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Anyone wanna do a fun modern/realistic RP with me?


Hi, I'm new to RPN, and I'd love to do an RP with someone! I'm good for dark modern stuff, or even romance, and just happy cutesy stuff! If you want to, we can discuss below, or you can PM me! :)
Hi, I'm interested. I am new to RPN as well. I am close to the 10 posts required to PM but if you are able to then please PM me. :)
If you're still looking for an rp partner, I'm a very detailed roleplayer and I would also like to do a realistic relationship/social rp.
Well. Im new here so yeah. I can do modern and Realistic. Im not always on, but I'll try to be. I can be detailed if wanted, I can also do Super Natural, Wings of Fire, And Animals ( on my spare time ).

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