Apocalypse of the strange



?The a bit twisted and brutally honest?






Half Demon


Elemental control, better eyesight, telepathy

?Natural abilities?

Regenerative Healing, Enhanced Agility and Reflexes, Drug resistance



Nyx is a bit sadistic and likes to slowly kill her victims. She's twisted, curious, and loves to show off. Though since she is a half-breed she does have a human part in her. Nyx can be carefree which usually ends up with a limb hacked off. She could really care less about people's well being and can be cold. At times she can give off that lone wolf aura and prefers to be independent. She's a bit shameless and purposely tries to annoy other people. Though despise all the bad bits of her, she can be human once in a while. She has her dark thoughts and will go away if you reject her. Nyx even has a feminine side of her. She can make clothing, sing, dress nicely, and is weak to anything cute. Horrible at cooking though...don't let her cook.

(Keep in mind this isn't all she is.
Will probably add more later on)


Bathing in blood, killing, winning, people, torture, tease, anything cute, showing off, napping, food, exploring, independence, freedom, clothing


Father, orders, weakness, emotions, books, skinship, sweets, games, dancing, pain, annoying people, dependence, Half-breed


Pain, rejection, human emotions


Nyx's parents didn't exactly fall in love, neither have they even met each other. So when her mother encounter Nyx's father it wasn't very surprising that she was soon raped afterwards. The townspeople soon heard the new and stayed clear out of her way.

Ashamed of herself, she
sobbed most of the time and drank til she was broke. She almost tried everything to kill her unborn baby. That, of course didn't work because when Nyx was borned, she was perfectly healthy. The mother was horrified and had filled herself with hate to the point where she broke herself. With no one else to protect Nyx from harm she eventually just started to hate everyone else. No demons or humans accepted her and soon she started killing in frustration. First it was the children that bullied her, next it was adults that rejected her, and finally....it was her own mother.

Of course her mother
didn't die without any last words. She grin in delight and said,

"I'll never accept you, no one will. No one! I hate! I hate! I hate what came out of my own womb! Monster! Monster! Ahahahhahahahhaha!!!!"

Nyx slowly raised her butcher knife and brought it down to her mother, repeatly butching her to death.

in her own mother's blood, she stared at her mother's lifeless body. Nyx couldn't help, but smile. She whispered,"Mother if you don't accept me, you can't accept yourself...how sad..."

A few years passed later on and Nyx soon met her father, who was taking a visit. As soon as they met each other they both instantly hated each other. Insulting and soon trying to tear each other'so throats she soon moved on to a different city, to where she is now. She finds herself in a hospital, where the world seem like it's ending. A new story, a new chapter begins.


~Have a mysterious amount of Nyx's in her head

?Theme song?


[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XR1e-rg2go[/media]
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AquaSly said:



The a bit twisted and brutally honest






Half Demon


Elemental control, better eyesight, telepathy

Natural abilities

Regenerative Healing, Enhanced Agility and Reflexes, Drug resistance



Nyx is a bit sadistic and likes to slowly kill her victims. She's twisted, curious,
and loves to show off. Though since she is a half-breed she does have a human part in her. Nyx can be carefree which usually ends up with a limb hacked off. At times she can give off that lone wolf aura and prefers to be independent. She's a bit shameless and purposely tries to annoy other people. Though despise all the bad bits of her, she can be human once in a while. Nyx even has a feminine side of her. She can make clothing, sing, dress nicely, and is weak to anything cute. Horrible at cooking though...don't let her cook.

(Keep in mind this isn't all she is. Will probably add more later on)


Bathing in blood, killing, winning, people, torture, tease, anything cute, showing off, napping, food, exploring, independence, freedom, clothing


Father, orders, weakness, emotions, books, skinship, sweets, games, dancing, pain, annoying people, dependence, Half-breed




"I assure you I find my past a bit amusing, but for now I'm too tired to tell."

(Will put in later)

Theme song


[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XR1e-rg2go[/media]
Hey! Hurry in, were about to leave for the museum, we are all in the lobby right now, freaking out. It seems as of right now that I'm the one in control, or at least people are listening to me.
I like what was done with the character Nyx, but I'm disappointed about what powers are not on that character, despite the name you used.

If you were just calling yourself that cause the name sounds cool, oh well, but still... Mythology yo!
O-Oh....well what powers do you want Nyx to have?

I mean I chose Nyx because it seem to match the picture. Beside she is a half demon, there are limits of powers she can have ._.
It's alright, your character can have any name and abilities you want, it's your character after all, and having op powers would be rude and stuff

Nyx in mythology is a deity personification of the night, with dominion over sleep and death and stuff in a nutshell. I figured that you might not of known that, but that's basically her job, if you can call it that.

Still do what you will within this RP's rules, ya know?
Name: Dr. Quill

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: Mutant


Powers: Intuitive Aptitude (A bit less then what the wiki says, instant is quick)

Natural abilities: Hacking

Weapons: (don't add anything here until you find a weapon)

Personality: Humble and kind

Likes: Silence

Dislikes: Children

Strengths: Anything mechanical

Weaknesses: Combat (Until he learns how to fight)

Fears: Parasites

Bio: Dr. Quill has a Doctorate of Computer Science
Chewy said:
Name: Dr. Quill
Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: Mutant


Powers: Intuitive Aptitude (A bit less then what the wiki says, instant is quick)

Natural abilities: Hacking

Weapons: (don't add anything here until you find a weapon)

Personality: Humble and kind

Likes: Silence

Dislikes: Children

Strengths: Anything mechanical

Weaknesses: Combat (Until he learns how to fight)

Fears: Parasites

Bio: Dr. Quill has a Doctorate of Computer Science

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