[Apocalypse Roulette] Anna Sergeyevna Romanov: Crash Landing

Anna stopped in her track at the sight of her team, tension crawling over her. "Sir? It's just us. You're making me nervous." she says, only momentarily realizing that Kasyanov and the others are staring past her and Ivan. "Oh." Anna looked behind at Bethany, quickly gesturing for her to come closer.

"This is Bethany. A survivor. I've found her taking cover in the women's restroom. She's..." Anna looked around, as if making sure everything was ok. "She's got information you need to hear. Bethany?" She faced the woman. "It's alright. Just tell these men everything you've said to me earlier, and anything else that could be helpful."

Anna wondered at how quick she was to call her a survivor. She realized that she believed her story. Nothing else could explain it.
Bethany steps forward reluctantly, swallowing hard. She looks to Anna, then nods, taking a deep breath.

"I was flying out of Midway for a business conference in Los Angeles," her voice breaks, then settles into the deep, smooth cadence Anna heard earlier when she was praying. "My associate Harley and I were waiting for our flight. It was delayed, so we were here hours longer than we were supposed to, killing time. A few aisles away, a sickly-looking man started to vomit, then seize, then he looked like he passed out. A man who said he was a doctor started treating him, and someone else called 911, put them on speaker. 911 said they were sending someone. The sick man woke up and started... biting people..." She closes her eyes, but keeps talking, "someone else nearby started having seizures too, and then another. One of them attacked Harley, and we were separated. I ran. I don't know how I got here, it's kind of blurry, but I think it was only a few hours before Anna found me."

Kasyanov takes a few moments to mull over the story, then says, "I am Officer Alexei Kasyanov, Russian Armed Forces. You will be safe with us." Kasyanov turns to his soldiers, looking them over. "We are going to make our way farther into Midway Airport. The goal is to find our American escort. Are there any questions?"
Listening to Bethany's story one more time made Anna think and reconsider everything again. She wished she had a gun, and remembered her incomplete sniper training sessions. Beyond the mandatory pistol training that even military engineers had to undergo, she cared for no other weapons than sniper rifles. Like in her work, Anna was precise. She wished for one now.

"I'm ready." Anna said. "But it's too quiet here for a place that supposedly suffered a virus outbreak. Where did everyone go? We should expect the worst, sir."

Other than that, she appeared ready to move. And so did the other soldiers.

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