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Fantasy Apocalypse: Not your typical 'zombie'

I knew I was priority, but it felt nice to hear it. I nodded and cautiously followed him, hoping whoever we were helping wasn't in any seriously deep trouble.
After the zombie group circled Leon he grabbed his ax and said "bring it". The one right in front of him charges and tries to tackle him to the ground but Leon saw this coming and flips him to the ground and tries to slam his fist into his head. As soon as he did the zombie some how avoided it at the last second and went to bite Leon's wrist but didn't notice the gauntlets he was wearing and broke some of its teeth. As soon as Leon felt the teeth of the zombie break he brought his elbow down on top of his temple smashing his brains all over the ground. And as Leon get's up He throws his ax at a zombie but as he does another loud boom like the one from Earlier goes off and throws off his aim. And as Leon missed he noticed one of the zombies drop and missing a head he smiles and Runs at the one he missed and slammed his hand through the body of the one he missed and then brought his knee up to the zombies head breaking most of the bones and letting the zombie fall into a motionless corps. And as he does another shot goes off taking down another zombie. Leon picks up his ax and stairs down the remaining three zombies and say's to the one that looks like he's in charge now noticing what looks like a knife wound on his chest. And says "Well boss man looks like i might just make it out of this after all."
I glance back at you, "Try the transmitter again, can't hurt to have extra help." I say as we reach the area of the yelling and see 6 dead zombies and the guy from earlier, facing a large zombie, without a blank expression
I frowned when there was no response. I glanced at Felix. "He didn't respond, I guess we should try to help now..?" It sounded more like a question than a suggestion.
"Yes, but if I get bit, at all Addie, dont trust me until it's dead. That's the original the one that controls." I say as pull out my bow and start firing arrows at the big zombie from behind cover.
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I nodded. "But how can I help?" I tightened my grip on Marcus's knife and tried to think of some way I could help other than fighting.
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As i'm staring down the big bad a volley of arrows hit him from the side. This catches me off guard a little bit because i'm trying to figure out who's helping me. The only people i have ran into is the group of kid's from the other day. As i am slightly shocked the Zombie looks down at the arrows sticking out of him slightly annoyed and swings his arm to break them off. I then take this opening to charge the zombie and start trying to take him hand to hand but for every punch and kick i throw he blocks and vise versa. While exchanging blows i say " This is fun its been awhile since i have had an opponent that can keep up with me and dish it back." He just Looks at me and says " for a human your faster and stronger then i expected but i'm better.' And with the last word he head buts me sending me flying a couple of feet back.
I glance at you with a worried look, "Can you make sure no drones sneak up on us, that they wont have the advantage of surprise." I say as i continue my volley of arrows now aiming at the big zombies head, hoping to at least slow him down.
As i get up i see another volley of arrows come at the zombie this time more focused on the head. The first aroww hits him smack dab in the head which makes go off balance and the next few hit the same area bring the zombie down to his knees. Seeing this i run at him driving my knee into his face sending him to the ground and as he hits the ground i go to jump on him. But some how he brings his arm up punching me in the body sending me in direction of where the arrows came from. And as i get up i notice that the archer is the zombie kid with the girl that i tried to save was behind him.When i get to my feet i say "This zombie is a tough son of a bitch" and spit a little blood onto the ground in front of me and get ready to charge back in.
"No kidding, go for the head I'll try and cripple it." I say launching arrows into it's knees.
Marcus peered through the scope and saw Addie, Felix, and that one guy with the motocycle. He inhaled and held his breath as he sent a bullet towards a rather large zombie. His aim was a little low as the bullet ripped through it's shoulder and separated its right arm from its body.
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Right after the Zombie kid launches the arrows I run full speed at the enemy. While the zombie is trying to get the arrows out of his knees i hear a another loud bang and the zombies right arm falls off. And while the zombie is stunned by these turn of events with all my strength i superman punch him right in the face sending him flying to the ground. And while he's trying to get up i slowly walk up to him pull out my golden desert eagle and by this point hes on his knees and says " you might take me out but compared to my brother i'm as weak as a drone." Not understanding what he said i pull the trigger blowing his brains out. Then i go back to the couple of kids and ask "if their all right?"
Marcus smiled lightly at the group before laying his forehead against the concrete of the building. "Damn, that was close..."
After hearing that they are fine and asking me if i am i reply "yea i think ill be okay just a broken rib or two from when he punched me. No life threatening injury so i am okay. Just out of curiosity why are you two out and about? And i am sorry for the other day i didn't mean to cause trouble."
"We heard yelling and we wanted to help, just glad we got here before it was to late."
He lifted his head and stared through the scope at Addie and Felix, trying his best to hold back his tears. A few sobs broke out followed by, "I'm sorry Addie...I'm glad I could save you one more time...", before he stood and brushed past Devin. Marcus's words broke through the transmitter and played on hers.

"Okay thats cool i was just coming down hear to check the tall building because i saw a bullet come from that direction."
(Sry I was on a super long walk with my bros)

I heard Marcus through the transmitter. So he was the one shooting from afar.. "Thanks Marcus." I smiled, knowing he was still ok and he had helped. I stuck close to Felix's side, happy we were all ok for the most part.
I smile at you, "You ok Addie?" I say when i get back from retrieving my arrows.
"I'm fine, you want to head back to the apartment or keep moving elsewhere?"

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