Anyone interested in Horses....?

(Ok, I must confess..... I don't know what you mean by "fleshing things out". *turns bright red* I thought you meant like hashing out ideas but now I think you mean it as to role play....? Either way I was planning on attempting to make the sign up in the "One on One" section)

I'll be the rancher and the female criminal and yer our soldier and male character. Then we both have to fill in the blanks for ranch hands and other secondary characters.

Are you cool with it taking place in north western Montana? I think a mountainous terrain will be key here. Also what kind of wild game do you have there (deer, bears, mountain lions, red squirrels, raccoon, boars, moose, elk, ect?)? Did I miss anything major?

To set up Part 2

8. Girl is desperate for money to save family's ranch

9. Girl finds out she could win enough to save said ranch if she can win Mustang Makeover

10. Girl shows back up at ranch desperate for help (with Mustang in tow) so she has a better chance of winning

11. Romantic feelings are dredged up from the past

12. Rancher has moved on from her

13. Rancher has trouble trusting that she's serious about really loving him

14. They loose Mustang Makeover and girl gets the biggest heart break of her life

That seems to do it.

What are we going to call this role play? Name it after the ranch? Maybe "Misty Mountain Ridge"? or "Sotozu Hewoskani" for more of a Lakota twist?

(happy new years in 2 minutes here!)
Oh, sorry. I meant it as in figuring out whatever details we have left. Ages, who's playing who, etc., but you've already got that down.

Also, not clear necessarily on where our girl is coming from in the first place. Does she own a neighboring ranch or something? If so, how do B & N/rancher come across her? Or are we sticking with cross-country trip, in which case we need a slightly different start to part two? Sorry, totally my bad! I got confused.
I think we can do the cross country horse back idea. Most people who get deployed and have horses end up selling them before they leave then buy a new one when they get back or when they can. So maybe after her tour she ends up in a base in California and buys a horse there. Since it is an endurance ride the most particle breed is an Arab but what ever you want to do. So she heads for Montana probably going to see her family which live in eastern Montana but comes across out rancher first. So when she leaves at the end of part one she finishes her cross country trek where ever you want that to be on the east coast before returning to her family's ranch. This part we don't really have to rp out, just hear tell of it when she come back perhaps?

What branch is out soldier in? Army? Navy? Marines? Air Force? Or Coast Guard?

I'm going to make the sign up now. =)
It's not really an endurance ride, since she doesn't really have a timeline, I suppose. Plus there's not an Arabian in the world I'd trust on open modern roads. That's why they do Tevis in the woods. ;)

I gotta think about it. Mustang, probably. Maybe QH. I think probably best to start just about where she gets picked up. I'll probably do a quick flashback or something, nothing really in-depth.

I'm going to say Marine Corps. I have a lot of family and friends that came out of the Marines. Ooh-Rah!
Should I post using the form you put up? For character and horse, that is? I've never really used play-bys before; I'll have to find one. :)
Sign up your characters 1st. I'm still trying to figure out how to get pictures to show up. Then I think there's another tab we use to actually role play....

Technically if she's planning on going cross country it would be considered an endurance ride. It's a little too long to consider it a casual trail ride. Haha.

Oh yer one of those.... People who hate Arabs and think they're nutso huh? xD

Most of the horses I work with are Arabs and I'd trust most of them on road, busy roads, more then I would any of the Quarter horses or even the gaited breeds we have there. Gosh there's even 1 Thoroughbred that went from super high strung and skittish to completely relaxed to the point that nothing I've seen has scared him, all in like 3 months. It's all in desensitization.

Semper Fidelis!
Oh, I love Arabs. I just wouldn't travel cross-country with one. The most skittish horse I've ever known was an Andalusian that belonged to my neighbor. We went trail riding once and had to turn around because she was afraid of the line in the middle of the road and wouldn't cross it....

I've done a lot of desensitization training. Like I said, I adopted through BLM and pretty much the whole first six months of ownership is just trust-building and acclimating to normal sights and sounds around the farm. I like to take it slow; I usually only have a couple horses at a time so I can take more time individually for stuff like that.

Anyway, now I've gotta search for play-bys. Standby. :)
Oh my fudge bucket! *hits head on table* I put the sign ups in the wrong spot! thats where we're supposed to be role playing.... oi....

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