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Realistic or Modern Apartment of Anomalies(Open, casual RP)


Reverse Grip Apologist
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello and welcome to 13 Wells Avenue. This place is an extremely odd apartment building, where one apartment was closed off due to orb infestation, and sometimes time travelers pop through aand try to become their own grandfather. This RP is not meant to be very serious, and I thought of it for laughs. Hopefully it'll actually kick off though.

Basically, this RP is about an apartment building where anything can happen, and usually does. This is set in modern day, with random stuff that doesn't make much sense because it's not supposed to. It's the center of paranormal and other odd and weird activity.
You moving in?
Jack in the Box Jack in the Box
Oh. Hello there Smug Wendy. I'd just like to apologize if I was disrespectful when I left your superhuman RP. That day was the day I had blood flavoured salt running through my veins due to IRL drama.
Oh. Hello there Smug Wendy. I'd just like to apologize if I was disrespectful when I left your superhuman RP. That day was the day I had blood flavoured salt running through my veins due to IRL drama.

Don't worry about it, many people come and go. No hard feelings. All you have to do is get our 4 for 4 deal and we'll call it even.
yes, like i said. the kkk can move in for all i care.
yes, also thatss cool. 1 more person for minimum.
don't ask, this RP hasn't started so it's open.
don't ask, seriously.

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