect, which makes him curious about how magic works and the function in his body and otherwise. Viktor is extremely curious, sometimes unconsciously bordering into the nosy when it comes to other people. He's not good with social cues or reading the room, with jokes often going over his head (or he just doesn't find them funny). He can be a bit mean unintentionally, most notably when people interrupt him in the middle of reading or an experiment. He has always loved to take apart and put back together things to see how they work, and many gadgets in various states of disassembly can be found in his room at any given time. He is a bit fidgety and will mess with these gadgets out of habit.

His curiosity continues into the workings of the human (and humanoid) body, but not enough to make him change his track to medical. In fact, he quite likes his position as a defensive frontliner. He doesn't like to fight people one on one, preparing to work defensively while his mind races to come up with a plan. He is much better at fighting in theory than in practice, but brilliant with strategy if he deigns to pay attention. However, he is not always great in a crisis because he tends to worry about his stuff. (He's a material gorl.) He also will panic at first before he gets his head clear enough to come up with a plan. Terrible test taker. He can be a bit hotheaded if pissed off and has gotten into a small handful of fights in his years at school but has mostly gotten through them via his lithe build and quick wit, preferring to outsmart the person rather than outmatch them.

Viktor vastly prefers to be alone with a book, sword, or gadget to human interaction. It's not as if he hates people; he just hates awkward social situations (which, due to his terrible charisma, tends to be a lot of them). He is a man of few words, preferring to just bark out orders (causing for some to see him as bossy, which is not entirely inaccurate) or confirmations to whatever someone else said. However, if engaged about a topic he is interested in or asked about strategy, Viktor will talk for hours without stopping. He takes a while to warm up to people, and though he finds many people attractive, he rarely actually crushes on someone more than thinking they're hot and daydreaming one time about going on a date or something. He has a few close friends rather than many less close friends and prefers to keep it that way. Unless you also enjoy his incredibly niche interests of the origins of magic, gadgets and mechanics, or horror novels, it's more likely than not he will not make any move to talk to you other when required by school. Loves music but is a terrible singer and dancer.

A bit like a stereotypical dragon in D&D and similar media, Viktor loves hoarding shiny things, especially shiny devices or gadgets to mess with. Jewelry is a close second favorite of his. He used to be quite proud of his jewelry collection and would adorn himself with it before he got so intensely invested in his experiments and stopped caring about that stuff.

  • Music (mostly rock and metal with the occasional girlypop song that he viciously denies enjoying)
  • Animals
  • Books
  • Niche magical theory
  • Mechanical gadgets and repairing/messing with them
  • Being the leader (read: bossing people around)
  • Military strategy
  • Dressing up (will not admit to this)
  • Shiny things!!!
  • Being bothered in the middle of something
  • Bitter things (he puts an ungodly amount of sugar in his coffee)
  • Caffeine (his holy grail, since the man does not prioritize sleep like he should)
  • People commenting on his appearance
  • Strangers
  • The heat
  • Gardening (he has the opposite of a green thumb)
  • Waiting (impatient mf)
  • Cooking (his trouble-magnet nature + cooking = disaster)
Background: Viktor is from a small town in Cirmaia that is primarily Indansya-speaking. His family used to be quite wealthy but due to a scandal that Viktor knows very little about, they are only middle class now. His family is minor fae nobility, coming from a long line of practiced magic users who have prided themselves on their magical abilities and knowledge, previously having access to large sums of books on magic and practical applications. However, due to aforementioned scandal (which Viktor knows has something to do with corruption), the grand mansion containing those books was burned to the ground. Viktor has lived his entire life in rural western Cirmaia, tucked away in a small town largely populated by other fae folk and other magic users (or at least more magically tolerant people) to avoid the disdain of those who disapprove of them practicing magic and the fate that many of his parents' loved ones faced due to corruption. Though Viktor does not the details of how his family came to rural western Cirmaia, he has gathered that his family's original territory lies in what is now the Scorched.

Viktor was taught about magic from the time he could walk, with his parents prioritizing his mental acuity above everything else, though they did also impress upon him the importance of exercise. Both he and his older sister, Mila, were raised to become dragon riders, since both Viktor's parents were dragon riders when they were younger. Though his parents are somewhat well-known within the fae community in western Cirmaia, most non-fae or western Cirmaian fae would not know who his family is.

Despite the grip the past had on Viktor's parents, they genuinely believe their children will become the next generation of dragon riders and will outshine themm, pushing them to work on their magic with too little worry about corruption for Viktor's comfort. However, when they realized that Mila's magical affinity was negligible in an incident that almost ended horribly, Viktor's parents' ambitions were set solely on their prodigy of a son. Viktor had little interest in the rigorous training and preparation his parents forced him to go through and was uncomfortable with the growing resentment that Mila was fostering as she was shunted to the side of the family. So, naturally, Viktor turned to his books and experiments as escapism, finally taking the test to get into the academy at the urging of his parents. From his natural genius and the years of preparation, his score was quite high, so he got accepted with relative ease. Though this was not originally the career path Viktor had wanted (he wasn't entirely sure what he wanted, possibly to be an inventor or engineer), he adapted quickly to his new surroundings and was able to keep himself afloat in the academy. However, in continuing his own personal research and making sure his grades were stable, he neglected the social aspect of school, leading to a bit of an unfavorable reputation for snobbish and eccentricity.

Skills & Specialties:
Repairing mechanical objects/gadgets, strategy, niche magical theory
  • Smart, quick-witted
  • Good leader
  • Decisive
  • Very dexterous and agile
  • Fast (both in running and flying)
  • A lot of knowledge in strategy and the arcane
  • Hates being told what to do (will follow orders if it's a teacher or he respects the person)
  • Resting bitch face (lol)
  • Not very physically strong despite his speed
  • Not a good team player
  • Horrible with people
  • Struggles to verbalize his emotions
  • Gets anxious in tense situations, making him more prone to making mistakes
  • Prideful asf
  • Horrible luck
Weaponry: Always carries a small knife on him; never know when you'll need it!
Notable Items: His collection of jewelry is very precious to him; it any of it were to disappear he would not stop until every item was accounted for. He also has what seems like a perpetually messy pair of work gloves and goggles that he adores for some reason. Besides those things, he has a very fancy notebook where he keeps all of his research and findings for all of his niche interests, written in a mix of Cirmaian and Indansya (including his own personal shorthand and a plethora of poorly drawn doodles) that is nearly incomprehensible to anyone who is not him.

Rumors About This Character:
Viktor is not a particularly popular guy, but those in his class know who he is. In fact, he has garnered a bit of a reputation as either an eccentric, aloof genius or uptight, snobby hermit, depending on who you ask. There are a few different rumors about him, mostly about his monetary background (he does give off the air of a wealthy person, which isn't entirely false) or his personality (again, due to his lack of social awareness many people take him to be condescending or cold).
Dragon or Rider: Viktor's dragon's name is Freya, whose affinity is electricity. The two of them get along well because Freya reminds Viktor of his sister Mila. Freya is a lot more good-humored and sociable than Viktor (which isn't saying much, but still). She is also introverted, but in more of a calm way, and helps Viktor get his head on straight when he's lost in his own little world or angry at something.
Affiliations: Due to his antisocial nature, Viktor doesn't have a large social circle or a lot of affiliations at the school. (But hmu if you want to plan smth out, I'm pretty chill with that stuff!)
  • Allergic to pineapple (always thought it was weirdly spicy until he realized).
  • Can most often be found in the library or underneath a tree reading if it's a nice day.
  • Can play the piano since his parents forced him to learn as a child.
  • Used to be a lot more mischievous as a child and would use his illusion magic to play pranks on Mila until they grew apart.
  • Has a loud, snorting laugh that he is embarrassed of.
  • Would eat cake for every meal if he could get away with it.
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- [2] -

╭══.・• •✧-ஓ-✧• •・.══╮

(She stares at you creepily and uncomprehendingly. You feel uncomfortable and awkwardly shuffle away.)

⊱ʚ Merek ɞ⊰
[ female [she/her] - (generic) dragon - 20 - gray bisexual ]


Full Name: Just... Just Merek.

Nickname(s): Please. Just Merek.

Division & Subdivision: Medical Support [MeS]

Year: Third Year

Student Status: Transfer student

Region of Origin: Leste Autuire

Average Grade: She usually averages Bs, but that grade lowers depending on whether Ikio keeps her up. Which he does. Often.

Magical Affinity: Unknown.

⊱ ───ஓ๑⋆ 。゜☁︎ 。⋆ 。゜☾゜。⋆๑ஓ ─── ⊰

Merek is both incredibly small and incredibly sleek, being 6’ at the shoulder, barely any larger than the average horse. Not that she looks particularly similar to a horse, given that she’s not even close to having the muscles of one; she’s built purely sleek and graceful, with a narrow snout, long body, thin tail, and long, agile legs. Even with her being relatively large in comparison to most species in society, she still seems small and agile enough to manage to fit into small spaces, given how her movement sometimes makes her seem liquid.

Her scales are mainly white, although they hold an iridescent quality to them, glimmering soft pinks and blues depending on the way the light so hits them. Sometimes, the shimmer casts a slight prismatic effect in the air around her, making her look almost crystalline. Their glow is accented by Merek’s fur, lining her back, the back of her head, and her neck, pure white save the dirt she can’t quite seem to remove normally and can’t be bothered to deep clean. What scales she does have are in uneven segments, making her look even more like she’s made up of a dozen pretty crystals, with bright yellow eyes that look somewhat like a full moon with the way she gazes at things, eyes wide open in a way that’s almost eerie. They don’t really cut her cold vibe, though, given how they fix on you in a way that seems to just stare right through you. Some may whisper that she’s actually staring into your soul, but really, her gaze is just far too intense for any given moment.

Merek is a somewhat unsettling individual to behold. It’s partially because of her ethereal appearance mixed with her silence, but majorly, it’s just how all-encompassing that silence of hers is. She has a level of non-reactivity that makes her seem almost like an item, given she hardly responds to anyone. She’ll just stare blankly whenever she’s spoken to, glance briefly at any stimuli before looking back to wherever she was looking before, and just slightly twitch in response to loud noises without any real verbal or physical reaction otherwise. Ikio’s said before that she reminds him kind of like some of the Bylcadian royal guards with how difficult it is to make her react to literally anything.

Even with her silence, Merek hardly seems stoic to the outside observer. No, she just seems awkward — the way she exists can only be described as “just standing there,” always incredibly obvious with how she doesn’t know what to do with her limbs. Even when she’s sitting, she looks like she’s just standing there. The awkwardness doesn’t quite take away from the creepy doll feel her lack of reactivity brings her, but it certainly helps make her feel a little more pathetic, given how confused she seems in the rare situations where she’s forced to address someone or something. There are considerable delays before she’s willing to say or indicate anything, and even then, her answers are usually curt and quite vague, and she’ll typically refuse to elaborate.

The “refusing to elaborate” bit makes her seem quite rude to people who manage to get her to address them, and frankly, they’d be right. She’s just a rude person. Someone who doesn’t want to deal or engage with anyone or anything around her. That’s partially because she’s just generally an antisocial person, partially because she gets her ear talked off enough by her rider as is, and partially because she’s dedicated herself entirely to her duties — that is, the duty of making sure that Ikio is healthy, that Ikio is happy, and that Ikio is safe.

That leads to Merek being rather emotionally detached and morally questionable both inside and outside of situations involving Ikio. She doesn’t have much of a stake in what she considers “right” and what she doesn’t, most of her opinions and decisions being purely based in whatever’s most useful for her and Ikio at the moment. It’s not a trait most people are aware of given how little she does in front of other people, but if you were to somehow spend more time with her or get some of her opinions out of her mouth, it’s certainly easy to notice. It’s hard to spend enough time with her for her to come to life, though, since she’s always spending almost all of her time at Ikio’s side.

This isn’t to mention that she’s almost always preoccupied with Ikio. Partially because she’s his dragon and caretaker, yes, but also because she can hear his thoughts. The two of them have a strong telepathic bond, one that means she has almost constant access to his thoughts — and that means she can talk to him and he can talk to her, yes, but it also means that she can hear everything he’s thinking. All the time. Whenever he’s nearby, which due to her insistence of staying by his side, is always. It’s hard not to be a little distracted by that. The only occasion where she isn’t preoccupied talking to or hearing the talking of Ikio is during her classes, and she doesn’t quite know what to do with herself without his constant droning. At some point, his thoughts drowned out her own.

You didn’t hear this from her, but taking care of Ikio doesn’t give her joy. Nothing does. She’s never found anything that gives her joy, and frankly, she has no plans on ever doing so. This is fine, even if she doesn’t know what to do with herself outside of caring for her rider. Her life is passable as is and she doesn’t need to make it harder by concerning herself with things outside of her purpose. It’s difficult enough as is.

Don’t bother her.

+ Rain. :: Ikio usually keeps her up for a long time trying to help him fall asleep. Rain lets her get it done faster. +

+ Ikio’s friends. :: When he’s occupied with other people, he doesn’t turn to her to talk her ear off. And she doesn’t have to hear his idle thoughts. Believe her, his mind gets up to some crazy fucking shit when he’s idle. +

+ Food. :: Sustenance. +

- Attention. :: She dislikes the extra and unnecessary. Ikio seeks it constantly. It gets more irritating the more she’s subjected to it. -

- Arguments. :: She has to argue with Ikio all of the time over everything. He makes horrible decisions so often. Whenever she has to argue with literally anyone else, she’ll drop it immediately. They can win for all she cares, as long as they leave her alone. -

- Being sick. :: Painful and takes away from her work. -

Background: Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy?

⊱ ───ஓ๑⋆ 。゜☁︎ 。⋆ 。゜☾゜。⋆๑ஓ ─── ⊰

Skills & Specialties:
Magic >> Since Merek’s mind is so empty all of the time (except for Ikio’s thoughts, but she’s used to tuning that out), she has top-tier concentration. Thanks to that and good magical affinity, she’s quite amazing with most things magic.

Telepathy >> She has a near-constant telepathic connection with her rider, which removes quite a few of the barriers most dragons have with humankind. She cannot form this connection with anyone else, however.

+ Unfazed :: Nothing affects her. Ever. You could call it level-headed. She’d call it dissociated (and desensitized to her rider’s drama). +

+ Detached :: Since she has no emotional stake in anything, she has no problem making tough decisions. She also makes for a good nurse, since she can take any amount of yelling and doesn’t bat an eye when she sees suffering she has to treat. +

+ Flexible :: She’s both flexible physically and mentally. Physically, she’s kinda strangely wiggly and liquid, so she can fit through crevices and comfortably and easily maneuver herself around. Mentally, she can adapt to basically anything that Ikio’s up to, and she’s great at covering shit up. +

- Weak :: Merek has a weak immune system, meaning she’s just about constantly sick. She’s also just weak in general. Couldn’t hurt a fly if she wanted to. -

- Detached :: She has no morals and no emotional stakes in anything. You could call that sad. She would call that sad. -

- Antisocial :: She doesn’t know how to talk to people and doesn’t want to learn. Doesn’t make her the most easy-to-befriend person in the world. -

Notable Items: She wears a scarf with her MeS insignia on it.

⊱ ───ஓ๑⋆ 。゜☁︎ 。⋆ 。゜☾゜。⋆๑ஓ ─── ⊰

Rumors About This Character: She’s new, so none have generated yet. She has a bit of a mysterious vibe, though.

Theme Song(s):
Just Existing - daysormay

In an Emergency Such as the End of the World - Chase Petra

Irving Ashwood

“. . .”

< The center of her universe. Wants to be the center of everyone’s universe. Sometimes, she wishes he wasn’t a part of this universe. She’ll always comfort him to the best of her ability. >

Affiliations: None yet, since she just entered this school.


  • She wasn’t initially my character! She was @FiguringThisOutVerySlowly’s. They just gave me a few basic traits (essentially just. awkward, codependent on Ikio) and I fleshed out the rest.​

  • She has Ikio’s magical signature written all over her.​

  • She has an incredibly strong aura whenever she’s using magic.​
╰══ .・• •✧-ஓ-✧• •・.══╯
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Name: Freya Tsvetkova
Nicknames: None
Species: Electric-elemental (generic) dragon
Region of Origin: Cirmaia
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual Lesbian

Student Status:
She was waitlisted for a year before she was able to get into the academy.
Division & Subdivision: Front-liner Bodyguard
Year: Fourth year
Average Grade: As and Bs, mostly
Magical Affinity (1-100): 67%

Freya is on the larger side for a dragon, with a height that is tall for a dragon at 14 feet tall. She has a wingspan of 28 feet and is built like a tank with rock-hard scales that cover most of her body. Some suspect that despite her larger size, she has wyvern blood in her family line due to her wickedly spiked tail. She is thoroughly protected with her natural armor and had issues using primarily blunt force in battle in her first year, which Viktor has really helped her with.

As for her coloration, Freya's color palette resembles a pre-dawn sky. Her scales are a deep blue color, though the tip of her tail fades into a pretty lavender in a gradient. Her eyes are deep purple, flecked with electric blue around the slitted pupils. She meticulously maintains her claws to be both and aesthetically pleasing. Unlike her rider, Freya is very careful about her grooming, putting a lot of stock into appearance.

Personality: Freya is a gentle giant, not generally prone to anger or violence outside of combat. She is level-headed and good in tense situations, especially if someone else is freaking out. She has a friendly, nurturing personality and a desire to help those in need. She loves thunderstorms; the noise calms her and helps her sleep when she is having trouble. She tends to take things slow and make sure she's doing a good job rather than rush through it. She is not particularly intelligent, but she's no fool either. She has a decent amount of common sense and despite her occasional day dreaminess, she is a good listener. Though she doesn't mind sharing, she likes to listen rather than talk. She is naturally curious, wanting to learn more about things she takes an interest in. She loves history and likes learning about the past in order to create a better future.

Despite her quiet personality, Freya is not shy. She has never had issues making friends and has a wide social circle of peers who she gets along well with. She's an optimistic and generally easygoing, but she's not afraid to correct people when they're wrong. This trait helps her with her rider, Viktor, since she allows him to give the orders unless she thinks he's making a mistake. Like Viktor, she can be incredibly stubborn in order to get what she wants. She likes to joke around and will go out of her way to help her peers.

However, Freya is completely different in combat situations. She is excellent at compartmentalizing, able to shut out unneeded thoughts in her incredible focus. She will try everything to solve the problem in front of her, because she lacks in book smarts, she makes up for with a good grasp of body language and reasoning. Her dedication is unmatched when she truly puts her mind to something, and she rarely ever gives up. As fierce as she may be during a fight, though, she is always fair and will admit to her own mistakes. She's also quick to help up people she knocked down in a battle afterwards (provided it's a practice and not the real deal). Since she's good at reading people, she's difficult to lie to.

  • Thunderstorms. They calm her.
  • Practice fighting. She's always trying to improve her skills.
  • Sports. Freya's a bit of a jock.
  • Helping others. She loves to lend a helping hand when needed and is just a nice person in general.
  • Learning new things. She loves to learn.
  • The heat. She runs warm and hates being too hot.
  • Bullies. Due to her kind nature, she does not like people who pick on others.
  • Enclosed spaces. She has a horrible case of claustrophobia.
  • Public speaking. While she's not particularly shy, she despises being forced to speak when she doesn't want to.
Background: Freya came from a humble background. She was lucky enough to be raised by two loving parents who inspired her kind nature and love of learning. She has two younger twin siblings who look up to her, viewing her as a role model and at times, nearly like a superhero. Her parents were both busy with work, so she was left to basically raise her younger siblings, but now that things are looking better for the Tsvetkov family, they have more time for her siblings, who have recently become teenagers.

Skills & Specialties:
Physically tough (scales, claws, tail spikes), knows a decent bit about history, good with people
  • Empathetic. Freya is understanding and good at comforting people.
  • Good listener. She has sharp observational skills and is good at detecting lies.
  • Humble. She doesn't overestimate herself and knows her limits.
  • Focus. Freya has incredible focus in tense situations and keeps a cool head under pressure.
  • Determination. She is fiercely determined to get what she wants.
  • Honest. She's good at admitting when she's wrong or correcting others.
  • Stubborn. Freya can become single-minded when she truly wants something, which can be difficult to deal with.
  • Clumsy. She's not the most graceful person.
  • Terrible leader. Despite her ability to read people, she has no idea what to have each person do or calculate things based on their relative strengths.
  • Self-effacing. Though she is humble, sometimes her humility turns into self-deprecation.
  • Ignoring her own needs. Freya is good at going after what she wants, but when she gets in over her head, she tends to turn to helping others to ignore her own problems and needs. She also has a bad habit of being unable to say no to requests for help.

Rumors About This Character:
There aren't many rumors about Freya, mostly because she keeps to herself and her friends. She's helped out enough people that she has a reputation for being nice, but that's about it.
Dragon or Rider: Her rider is Viktor Feinstein.
Affiliations: Freya doesn't interact with people much outside of her social circle, except for small little things if she notices they need some assistance (ex. picking up things someone dropped, comforting someone who's crying, etc.).
  • On a typical day, she can either be found on a sports field or possibly laying on a nice warm rock if it's a sunny day.
  • She can be a bit of a hopeless romantic at times.
  • She's a sucker for a happy ending in stories.
  • Sometimes she has trouble sleeping, so she has a whole bedtime routine.

Okay, 2/3 characters done! Idk how I feel about this one tbh, so lmk if there's anything I need to fix.
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Name: Julien Serrurier
Nicknames: Jules (self-given)
Species: werewolf
Region of Origin: Leste Autuire
Age: 22
Gender: male (he/him)
Sexuality: pansexual and flirty

Student Status:
Originally applied to the Public Figure course but got rejected. When he reapplied for the Representative course, he managed to be convincing enough that he got waitlisted instead and then lo and behold, he is now a student.
Division & Subdivision: Public Relations, Representative course
Year: Fourth Year
Average Grade: His grades differ drastically depending on the subject, but his current average is sitting around a D.
Magical Affinity (1-100): unknown

Jules looks more or less like a regular human when not in wolf form, albeit one who possess a few lupine traits. His ears are slightly pointed at the tips and something in his face shape suggests lupine qualities. He's about average height, standing at 5' 9" with the solid build of someone who enjoys boxing in his free time, tempered with running (he says it's just for training but it's equally for his vanity's sake). He has olive skin with freckles and a few small scars here and there. He also has a tattoo on his bicep that looks like a circle of flame going around his arm.

As for his face, he has piercing brown eyes that are subtly lupine in quality with large irises and a bit of a puppy quality when he wheedles people to get his way. He has a straight nose and chuffs like a dog when he's amused. He has relatively thin lips and straight teeth with pointed canines. He has snake bite piercings and a small scar on his eyebrow. He also has two lobe piercings in each ear and an industrial piercing in his left. Jules has naturally dark brown hair, but a few strands at the front and all of the underside are dyed a deep red color. His hair is styled in a short wolfcut (get it? lol) with the longest part reaching the middle of his neck.

As for clothes, though Jules likes comfortable and affordable fabrics, he doesn't mind something more tight occasionally to show off his physique. He likes to paint his nails black because he's such an edgelord (not really). His nails do tend to be a little sharp if he forgets too long between clipping them. He is obsessed with his beat up leather jacket and aviators because he thinks it makes him look like badass character from a novel. Though he likes jewelry, he avoids wearing pure silver. He has a habit of wearing a bandana around his neck like a scarf (like a dog...).

In wolf form, he mostly just looks like a massive wolf. His fur is the same dark brown as his hair and his eyes are the same brown as well, just more dog-like. He has long, sharp claws and his canine teeth are more exaggerated in their length.

Personality: Jules is very charismatic, having a habit of using his charisma to get out of any problem he finds himself in. To some people he can come across as fake or trying too hard, but his little act does tend to work relatively well a lot of the time. Despite this natural charm, he is a bit of a loser. He's very flirty and can talk his way into one night stands or temporary flings, but has never been able to hold a partner for long. (Not so) secretly a bit of a dork. He is genuinely an amazing negotiator and knows how to guess what other people want. Does his research. He is good at finding the flaws in people's logic or the chink in their armor through conversation, and he can use those weaknesses against them.

Based on his appearance and personality, many people think Jules is a part of public figure program. However, this is not the case. While he originally applied for that course, he got rejected on account of the fact that he has no singing talent whatsoever. His guitar playing is passable, but all he wants to play are crazy solos beyond his capabilities. When he reapplied with the diplomat course, he got waitlisted and eventually accepted.

He is really easily excited, getting almost puppylike in his happiness to be included in things. While he can be intimidating at first due to his looks, after even a brief conversation it's easy to see how friendly and excitable he is. Though he can be suave when he tries to, often he is just delulu. He is also as vain as a peacock, putting a lot of thought and effort into his appearance and the way he presents himself. He really cares about people's opinions of him, despite him doing a decent job of hiding it most of the time. Despite his strong social skills and body language reading ability, he can be a bit of a dumbass at times.

  • Music (all types!). He's a bit of a music library, knowing a lot about different bands and songs.
  • Flirting. He can't help himself, when he speaks to someone attractive, it just comes out.
  • Fashion. He likes to look nice and dresses to impress (himself).
  • Spicy food. Jules can handle spice relatively well and loves to test himself.
  • Boxing. Hitting things calms him down, plus it helps him stay in shape.
  • Running. A good way to listen to new music and get exercise at the same time!
  • People who are hard to read and closed off. Though Jules likes a challenge, he doesn't want to talk to a wall.
  • Cloudy days. He likes the sun and gets excited when it's the first sunny day in a while.
  • Cats. Dogs are obviously better.
  • Pure silver. He's super allergic. He gets the worst rash where it touches his skin.
  • Reading. He has so much time to spend with people, why would he waste it by himself with some paper?
  • Sitting still. He has too much energy at any given time to voluntarily stay in one spot long.

Background: Jules grew up in one of the newer, poorer districts of a big city in Leste Autuire. He was exposed to a lot of the darker side of the hedonism that occurred in said city since his parents had to work multiple jobs that had to do with the tourism/gambling industries. Luckily, when he was a little older, a little-known great-uncle died, leaving a large sum of money to the family in his will. With this money, Jules's family bought one of the local casinos, which only earned them more money and caused things to look good for his family. Jules got really good at any sort of card game that was played there, working as a dealer when he was old enough. He is also very good at cheating at any sort of card or dice game, cheating nearly every time he played unless his parents were there to watch.

Despite enjoying his job, he wanted to do something more with his life. Jules had dreams of being a famous dragon rider since he was young, causing him to apply for
St. Valens Academy. He has started many poker nights or card game tournaments in the common areas in his time there, losing just enough to go under the radar. Though several people suspect him of cheating, no one can prove it.

Skills & Specialties
: Good with people, "silver tongue," caught up on pop culture and customs in different places, amazing at card and dice games
  • Persuasive. He is extremely convincing.
  • Emotionally intelligent. He gets people. He knows what they want and how the human(oid) brain operates.
  • Driven. When he wants something, nothing can stop him.
  • Well-liked. He has a large assortment of friends and associates who find him likable.
  • Physically fit. Though he rarely fights other people, he packs a punch.
  • Loyal. Once he gets close to someone, Jules will do almost anything for them.
  • People pleaser. He feels the need to be liked by everyone around him and gets upset if he knows someone dislikes him for whatever reason. He has never heeded the advice "do not meddle."
  • Gossip. Jules has been known to gossip and pry into people's lives, especially if they're someone giving him issues.
  • Attention span. He has a hard time paying attention in class and can quickly get off topic.
  • Jokester. Though his upbeat attitude and jokes can provide much-needed levity, he sometimes has a hard time taking things seriously.
  • Bad with secrets. He has a hard time keeping something under wraps unless it's life or death.
  • Ego. His ego can be a bit overinflated at times.
Notable Items: He has a guitar in his room that he adores like his child (he's thankfully not annoying enough to bring it to parties or anything though).

Rumors About This Character:
Due to his popularity, several differing rumors are swirling around Jules, some contradictory. He has a reputation for being a major flirt (true) and a player (sort of true), but a mostly pretty good friend. There's a rumor that he cheats at cards (true) but no one has been able to prove it, so most people have given up trying to force him to admit to it and accepted that if he cheats, it doesn't matter anymore. There's a rumor that he started an underground boxing/fighting ring that is largely known to be false. Another rumor is that one of his moms is a famous musician (also false, Jules himself started it).
Dragon or Rider: leaving this blank for the time being, thinking of having his previous dragon be a dropout lol
Affiliations: Relatively popular, so hmu if you want to discuss prior affiliations with him.
  • His favorite food is peanut butter and he will eat it straight out of the jar.
  • Once went a week without eating a single fruit or vegetable when he was younger.
  • His favorite color is red.
  • Can fall asleep anywhere, at any time, in less than five minutes.

will figure out the dragon sitch soon, swearies
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lol who am I kidding it's just for her subd and personality blocks she's pretty much done

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

C a s s i o p e i a
“Do you really think you’ll remember me, when all the power is gone?”

─ ⋅☆⋅ ─
[ female [she/her] twenty-four ⋆ [CLASSIFIED] dragon ⋆ heterosexual ]

Cassie has a high affinity too high, they told her, dangerous, they said, and an indiscernible elemental affinity, and as such, her magical signature is... distinct. It feels like gossamer, as though what you sense is delicate and intricate, as though you could step away, and the scent of fireflies and summer nights would pass, and the chill of an aurora would spike through your bones in passing- and you look up, and it’s there, everywhere and nowhere, or you look away, and it’s as though it’s been covered in a wisp of darkness.

She knows her mother was from Daefmir, the open, wooded home of the Elves, and the dark, sleepless capital of the Faefolk, and she knows their blood runs through her veins- but her father was raised at the Academy, and so she was, too.
They say she has been raised by the wildlings. That she is foreign to the Bylcade, simply from the way she looks to the world. Perhaps she would have been better off away from this cursed place.
–Mjanna, to her mate, Sorret Valens



Her eyes have always been the most brilliant shade of darkness, she’d been told. Her scales, the most shimmering tints of violet. Like a night sky with its galaxies shining to the world below. Like a river of stardust, swirled into color. When she turns her head, it's almost unsettling; the way her onyx eyes stare without focus can send shivers down one's spine. Perhaps it's good she keeps to herself- she drives enough away from unease. Her wings are the most intriguing shades of night, aubergine and indigo, little flurries of white scattered as though the sky itself landed on her body and chose to take a rest. They are held together by beautiful silver straps clasping them to her side, assisting with her life as a student, her childlike dreams to fly, her broken, paralyzed desires.

The silver stars beneath her eyes seem to shimmer in the dark.

An earring forged of rich, delicate onyx and amethyst rests on her left ear, a symbol of the bond they always wanted to promise, and never managed to keep. Her brother shares the same, made of obsidian and sapphires, complementing hers to a near perfection. Those earrings came before he knew she needed magic to fly, while he would be left alone for hours as she was gone with their parents, having the time of their lives without him. One foot in front of the other, like walking a rope, they told her. It makes her look graceful, careful. Like she could touch the world, and worries would slip through her talons, water that runs away in the rain, afraid only of her.

Her scent is of mint and wildflowers, of petrichor, of chilled winter berries and soft soil. Not all at once, of course; each time she passes, it seems she carries another element with her, and they cling to her skin with a naturality others might kill for.

(image by me)
+ Compassionate + Problem Solver + Intuitive + Patient + Intellectual +
= Quiet = Inflexible = Just = Decisive = Observant =
- Controlling - Terrified - Inhibited - Perfectionist - Cynical -

As a hatchling, Cassiopeia was around her elders the most. And as a hatchling, they found their own impressions of her as compared to her brother, the inferno that was stolen out of her blood. They most often compared her to a hidden lake- undisturbed by a great many things, even the worst of occurrences would send out mere ripples in her quiet. Memories could fall and be lost in her time, and the fiercest of wildfires wouldn’t even disturb her surface. And still, they never claimed her to be harmless- should they try, her mother would tell them that even the most unassuming parts of nature kept secrets in the deep.

They may choose to define her how they like, but she is not defined by who they think she is.

She’s quite the unusual hatchling. Usually, from your kind of match, she’d be able to breathe fire, her claws and teeth would be extremely well-developed, and she’d have a lower affinity considering her mixed ancestry. She doesn’t need to be encouraged. She needs to be careful.
-Doctor Caellach Valens to Mjanna


Year 6 PRR/Espionage/MeS Classes:
= Elemental Mastery III
= Riding IV
= Coordination V
(one below is an elective, other will be main subdivision)
>> Mediation
>> Emergency Medical Care
**Runic Magic

Skills & Specialties:
Magic ::::: She's spent many years working so hard to improve that there are tears in her eyes. She knows magic. She knows it like the back of her claws, like her family, like her place in all of it. She sees their emotions like someone would see colors in the sky, and it's only one perk to knowing the mind better than any element.

Affiliations ::::: Navigation. Through situations, through others, through people. It's not that she's charming. It's that she's seen so much that she knows what to do without even knowing who they are.

Invisibility | Do you know what it's like, to disappear before someone's very eyes? Not in a way that means magic- she simply blends in with the rest of the crowd, a blessing for someone who has to keep so many secrets.

Intellect | Many of her years she has passed with flying colors due to her innate desire and ability to learn. Unlike her brother, she spends her time obsessed with the classroom. Still, she’s not quite… obedient.

Control | She is remarkable at not only controlling herself, but others, as well. It’s subtle, and often, leads to those in need gravitating towards her and the quiet strings she plucks from the sky.

Affinity | It might be reminiscent of soft summer evenings, but her high affinis leaves her susceptible to easy corruption. She has to watch herself.

Body | Battle has never come naturally to her, and it won’t start now. She doesn’t have the strength or the agility to be able to go face-to-face with an enemy, and often keeps her magic as her only defense. It only helps that her wings are paralyzed.

Exhaustion | She is almost always exhausted, especially lately. It makes her perform less, frustrate easily, and forget things more often. It brings out the Cepheus in her.

Starlit nights, campfires, and cool rain
The smiles of little admirers
Knowing she’ll be fondly remembered

Being hated for something she can’t fix
That she'll hurt someone

And if she doesn’t have a rider? What then, Mjanna? What happens when she finds out she can’t ride, because too much will corrupt her?
-Sorret Valens to his mate, Mjanna



Cepheus | She does not hate her brother, despite everything others may have heard. He’s… much more vocal about her than the reverse.

She remembers the day Majia fell.

Or at least, she remembers the day her mother walked in, tired-eyed and detached, wings drooping and scales lost to the nervous habits trained in her bones. She remembers being told that she wasn't allowed to fly anymore, that she couldn't pretend to be normal, to be free. She remembers her brother, attached at the hip, his eyes downcast, whispering how much he misses them already. They had family, there. In Majia. In Daefmir.

No one knows what it's like to renounce their existence until they've truly experienced having no other choice.

She was young, when it happened. It was the day she got fitted for the harness, the very same that her brother promised her that they would stay together, no matter what. That he would always be her brother. That he would always protect her, and she would always be there with him. They had to stick together, after all. He had earrings made, just for them. Funny, because times change, people are fickle, and things that once weighed so heavy on one's childlike mind can get swept away like a fog with age.

How ironic then, that he treats her as his enemy, and yet keeps the jewel, because he remembers the promise.

Cassiopeia remembers how hard she fought to get into the school. To learn something, so she wouldn't be treated like a liability, like a disease, because she came from an area that corrupted when she left, and it would lead them to suspect, were her wings corrupted, or was she, so they would consider her... normal. She didn't do it to get revenge on Cepheus' spite, or to prove to her mother (who loved her, but told her to find something she could do), no. She did it for her. And when he joined her, years later, to "make dad proud", she stayed out of his way, giving him the space to be... him.

She’s got to be a witch. I’m telling you, she’s hiding something in that quiet little brain of hers. She knows something, she has to.
-Ivia Cirma to Cepheus Valens


Rumors and Reputation:
They think she’s a wildling, strange and unaccustomed to Academy life. They say she’s a foreigner and doesn’t know the ways and tradition of the Bylcade. She’s known to be quiet, and that’s what makes them wonder, because they don’t know anything about her- not her, her brother, not even her family, because she doesn’t speak of herself.

They say she’s already corrupted. That she uses her magic to rip the souls out of others because they don’t even know if she has an element, but they’ve never seen her wielding any. And she scares them.

-I wanted her to be based off the stars, so here we are.
-Her wings are paralyzed, but she uses magic to make them work.
**NO ONE KNOWS SHE SHOULDN'T FLY.** I can't stress how important this is. They can speculate, but she hasn't told anyone, and her brother doesn't say a word because they would easily be shamed and feared for it.

Cassie... my sweet dreamer, my sweet girl... you won't hurt anyone.
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⋆♛⋆ ──

Ƈɛքɦɛʊʂ Vǟʟɛռʂ
"I'm nothing like her."

━━━━━ ♤ ━━━━━
[ male [he/him] ⋆ twenty-six ⋆ fire wyvern ⋆ bisexual ]

True to his father’s family, and all of them that have remained in the Bylcade, Cepheus is fire. But not the burn, or the simmer, or the ember, no- he’s the spark. He feels like the match that lit the flame, the torch that burned the woods, the ignition in a machine. His magic is merely the tool- once the touch of him is gone, only the taste of smoke and ashes remains.

He grew up at the academy, that’s all there is to it. St. Valens is his home and always will be. It made him who he is.

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ♤ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
He’s quite a handful. As far as hatchlings go, I’ve never met one quite so chaotic and uncontrolled– though I know my sister’s dragon was very similar. He needs to be watched to be sure he doesn’t do anything we’ll all regret, and I fear that means I have to watch him.
–The Professor’s Diary, Rider of Sorret Valens

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ♤ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

His eyes shine like coals laid into the deep blue sky of his scales. The rich navy is unusual for one attuned to fire, yet remains reminiscent of a moonless, starless night, through which colors can shamelessly come and go. His scales are brilliant and they burn, gleaming in the light and warm to the touch. In the dark, he's even got his own light source- imagine that!- a faded glow in his underscales that are barely visible from a distance, but bright enough to be useful to work. Not that he needs it- his pale white irises don't need it with his exceptional night vision. They're almost unnatural.

He's a rather large dragon, standing at around 15 feet with his wings off the ground. In order for his rider to get on his back he has to lower his wing- otherwise he's far too large to just try to climb (it's like trying to climb a brick wall. Without four legs, there's no easy access to his back unless you climb his tail, and he hates that). His rider... likely can't wait to make a saddle for him. He's very spiky. Very sharp. It's mildly impractical especially considering he needs to keep a rider on his back being a FLO, but you know, he makes it work. They make it work. At least he's easy to hold on to.

With him is carried the intrusive scent a FLO carries when they ride- flame, leather, and the metallic air of blood. It doesn’t stay, however. Overnight it tends to fade into something more attractive, something more becoming of a rebel such as himself: smoke and cedarwood.


(image by me)
+ Bold + Charming + Selfless + Protective + Loyal +
= Chill = Indecisive = Confrontational = Fearless = Outspoken =
- Stubborn - Rebellious - Resentful - Temperamental - Aggressive -

Always a rebel, he’s spent more time ignoring the comparisons to firecrackers and mischievous little fairytales than waiting around for the one-in-a-million bit of praise he might receive; he knows they aren’t gonna give it, so why wait? “You’re a handful.” “You’re such a firebreather.” “Why aren’t you more like your sister?” And he’s sick of all of it, all of her. The moment her name appears in someone else’s mouth, the flickering embers of his heart explodes into a thousand fires and he snaps, and the next thing he sees burns. Unlike her, he isn’t known to be calm, or quiet, or easy to lead- he’s inherently the opposite.

(He's notoriously difficult.)

No. I'm not her. I'm me. Bitter. He's so, so bitter about it. And he doesn't care if anyone knows about how much he hates her for being perfect- he doesn't say it, per se, but he shows it. He shows it when she walks by, and a growl is in his throat. He shows it when Xaaga smiles in admiration for her, and he hisses sparks. Whacks him with a wing. You know, the normal stuff.

It's not all he is, though. A lot of those he meets thinks he's a one-trick guy, a baseless, insistent rulebreaker bent on challenging those above him. To some degree, he is. To the same degree, many don't get to know him any better. With friends, he's much more comfortable, much more willing to breathe. It's hard to let go, you know? All those people expecting you to be a certain way, why try to be different? It's not like he'd die for his comrades. It's not like he only risks his own life in his schemes. It's not like he's had the same best friend for twenty years. Friends who don't like you don't stay that long.

No matter what, he's inherently charismatic (for those who don't hate his raging outlook, anyways), and his flashing smiles and thing for just doing rather than thinking tends to take people by storm. He's got the air of someone confident, someone who knows what they want, and in a world of confused little dragon riders, it's so attractive a trait.

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ♤ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Come now, he isn’t that bad. Fire hatchlings are all full of sparks and vigor. Perhaps it’s just hard because we haven’t done this before.
-Mjanna to Sorret Valens

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ♤ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

Year X FLO Classes:
= Riding
= Coordination
~ Combat Tactics
~ Elemental Mastery
~ Combat Coordination
**Counter-Attack Tactics
**Tactical Reconnaissance

Skills & Specialties:
uh. Man likes to BURN.

Body | Of the classes he actually goes to, he does enjoy those that teach him how to be strong- he has quite the bit of physical prowess. Straight for the throat, and straight for the kill.

Smarts | It’s really too bad that he spends all his time ditching his duties** (not enough to fail- his father would whoop him for getting even a single grade under 80. 'Course, he still gets Bs and Cs), because he really is smart enough to make them make sense. He just doesn’t care.
**The leadership believes his rebelliousness negatively affects the fulfillment of his potential in class. Cepheus believes exactly the reverse.

Secrecy | He keeps whatever secrets he chooses to, whenever he wants, but always for friends. Not to mention that with anything he does? He’s more than good at hiding his tracks. The only way they know it’s him is if he chooses to say it.

Anger | It’s not a good look for him or anyone around him. He’s got quite the bitter, resentful streak, though only directed at his family and his “leaders”. Don’t worry, though. Despite it all, he’s never harmed anyone, not intentionally. Only walls.

Responsiveness | For reasons unspecified, he’s always a little out of it. He was never particularly quick or agile in the first place, but it could’ve been taught, and it’s something he chooses to neglect.

Pain | Wouldn’t admit it, but he doesn’t deal with things. It’s plastered all over the festering, infected favoritism of his childhood that makes him love the spotlight. There are plenty of cracks in the façade.

Firepits, campfires, and the outdoors
Going off-campus, to the capital
Ditching classes

Being forgotten or left by himself
The rain and the cold
Forced obedience

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ♤ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
He’s got to be one of the best dragons I’ve ever met. He tries his hardest to succeed, at least he has since he became a brother.
-Ivia Cirma to Mjanna

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ♤ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━


Cassiopeia | He can’t stand how much they love her.

Ivia Cirma | Not his mate. He doesn’t have one, and if he did, he could guarantee you it wouldn’t be her. She’s his… she’s his. Or she was. They broke off at some point over the summer.

Yeah, yeah, Majia fell, some uncles died, so?

Mom and Dad went off with Little Sis to have their own little playdates. He never got to come along, how dare they. To summarize:

Risking lives for what’s best? You go to him. Want something they can’t give you? Ceph. A way out, a good life, a great time? You’re never gonna get anyone better.
-Ivia Cirma to the student dragons of St. Valens

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ♤ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

Rumors And Reputation:
He’s a bit of a folk hero to the mischief-making newlings, even if he isn’t the oldest, the most capable, or the most unusual. He knows who he is and what he wants, and he knows to do that, he doesn’t want to sit in a school and do it their way. He wants to do it his way. So he does- loudly. And before the year even starts, that’s why too many dragons already know who he is.

They say he’s reincarnated fire spirits. That he’s the embodiment of flames. That maybe he and the leaders plan out their fights, because he hasn’t been expelled for it yet.

They say he was behind the Scorching of the Forest, the Destruction of the Mess Hall, the Cliffside Fireworks of XXXX. Whether or not he’s behind any of them, he’s made a legend because of them.

Uh. Kid?

Oh, Ceph... always the spitfire. Creating trouble where you know you could just create.
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ♤ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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Name: Varvara Sinitzina

Nicknames: Varya, Var, Varvar, Sinitza

Species: Human

Region of Origin: Cirmaia (Indan)

Age: 19

Gender: Female (she/her)

Sexuality: Whatever it needs to be (probably aroace but she would never think about it for long enough to figure that out)


Student Status: Out-of-country student

Course: Frontliner (Defensive) [FLD]

Year: Third Year

Average Grade: B+

Magical Affinity: Unknown


Appearance: Long, straight blonde hair, light blue eyes (she wears contacts. In reality they're brown). A deceptively skinny build, in reality she has a lot of muscle she likes to hide behind feminine presentation, makeup and dresses and high heels. Her nails are usually painted, although kept short for the sake of practicality in the academy (even if she doesn't care about others' opinions, she needs to be taken seriously by the teachers at least).

In casual clothing, she likes very simple but effective outfits, short dresses or skirts, she likes bright makeup and takes good care of her hair. In terms of uniform, she usually ditches the blazer, cuts off the shirt's sleeves and rolls up her skirt. On occasion she'll wear legwarmers. (note: when i have time i will draw her up and attach an image).

Personality: Varya is bright, loud, brash, overwhelming at times. She's catty and confident, not caring for what anybody else thinks, and not afraid of people taking issue with her rudeness.

She can reign it in when she wants to, although she rarely does. The process of getting a citizenship for her is going steadily, although slower than for her sibling, and Varya can only imagine most of the decision making comes down to "better to have her in our military than the enemy's". The name Varvara shares the same origins as the word barbarian, and for Varya it's awfully fitting.

Still, she tries to not get into too much trouble. She's far from a delinquent, and she doesn't break the rules all that often, at least not often enough to be found out. And, well, if she pushed someone threatening to snitch on her underneath the foot of a dragon, then there's no proof it wasn't an accident, anyway! Her track record is not any more sullied than that of an average student, it's just that her terrible personality can be off-putting.

One thing she does not budge on, however, is being extremely protective of her twin. Since they were kids, he's been the quiet one, the softer and more palatable kid, and infinitely more bulliable. So, Varya had to show who those who had the terrible lapse of judgement to pick on her sibling were dealing with.

  • A good spat. She's not that fond of physical confrontation, but she's a huge fan of a verbal showdown.
  • Knives. She loves playing around with sharp objects, especially the knife game, but she had to stop doing it so much as to not come off as improper (even more than she already does)
  • Dressing up. She loves a good excuse to spend a good two hours getting ready and then show off her fashion sense.
  • Autumn. The leaves turning orange and red and gold remind her of home and of her childhood.
  • Her twin.
  • Authority. She isn't particularly fond of all authority, but she'll at least follow those that are justified or otherwise hold real power. She loathes those who self-impose status without acknowledging that any merit can be challenged.
  • Being condescended to. She's not stupid, she knows you don't like her, and she knows why. Antagonize her head on, coward.
  • Magic. She's retained some "regressive" cirmaian beliefs, sue her. Vasya already makes fun of her for this. She understands its practical utility, its necessity, all the arguments for and against. She just finds it unsettling on an instinctual level. She thinks it's creepy.
  • Reading. She doesn't have the attention span. It only leaves her more frustrated.
  • Being compared to her twin. If someone says "well, Vasya-" one more time in her life she'll snap their finger off.

Background: Varya grew up in a mid-sized town in central Cirmaia, not far from the capital. For as long as she remembered, it was her, her twin and her dad: their mother died when both children were young, their father telling them it was a tragic accident involving a teenage mugger who got a gun on the black market without knowing how to use it, and escalated his crime to murder without meaning to. He never wished to discuss their mother at length, so the twins tried not to ask.

The twins were always close, but once they went to school, it became apparent that they're very different people. Varya was bold and loud, meanwhile Vasya was shy and reserved. The school children were quick to identify their target, and Vasya became a common victim of bullying: which is where Varya stepped in. She was more brash, more confrontational, and not afraid of getting physical. Sadly, the fights never solved the issue permanently: the bullies only got more frustrated that such a wimp was being protected by their sister, and that became the new material for mockery, and they took every opportunity to gang up on Vasya if Varya wasn't around.

Varya didn't really make many friends in school. Sure, she was extraverted, so there was always someone she could talk to, sit with, even hang out outside of school, but they were never proper friends. The bonds were surface level, and she'd struggle to even remember their last names. She never was the one to dream of dragon riding, that was her twin. But she did dislike Cirmaian school, and wanted her sibling to be happy. So, when their father gathered the funds, she was happy to attend the academy.

Varya is not stupid. She understood full well what being Cirmaian going to a school in Greater Bylcade meant, and she understood full well her personality, nor her non-exceptional grades were going to do her any favors. Nevertheless, this is where Vasya came in for her, too: his grades were excellent, his demeanor was polite and educated, and he was able to both help Varya academically and vouch for her when needed. Together, they got through the first two years fine, and just like that, together, they'll be fine for the rest of it.


  • Physique. She is pretty athletic, has great stamina, strength, flexibility and reflexes.
  • Knives. She's great with blades of all sorts, but especially shorter ones! For cooking, of course :] Totally :]
  • Intimidation. There's no need for a fight when you can just scare the shit out of your opponent!
  • Direct. Straight to the point, not afraid of confrontation, will not beat around the bush.
  • Confident. Very little can make her doubtful, even less can deter her from doing anything she set her mind on.
  • Durable. Her endurance can rival just about anybody's.
  • Attractive. She has good looks, and she will admit it!
  • Competitive. When she locks in, she locks in hard.
  • Her twin.
  • Dislikeable. It's so easy to have beef (both justified and unjustified) with her it's not even funny.
  • Stubborn. It's very hard to get her to actually consider your opinion on anything, regardless of if you're right or not.
  • Patience. She can be very impatient and, as a result, impulsive. She needs a strong external motivation to be able to wait.
  • Competitive. When she locks in, she locks in hard. She can develop severe tunnel vision in regards to the task at hand.
  • Her twin.
Weaponry: She got a stash of different kinds of knives, mostly to play around with. She's pretty sure she's not allowed to have most of them, or that the sheer amount would at the very least be concerning, so she doesn't brandish them.


Rumors About This Character: Several rumors go around that she only got into the school because of bribery. Early on, the rumor stated both twins got in because of a bribe, but Varya squashed that version quick.

One particular conspiracy theorist managed to posit that Varya is a Crimaian magic super-soldier, and while most regard this as a joke, some particularly stupid xenophobes believe it.

A common run of the mill factoid that people like to throw out as an insult even if they don't really believe it, is that the twins are spies for the Cirmaian government. This one's so cliche it's barely worth mentioning.

Several people also spread rumors that she hides alcohol or cigarettes in her room. Varya is concerned this might lead to the staff finding her knives.

Dragon or Rider: Searching


Vasilisa Sinitza: Identical Twin

[REDACTED] Sinitzin: Father


She is in regular communication with her father. He often tries to send her gifts from home, such as pickled vegetables.

She gets really bad hay fever every year. This has only began happening once she moved to Greater Bylcade, so she assumes it must be some kind of plant around the academy.

She is much worse at Bylcan than Vasya, even worse than she was at Cirmaian, and as such she can make easy mistakes, like missing articles or conjugating verbs wrong.

She has tried smoking once, hated the taste and almost coughed up a lung. She will only be a nicotine addict if they invent magic vapes.

She imagined herself as a dragon before. If she was a dragon, she'd be an ice wyvern, in her opinion.


Full Name:

Devlin (Dev-lynn) Ther Jakobson


Dev, Devilin/Devil (derogatory)


Human (cursed) – <85% Human

Region of Origin:

Greater Bylcade, born and raised






Male (he/him)





Medical Support Course (MeS)


Fourth Year

Average Grade:

A for anything theoretical or knowledge based, A - C- in practical tests, depending on how malicious his curse is that day

Magical Affinity:



  1. Self-Defense III
  2. General Coordination III
  3. Riding II
  1. Anatomy & Physiology of Dragons II (skipped Year 2 class due to prior teaching from his mother (who's a handler))
  2. Emergency Medical Care of Dragons II (again, skipped year due to prior teaching)
  3. Mystic Arts for Medical Support Units III (only theoretical due to lack of magic. still is even though that's changed, as Devlin's not come forward with this knowledge. mostly from guilt)
  1. History of Magic
  2. Alchemy & Potion-Making
  3. Counter-Attack Tactics II (taken due to Cave's FLD division. classes for next year are chosen a few weeks before the current one ends...so, before Cave died. he was too caught up in his head to change it.)



Devlin can best be described as friendly looking – or maybe pathetic looking; it depends on how you view it. Not one part of his figure cuts the impression of a “sharp” guy; his jawline is soft, his brown hair is fluffy and reaches lower than his ears, and his body proportions are more rounded than most. The callouses along his hands (mostly down by his palms) are surprisingly smooth, and his blue eyes aren’t piercing: rather, more like the shimmering scales of a newly hatched fae dragon, reflecting the light upon them and refracting harmlessly – and beautifully – in the light.

The burn scars along his right side, up to the bottom of his chin, are only really noticeable due to how pale he is; they continue on past his neck, and map a harsh path through his chest, petering out along the meat of his right thigh. Sometimes, when he’s really nervous, he'll trace a finger along the rough bumps and arches along his neck and on his face. Otherwise, he tries his hardest to forget about them.

Devlin’s uniform is nice and neat: he wears his button-up buttoned up, his blazer snug against his body, and his tie hanging down from his collar as it's supposed to. His MeS insignia is buttoned on his right blazer collar, green light standing out as it's designed to in his velvet and black colored suit. He really prefers to wear long sleeves and gloves, considering the scars, but in the warmer months he’s practically confined to gym wear.

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

I don’t understand you. You can’t accept your own– guilt and shame, and yet you revel in it all the same! This isn’t doing what you think it is, and it won’t no matter how many times you try. Why can’t you get it? How much do I have to drill into that thick skull of yours until an inkling of meaning sneaks in? THIS. WILL. NOT. HELP.
-Dav, to Devlin

╚═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝​


Devlin is the type of doormat that makes mentally healthy individuals cringe at the overzealous kindness and propensity for social prostration, and the type that causes more malicious folks to question their sudden luck. One look and he’s already wrapped around their finger. Hell, he’d done the wrapping for them.

Devlin’s objective, above all else, is to make people happy, and he’s not against giving away his time, his focus, or even material things to achieve this. On the contrary: doing such things are his primary tactic to achieve his goal. Somewhat because he doesn’t exactly have a good grasp of what kindness even is exactly, but mostly because he values himself so little, and values everyone else so much.

He’s extremely easy to take advantage of due to his people-pleasing habits and low self-esteem, and actively encourages it by offering himself up on a silver platter. He’s so desperate for positive attention that he could, no joke, be talked into stabbing himself lethally if he’d get an “attaboy” before he died.

Devlin’s personality is less an actual manifestation of his self, and more a vehicle he continually buffs and repaints, all in an effort to be the “best” person he can be in the eyes of whoever he’s trying to please. Practically, anyway: he still has a true self under all that sugarcoating, he’s just buried it deep. Prepare to be reflected at for a while if you’re trying to get to know the real him.


Is it clear yet how much he values kindness? Has the point been struck? Is the beaten horse dead yet? If you answered yes to all those questions, then great! You understand Devlin completely! Take your congratulatory medal and scram.

Anyways, the exact reason Devlin enjoys helping others is, put simply, because it makes him feel better about himself. It's a coping mechanism; maladaptive, yes, but a coping mechanism nonetheless. The worse he feels, the more he tries to fix it by proving to himself that he’s useful. It's not very effective, but hey, you won’t see him complaining. (Mostly ‘cause he thinks he deserves it. GET THERAPY RAAAAAAAGH)

It's almost a given that a DRAGON rider would like DRAGONS, but it's a standout point in Devlin’s case. Considering Devlin’s been around dragons for a long time, he’s grown to enjoy their presence as a separate, conscious being rather than a tool to use. If he was asked whether he prefers humans or dragons– well, he'd be hard pressed to answer if it was a human asking, but he’d still say dragons.

Yes, he’s the weirdo who drinks straight milk. Yes, he knows how weird it is, and no he will not stop. He can’t stop. Ice cream, cheese, cream cheese – he’ll eat and drink it all.

Maybe there really is some truth to the thought that inability to access something only makes you want it more, considering the reverence Devlin holds for magic and all its intricacies. He...doesn't want to use it himself, after what he did, but he still regularly updates his knowledge and repertoire of niche spells, for no other reason than a pure love for it.


Devlin may be all fluff, no backbone, but he KNOWS when he’s being played. He thinks he can change their minds, the blind optimist he is, but the longer he doesn’t the more his frustration grows (see: the more Dav bitches at him to finally stand up for himself). Hell would have to freeze over for him to actually do anything about it, beyond fueling his self-hatred caused perfectionism even more. Say what you want about his personality, but the boy can get shit done.

Surprisingly unrelated to his trauma with flames. That’s part of it, barely, but it's mostly just an innate hatred of heat exhaustion. Clashes horrible with his want to cover up his burn scars. Chafes like you wouldn't believe, too.

Being a workaholic through and through, Devlin detests sleep. He views it as more an obstacle to be conquered than a basic requirement for his well-being. Dav hates him very deeply for this, among…other things.

He wants to heal as much damage to other people as much as possible – of course he hates combat. Though, if he didn’t want to get into situations where he’d be involved in large-scale conflicts, then why is he pursuing the job of a dragon-rider? (Spoiler: there’s a lot of cognitive dissonance involved.)


To make a long story short --
  1. His childhood was Normal.
  2. His brother Daviel made some enemies and one of them attacked Devlin, who was in his second year, to get back at him and the magic used to heal him from being burned caused him to get enchanted (without his knowledge).
  3. His new magical self allowed a long standing family curse of unluckiness to attach to his magical "core" and because it had been absorbing ambient magic to continue to exist without actually taking effect, it had grown in strength and gained some...ehhhh, let's just say unintended qualities (he had no clue of the curse's existence).
  4. His third year was when the curse was strongest and he floundered because of it.
  5. He gained a new snarky voice in his head and spectral fella who called himself by a nickname for his brother and which only appeared in mirrors like a reverse vampire (definitely has no correlation to his curse what are you talking about).
  6. He learned about his sudden ability to do magic and freaked out, in a good and bad way.
  7. He charged a spell during a last week school event while he was riding his dragon, Cave, but a bug flew into his eye (unlucky) and in his surprise the spell went off early, backfired, and caused a fucking CLOUD OF CORRUPTION (again, unlucky) to envelop them both -- he was fine because of his really low magical affinity, but Cave, who'd been pierced by the corrupted bolt of fire which the smoke had come from, was not.
  8. Got quarantined for two weeks and worried himself sick the whole time.
  9. On the last day, he was told the bad news of Cave's corruption and subsequent death callously before being sent back home.
  10. ????? depression ?????
  11. And that's about it!
yes, that is the short version. you don't wanna know how much I cut down man.


Skills & Specialties:

Devlin has a specific knack for recognizing injuries and their severity. It’s entirely non-magical in nature; rather, he’s just able to read the subtle cues of a particular body and connect the dots. This ability comes from his knowledge surrounding physicality, and he is unable to “sense” things in species he is less informed about. (As of the Prologue/First Chapter his ability applies to dragons, humans, and human-adjacent species (elves, faefolk, etc.))

He is uncannily good at reading dragon body language: due to his families’ connection with dragons, for almost all his life he’s been learning and interacting with them, and has consequently become rather good at understanding them. Not to the point of complete communication – some intricacies are just hard for another species to understand, no matter how familiar – but it's a close thing.


Devlin is very skilled in all aspects surrounding academics and combat (which might come as a surprise to people who’d known him only by his campus infamy). He was brought up to value hard work, and therefore takes his time to study and practice thoroughly. Not that that helps him much…

Devlin’s akin to a train whose tracks end with a sudden drop: quick, with his destination firmly in his mind, but prone to ending it with a jolting careen after his goal is reached. Mostly, just to the detriment of himself. When he sets his sights on something, he’ll barrel towards it, often with no regard for his own health or other commitments. Nevertheless, the fact stands that he’s exceptionally skilled at finishing what he starts.


Devlin’s curse is his Achilles heel. Not one aspect of his life isn’t worsened by Dav; his scholarly performance is wildly inconsistent, his mental health is repeatedly being kicked in the metaphorical balls through the curse’s constant put downs, and his social life is near non-existent due to his shiny new image of an incompetent buffoon with a propensity for talking to thin air.

Devlin’s kindness used to be just a part of his character: something he valued, but didn’t sacrifice himself to work towards. Sure, he went into dragon riding because he wanted to help others, but he was more than just that. But that was back when he had a support network of friends he could rely on (mostly Cave, truthfully), and when he didn’t have a parasite in his brain that wanted nothing more than to stomp his self-esteem into the ground. Now his kindness has become his crutch; the only way he can prove himself to be worthy of happiness. He's grown emotionally dependent on the whims of other people, of which are notoriously fickle. If you so much as look his way, he'll try his desperate best to please you. God forbid someone be distant or refuse him – that only makes him try harder. He cannot accept that he just can’t help some people; if he fails to complete even a single ask from someone, then it's a personal failure from him, not from an environmental factor or an unreasonable request. His perfectionism is his own worst enemy.

His past near-death experience hadn’t only left physical scars. He’s able to be around fire if he has time to prepare, but being taken off guard by its presence will cause him to freeze. Especially if he’s relaxed beforehand: during combat, it's easier to push past the fear that it'd bring (though still insanely difficult), but it's when he's most vulnerable that he’ll truly be unable to keep it bottled up.


• Dagger – He doesn’t like holding or using it at all, but he’s kind of forced to carry one considering the likelihood of him getting involved in combat scenarios. Still doesn’t mean he has to like it.

Notable Items:

• Pin - A pin with a design of a small, red dragon, secured on his button up below his suit jacket. He got it back in his second year cause he thought it looked like Cave.

•Hand Mirror - Mostly to see Dav with.


Rumors About This Character:

The kind of comical, mostly horrific happenings surrounding Devlin are well known by practically the whole campus. Considering they occur on school property, in front of anyone who happened to be in the not-so-insignificant collection of action-based classes he’s in, it’d be impossible for the events to not get around. Especially the ones that involve injury to other students. Most especially, the one involving the death of a student.

However, the circumstances and causes of these various incidents are fluid, and vary wildly depending on who you ask. Some include:

Some people believe the explanation behind all the failures Devlin has are due to his own lack of skill. The most popular reasoning by far.

One of the harsher rumors. Might be due in part to Cave's death.

Came about from him talking to himself, mostly less as an actual belief and more as a way to bully him.

Dragon or Rider:



• Daviel Jakobson (he/him) – His brother. Idolizes him nearly as much as the public, and similarly has no clue how shallow the man is.

• Cave Searcher (she/her) – His previous dragon and best friend. Misses her everyday.

• Dav (he/it) – His unwilling brainmate. Their relationship is basically if a divorced couple had no other option than to be in contact 24/7. Dav's the combative one in the relationship, and Dev's just forced to bear his constant goading. Couple goals :hearteyes: (this is a Joke they are not actually in a romantic relationship I SWEAR)


• i hate them /pos
• Dav can take control of Dev's body in times of stress or unconsciousness. Dev (usually) doesn't remember any instances of it happening. Dav's the only one to refer to Dev's body as a shared one. Dev rejects the notion that Dav has any control over it which angers Dav considerably. (They're not separate people, kinda just different personality fragments; Dav's just the one who gets saddled with all the "negative" traits and desires Dev pushes down)
now that i'm thinking about it this is basically just magical DID. whoops?
• Dev did not take his proficiency test due to his quarantine, and is due to take it this year.
• Dev's favorite juice is peach, and Dav's is orange :-)

this could probably be made to look better but...i really hate coding....... i'll add some drawings of him and dav soon! ^^ maybe
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Name: Vasilisa Sinitza

Nicknames: Vasya, Vasiliy, Sinitza

Species: Human

Region of Origin: Cirmaia (Indan)

Age: 19

Gender: Nonbinary (she/he/they)

Sexuality: SECRET


Student Status: Out-of-country student

Course: Public Relations (Representative) [PRR]

Year: Third Year

Average Grade: A

Magical Affinity (1-100): Unknown


Appearance: Vasya's hair is blonde, similarly to his twin, except it's short and choppy, a boyish messy cut. Their eyes are dark brown, and they can come off a bit paler than Varya. Vasya is scrawny, and although she can keep up fine in any physical classes, she never seems to build up any real muscle. She has a barely noticeable scar above her upper lip, from a bully who fought her when they were younger.

In casual wear, Vasya prefers big, baggy clothing, although lately he's been getting into formal casual. In terms of uniform, he mixes and matches pieces on most days, sometimes wearing skirts and sometimes pants, sometimes leaving out the blazer, sometimes rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. It's rare to catch her in the same outfit every day, and there seems to be little to no logic or preference for how he dresses.

Personality: Vasya is the quiet, shy twin. She hides behind Varya in new places, she was bullied in middle school, she doesn't do well in fights. Her gift has always laid in words: if Varya is the hotheaded one that rushes into fights, Vasya is the one who calms her down, convinces her to be reasonable, and tries to resolve conflict.

Some go as far as to describe him as non-confrontational, however that is not entirely true, especially when it comes to his twin: since Varya often gets a bad reputation, he's the one defending her, getting her out of trouble and trying to help her stay in people's good graces. Varya's relatively good grades are entirely his accolade: he's the one bugging her to study whenever she doesn't want to.

Vasya is quite sensitive: while most bullying doesn't get to them, since they're quite used it, and people rarely know enough about him to know which buttons to push, Vasya tends to be the more emotional of the twins. They tend to be very empathetic towards other people, and pretty eloquent when describing their own emotions. Bonding with others, if those show any kind of desire to do so, comes fairly easily to Vasya.

  • Quiet, calm places. Helps her think.
  • String cheese. The proper smoked kind, made into a little braid.
  • Adventure stories. Bonus points if there's romance as well.
  • Spring. Seeing the flowers bloom brings a sense of peace.
  • Debate. Get her on a debate team she will out-argue everyone. Loves the technicalities of rhetoric, treats it as a skill more than social interaction.
  • Magic.
  • Her twin.

  • Small talk. He can engage with it, it's just painful.
  • Pompous arrogance. She's had many experiences with people gloating over her, and she's observed that most of the time they're full of shit.
  • Winter. The cold reminds him of home. In a bad way.
  • People thinking they have any right to shittalk Varya to his face. For some reason, many assume the twins have a bad relationship, or that Vasya looks down on his sister for not being as academically smart, or that he hates that she's so loud and brash. He doesn't take those types of people well.
  • Tights. They're itchy.

Background: Vasya's mother died when they were too young to remember what she was like, properly, so for the longest time it's just been the twins and their dad. Vasya took up to reading quickly, and their father tried his best to nurture their talents. At school, Vasya became an easy target: scrawny, quiet, top of the class. Varya would fend off any and all attackers, but she couldn't always be there, of course. Vasya became desensitized fast, and his fringe status and nonchalant attitude about that fact attracted a lot of people who were like them.

Vasya made lots of friends throughout the years, sensitive poets, strange painters, awkward musicians, you name it. They were rarely long friendships, as the turnover in school was high, especially for those too weak to pull through on their own, but those connections were always meaningful. Meeting all sorts of misunderstood souls, in combination with being an avid reader, had Vasya fantasizing about magic, and especially dragon riding.

Their father caught wind of their dreams, and realized there was little chance of accomplishing them in their home country. He saw the way Vasya was treated here, and desperately wanted them to be somewhere they won't feel so alienated. He gathered the funds, helped the twins prepare, and after a few long talks and with a heavy heart sent them off to the academy in another country.

It was easy for Vasya to adapt. Teachers were always delighted with her, and several things in her track came easily to her, like public speaking and politics, so there was no doubt about her bright future here. Varya struggled more, and Vasya even doubted if she wanted to be here. However, whenever Vasya asked, she just said she was glad to be out of that hellhole they called a school.


  • Public speaking
  • Diplomacy
  • Debate
  • Agility. Vasya's body is surprisingly nimble and flexible.
  • Good at conflict resolution, de-escalation and bargaining.
  • Patient. Willing to play the long game.
  • Friendly. While not necessarily likeable by all, she doesn’t make any real, serious enemies often.
  • Obedient. Teachers and all sorts of authority figures love him.
  • Often overlooked and underestimated. Makes it easier to strike with a surprise attack, or be unnoticed until it is too late.
  • His twin.
  • Overthinker. On occasion will get lost in convoluted plans and predictions to the point of losing sight of the real world.
  • Easy target. While overlooked in the best case scenario, the other side of the coin is being explicitly picked on as a perceived weakling.
  • Would rather be pushed around than start a fight. While not a complete pushover, when it comes down to it would rather concede than enter a full on contest.
  • Sensitive. While she is mature enough to handle most insults, seemingly random things can really get under their skin.
  • Their twin.


Rumours about this character: Many rumours about Vasya are framed and re-told slightly differently depending on whether the person repeating the story likes or dislikes him. For example, there’s a rumour going around about his father not being accepting of his gender identity, and while some sympathetically and hopefully say that this is the reason Vasya fled his home to study at the Academy, others are convinced his father sent him here in hopes to get rid of such an embarrassment.

One particularly nasty lot have said that the reason Vasya doesn’t physically fight his bullies himself, but doesn’t step in if Varya does it is because Vasya secretly dislikes his twin and getting her in trouble or hurt is a good outcome for him.

Accusations of Vasya being a spy for the Crimaian government are usually half-committal and said by those jealous of his performance, but some believe that even if he was a spy, he’d be an unwilling one, trapped by family obligations and fleeing the country to start anew.

Dragon or Rider: Searching


Varvara Sinitzina: Identical Twin

[REDACTED] Sinitzin: Father


One of the biggest fights the twins had was when Varya found Vasya’s poetry and made fun of it. The ensuing fight resulted in both refusing to directly talk to each other for a month, communicating exclusively through their father when they needed to.

Vasya is an amateur connoisseur of rose wine, although he hasn’t drank any in a good while.

For his 18th birthday, Vasya received a hand illustrated copy of his favorite book.

Every single pencil that Vasya owns is chewed up.

Vasya has a hidden collection of guilty pleasure trashy romance novels. If Varya ever found out, she’d mock him for eternity.

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