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Simple Girl with Simple Dreams
Soooooo Lately I've been getting little to no replies in my Roleplays on here and was hoping someone would be willing to roleplay woth me :)

Lately I've really been craving some things so I'm gonna list some pairings I had below.


Bully x bullied


Best Friend x Best Friend

Shy x Outgoing


Jock x Jock

Bullied x Bully


Country Boy x City Boy

and I do like MxF just don't have any pairings atm.

If interested message me Or pm me C:
I like these plots for FxF

1. Sisters

2. Best Friend x Best Friend

3. Shy x Outgoing

Just message me if you would like to PM. :)
Hey. I'd love to do bully x bullied m/m or country boy x city boy.

(I'd pm you, but being new, I can't yet since I haven't made ten posts here yet.)
Hello ^_^

You seem to have quite a bit of replies, but if you're not too busy with that would you like to do a Shy x Outgoing or Sisters roleplay?

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