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Futuristic ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀʟᴀɴᴅ. ( applications | closed )


𝘢𝘭𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘺 𝘢𝘱𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘦

the lost boys applications. ❞

the lost boys are the stuff of legends. gluttony was the first to come along. of course, he wasn't gluttony then. he was just alexandre from france. he started the black horse four hundred years ago and brought a whole bunch of peter pan with him. he didn't invent the stuff, but he peddled it like mad until it became one of the most infamous drugs on the market. worldwide he's now considered its number one dealer and it's thanks to him that the district around the black horse went from la grange to little neverland. he became a bit of a kingpin - a bit of criminal royalty - but he couldn't rule everything without helping hands. luckily, some trusted friends started coming in from all over the world, over time, and helped him run things. one day they weren't here, the next they were, staking claims in the criminal rings they specialized in. backed by elijah, who could stop them? his little band of thugs grew until there were seven of them. and, with such a perfect number, he couldn't help but give them the infamous titles they have today. they're friends and family, the most tight knit group of villains you ever did see. and no one else is allowed in.

character sheet.

❝ cursory. ❞

full name— info.

nickname(s)— info.
gender— info.
apparent age— info.
true age— info.
sexuality— info.
ethnicity— info.
role— info.

❝ visage. ❞

hair— info.

eyes— info.
height— info.
weight— info.
build— info.
distinguishing features— info.
face claim— real only.

❝ psyche. ❞

brief summary— info.

virtues— info.
vices— info.
likes— info.
dislikes— info.

❝ background. ❞

whatever you like, make it spicy.

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« full name »
— juandalynn ana rivera-carvajal.​
« nicknames »
— known most commonly as wrath. anybody who actually interacts with her calls her jude. refer to her by her full name and prepare to get your nose broken.​
« gender »
— demigirl -- she/her & they/them pronouns.​
« apparent age »
— mid-twenties.​
« true age »
— 341 years old. ( born august 1st, 1768. )​
« sexuality »
— bisexual.​
« race/ethnicity »
— peruvian-american.​
« role »
— wrath.​

« hair »
— long angry red hair. jude's hair is a mass of curls that she's long given up on trying to tame, but she enjoys the look and leaves it be.​
« eyes »
— dark brown and beady.​
« height & weight »
— 5'6" & 149 lbs.​
« body build »
— jude is stocky - she's quite fit with lots of muscle, always keeping her body in tip top shape, but there's still a bit of softness to her that makes people question this is wrath? upon first impressions. and boy, does she love proving people wrong.​
« distinguishing features »
— jude wears her scars like trophies, each of them a victory marking a battle won. often sporting a new scrape on her cheek or busted lip each week, but hey, you should see the other guy. also sports a heavy smattering of freckles on her face and over her body.​
« face claim »
— sonny turner.​

« body mods »
— known as the most bloodthirsty of the lost boys, jude's body has to be able to keep up with the vicious life in the arena. sure, she loves to oversee it all, but she still loves a good fight.​
firebreather ;; a modification built into the airway of her throat, and perhaps her flashiest mod, allowing her to breathe fire at will. with more physical exertion (or when she's in a real bad mood), it's typical to see her exhaling smoke like a chimney. by now, at her age, she's replaced her teeth and basically given herself a "fire proof mouth" as to not burn or injure herself.​
cybernetic arms ;; while peter pan has obviously kept her young, it doesn't protect her body from damage. after unfortunate incidents both in the arena and out of it, jude eventually got modifications for both of her arms to increase her strength, and have some useful add-ons as well. her right arm and shoulder are totally replaced, making her a cyborg, and her left arm's mod is more of an 'add on' to replace what was ripped off, only extending to below her elbow. both of her hands are equipped with sharp brass knuckles, and extendable blades not unlike wolverine.​


« summary »
— the easiest way one would describe jude is intense. hard to look at without squinting, a fire burning out of control, someone who makes you flinch. and it's true; jude enjoys the reputation she holds alongside the lost boys, is more than happy living a life surrounded by violence and ne'er-do-wells, and she likes being the best. most folks tiptoe around jude due to her rather prominent anger issues, but at her core, jude isn't purely evil. after over a century of surviving, jude is finally living and won't let anybody get in the way of that.​
« vices »
— easy to anger, extremely stubborn, confrontational, vicious, cocky, manipulative.​
« virtues »
— loyal, headstrong, unphased by other's opinions, confident, courageous, observant.​
« likes »
— sparring, hard liquor, cigarettes, peter pan, adrenaline rushes, sore muscles after a workout, spicy food, the lost boys.​
« dislikes »
— being disrespected, fake people, losing fights, olives, weakness, cold weather, pitiful people, cheap anything - liquor, drugs, clothes.​


"si naciste sin nada, lucharás por todo lo que tienes."
if you were born with nothing, you'll fight for everything you've got.

if pressed for details, jude would be honest: she doesn't remember much of her childhood. she doesn't even remember her 'real' name, the name her parents gave her. with so many different pseudonyms and false identities over the centuries, as much as she wants to, she simply cannot remember. but her heavy hispanic accent gives credibility to the fact that she was born in the slums of ciudad de reyes (now known as lima), peru, living in a cramped home barely repaired from the devastating earthquake only years earlier. living with her older brother and her parents. they were extremely poor, watching the world shake around them as túpac amaru II's rebellion against the spanish viceroyalty shook peru to its very core. her parents, and brother as he got older, were mere laborers as the demand for textile workers rose.

what life was there to live for an angry, tired teenage girl? the only expectations held for her were for her to be married off, to bear children, to give up her energy and her lust for a better life. that simply would not do, jude thought. she ran in the streets with the other children and teens, worked when she could to help her family, but was an uncontrollable hellion. they lived in the city of kings, while jude hated the spanish royalty as much as any other person, she had to admit the boom of wealth and change around the city was undeniably interesting. she did not realize at the time that she would live much, much longer, and see it grow and change so much more.

her first hit of peter pan was in the very back of the royal's palace, enjoying her free time with some of the guards. the whispers between the young men were that the royalty had actually found the fountain of youth. in reality, the spanish had done what they always did. stole from the indigenous people of the land. they found their prized secret, an elixir-type substance that granted a person immortality. before it was known as peter pan, the natives called it juvenil. "youthful." some of the guards had overheard mentions of it, and stolen it for their own gain. by this time, the revolts of the native people against the spaniards was at a bloody peak, and jude used that to her advantage. when manuel de guirior was dethroned, she stole his stash herself and ran.

with enough juvenil to keep her comfortable for a long while, jude left her simple life and traveled. without the worries of ageing, the world was hers for the taking. the peter pan was her little secret, and she fought with tooth and claw to keep it safe and hidden, and to keep herself alive. she witnessed the highs and lows of south american history. from the eventual declaration of independence of peru, to territorial disputes and militarism, history passed right before her eyes. jude was even a part of some of it. she was always rough, always unforgiving, and certainly vicious. it wasn't until the early 1900's that she finally went to explore america properly, and found herself reacquainted with juvenil, now called peter pan, in the roaring 20's.

jude travelled all over the country, and left a trail of bodies and burning buildings behind her. she had become notorious -- a mercenary for hire, able to fight and kill anybody. sure, jude was messy. she liked the adrenaline of it all, the thrill of the chase. her work wasn't sloppy, but vicious. the money flowed in, the drugs were plentiful, and jude felt as if she had found her calling. but, she hated working for others. the nagging feeling still droned on in the back of her mind. it wasn't until a particularly bad job, where the target had been expecting her. jude ended up bloodied and bruised, her right arm almost completely mangled and torn off by guard dogs. the lost boys knew her potential, sloth fixed up her up a shiny new arm, and jude had truly found her place in life.

now, she's the queen of the gladiator fights. overseeing the battles to the death, and even fighting herself to rake in extra cash, she's ruthless and the last person you want to get in the way of. peter pan has kept her strong and youthful all of these years, and she'll be damned if she lets some fucking vampyrs change that.​
code by yousmelldead
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  • full name shantae anton.
    nickname enchanté.
    gender female.
    apparent age 32.
    true age 121.
    sexuality diamonds.
    ethnicity trinidadian.
    role pride.
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  • fccbb723eec20188eabcae23643abbfc.gif


    【full name】— odion. last name unknown.

    【nickname(s)】— odie.

    【gender】— male (cis).

    【apparent age】— 29.

    【true age】— 2,168.

    【sexuality】— pansexual.

    【ethnicity】— egyptian.

    【role】— gluttony.

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[div class=container]
⠀♡coded by uxie♡

[div class=title][div class=titletext]sloth
[/div][/div][div class=tabcontainer]
[div class=tab1][div class=tabtitlec1][div class=tabtitle1]BASICS[/div][/div][/div][div class=tab2][div class=tabtitlec2][div class=tabtitle2]PERSONA[/div][/div][/div][div class=tab3][div class=tabtitlec3][div class=tabtitle3]HISTORY[/div][/div][/div]

[div class=contentcontainer][div class=tabcontent1]
❝ cursory. ❞

【full name】— Isaac Montgomery

【nickname(s)】— Dr. Frankenstein

【gender】— Male

【apparent age】— 35.

【true age】— 172

【sexuality】— Bi? Probably? Doesn’t care much.

【ethnicity】— Japanese/Swedish

【role】— Sloth

❝ visage. ❞


【eyes】— dark brown

【height】— 6’2”

【weight】— 146

【build】— scrawny

【distinguishing features】— patch of burned skin stretching down his neck to his prosthetic arm

【face claim】— Tony Thornburg

[/div] [div class=tabcontent2 style=display:none]
There are moments when Isaac is really there. His eyes light up, he stops slouching, even his voice changes. But those moments are less and less common nowadays. If most people got a glance at him they’d assume he was a loser- he’s rarely dressed in anything nicer than sweats and a hoodie, matching the odd stoner mystic persona he’s cultivated in his new life. Most days you can find him shuffling between his bed and his reading chair, a neatly rolled spliff trailing ash behind him. It’s hard to reconcile that image with the brilliant surgeon and in truth there isn’t much difference between them. Sure, he’ll throw on some scrubs when he has to do an implant but he maintains the same laid back mentality when he’s stitching someone up. His craft is something he takes pride in but it exhausts him and he’ll often become withdrawn and temperamental after finishing a job. One of the more unsettling things about him is his insistence that all of his ‘patients’ remain awake for all procedures. He’ll use localized anesthesia, he takes no pleasure in hurting other beings, but the only ones he’ll allow to go fully under are the other Lost Boys and he doesn’t enjoy it. Outside of that he has a surprisingly decent bedside manner. He’s polite and considerate, if a bit informal.

He enjoys company but many people find it difficult to hold a conversation with him. Half the time he’s talking to himself more than anything and getting a straight answer out of him is like pulling teeth. He’s soft spoken and meandering, constantly starting and abandoning stories only to pick them back up days later like the conversation never changed. The warmth in his eyes is just… strange. No matter how friendly the man is something about him disorients and upsets most people. No matter how kind Isaac is to, how much he promises he’s going to make you so much better, how gentle his hand is as it’s cutting you open, you can tell it all feels like a game to him. Bodies are little more than machines to him to begin with and he genuinely believes he’s helping people by allowing them to become something more than just their flesh. He’s constantly pushing the boundaries of what can be done and is more than willing to drag others along, knowingly or not.

Isaac's become increasingly paranoid over the years, a side affect of drug use and general neurosis. At times it's like he's not there at all and he'll get lost inside his own head. He doesn’t ask for much from anyone but he does tend to lash out when he’s told no. At times he feels like no one understands what he’s really trying to accomplish and they just view him as a factory meant to churn out gladiators and fix up the other Lost Boys. But he knows that he can fix more than that. He can fix everything if people would just let him.

Intelligent, mellow, thorough, patient, egalitarian

Apathetic, scattered, easily manipulated, single minded, neurotic

LSD, weed, terrariums, electronic music, his pet snails, afternoon naps, embroidery

washing dishes, hot weather, alcohol, cooking, formal clothing, materialism

[/div] [div class=tabcontent3 style=display:none]
Isaac was a remarkably well behaved child. Even as a baby, he rarely cried which his single mother took as a blessing. It took an accident to raise alarms. A pot of boiling water knocked off the stove, Isaac sitting calmly on the ground watching his skin blister and peel as his mother screamed. Several hospital trips later Isaac was diagnosed with congenital insensitivity to pain. Cuts, burns, broken limbs, the child responded to all of them with little more than curiosity. Though she could never prove it his mother always suspected he caused some of the injuries on purpose just to see what would happen.

Already struggling to balance an increasingly demanding career with caring for Isaac, his mother enlisted his grandmother’s help and Abigail moved in with them when Isaac was three. Many of Isaac’s happiest memories are of their time together- watching her cook dinner (he was no longer allowed near the stove), her teaching him how to sew, all the stories from her own childhood. Despite being a little more sheltered than most children, Isaac had a relatively normal and happy life. Making friends was a little difficult- sports were more or less out of the question and Isaac found he preferred more academic pursuits anyway. Despite his less than stellar attendance record and late assignments, he was disarmingly intelligent.

He started university at sixteen, already sporting rudimentary versions of a few of the enhancements he’d come to be known for. Making friends became even more difficult and Isaac found himself spending a lot of time alone. It was a relief to return home on breaks but it all changed the summer after his junior year.

Abigail was slipping into the early stages of dementia. Every time he came back she was worse. One day she couldn’t remember why she walked into a room and then suddenly she didn’t even recognize Isaac. All of the sudden the bright, active woman who’d been like a mother to him was a stranger. Her rapid decline left Isaac without any foundation to his life. He threw himself into his studies but was still plagued with anxiety and grief. So he turned to other sources of comfort. Alcohol had never interested him- it made him feel stupid. But weed just made everything a little bit softer. It was enough to carry him through undergrad and into medical school. He focused on surgery and neuroscience, figuring he could make something good out of his pain. But in his free time he became increasingly interested in metaphysics and the concept of universal consciousness, which led him to experimenting with psychedelics. Long weekends would be spent wandering through parks or just locked in his apartment on heavy doses of LSD, trying to force his mind to come to terms with what was happening to Abigail.

She died shortly after he began his first residency. It shattered something inside Isaac. What little social life he had was abandoned and he rarely left the house outside of work. He was a brilliant surgeon but he was growing increasingly detached from reality, convinced that his work meant nothing because of the inevitable decay of the mind and body. That’s what brought him to Peter Pan.

He retired a year after he began using it. No explanation, just disappeared one day. When Gluttony found him he was hold up in a miserable apartment barely living off the last of his savings. It didn’t take much to convince Isaac to join up. He doesn’t care about money, or objects, or much at all really. As long as he’s kept alive, he didn’t care what else happened to him. He’s improved upon and added to his own implants since then, tinkering with his body as he sees the need. Since he can't feel pain it's easy enough to work on himself. And maybe some of the work he does on other people include a few experiments he doesn’t mention in the pre-op discussions. But they work. And he works. And that’s all they need to do.


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[/div] [div class="textbox one"]Name: Yurievna Collasgka
Nickname(s): Mechanical Melancholy, The Machine Maker, Tinkerer, Prophet of the Code, The Lazy Lifesaver, Sloth
Real Age: 204
Apparent Age: 24
Gender: Male to mostly Cybernetic Female
Pronoun(s): They/Them
Sexuality: Pansexual “I float with what I feel like I want....”
Occupation: Surgeon and Prosthetics Expert
Role: Sloth
Nationality: Russian
Current Hair: Side shave with Long hair; Black
Eyes: Able to form colors at will due to cybernetics
Height: 5’10"
Weight: 145 lbs
Build: Varies between bodies, but the main is slim and curvy.
Distinguishing Features: Their body has the entire left arm taken off and replaced by tentacle-like appendages each with their own precise digits folded inside the mechanical clasp hands at the ends, making them a one-person operating room. Their body was made for precision, for example, their eyes which can zoom and enhance to microscopic levels, all leading to her eyes looking completely unnatural inside the sockets and more like lenses than eyeballs. [/div] [div class="textbox two"]Virtues: Honors their word and hates when others go back on theirs, Usually discounts their heavy prices for those in dire need (But will ask for something else depending on how they feel), incredibly patient
Vices: Addiction to surgery (performing and receiving), Indecisive, Vindictive (but usually indirect with their methods)
Likes: Snack food, The Lost Boys, The smell of metals, the warmth of machine and blood, the praise of their work, Peter Pan, keeping their looks feminine, and most of all their peace and quiet maintained.
Dislikes: Demanding clients, rude people, healthy food, lacking in any modern convenience, the sunlight, and the medical community and legal system.

Personality: Their mind is consumed by the idea is self-indulgence but without exerting any or as little effort as possible, and part of their passion is seeing the future of their imagined land of robotics and lack of Humans and how they could be whatever they want. This freedom is the only driving force left in the doctor, that, Peter Pan, and the continuation of the Lost Boys as a business. Despite their clear goal, they have not yet reached a clear path, so they are in a lull of sorts. In this rut, they are rather sympathetic to those backed into a corner one way or another whether it be lack of cybernetics making them replaceable in their job or those who simply need something done to help their starving family. Despite this sympathy, they have no intention of discounting their skills without a price, opting for either organ to be given over or for them to sign years of their life away to Sloth for what is essentially slave labor as errand runners.

Hobbies: Loves tabletop games and makes a habit of playing plenty online as well as with any of the Lost Boys who visit and accept. Otherwise, they play videogames of all kinds to satisfy themselves, sometimes while high just for fun.
Hobbies/Interests: [/div] [div class="textbox three"]Backstory: Sloth was born into a poor family in the throes of poverty before they met and joined the Lost Boys. They lived scrounging for scrap for money to get food, and their family of six sustained themselves on the one mother working as a mob “cleaner” while the kids like Sloth worked in the scrapyards and even private residences to steal. After years, only Sloth remained at age 17 when his brothers and sisters were killed in a hit and run on their home. This revolution broke them as they had just gone out to bring back their food, misery pushing them to shut themselves inside the home of the dead for a week. By the time the police raided the place due to complaints, the boy had been seen tinkering with scraps and the bodies of his family strewn about in botched surgeries that looked more like butchering to the officers. This earned the lost child a place in a mental asylum for 15 years.

Once out and free, they applied for college and got a proper education. Despite their upbringing, the rather disconnected man was seemingly a prodigy who spent his scrapping days learning machines in and out. With a memory that put him above his peers, he soon graduated from the top academy in biomedical engineering, engineering, and even a proper doctor degree before burning themselves out. Despite their education and good job prospects, they lost their license to practice when they were found to be selling prescription medications illegally to make extra money for an easier life. That was not a problem however, the medical community now letting loose a medical prodigy into the underworld through the connections he had made in selling drugs.

After being introduced to Peter Pan at the age of 56, the doctor kept themselves at that age for well over a century before finally meeting a steady supplier from their now employer/boss. They began working with Gluttony as a trade of services, getting this new dealer used to their quirks and how they operated, only to eventually become integrated into their ranks as their tech and medical advisor. With now more resources and fewer limits as Part of the Lost the doctor finally committed to extensive surgery on themselves, tearing their and muscle to essentially reshape their entire body with prosthetic skin and bone grafts to change their entire appearance while now able to take any legal team to avoid their gaze with their influence. The end result is their current body appearing like a 24-year-old woman compatible with the effects of Peter Pan, but more machine than human at this point.[/div] [div class="textbox four"]Relationships:







[/div] [div class="textbox five"]
Theme: june - A Little Messed Up
Extra: Face claim is Alice Kelson. The second to last Image is their current body left arm mod. The last Image is their fully synthetic body they are preparing for the eventual transition from cyborg to fully mechanical and digital.

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code by RI.a


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gabriel satsujin.
fc: jeremy sumpter
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[class=background] width:900px; height:60vh; background:url('https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/605464503903191127/709978807209033769/df3b13c6a6086030c18c58f2b002e34f.png') no-repeat; background-size:100%; overflow:hidden; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; margin:auto;center; [/class] [class=loadpage] width:900px; height:60vh; background:black; opacity:0.8; position:absolute; align-self:flex-start; [/class] [class=greeting] width:350px; height:50px; margin:auto; margin-top:20vh; font-family:Monotype Corsiva, regular; font-size:3em; color:#C745F4; text-align:center; [/class] [class=enter] width:75px; font-family:Unica One, display; font-size;0.5em; color:white; text-align:center; border:1px solid #C745F4; padding:.3em; cursor:pointer; margin:auto; margin-top:10px; transition:all .3s ease-in; animation:{post_id}flash 3s linear infinite; [/class] [class name=enter state=hover] letter-spacing:0.1em; [/class] [animation=flash] [keyframe=0]opacity:0.2;[/keyframe] [keyframe=25]opacity:0.6;[/keyframe] [keyframe=50]opacity:0.3;[/keyframe] [keyframe=75]opacity:0.7;[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]opacity:0.2;[/keyframe] [/animation] [class=slider] width:270px; height:100%; clip-path: polygon(0 0, 87% 0, 100% 100%, 0 100%); background:gray; opacity:0.6; padding:1em; align-self:flex-start; display:flex; flex-direction:column; justify-content:space-evenly; animation-name:{post_id}slideright; animation-duration:1.2s; animation-timing-function:ease-out; animation-delay:0s; animation-direction:normal; [/class] [animation=slideright] [keyframe=0]transform:translateX(-100%);[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]transform:translateX(0);[/keyframe] [/animation] [class=centerimage] clip-path: polygon(100% 0, 94% 100%, 16% 100%, 0 0%); width:230px; height:100%; background-size:100%; background-position:center; background-repeat:no-repeat; opacity:1; [/class] [class=contentwrap] width:369px; height:101%; background:gray; clip-path: polygon(6% 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 3% 100%); opacity:0.9; [/class] [class=slidein] animation:{post_id}slideleft 1.2s ease-in-out 1; [/class] [animation=slideleft] [keyframe=0]transform:translateX(100%);[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]transform:translateX(0);[/keyframe] [/animation] [class=Tabs] width:210px; padding:0.5em; border:1px solid #bbb; font-family:Castellar; font-size:.8em; text-align:center; color:#222; text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #C745F4; letter-spacing:.6em; transition:all 0.3s linear; cursor:pointer; [/class] [class name=Tabs state=hover] letter-spacing:0.8em; [/class] [class=scrollbox] width:338px; height:90%; overflow-y:scroll; padding:.8em; margin-left:15px; [/class] [class=text] font-family:Karla, regular; font-size:0.8em; color:black; display:inline-block; margin-left: 5px; [/class] [class=title] display:inline-block; font-family:Unica One, display; font-size:1em; color:#F08D25; text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #000000; [/class] [script class=enter on=click] fadeOut 800 loadpage show slider addClass slidein contentwrap show contentwrap show centerimage [/script] [script class=tab01 on=click] fadeIn 500 page01 hide page02 hide page03 hide page04 [/script] [script class=none] hide contentwrap hide slider hide centerimage [/script] [script class=tab02 on=click] fadeIn 500 page02 hide page01 hide page03 hide page04 [/script] [script class=tab03 on=click] fadeIn 500 page03 hide page01 hide page02 hide page04 [/script] [script class=tab04 on=click] fadeIn 500 page04 hide page01 hide page02 hide page03 [/script]
[div class=background][div class=slider][div class="Tabs tab01"]Visage[/div][div class="Tabs tab02"]Psyche[/div][div class="Tabs tab03"]Background[/div][div class="Tabs tab04"]other[/div][/div][div class=centerimage][/div][div class=contentwrap][div class="scrollbox page01"][div class=title]Lady Lust Herself[/div]
[div class=title]Name[/div]
[div class=text]Leah Silvia[/div]
[div class=title]Nicknames[/div]
[div class=text]Lust, Sugar Momma, Suga, Momma, Matron Sinner[/div]
[div class=title]Apparent Age[/div]
[div class=text] 50[/div]
[div class=title]Actual Age[/div]
[div class=text]114[/div]
[div class=title]Gender[/div]
[div class=text]Female[/div]
[div class=title]Sexuality[/div]
[div class=text] Lesbian[/div]
[div class=title]Role[/div]
[div class=text] Lust[/div]

[div class=title]Appearance[/div]
[div class=title]Height[/div]
[div class=text]5'7"[/div]
[div class=title]Weight[/div]
[div class=text]150 lbs[/div]
[div class=title]Hair[/div]
[div class=text] Mostly graying black in regards to color, cut short to keep from falling below the shoulders.[/div]
[div class=title]Eye Color[/div]
[div class=text]Altered via cybernetics for the color Orange[/div]
[div class=title]Build[/div]
[div class=text]Athletic and slim.[/div]
[div class=title]Distinguishing Features[/div][div class=text]The main feature that stands out is their gaze, with synthetic eyes and eyes that seem tired it leaves a heavy impression on those she meets.[/div]

[/div][div class="scrollbox page02"]
[div class=title]Virtues[/div]
[div class=text]Temperance (level headed), Compassionate, Loving[/div]
[div class=title]Vices[/div]
[div class=text]Spiteful and Vindictive, Hedonistic, Two-Faced[/div]
[div class=title]Likes[/div]
[div class=text]Women and their legs, Peter Pan, Lost Boys, her "Sinners" (Brothel employees), nearly every market drug for any high, crude humor (a guilty pleasure of sorts), and most unsurprisingly... sex.[/div]
[div class=title]Dislikes[/div]
[div class=text]Dishonesty, disrespect shown to her, disrespect shown to the Lost Boys, disrespect shown to her "Sinners", bigotry against body modding individuals, general discrimination, and (surprisingly for a brothel and drug lord) the selling of humans.[/div]

[div class=title]General Mentality[/div][div class=text]Her mind has a heavy focus on the world of sex and drugs, a world she not only escaped from but then willingly embraces to master. She desires her own satisfaction above all else, but a fast second is a satisfaction for those who satisfy her like the Lost Boys or her employees and clients. The work she puts in is tireless but needed, making the boss of the "Sinners" a workaholic when the jobs need oversight which gives her dark circles under her eyes. Besides her love for her job, coworkers, employees, and favorite clients, her compassion reaches a fair distance to those she has never met despite her dark looks. This tender touch turns sour immediately upon disrespect or ignorance, turning the love into spite, and in worse cases a vengeful behavior sets in. Still, despite her sometimes flippant nature, her employees know her mostly as the protective overseer, one who forgives those who provide and work under her name.... to an extent. Everyone in her company and client list knows one thing, don't touch her private girls. The list of them may change and some come and go as they please, but the boss doesn't like to share her special girls when they are hers.[/div][/div]
[div class="scrollbox page03"]
[div class=text]Leah Silvia grew up relatively free of struggles in her childhood, getting a proper education, and maintaining a nice life with her wealthy parents. Unfortunately for Leah, her story of descent into crime lord status doesn't plateau here with an easy life. During a family trip into rather dangerous waters, and their boat was sieged. What only made matters worse was the lack of sensibility the pirates seemed to possess due to their desperations, and with failure to comply led to executions and the looting of their private ship. Leah, tearful and in shock, was one such piece of merchandise they kept. Healthy and by all accounts beautiful as a young teenager, she went through some terrible life experiences which she kept to herself to this day over half a century later.

What is known is she was sold off to the slave market around 20 years old and from there she spent the next seven years passed around and sold, learning and seeing the worst of the underworld and what it had to offer to the desperate and the needy. Drugs, sex, loans, love, a shoulder to cry on, the industry she was breathing in was poison in the form of its knowledge. By the time she freed herself by murdering her most recent 'owner' she already knew connections in the local drug trade and even international. She settled in the area for a while, soon making connections with a man she would come to call Gluttony and the rest of the sins, a group she calls family now. She collected her long-overdue fortune inheritance and disappeared with this group of 'Lost Boys', funding them and her own production of drugs and sex. Despite how her competitors see her, her employees now see her exactly for what she is. A protective and overbearing-at-times boss who gives her employees real benefits and real payment, all with the stipulation they uphold a high standard. No one gets away with screwing with anything under her banner of business she named "The Sinners", which is now the most successful full-service Brothel and Drug Smuggling company to exist anywhere thanks to funding from her own funds and the Peter Pan funds.
[div class="scrollbox page04"]
[div class=title]Trivia[/div][div class=text] -Her favorite part drug is Shrooms
-Favorite Booze is Rum
-Loves a good party she can watch people enjoy while enjoying herself
-She has had long debates on whether a butch is cuter as the dom or the sub, mostly with her employees, that have spanned hours. She has yet to reach a personal decision on the matter.[/div]
[div class=title]Theme[/div][div class=text]Snort Cocaine for Jesus by Istasha The Scrub
[div class=title]Extra[/div][div class=text]"Kinks, desires, heavy hearts, urges, addictions. We deal in them all sweetie, and we are not cheap."[/div]
[div class=title]Actor Faceclaim- Cate Blanchett[/div]
[div class=img]1589342626068.png1589342442181.png1589342498675.png1589342596721.png
[div class=img][/div]
[div class=title]Art Faceclaim- Gregory by Gogalking[/div]
[div class=img]0CC83503-5DD7-44D2-9B18-48D63F63C4C0.jpeggogalking lust faceclaim.jpggogalking lust faceclaim 2.jpg[/div]
[/div][/div][div class=loadpage][div class=greeting]Do you desire?[/div][div class=enter]Welcome[/div][/div][/div]
code by RI.a
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jane doe.



< soak it up before I remove every single remnant of this from the web - jane doe >


//full name//: █████ ██████ < nice try loser >
//nicknames//: "jane doe", "greed" and "kid". < call me kid and I'll bolster your criminal charges >
//gender//: cisfemale.
//apparent age//: 17. < I don't want to talk about the fact I look like a fucking kid again >
//true age//: 010011. < can't have you knowing that >
//sexuality//: bisexual.
//ethnicity//: not white. < I might look it but that is as much info as I'm givin you >
//role//: GREED.


//hair//: blonde. < a freebie is I have blue streaks in my hair >
//eyes//: green.
//height//: 5'3" < make fun of my height and I'll drain your bank account >
//weight//: 51kg.
//build//: slim.
//distinguishing features//: discolouration under eyes, jane doe has been spotted wearing quite 'grunge' or 'punk' clothing and her appearance is quite unkept.. < fun fact: I also have a resting bitch face >
//body mods//: none on record.
< this is actually true, I don't put that shit in my body as much as sloth tries to make me >
//face claim//: sky ferreira.

< if the shrink sees this: hmu cause I've got some childhood trauma I'd love to discuss >

(Dr Amari Santana's notes are based on Jane Doe's online presence and limited information from inside sources.)

//brief summary//: street smart, tech-savvy, cool and a smart-ass, jane is highly intelligent but quite selfish, secretive and lacks maturity.

//virtues//: jane's biggest strength is her intelligent ⁠— especially under pressure ⁠— being able to comprehend complex code and script. street-smart, jane's intelligence isn't limited behind a computer; being quite comfortable and capable on the rough streets of new tokyo. coupled with her resourcefulness, jane can find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties. in fact, jane welcomes and encourages challenge, being ambitious, competitive and driven. jane carries herself in a cool and breezy way, which makes her likeable to most if you can get past her many vices.

//vices//: jane always comes first, which means she can be quite selfish and will cover her own ass even if that means vindicating someone (apart from a lucky few). a smart-ass and sarcastic, jane will never pass up the opportunity to prove you wrong or to mask her words in thick layers of irony and mock someone. jane can be standoffish, which may stem from her lack of emotional maturity. finally, jane is very secretive and struggles to open up.

//likes//: money, control, video games, music, coding, puzzles and competition.

//dislikes//: spending money, fake people, government and authority, losing and being spoken down to.


(Detective Owen Hayes has taken the time to compile notes and evidence to offer a brief for officers)

Formerly known as █████ ██████, the wanted-criminal hacker goes under the alias, "Jane Doe". Not much is known about the criminal's childhood history, apart from the fact she has living grandparents who are unaware of their granddaughter's criminal history. According to Dr Amari Santana and her interview with the grandparents, Jane Doe excelled in school and was offered multiple full-ride scholarships within computer science. Her grandmother, claims she was hired (during her studies) by one of the largest cybernetic corporations in New Tokyo ⁠— Orwell Cybernetics. Upon further investigation, no evidence can back these claims, but we are not surprised if the information was removed by Jane Doe. This information, however, is corroborated by the massive leak of confidential blueprints from Orwell Cybernetics. We believe that Jane Doe leaked the blueprints ⁠—most likely in exchange for money ⁠— ⁠ for a competing corporation.

This was the beginning of Jane Doe's long criminal record, most notably: responsible for shutting down the power grid across the world (we are still unsure of how she completed such a maneuver). Countless for-profit and government corporations have been targeted successfully by Jane Doe, with Dr Amari Santana suggesting her motivation is purely monetary. Jane Doe's net-worth is unknown but considering the scope of her targets, she is obviously very wealthy. Dr Amari Santana believes, "Jane Doe is an interesting one, she most likely doesn't spend any of the exuberant money she has, instead she stockpiles it. I believe she lives quite a modest or humble life". Surveillance and further questioning of her grandparents have shown she financially supports and sends "care packages" to her grandparents. Tracing the money transfer and packages back to Jane Doe has been unfruitful considering her unique approach to hacking.

Our technical consultant, Mateo Juarez, informed the New Tokyo force on her hacking approach: "Her code is old school, like very old school. While many hackers enter virtual cyberspace, she jacks into databases and manipulates code by hand, leaving no digital footprint or evidence. See with other hackers, entering cyberspace leaves a residue of sorts which we can trace back. I mean, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't impressed." Dozens of experts have tried detangling her complex code but none have been successful.

Jane Doe has seemingly joined the infamous and sought-after, "The Lost Boys", which only bolsters her protection. Dr Amari Santana suggests we continue our efforts in making contact with Jane Doe who could act as an inside man for dismantling and gathering evidence on The Lost Boys. However, this will prove difficult considering the little information we have on file about the legitimate existence of The Lost Boys.

Jane Doe's grandmother claims she saw her grandaughter recently, but described her as being younger, akin to her teenage self. It must be noted that Jane Doe's grandmother suffers from dementia, as this is virtually impossible unless the rumours about the new criminal gang, "Vampyrs" and their wonderdrug is true.

This is Detective Owen Hayes signing off, further information will be added to this profile.

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FULL NAME: Naomi Elena Alcalde
NICKNAME(S): Envy, Mrs. Alcalde (She isn't married, she just likes the way it sounds), The Lone Ranger
GENDER: Female, but will go by them/ they
APPARENT AGE: 24-25 y/o
TRUE AGE: 120 y/o (Born in 1900)
SEXUALITY: Aromantic
ETHNICITY: White with Hispanic heritage
ROLE: Envy

HAIR: Black, chopped short (bobs right above her shoulders) with bangs cut straight across her forehead. An odd haircut that seems to somehow fit her perfectly.
EYES: Dull forest green
HEIGHT: 5'5"
WIGHT: 131 lbs.
BUILD: Lean, athletic, has a bit of muscle, triangle type body
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Her eyes (Bright when contrasted against her hair color), small nose, her largest scar on her chin
FACE CLAIM: Uma Therman

BRIEF SUMMARY: Collected, calm, and unemotional on the outside, Naomi tends to be the complete opposite within. She is quick tempered and very rigid once her mind is made up. She is loyal to those who show their loyalty, and does not tolerate disrespect. She is also very professional and is typically polite when she is face to face with someone no matter her feelings for them. She is known to have a humorous side to those who really know her, although not many have seen it. Although her appearance may not be deemed "friendly", her slight southern accent gives off a completely different feel to those around her.
VIRTUES: Smart, natural leader (Despite her preference for working alone), loyal, confident
VICES: Quick tempered, makes rash decisions, has a bit of a God complex, ruthless
LIKES: Reading, loyalty, honesty, power, being feared/ liked, order, apple pie
DISLIKES: Disorganization, people who can't make up their minds, disrespect to either her or anyone close to her (Which is not many. She is considered to be a "Lone ranger", but she has people she cares about deep down).

Naomi grew up in North Carolina with her Mother and Father. Her father had fought in the Vietnam War and would tell stories of his time there to Naomi when he came home. He was a very political man and these interests and experiences were an inspiration for Naomi. The thought of becoming someone who had the power of holding someone's life in their own hands, someone who was disciplined yet loyal and understanding seemed like a dream come true for her. She had been raised with the ideas that women were not and could never be in a position of power, but the thoughts of having power that came with being a soldier or someone of the government were too tantalizing for Naomi. She ran away to seek Glutton, whom at this point was quite a big deal around the U.S. Her hopes of becoming someone important for the country was long gone, so her next best option were the gangs. In her mind, they held the same power she was craving. If she could get her foot in the door for a position like that, well...

Has a Dalmatian dog named Desi

Code by apolla apolla

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“I don't know why people are afraid of lust. Then I can imagine that they are very afraid of me, for I have a great lust for everything..."

full name
— Massimiliano Stefano Armani.
nickname(s)— Maz. Il principe ('the prince').
gender— Cisgender male.
apparent age— 32 years old.
true age— 219 years old (born in 1890).
sexuality— Demiromantic, pansexual.
ethnicity— Almost entirely Italian, to his knowledge.
role— Lust.

— He’s got hair that some would drain their bank accounts for: naturally thick, glossy, and wavy, he keeps it grown out longer than most other men his age. It’s dark brown, lightened with natural highlights from many long vacation days under the sun—gives him the appearance of a laid-back roughneck.
eyes— Hazel, but more brown than green.
height— Just about 6'1".
weight— 195 lbs.
build— In great physical shape, you can tell he frequents the gym. Broad-shouldered with toned muscles. Not at all skinny, but definitely trim. Naturally tanned skin dusted with light freckles on his cheeks and shoulders.
distinguishing features— Some call his hair a mane, and it’s certainly gorgeous to look at, inviting to the touch of a bold stranger. Maz’s laugh is infectious and he’s got a radiant smile. ("He had one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life... It understood you just as far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself.")
body modifications— None to note. Had a pierced ear during the eighties, but he let it close.
face claim— Chase Stokes.

It takes a very distinct kind of personality to consistently maintain itself as a premier figure in crime for quite literally centuries. Despite what his warm exterior and effortless way with people may suggest, Maz is a master manipulator: he manages his connections like a game of chess, meticulously planning his moves so he always finishes on top, with the most gained and the least lost. If you think he's close enough to you to exclude you from that large-scale game, think again: the man sprinkles in favors, gifts, and intimate conversations simply to plant and nurture those seeds of confidence and trust, only to tear them down when he deems it necessary.

His philosophy is Machiavellian, unsurprisingly - he will do whatever it takes to maintain his position. Cunning, constantly scheming, and unscrupulous, Maz operates fully confident that the ends will justify his means. Unafraid to lie, bribe, cheat, steal, and leave the rest to Envy, he's perfected walking the razor-thin margin of letting his true motivations become apparent to those he's trying to draw in close.

virtues— Charming, good-natured, extroverted. Genteel and polished, but down to earth enough to maintain a casual, approachable, unintimidating air. Completely unafraid to make tough but necessary decisions—some call it ruthless, he calls it business savvy.
vices— Incredibly manipulative, two-faced, cunning, entirely self-seeking, impulsive at times. Can become irresponsible, rash, and explosive when wronged. Shallow and thoughtless when upset. You're an absolute fool to think you can trust him.
likes— The very finest life has to offer: red wine, silk sheets, dark chocolate, the weight and feel of real, authentic gold, truffles. Dancing the night away, laughing and singing with friends under disco lights or starlight. And cocaine. Maz really likes cocaine.
dislikes— Any kind of minor inconvenience (cold food, scratchy clothing, cheap liquor, layovers). Fast fashion—he’s very much a believer in fine, expensive clothing as an investment. He considers bad Italian food a direct insult to his heritage. War movies, sudden loud noises, the sound of gunshots—unpleasant reminders of a time in his life he would rather forget. He absolutely cannot tolerate disrespect of any kind—it’s the quickest way to set him off.

His beginnings are almost as humble as they come. Born to into a farming family in Southern Italy, he began his long life thinking simply, short-sighted, only worried about having enough to meet his immediate needs.

But after being drafted and serving in World War I as a part of the allied forces, he found himself jaded and dazed after years of starvation, violence, death and disease. Suddenly the idea of home seemed impossible—whether he felt he didn’t deserve the privilege of comfort or he had matured past the need for such a domestic setting, his mind pushed him far away—so he made his way to Rome, and then Paris, looking for something, anything to hold his attention.

He drank and danced and drank, and then found himself swept up in the glamour of what would retrospectively be called the Roaring Twenties: an era of surplus and fun, fueled by the desire to fill every moment with nonsense and fun to keep those creeping pessimistic thoughts of war aftermath far, far away. He was just one of many Europeans desperate for a way out, for something to look forward to every evening, so he indulged.

Thus began his tendency to drink life to the lees. He found it easy to blend in with high society, and then found himself getting employed, making connections, and soon administrating all kinds of bars, clubs, and social scenes—all while participating in the galavanting himself, of course. He read Machiavelli’s The Prince, and that treatise became a foundational part of his business philosophy. It was easy money, easy living: staying up until three, four, five in the morning, and waking up after noon to start it all over again the next day.

Eventually charmed by the prospects of making a lot (as in, an ungodly, sinful amount) of money in the United States, he moved his entire operation and mindset to the bustling metropolis of New York City. Through careful maintenance of his connections across the Atlantic, he quickly rose to the top of the bootlegging scene, becoming a nationwide supplier of top-quality Italian wines and spirits. The kind of money he saw pouring in made him hungry. He got his hands on Peter Pan about the same time from who would later become a crucial ally, and tempted by the idea of maintaining his youthful luck and light forever, began taking it (and distributing it to only his most trusted colleagues) regularly.

But when alcohol was made legal again and the humbling Great Depression followed that incredible decade of excess, Maz found himself scrambling to maintain his lavish lifestyle, steady stream of vices, and financial security. He found that all kinds of people were growing desperate for work of any kind—and again, enticed by the opportunity to capitalize on that, he slowly built a circle of young, attractive people at their wits' end and facilitated their entry into the world of sex work, with him as their devoted manager (he always hated the word pimp).

Unlike alcohol, whose demand could rise and fall with the times, sex always sold, no matter what. Perhaps it was the intrigue of the forbidden, the illegal, but deep down he knew everyone, himself included, had the same underlying needs: to be seen, to be felt, and to be touched.

And the rest is history. He followed where the money went, bouncing around the world and back as he did so. The man cares for his employees like prized racehorses—weekly spa and salon trips, shopping, shoes, extravagant dinners, exotic excursions are only some of the many benefits of working for him. Maz came to learn that clients would pay for quality, so he set the standard for what quality looks and acts like. He’s a businessman after all: having the unconditional trust of his employees is crucial to maintaining an empire.

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    " E N V Y "

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code by yousmelldead


Posted on Jan 3, 2108 by Sylinic.

hey guys. so we all know about that gang “the lost boys” that basically run this place. they basically rule everything around here. if i said anything bad about them, theyd get that hacker of theirs to completely trash this post and the site. hopefully they have other things to do than to destroy some random website. anyways has anyone actually considered the existence of a seventh lost boy? i feel like just having six based off the deadly sins or whatever would be weird. that being said, do you guys think theres a seventh? he or she or whatever it is they havent ever been seen.. what do you guys think?

mrx3 on Jan 3, 2108

I’ve been totally thinking the same thing. Theres defo a seventh lost boy. Also, people have seen him around. The missing seventh is SLOTH. Duh. They’re just hanging around, being lazy, just like sloth. THATS why we’ve never seen him.

blumi33 on Jan 3, 2108
Nah dude. Everytime the gangs together there’s only ever six of them. Ever since the lost boys have been around theres only been six. Even when theyre all together. There are only six. As big as this town is, people are definitely going to have found the seventh one if he exists. I get the seventh is sloth and hes lazy or whatever, but pretty sure the police and stuff would of found him by now. Plus, hed probably be running with one of the other gang members or something, so if they know of the other six theyd definitely find the seventh. But they havent so im not going to believe it honestly.

Sylinic on Jan 4, 2108
ive actually heard things about the seventh member. hes like this weird mysterious guy who like helps the other gang members commit assassinations and sabotage or something. i dont know. its just rumors, but thats all we really have right now

MASLINNN on Jan 4, 2108
YO ya’ll talkin bout the seventh member? yoo my uncles actually seen him, hes this guy who wears a giant trench coat and has the face of ONE OF HIS VICTIMS. the rest of his body looks normal, right? he actually just wears HUMAN SKIN from all his victims and underneath all that stuff is cyborg stuff. hes like a bloodthirsty killer that the gang keeps around for getting rid of people they dont want and stuff.

mrx3 on Jan 4, 2108
Dont ya'll think its weird they all go by the codenames of 7 sins but there's only like six that are ever concurrently talked about? Theres probably a seventh. cant have seven deadly sins without a Sloth.

blumi33 on Jan 4, 2108
You do know that they have a gang member specifically for getting rid of people they dont want right? Why would they need a deranged lunatic to kill people for them when theyve already got a member who literally has a reputation for killing anybody within like the first 24 hours of the hunt. You have to be dumb to not know that

Sylinic on Jan 6, 2108
maybe the 7th member is like, hiding in plain sight or something. maybe hes just disguised as one of the everyday members of society or whatever and is actually just part of the gang giving them help and stuff.

blumi33 on Jan 7, 2108
Trust me bro there is no seventh member they would of been found out way long ago. I know theyre hard to topple but everybody knows about these guys. They’ve been running new tokyo for YEARS now. If there was a seventh member, media would know about it. Thats it.

Sylinic on Jan 7, 2108
i mean. you dont know that. maybe youre just one of the people he’s fooling.

Sylinic on Feb 17, 2108
update. this is good stuff. my dad is a police officer and i was using his computer and this was stored on his computer. its like some evidence thing the police must of got. it seems like its been written by the seventh member. here i will attach the file


Opening file TLSLOTH.PNPEG....

I was forced to do this.
These new hands hardly cooppeafdzxdcvadfratteefeswbgv ccace bnhhvfgsdfsdvrsfrvbfbsdra
They Forced me to do this
I am Mo but they always call me STEELFACE. I have nO last name. They call me sLOth because they think i am lazy. THE TERM IS ARTIST
They use the words “horrific and revolting” for whenever they see me. INSULTING A virtuoso in his face is quite brazen.
IT IS ANYTHING-PROOF AND MY BEST WORK. it is beautiful. It is beautiful. It is beautiful. It is beautiful. It is beautiful. It is beautiful. It is beautiful. It is beautiful. It is beautiful. It is beautiful. It is beautiful. It is beautiful.
I AM PART OF THE LOST BOYS GANG AND I LIVE WITH ANOTHER MEMBER. They do not appreciate my art like I do. Denial of art is like denying food or water, to which i no longer need thanks to art
I work at wrath’s fights sometimes. a shame leaving empty canvases unpainted
i enjoy lounging... and sleeping too
artists cannot work without rest
OK speech to type MODE OFF. what are you doing? these hands.. hardly wofjljk293F345Y4Gncdsfsup;[]ii]IQ2JR3R=]IJGV\GFWJOG-WA[EGEG5G345GRAE[4]


okay. heres the summary of this seventh member. some good info. if this isnt proof that theres a seventh member, i dont know what is

full name: "Mo"
nickname(s): steelface. sloth.
gender: male
true age: no way to find this out. i would guess he’s no more than a hundred to several decades old.
apparent age: no clue. probably appears like a younger adult male. old twenties maybe? just speculation.
sexuality: asexual.
ethnicity: he seems weirdly obsessed with cybernetic implants, especially with his face, so i dont think an ethnicity is identifiable anymore.
role: sloth
hair: none. probably replaced his entire head with something more durable than a human skull. his writing seems human like though so he must have a brain.
eyes: probably implants too. wouldnt be surprised if he had some hyper magnifying eyes that shoot lasers or something like that.
height: no clue. it would probably change all the time if he was modifying his own body all the time.
weight: probably hundreds of pounds worth of implants.
build: probably entirely cybernetic. if his face is “repurposed synthetic fibrous alloy” then im sure the rest of his body is the same too. he claims its indestructible. it might look like skin.
distinguishing features: considering the nickname “steelface” he probably has a face that’s silver colored. no recent sightings or searches find a steel faced man so he must replace it with something when he goes out.
brief summary: insanity. repetition with words indicate some kind of obsession with surgeries involving “enhancement”, and its definitely not legal. it clearly says that he works with the lost boys and is even living with another member. unless this is some really intricate ploy, this is definitely the work of member 7.. honestly once the police tell this to the news media theyll be all over this stuff. anyways other than that i cant tell any much more other than hes a nut job, has a steel face, and is one of the lost boys. he is the seventh. theres notes from the cops all over this thing saying its a fake for publicity, but this seems.. too real.

virtues: i cant really tell much about this guy other than his intelligence. this guy might be loopy but considering it all you’d need to be really smart to teach yourself how to modify your own body without killing yourself first. this dude is no doctor. you have to have sanity for that job.
vices: this guy is crazy. like bat-shit crazy. off the wall. insane. at least thats what it seems like. it might sound jump-to-conclusion-y but just imagining the things he does and the things that he is obviously saying gives me a really weird vibe. considering he goes by "sloth", he is probably a lazy type, at least with anything other than his obsessions.
likes: enhancements apparently. thats about it.
dislikes: people who don’t like his enhancements. apparently. im working with what i got.

alright guys thats all i was able to get out of this. hopefully this doesnt get found, or else id be in big trouble.

big big trouble.

fc: david bowie

"the sloth"

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Harley Allen

  • [Nicknames]
    The Silent Knife, The Dagger in the Dark, Envy


    [Apparent Age]

    [True Age]


    Caucasian (Southern United States)

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    kitana asaju

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( low fidelity low fidelity , laburnum gold laburnum gold , plague rats plague rats , Sybil Sybil , madame moiselle madame moiselle , idiot idiot , BippityBoppityBoop BippityBoppityBoop , timshel timshel , alstroemeria alstroemeria , source source , Dest Dest , kashbambi kashbambi )

with the deadline for cs submissions here, i've sent out 6 pm's to those who have been accepted!! thank you so much for all of the interest and your wonderful applications. i'm very grateful for all of you taking the time to submit a character sheet. you all had amazing characters and it was not easy trying to pick just one for each role. it did come down to being a competition, however, and i did my best to choose which characters i thought would be the best fit for the vibe of this roleplay.

thanks again everyone~
lots of love to you all


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