Anyone up for a romance 1x1? [CLOSED]

Sen Pai

I'm back, baby.
I feel like doing a romance role play right now :) Just reply in the comments if you're interested!
I do have a few potential pairings. And if you wouldn't mind, I've never been too-too fantastic with MxM or FxF. Is MxF alright with you?

I'll shoot you a PM if you approve. :]
LiveLaughLie said:
A romance ? I'm interested. (:
Yay~ Two people! Anyway, do you have any ideas? :)

Wait, we should do this on a private convo, I don't want to spam Armageddon with alerts ^^"
I'm trying to branch out on genres and I think romance would be a good place to start. I've done a few, but I'm not sure how proficient I'll be.
....I haven't been getting alerts for these in a long time... but yay! People!

@ArtisicKwittyKat234 Okay,I'll PM you 234 :3

@Lucem Tenebris don't worry, I suck at romance to ^^"

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