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Apocalypse World, or...


Maelstrom Engineer
Hello, everyone.

I'm gauging interest for an Apocalypse World game or any other "power by the Apocalypse" game (i.e. Dungeon World, Monsterhearts, etc.).

Would anyone like to play?
I would be interested in playing Apocalypse World, Tremulus, Urban Shadows, and Cartel. Those are the ones I currently have the book for, any way. I would potentially be interested in others, but I don't want to play Monsterhearts or Dungeon World, personally.
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Awesome! I think two more players at maximum. I'd like three, but we can make two work if it comes down to it. Let's give it a bit longer.

Also, hi @Teh Frixz!
If we're giving Tremulous a go, I wouldn't mind jumping in if you'll have me. Or Urban Shadows. Or classic AW.
All right. We have our four. I'm going to list the players here just for documentation:

  1. @Tzer
  2. @ThaDruid
  3. @Teh Frixz
  4. @Grey

I'm thinking just plain AW.

Any thoughts on playing the second edition preview? I haven't played it. Perhaps we'll just stay with first edition.
I didn't know there was a 2nd edition. I generally feel that the AW devs know what they're doing, and as a designer myself I'd be more inclined to try out their newest work, but you're the MC so I won't quibble.

This isn't like someone honestly suggesting Masquerade 1st ed in 2016 or something. AW works.
I'd be open to it if everyone agrees. It's not out yet, so it's just the preview. But it is interesting.

I asked on Reddit and it was described as "lighter" feeling. I find that interesting as there are far more basic moves. Reading it, they seem like more complication to me, but I guess since the basic moves are more specific it's clearer and faster on when and where to use them.

Here's a link to the preview, in case you're interested.
Re-reading them with the thoughts above in mind, the combat rules, while more numerous, are clearer and cleaner. Pretty interesting.

I think if everyone is okay, we'll try it. I'll miss the Operator, though.
I really like Second Edition, and I think the removal of Operator was a good thing. It had no clear focus.
Interesting, @Tzer. Perhaps You're right. And I'm glad to hear you like second. Everyone who I've talked to that has actually played it says they like it a lot. It seems tighter as far as the rules go.

Okay. Second edition preview it is. Let's get this going. I"ll put together a thread (that's how this goes still right?). I'll put the link here.

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