• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ᴍᴀʏ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ꜱᴛᴏᴘ ʏᴏᴜ - applications



you’ve got me by the skin and bones

may death never stop you


application info.

full name.
age. (18+)
date of birth.
date of death.
occupation. (if applicable)

faceclaim. (realistic only please!)
hair color.
eye color.
distinguishing features.
modifications. (if applicable)

likes. 4+
dislikes. 4+

vices. 3+ please explain each one
virtues. 3+ please explain each one.
(or you can write it out in paragraph form if you want!)

background. (2+ paragraphs please)

questions. (please answer as your character)

how did you die?

do you have any living loved ones?

what do you think is causing people to miss their appointments with death?

how do you feel about people fated to die continuing to live?




Grim Reapers were once human. Their job is to collect the souls of the dearly departed (preferably just before death for those assigned to the Unnatural Death Squad). They have a quota that is unknown to them that they must fulfill before moving on in the afterlife. Once they meet that quota, the last soul they reap becomes the Reaper that replaces them. The Reapers exist in a state between life and death— they are undead if you will. They can interact with the world around them as if they were living people, however, they cannot die or age as they are no longer living. However, if they encounter anyone who would have recognized them in life, they would appear to be someone else.

Once they die, they must leave their old life behind. They cannot continue living their lives the way they were. They cannot contact their loved ones (they would not be recognized if they were seen) and they keep their nature as a Grim Reaper secret. Some Reapers have more trouble adjusting to this than others, but in the end, it is what they have to do. Reaping souls may be their purpose, but it is not a career in the normal sense. They do not get paid, nor are they given housing. They must find that all on their own. Some work, some steal, and some scrape money together however they can. They live with a lot of unknowns. They don't know what comes in the afterlife, nor do they know who decides who dies and how.

extra information.

there will be more detailed information on reapers provided upon acceptance, but if you have any further questions, please let me know

the reapers would all be on the unnatural death squad, which means they likely would have died in an unnatural way (i.e. accident, murder, suicide, etc.). please include any relevant trigger warnings!!!!

as for their deaths, they likely do not remember experiencing the actual event as it is common to reap the souls of those experiencing an unnatural death just before they die. however, they would certainly be aware of what happened to them.

♡coded by uxie♡
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juliet kane

full name

Juliet Joni Kane


JJ - she doesn’t love this nickname, but won’t correct anyone who uses it




April 15, 1950


November 19, 1977


Cis Female






Bartender, but she supplements with sticky fingers








Dist. Features

High cheekbones, strong jaw, full lips


None of note


Ear piercings


Suki Waterhouse

Into the Night

Z Berg



Undead but alive

Abrasive: It doesn't take much to get on Juliet's nerves and she also can be a bit blunt or harsh when speaking with someone

Unforgiving: Juliet can hold a grudge like it’s nobody’s business. If you manage to find yourself on her shit list, you have to earn your way off of it.

Closed-Off: She doesn't let people in emotionally. She keeps her emotions and her past to herself, making it difficult to get close to her.

Perceptive: Juliet is able to read between the lines and is quick to pick up on subtle details.

Loyal: Juliet is someone who will stick by those she loves and supports them to the ends of the Earth. It takes quite a bit to have her cut ties with someone completely

Adaptable: Able to roll with the punches, Juliet is quick to adjust to whatever situation she finds herself in.


Vinyl records, old movies, cigarettes, candles, tea, late nights, milkshakes, concerts, anything chocolate + peanut butter, exercising


Silence, bland food, waking up early, competitive games, messy spaces, coffee, nosy people, birds, socks in bed, rain


Hiking, yoga, collects vinyl records, thrifting


Never meeting her quota, snakes, not experiencing the afterlife

personal items

While Juliet advocates for Reapers to move on from their life before their death, she has kept a few sentimental items from her life. She has a few photographs of loved ones and newspaper clippings that they appear in. She also has a stash of her favorite clothes from over the years.




Juliet was born to an unwed Pamela Walker in Los Angeles. She was just out of high school and her boyfriend ran for the hills when she fell pregnant. Her parents were also unhappy with their daughter and sent her off to have the baby. When she did not give Juliet up, the pair were kicked out of the house.

Pamela worked hard and made things work. She worked long hours and pinched her pennies to give Juliet as best of a life as she could. Eventually, when Juliet was seven, her mother met Arthur Kane, who she ended up marrying. Arthur legally adopted Juliet and she considered him to be her father. The couple welcomed a son, Alex, when Juliet was nine and a daughter, Melissa, when Juliet was eleven.

While the household was happy and there was no real conflict to speak of, Juliet had a touch of a rebellious streak. She preferred friends to school work, staying out past her curfew, etc. This didn’t change after she left high school. Instead of college, Juliet joined the workforce as a waitress and lived in a house she rented with four of her friends.

The group of roommates and their circle of friends were invested in the social scene and two or three were trying to make it into the film and music industries (though they never ended up making it into the mainstream, just low-level success). Parties and outings were a regular part of their social lives, partially because it was helpful for networking, but mostly because they enjoyed them.

Just before Thanksgiving, the group decided to go to a party in Laurel Canyon, hosted by a friend of a friend. Supposedly there were supposed to be some notable people attending this party, so the group, of course, was going to attend. Six of them piled into a car and made their way to the party.

In all honesty, it was a great time. Juliet mixed and mingled with everyone she came across. She drank and dabbled in a few substances that night and all around had a really good time— she even met a guy and set up a date for the following evening. However, there was something strange before the group left, they were approached by a man and a woman who didn’t at all fit in with the other guests of the party. They were older, neatly dressed, and seemed altogether much too uptight to hang around this crowd. They stood out because they had a quick conversation with the group just before they piled into the car and insisted on shaking their hands.

Juliet brushed it off but would realize shortly that they were the ones who took their souls before the accident. Things seemed fine as the group laughed and chatted on the ride home. It was the wee hours of the night, so the roads were quiet and dark. Pete, the driver of the group, swerved off the road, causing the car to collide with a tree. Nobody really knows what caused him to do that. Maybe he was more impaired than he thought, maybe there was something in the road. In the end, it didn’t matter because they were all dead.

The group didn’t realize until they saw their own bodies, bloodied and thrown around the car and outside of it. Horrified, the group couldn't believe what had happened to them. It wasn’t long until the woman they had met just before they left arrived to tell them what had happened. It was strange though, the man she was with was no longer there. She pulled Juliet aside before she escorted the others to the Next Place. Juliet was confused. Why couldn’t she go with her friends? Was she really dead? Apparently, she was the next in line to be a Grim Reaper.

This had to be some sort of joke.

Alas, it was not. She was really dead and was really tasked with collecting souls before she could move on herself. After attending her own funeral, she was told that she could never contact or see her family and friends again. This was something she struggled with because they were right there. What was so problematic about telling them what happened? Her siblings were just teenagers and her parents were wrecks. Why can’t they know that she was okay?

Juliet found herself lurking around them, watching from a distance, but never actually interacting. Looking back, it did nothing but hurt her.

She reaped souls in Los Angeles for another ten years. Her sister, Melissa, recently had a baby, who she named Juliet. Touched by this, Juliet left a gift (though anonymously) for her sister. When this line of no contact was crossed, she was transferred to Seattle. Not only could she no longer keep an eye on her family, but she was forced to go from a city of sun and familiarity to a dreary distant place.

In the decades since she did her job and collected each and every soul she was assigned. Five years ago, the last reaper that was in charge of the Unnatural Death Squad hit his quota. Juliet woke up the next morning with the list of souls that needed to be reaped for the day and a small training manual shoved in her mailbox. The Powers That Be had chosen her to be the next head of the UDS. Now, each morning, she receives a list of souls that she assigns to each reaper on the team. Unfortunately, she still doesn’t know who the Powers That Be are or how they function, as her only communication with them is notes and packages left in her mail. So, she’s been keeping on with her duties, hoping that someday she meets her quota so that she can move on.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

how did you die?

“I was the passenger in a car that ran off the road. We were coming from a party in Laurel Canyon and in retrospect, my friend probably shouldn’t have been driving, but he was the most sober of the group. This also happened back before seatbelts were required, so I got thrown from the car. All of us in the car died, but I got stuck as a Reaper. It especially sucks because I had a date lined up the next night.”

Do you have any living loved ones?

“Yeah. My folks are gone, but my siblings and some friends are still kicking. I’ve even got family members I’ve never met at this point. I keep tabs on them, but I haven’t seen them in a very long time.”

what do you think is causing people to miss their appointments with death?

“Hell if I know. Either something has to be going wrong in whatever system they have to decide who is supposed to die and when or it’s another Reaper meddling in this process.”

how do you feel about people fated to die continuing to live?

“Listen, I don’t want people to die, but it’s something that has to happen. Whatever is going on is bad fucking news. Bad shit is gonna happen if there’s no balance between life and death.”




♡coded by uxie♡

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    Mathilde Joan Solace
    Mattie or Jo
    7/1/85 | 2/14/15
    Cis. Female, She/her
    Stock Trader
    FACECLAIM. Léa Seydoux
    HEIGHT. 5'6"
    HAIR. Blonde, usually worn down or in a neat bun, with slight waves and layers. It is about shoulder length at the moment
    EYES. Blue
    DISTINGUISHING FEATURES. Bright eyes, gap in her teeth, defined cheekbones, button nose, beauty marks
    SCARS. She has scarring inside of her throat due to abuse from her ex. This causes her to have a husky voice at times
    MODS. Standard ear piercings

    LIKES. 4+

    DISLIKES. 4+

    HOBBIES. Knitting, writing letters, journaling, cooking, people watching
    FEARS. Never getting over her guilt, her ex never being punished

    VICES. 3+ please explain each one

    VIRTUES. 3+ please explain each one.

    HISTORY. (2+ paragraphs please)


    How did you die?
    Her lips press together as she crosses her legs, her eyes narrowing slightly. "My ex killed me. On Valentine's Day of all days. We were arguing about what I wasn't able to do for him, how I was robbing him of his future, and soon enough his hands were on my neck and then I fell down the stairs. Unfortunately for me, I didn't die instantly and so I had to listen to him panic on the phone as I was dying."

    Do you have any living loved ones?
    — "Fortunately for me, I do not. My parents died when I was a baby and I aged out of the system so no family. I had some friends but I don't know what they are up to. They seemed to move on."

    What do you think is causing people to miss their appointments with death?
    — "Probably some dick who has way too much time on their hands. Maybe it's a higher-up who wants to mess things up for us. Maybe it's the devil, who knows. I just know it's above my pay grade.

    How do you feel about people fated to die continuing to live?
    — "I think if people realize they aren't dying, that's going to be an issue. Otherwise, I just don't have the energy to care right now."

    coded by social
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AivDuQq.gif VyNRUSK.gif


nickname. don't you dare call him j.t.
age. forever thirty-five.
date of birth. 9/11/1969. "yeah, tell me about it."
date of death. 11/10/2004
gender. male
pronouns. he/him/his
sexuality. straight.
occupation. reaper uber driver. former grunt at usmc.

faceclaim. james badge dale a la spectral and 13 hours lmao
height. 6'1"
hair color. brown
eye color. blue
distinguishing features. an occasional thousand yard stare.
scars. oh nothing too noticeable — just a fuck-ton of gunshot wounds scattered all over his body.
modifications. a very poorly done marine corps tattoo on his shoulder. yes, it was done by someone in his unit, and yes, he was very drunk and sunburnt when he got it.


likes. chain smoking, long drives, late nights, coffee black, cooking, cheap beer, cheap whiskey, extra pickles on his burger, classic rock, 90s action films ("heat is a fucking classic"), shooting, kayaking, days at the lake, fishing — pretty much anything that has to do with being on a boat.
dislikes. people not cleaning up after themselves, people thanking him for his service, the holidays (he's coming around to em), nosy people, having to get up early, when drunk passengers puke in his car.
hobbies. like any other tired adult, his hobbies include going to bars, sleeping, and binge watching television. if he's inspired enough, maybe he'll go to the gym.
fears. he says he's not afraid of anything, but deep down, he's scared he's gonna be stuck reaping souls for the rest of eternity.

  • blunt. jason does not mince words nor does he spare feelings. he tells it like it is. and if you don't like it, well, "that's too damn bad."
  • cynical. can't blame the man for only seeing the worst in situations and/or people.
  • dark humored. he's always been this way, though his black humor has only increased since he became a reaper.
  • a lil depressed. "hell, if you saw all your friends die in battle, was killed in action only to be brought "back to life" to reap souls for the next hundred years without ever getting to see your family again, you'd be a little fuckin depressed too."

  • caring. he doesn't always show it, but he cares for his friends, in his own way. remembers the little things about everyone in the house, down to their birthdays (or death days, since that's a thing apparently), how they take their coffee, or what type of cereal they like.
  • loyal. look, he's a #realone, okay. he's that friend you could call in the middle of the night for help, and he will literally drop whatever he's doing to be there. will not hesitate to lie, break the law, and kill for you — no questions asked.
  • pragmatic. down-to-earth. logical. deals with situations in a calm, sensible manner.
  • honest. you can depend on him to always tell you the truth, no matter what it is. whether or not you like what he has to say depends entirely on you.
  • uncritical. he cannot be bothered to judge other people for the way they wanna live their life. drink, do drugs, get a sex change — he literally doesn't give a fuck. "live your life the way you want, and i'll live mine."


aside from a very select few, jason doesn't really like to talk much about where he comes from, more or less how he died. therefore, what people in the house know of him is the following:

he came from an average family and upbringing. grew up in a small town just outside of knoxville, tennessee. two parents — alan and miranda duveaux — and two older brothers — john and jack. all three siblings were in the military; john joined the army to spite his father, and jack, like jason, was also a marine. he died during desert storm.

jason joined the marines shortly after his eighteenth birthday, and loved it so much he never fucking left. when he was twenty-nine he got married and had two children. at this point he was no longer active duty and was in the reserve, so he had more time to help raise a family. but, after 9/11, everything changed. jason was one of thousands of reservists who were called back to active duty to support the war on terror.

fast forward to 2004, he found himself in the middle of a gun fight in good ol fallujah. to cut a long story short, his best buddy was lying in the road with both of his legs blown off. jason went to save him and nearly pulled him to safety when he was hit with over a dozen bullets from machine gun fire and killed. he does remember having seen something strange just before that happened, though — a woman in a perfectly tailored suit, looking strangely calm as she stood in the middle of all that chaos. jason had only gotten a very quick glimpse of her before the first bullet hit his chest.

after all that, well, he ended up here, living in this house with all these people, still paying bills even though he's dead. "aint that some real fucking bullshit." every once in a while he checks up on his family. his mother, unfortunately, has developed alzheimer's and is in the late stages of the disease, his wife ended up remarrying — it's a bittersweet feeling, honestly, knowing that she was able to move on — and the friend he saved during the battle actually ended up surviving from his injuries and is now living a stable life.

nowadays, jason's just going through the motions, reaping souls and ubering drunk people home on friday nights — and frequently occasionally annoying the shit out of his roommates with his silly antics.


how did you die? "got shot to death. fun times."

do you have any living loved ones? "mom, dad, wife and two kids. miss em every fuckin day."

what do you think is causing people to miss their appointments with death? "beats me. though if i had to guess, it's probably another reaper fucking it all up for everyone else. not that it matters to me much. from what i can tell, this situation is above my pay grade. all i do is show up to the appointment. if the soul aint there, then that isn't really my problem anymore, is it?"

how do you feel about people fated to die continuing to live? "good for them, i guess. though they better enjoy this shit while they still can."

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  • requisite.

    full name

    Valorie Clark






    Bisexual (she/her)



    Date of birth

    June 1 1926

    Date of death

    May 30 1953





    hair colour


    eye colour

    Dark Brown

    distinguishing features

    Captivating eyes and slim eyebrows


    A scar on the back of her neck


    ears pierced, tongue periced

♡coded by uxie♡
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse laoreet, libero nec finibus gravida, leo justo mollis risus, et porta dolor ligula vitae turpis.

  • requisite.

    full name

    anastasia bellamira







    birth date

    march 13 1682

    death date

    July 13 1717




    5'8" ft. (172.72 cm.)

    hair colour

    Ash Blonde

    eye colour


♡coded by
  • self destruct

    faye swanson
    date of birth
    march 21
    female she/her
    date of death
    march 22, 2005
    💀/event planner+sells crochet items ots
coded by natasha.
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full name. maxwell akimatsu hayashi smith
nickname. everyone just calls him max
age. "twenty seven club yassss! oh wait, that's actually kind of fucked up, isn't it?"
date of birth. august 8th, 1993
date of death. mm/dd/2020
gender. m
pronouns. he/him/his/the queen
sexuality. "oh honey, what do you think?"
occupation. customer service representative at verizon. he absolutely hates it. "good lordt, it's fucking bullshit. every single day i walk out of that place i get this close to starting an only fans. i swear to god."

faceclaim. will sharpe from giri/haji
height. 6'2"
hair color. jet black
eye color. brown
distinguishing features.
cartilage piercing

likes. 4+
dislikes. 4+


  • stubborn as hell. emphasize as hell.
  • judgemental.
  • gossipy.
  • self-centered/selfish. and doesn't even realize it. when the roommates are trying to figure out where they wanna go out to eat, it has to be his favorite restaurant. if they go to the movies? what he wants to see. going on vacation? where he wants to go. and yes, he does get pouty and complains if it's something he doesn't like.
  • insensitive.
  • loyal. listen, when it comes to his friends, he has your back. even if you did something completely fucking unhinged, like steal a car, rob a bank, or "smash a wine bottle over a bitch head for stealin yo manz," it doesn't matter how old they are. they could be eighteen or fuckin eighty. he'll fight a bitch.
  • compassionate.
  • persuasive.
  • caring.

background. (2+ paragraphs please)

questions. (please answer as your character)

how did you die?
"bitch, i died of fucking covid. it was awful. literally the worst."

do you have any living loved ones?

what do you think is causing people to miss their appointments with death?

how do you feel about people fated to die continuing to live?

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