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Apocalyptic MxM rp anyone?(CLAIMED)


Santa's Shadow
Pwease? And only claim if you can post multiple paragraphs,seven sentences minimum per paragraph.And I will bring it up if your posts grow short.Posting a few paragraphs isn't hard.At all.

In this rp,they would be together already.And,being the cheesy yaoi loving weeaboo I am,I like to rp Seme(top,dominant) x Uke(bottom,submissive) relationships >:3

I call dibs on the Uke,so I'd like for you to rp a big dominant male,the Seme X3

Don't judge me x3 I dropped a few rps,and no one is replying to the ones I'm still at.I'm bored!!!

PM me please if you want to rp!
Hehe! I found my brethren. Kidding, but yeah I'm a fan of yaoi as well! So if it's alright with ya, I'd like to rp with you. We can develop a lot of the story together, got a few ideas actually!

Unfortunately, since I'm really new PMing isn't available to me yet... If that's an issue, please tell me and I'll try to figure out a solution!
If you're new than its fine x3 I don't have plot ideas yet,so how about we just fill out a CS,I create an official page,and we wing it for a while?

And you're fine with rping Seme,right?

X3 I can't rp Seme to save my life.Here's a CS. You can use anime or rl appearance.


Age: (20's pls.I feel like rping adults)









My CS will come after yours
Alrighty, sounds good.

Name: Adrian Drecks

Age: 28


Gear: He keeps a serrated hunting knife in his left pocket and an emergency glock in his right pocket. He has a small satchel for a bottle of water, a packet of salt, a lighter, and ammo.

Personality: Adrian is cold and blunt, he makes it clear he's not your buddy-buddy when pressed too far. Level-headed, he keeps his emotions in check and keeps focus on the task at hand. He's been called heartless due to his actions being less on the goodness of man-kind, but rather what will benefit himself. Adrian isn't the brightest in academics but in survival, he's got a few tricks up his sleeve. A bit of a mercenary type or a rough rouge. Unfortunately, he isn't the most honest of men; trying to weasel out of deals, and lying to even the ones he loves. Never backing down, stubborn, and secretive; Adrian certainly isn't a saint. But he does have a soft spot, able to feel sympathy and being protective over his close companions. He hates showing it; insistingly saying that part of his soul rotted away.


  • Quick witts
  • Physically strong
  • High stamina
  • Experienced with a large range of weapons
  • A lot of survival skills


  • Simple-minded
  • Prideful
  • Self-centered
  • Irresponsible
  • He doesn't prepare very well
  • Disorganized
  • Ignorant to his own pain
  • No sense of direction


  • Alcohol
  • Cigarettes
  • Gambling
  • Dead enemies
  • New weapons/ammo
  • Floral life
  • Napping
  • Sweets
  • Safety
  • Cold temperatures


  • Alive enemies
  • Complicated tasks
  • Bland food
  • Ambushes
  • Needles
  • Sharing his memories
  • Dolls/mannequins
  • Being told he's soft
  • Being wrong


  • He has abstract design tattoos on his arms.
  • Adrian has a deep fear of dolls.
  • He use to be a private detective, before that a body guard and a mafia member.
I likey :3

Mine will be posted soon.Just so you know,as I described in the main post, our two will be traveling together.That still okay with you?

Yeah, sounds fine. Maybe the reason they're traveling is because Adrian is escorting your's somewhere for like his old mafia, or crime bosses he's indebted to? Just ideas really @Krampus
(I'll go with it, if you give me reason why he'd be transporting my guy to his group in the zombie apocalypse x3

It is the Z Apocalypse, just to be clear.Sorry if I never specified!

@HiNoChi<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/2cb70ef5db4e37185dd3286913e75aff.jpg.8406667c5e81822d98ed2db67594416f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130493" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/2cb70ef5db4e37185dd3286913e75aff.jpg.8406667c5e81822d98ed2db67594416f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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If you want to alter your CS at this news then go ahead.

My CS isn't finished yet :3

Name: Chase deMun



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/2cb70ef5db4e37185dd3286913e75aff.jpg.a34754cbad3385ebf9450ece914c0628.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130494" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/2cb70ef5db4e37185dd3286913e75aff.jpg.a34754cbad3385ebf9450ece914c0628.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gear:An automatic crossbow and two daggers









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