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Fantasy Apocalypse: Not your typical 'zombie'

Name: Kat Valentine

Age: 6

Gender: Female

Zombie or Human:Zombie

Personality: Kat has a very innocent nature. She is also terrified of other zombies, trusting of others, you also wouldn't be able to tell she is a zombie at first glance, she is also one of the cleanest zombies you will ever see, and finally she has no clue that she is a zombie.

Bio: Kat was born in 2030 and raised by her mother and father.She had a great childhood her parents played with her,taught her how to read and write, and her dad taught her how to fight which she loved. Then one day her dad left to get fire wood from the near by woods and as he was gone a group of bandits and zombies attacked her home. As the attack went on Kat's mom tried to protect her from both the groups but her mom ran out of ammo and was shot in front of her.While the attack was raging Kat was sitting by here mom crying wishing her dad would come back and then she was bitten by one of the zombies. Next thing she remembers is waking up covered in dirt and she crawls out of the ground and looks around. She see's the zombies and bandits dead but her dads bike is gone and she can for some reason smell which way her dad went. So she goes to the bathroom takes a bath gets dressed packs her backpack with a toothbrush and past, soap, a extra pair of clothes, her favorite toy a stuffed animal of a lion cub named Simba that her dad told her came from a movie called lion king, and a box of her favorite snack's Twizzlers. As she goes to follow the scent she see's her weapon that she was learning to use and goes over and grabs a 4ft bow staff which is about six inches taller then her. As she travels and gets hungry she goes and hunts for animals and is surprised when she can ran as fast or faster then her prey. After she catches it every once in a while she gets the urge to eat it with out cooking it but does not because she knows she would get scolded by her parents if she does. And also before she tries and go to sleep she finds some source of water she washes up brushes her teeth puts on fresh clothes cleans her old ones, eats one Twizzler, and practices with her bow staff every night. Then she goes and makes a bed grabs Simba lays down and tries to go to sleep but cant and just lay their waiting till sun rise. She has done this for the past seven or so months and finally she tracks her dads sent down to a big building in a hug city.

Weapon(s): As far as she knows just her martial arts and her bow staff

Strengths: Beside have the strength and speed of a zombie, also a very stong sense of smell, she is also very smart and nimble for one. She is also strong willed and patient.

Weaknesses: She dos not like being talked down to, made fun of being short , and can be a smarty pants



(She has the outfit on this picture just take the stars away. And her second out fit is blue jeans,a white shirt that say's daddy's little angel, a denim jacket, and a hat that looks exactly like the one she's wearing just a blue stripe instead of green.)
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can I join and if so here's my info

Name: Ace

Age: 16

Gender: male

Zombie or human: human

Personality: Can be really rude until you get to know him. He hates it when people under estimate him. When he has to go up close to a zombie he gets frightened.

Bio: parents died when the apocolypse started. He survives to carry on the family name. Is an expert with ranged weapons.

Weapons: all ranged weapons, usually one shot but sometimes rapid shooting guns

Strengths: when from long range has hawk eyes, he is good at stealth

Weaknesses: since he has good sight and hearing, he has terrible smell and taste. Can get extremely cocky in battle

Appearance: like picture<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.da194f9681d16a78560dde9473f4748b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81553" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.da194f9681d16a78560dde9473f4748b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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ClickyVikki said:
Character Outline:

Name: Matthew Kinsman


Gender: Male

Zombie or Human: Human

Personality: Playful but serious if needed, Hates self but is better then makes self out to be and is good under presure.

Bio: All family is dead except for little sister who he's lost. He trusts people but at times can be quite hatefull. He has moments when he breaks out into violent out bursts but means good.

Weapon(s): Knifes, baseball bats, Throwing knifes and a 44.Magnum

Strengths: Fast, strong, works well with people and is good under pressure

Weaknesses: Suffers Depression (Has moments where he wants to die) and has violent outbursts


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-22_22-41-57.jpeg.ce2a6720c2a839c612d8e4a9a6997c20.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81713" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-22_22-41-57.jpeg.ce2a6720c2a839c612d8e4a9a6997c20.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


(You must have at least 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses, thanks!) ^-^


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ClickyVikki said:
Character Outline:

Name: Eru Chitoge

Age: 17

Gender: female

Zombie or Human: Human

Personality: serious, bitchy, sassy, teases people, kinda flirty, seems quiet but talks quiet a bit when proving a point

Bio: when Eru was a kid she had 4 siblings- 2 of them step brothers, 1 step sister and 1 full brother- she lived with her mum and step dad. But her mum was bitten and her dad eaten while trying to defend the kids. Eru's older brother lead the group, trying to find safety but their sister and other brother got attacked by the zombies.

Eru and her brother have been separated and now she goes solo, trying to survive and find her brother.

Weapon(s): throwing knifes, baseball bat, rifle and for when she has distance, a bow and arrows.

Strengths: born leader, good fighter, head strong.

Weaknesses: suffers from long term illness, which makes her feel really sick and gets lonely

Lehetetlen idล‘zรญtรฉs - Blogger.hu

Other: doesn't know if her friends are alive or not

(You must have at least 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses, thanks!) ^-^
Name:zen kraxen



Zombie or Human:zombie

Personality:insane and sadistic hides his personality behind a stone cold glare during the day and during the night turned into a bloodthirsty murderer

Bio:a foster child abandoned by his family and adopted by a wealthy money hungry family. forced to do all the chores in place of maids and subjected to abuse almost every day. the constant abuse drove him insane and he ended up killing the foster family's son and daughter before being shot to death wit an ak-a77 assault rifle by their father. he later found himself in a dumpster wondering why he was still alive though he didn't care much. he found his way back to the house and killed the rest of the family brutally and now roams the streets killing to fulfill his sadistic urges

Weapon(s):scythe and pistole

Strengths:he is a fast mover and a smart thinker

Weaknesses:weak against explosives and extreme heat and above all feelings of kindness or compassion


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Name: Roxanne Smith (Z-Blaster)



Zombie or Human:Human

Personality:Happy go lucky,trusting,acts like she is a cluts, she hates liars,and she hates being made fun of for having a flat chest.She also has a second personality where she thinks she is a super hero (Z-Blaster)while in this personality she is calm,serious,and doesn't put up with any bull shit.

Bio:When Roxanne was a child her parents would try and protect her from the world and act like everything was find. But when she ten a horde of zombies over ran her house but luckily a nice family lived down the street and they came to save Roxanne and her mother but it was to late for their dad.And the family offered to let them stay with them for as long as they wanted. So for the next three years they stayed with the family and over this time the father which Roxanne saw as her own personal super hero taught her how to fight in several different fighting styles. The mother which she grew close with almost as an older sister taught her how to use a gun. Then their was their little baby daughter which Roxanne became very protective of as a younger sister showed her that life is still worth living. And also during this time Roxanne's mother would try everything she could to get in contact with her father's brother and one day she got a response. So her mother told Roxanne that they would have to leave to go meet up with her uncles group.But she did not want to leave the people that she has come to know as family but her mother would have none of it and said they were leaving. So on the day they left the family that Roxanne has come to love. The mother gave Roxanne a revolver which was her favorite gun to use. From the father that she viewed as a super hero gave her a pair of gauntlets like his but they where black instead of purple which was her favorite color. And then Roxanne went over to the little red headed child that she has come to know and love as a sister and gave her one of the things that she has had since before this world went to hell and handed the little girl a little stuffed lion. From a movie that she only got to see once or twice but loved it. And as they left the small town the fathered escorted them out on his big bike which she always thought was one of the coolest things ever. So as Roxanne and her mother drove to where her uncle was supposed to be. And when they got their it was the biggest mistake they ever made because her uncle came over to her mom as she got out of the car and shot her point blank. He looked over to one of his men and said feed her to the zombies we have in the cage. And then he came over to Roxanne and said we are going to have fun with you. And as he got closer to her she had slipped on one of her gauntlets and punched him right in the nuts. He fell to the ground and as he did she ran into the woods and managed to escape them after about a week of running. After she knew she had lost them she vowed to be stronger and never feel that scared again and this is when Z-Blaster was born she decided she would be as strong as her hero. And for some reason she couldn't remember their name's which made her want to cry.So for the next three years she would travel around and save people where she could and also found materials to make an outfit for Z-Blaster which she mainly wears under her clothes except the mask she keeps in her backpack. Now she finds herself in a hospital looking for medicine because she had a bad headache couldn't find any and decided to spend the night.

Weapon(s):Black gauntlets and a revolver

Strengths:Knows MMA and how to use guns well

Weaknesses:Can be to trusting of people who seem to be nice,she also has no fear of zombies because she has never had to be afraid of them because she can usually easily kills them or hardly runs into them because she usually stays in small towns or the woods.


(She looks exactly like the picture except she wears Black boots,blue jeans, and a long sleeve t-shirt that has black and green stripes on it.)

Z-Blaster appearance:

(Just make the helmet black and take the jacket away and other then that it looks the same.)

(sorry for the long bio i put a lot of thought into this character.)
Name: Lucifer

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Zombie or Human: Human

Personality: Always ready to fight, Secretive, Kind, Easily hides all emotions but anger

Bio: Was born and raised in a prison-turned-safe house and trained to be a long-term scavenger, when he came 16 his training was finished and he went on his first scavenging hunt, finding a survivor (so he thought) named Felix, after finishing his hunt he brought Felix back to the safe house, when a horde of zombies came to close to the safe house both him and Felix were chosen to be part of the extermination party, during the extermination all lived and only one injury, when Lucifer noticed the injured girl Felix was already there, and his mouth was open to reveal pointed teeth, Lucifer immediately figured out that he was a zombie pretending to be a human, and the smell of the blood made him lose it, killing everyone in the party, except Lucifer who was gravely injured, since then Lucifer left the safe house to hunt down Felix

Weapon(s): Duel machetes, Duel silenced sub-machine guns

Strengths: Strong, fast, intelligent

Weaknesses: Easy to manipulate when angered, extreme hate for zombies no matter what they have done

Appearance: 6 ft., Always wears a black hoodie and black cargo-pants which are now covered in blood

Other: Knows and hates Felix more than he does the other zombies
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Name: David

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Zombie or Human: Human

Personality: sarcastic, bad around girls other than his adoptive sister, good at teaching, athletic, can be derpy at times

Bio: David and his twin brother were raised by a woman they came to know as their mother. Eventually their mother found another child and adopted her too in this horrible world. Alongside his twin and a long lost friend, David learned parkour until he was practically a pro. He in turn taught his younger sister some of it and she learned pretty quickly how to do a few useful moves, but unfortunately one day their family's outpost was attacked by a horde. David knew he lost his mother, brother, and best friend in the process of trying to protect and help his sister, Addie, escape the horde. He is certain his sister is still out there somewhere and has been trying to find her ever since they split. Recently, he had heard many gunshots and has spotted an upcoming horde, so he is sure someone, if not his sister, is in the large city he has come across.

Weapon(s): a super expensive katana

Strengths: is almost a pro freerunner, fast at reacting, very athletic

Weaknesses: sometimes too sarcastic and can come off as an annoying douche, cares too much for people, absolutely terrible when it comes to any girl other than his adoptive sister


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.eff0711eb18716a001e116072b0723bb.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82180" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.eff0711eb18716a001e116072b0723bb.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: As awful as he is with girls, he's still a gentleman. If in a dangerous situation, he always prioritized helping the youngest get out alive before he even has time to think about any of the older survivors.



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Name: Alexander (Matthew Daggenhart)

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Zombie or Human: Human

Personality: He comes across as very carefree and irresponsible person, but when it comes to the people he cares about he becomes very serious. Has an optimistic view on the small things in life.

Bio: He woke up one morning on a cool metal table, his wrists and legs bound. He started struggling in panic, not knowing where he was. A soft voice hushed him before everything went black. That's as far back as Matthew could remember. He was later told by his "father" that he had been found under a pile of rubble; they were going to leave him behind when they noticed he was still, miraculously, breathing. He suffered from a major concussion, a spiral fracture in his arm, his left leg being torn off, and one of his eyes being punctured by a thin medal bar. Luckily the nomadic group's doctor, the one he now called dad, had managed to put him back together. After spending a year with the group he set out to find any clues about his past as well as to explore what was left of the decaying society.

Weapon(s): daggers that were found along with him and gun given to him by his "dad," though he never uses it because it only draws more attention.

Strengths: Incredibly intelligent and strategic, knows a lot about medicine

Weaknesses: Mechanical leg makes it difficult to run, can be rather loud and over excited about things


Wears eye patch to hide his "heterochromia"

Other: His only clue about his past is a bracelet that says "Daggenhart"
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Name: Six

Age: 19

Gender: F

Zombie or Human: Human

Personality: Cold and unassuming, uncaring for those she doesnt know or trust.

Bio: Originally a Courior, she has traveled around Nevada and California, she became an explorer after getting shot in the head and miraculously surviving. She crossed paths with many people in her life, killing a third of that number. She mainly traveled through California and Nevada, earning a name for herself among the New Californian Republic, or NCR, and the villanous Legion. Both disliked her due to her killing off a great number of their forces, more so for the Legion. The Legion came from Arizona, intent on taking the Hoover Dam from the NCR. The Legion lost and were forced back into Arizona. (More on the two factions and their relations with Six and eachother)

Weapon(s): .50 Anti-Tank sniper rifle, two long barreled .45/70 govt magnum revolvers, a single military knife that matches someone else's, brass knuckles, gl-40 grenade launcher, mp5 smg.

Strengths: Sharp eyes, very skilled with each of her weapons and knows them inside and out, able to make her own ammunition.

Weaknesses: Cronic Insomnia, doesn't normally get along well with others, not stealthy at all.

NCR Ranger combat armor) (Helmet eyes glow red)

Out of Armor: slightly longer than shoulder length blonde hair, dark grey eyes, slightly tanned skin.

Other: Knows Marcus

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(Ok I'm considering joining but I'm wondering can my guy be like patient zero like the first zombie and like the zombie leader or something of that sort?)


Character Outline:


Aeda Meredith Quillson





Zombie or Human:



Aeda is a very witty young woman, with a goal to succeed or die trying, especially since the apocalypse broke out. She is pretty much a bad-ass bitch who get's what she wants when she wants it, and she won't take shit from anyone, or anything. She is the type to say exactly what's on her mind and get away with it, she is the type to get away with alot. Though, don't let her bad ass persona fool you, not too early on, Aeda has her demons, she knows her pain too, and she wants to make the most of the life she has now, there is no such things as You Only Live Once, You Only Die Once is more her style, infact it might as well be her motto. If she is gonna go out then this prideful girl is gonna go out at her best. Aeda, once you get to know her is actuallly a pretty awesome person with a heart of gold. You can trust her with or without her mask of course, but note she will always take the more logical decision or choice, rather the philosophical. She is a kind and sarcastic person when she warms up to you, which could be rather quickly if you hung around long enough, always a smirk on her lips and never a frown, not if she can help it. She might get on her nerves a little but she does it because she likes you and she wants to get to know you. ANd her attitude towards the zombie's? Well, it's a little mixed, though she hasn't met a zombie that's lived yet, or let her go yet, so until a zombie shows pity for the "weak" humans such as herself, she'lll continue blowing off heads and burning zombie's to bits.


Aeda was born in NSW Sydney, Australia to two Castiallian Parents that moved from Central America to Australia two years prior to giving birth to Aeda. Aeda grew up in the City ((Sydney City)), surrounded by much wealth and good fortune, good friends and an almost as loving family. In the year that she turned 8 Aeda's parents had thier second child. A boy named Angelo. It was obvious even to the young Aeda that they valued him more so than Aeda. Sure, he was new and everyone loved seeing the new baby, but it was more than that. Aeda continued through life with her families behaviour just getting worse around her. Her parents, they became so distant with her, but became ever closer to Angelo. The rest is history.


One MP5-Nemesis


One Short Barrel Shotgun, 14" AOW


Last but not least, she owns Three throwing knives


And a Multi Tool Set


All is kept in her holsters and her utility belt that is shown around her waist in her picture. The shotgun is usually held incase, but the MP stays holstered to her back until she needs to use it.

She is trying really hard to either make a flame thrower, or find one. She knows most or all of the zombies hate fire.


Aeda is a mentally strong person with a good mindset and logical thoughts. Her mind is always racing and iy keep her light on her feet in risky situations, allowing her to control her fear if danger strikes. Fear is the easiest emotion to control is it not? What she fights for also adds to her mental state, and it edges her on. She loved her family even if they weren't there for her so it is something like an avenging, or a time of redemption for her so her family can see from above what she is really capable of. That definitely drives her on the most. nThis is of course when her weaknesses don't takeover.

Aeda has exceptional marksmanship skills with a gun. Though she has not wielded the familiar Sniper Rifle since before the Apocalypse, Aeda can still sharp shoot once in a while or simply aim just where she wants to when using her shotgun and her MP. The throwing knives are a different matter and a hobby of hers, seemed they payed off as now, with the amount she has to throw, she is exceptionally and basically a proffessional knife thrower


Aeda, unfortunately suffers from Maladaptive DReaming and constant periods of Schizophrenia. Her Maladaptive DReaming basicly implies that she has a very vivid imagination, sometimes too vivid, it distracts her, she can get out of hand, hallucinate small bits and even sleep with her eyes open for hours at a time. It is a real risk to her when she cannot concentrate at the task at hand, which is staying alive. The Schizophrenia has of course been nrought on by the gunshots, the dramatic and scarring moments, and the death of her family. It affects her randomly but very rarely. It most definitely always affects her when she is under too much stress. It can make her a little uncontrolable or have her freak out too. She might start by mumbling and whispering, and when she starts reacting to every sound and movement she hears with fear, you know she must be calmed down.

Aeda has fears, many feras. But they are not material, not at all. She feras that she won't be able to redeem herself, or go through with domething of the greatest importance, or save a persons life over her own. Aeda is scared of dying



She is naturally tanned and a natural beauty. Her large doe eyes are usual covered by her badass sunnies and she usually wears her signature smirk, unless of course she were in pain or just not into it. Her hair is naturally straight, and choppy from having to cut it, she even tried layering it. Originally it was a chestnut brown but she dyed it a lighter shade and added a bit of red at least a week before the apocalypse, making it a light maroon colour now. It is quite satisfactory upon running your hands through it. She is fit and built as a girl would be. She is toned and every move defines her slim figure, curves in all the right places. She doesn't remove her hat unless really necessry or sleeping, and she makes sure to keep her lucky teddy with her at all times. Even if she hates pink; it's for good luck, and it means somethng to her. She is an average height withour her heels, but the sharp heels definetly give her height, and something to kick with. Around her waist and at her thighs is her belt thingo, it houses her teddy, her badges, her multi tool kit and anything she collects which she"'needs", dire or not. The red peice is like a cape of her's, her superhero cape you can say. It's always on, just like her cap and sunnies. Like her clothing her cape is a little tattered. Her "jacket" also holds her extra ammo and various other things, and it has a hood, which helps on cold nights and days.


+ She has acquired a skateboard aswell, and she uses it to travel, when of course she is clear to. It is very convenient and has helped her escape many more than once, but sometimes she cannot bring it along with her when she leaves her permanent residence, and that is a big no no

+ She will ask and give in return, you will give and she will ask in return


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[QUOTE="Tylor guillory](Ok I'm considering joining but I'm wondering can my guy be like patient zero like the first zombie and like the zombie leader or something of that sort?)

As long as the zombie isn't too god modded and has weaknesses like everyone else, go ahead! =]
Name: Charlie Smith (Char Char)

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Zombie or human: Human

Personality:Charlie is a very calm and collected person, just walking everywhere he goes, never seeming to run. He is very intellegent and caring towards his friends.

Bio:Charlie was an only child who grew up very lonely, making him a calm and quiet person. He was given a hatchet by his father and mother who were violently slaughtered in the middle of the outbreak. Charlie ran across two children, Lilly and Logan, when he found a bag of food, which turned out to be theirs. They had told him that their town had stood their ground for twelve years! But it had fallen due to some breaches in the wall. Charlie and the kids parted ways, but not before Lilly gave him the nickname 'Char-Char' and gave him a gun and told him, "Me and my brother. Well, we gonna turn this world 'round! This aren't gonna get better unless you work for them to be better!" So he took those words and went out alone to make things better.

Weapons:Hatchet, small pistol

Strengths:Calmness, intellegence

Weakness:Clumsy sometimes, protective


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Other:Carries a scar on his leg from falling into a bear trap, knows Lilly



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Zombie or human: zombie

Personality: he's the tall dark type he's tough and cold very territorial and enjoys a good fight/hunt and has a terrifying presence over even other zombie's

Bio: Zero other wise known as patient zero or the original. He's the first zombie and has taken to being the alpha or leader of most of the zombies.He doesn't remember anything about before he was a zombie nor is he aware of how he became infected in the first place all he reme remembered is waking up in a hospital with a craving for human. He doesn't particulary like or dislike humans being a zombie they are simply food to him and he understands that. His main goal is to make sure zombies stay on top. He's more of a alpha male type leader than a president type leader but he can be political if needed although that's doubtful

Weapons anything he can get his hands on mainly melee weapons

Strengths: super strong and tough and he has Psychic abilities such as Telekinesis and certain other psychic Powers so he can enforce his rule.

Weaknesses: hes slow and has one bad eye he is prideful so he often likes to take on enemies alone if he thinks they might be fun he hates fire and isn't particularly smart nor dumb. He's also very protective of the zombies that follow him so he can make rash decisions based on what happens to them.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/download.jpg.98ed54947e0bf301cf76d0adb1c0e710.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82812" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/download.jpg.98ed54947e0bf301cf76d0adb1c0e710.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Extra: nothing I can think of atm and hope my characters acceptable.



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[QUOTE="Tylor guillory](Well am I accepted sorry if I'm kinda rushing @ClickyVikki )

It's cool, the CS was good. Love the fact that you used the pic from I Am Legend =3 Start rping whenever!
Name: Lucifer

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Zombie or Human: Zombie

Personality: Always ready to fight, Secretive, Cruel

Bio: Was born and raised in a prison-turned-safe house and trained to be a long-term scavenger, when he came 16 his training was finished and he went on his first scavenging hunt, finding a survivor (so he thought) named Felix, after finishing his hunt he brought Felix back to the safe house, when a horde of zombies came to close to the safe house both him and Felix were chosen to be part of the extermination party, during the extermination all lived and only one injury, when Lucifer noticed the injured girl Felix was already there, and his mouth was open to reveal pointed teeth, Lucifer immediately figured out that he was a zombie pretending to be a human, and the smell of the blood made him lose it, killing everyone in the party, except Lucifer who was gravely injured, since then Lucifer left the safe house to hunt down Felix

Weapon(s): Duel machetes

Strengths: Strong, Fast, Intelligent, From being turned by the physic zombie he is immune to the physic abilities himself, Gives off no scent

Weaknesses: Reckless, For now he can occasionally lose himself in his urges, Sense of smell is permanently gone

Appearance: 6 ft., Always wears a black hoodie and black cargo-pants which are now covered in blood, Faint red glow in his eyes

Other: Recently turned, has no sympathy for anyone
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