Other anyone hear specific music in dreams?

chaotic cat cutie

it is the small wins that keep me going
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It's been happening the past like little while where I hear strong music in my dreams. Like I mean lyrics are belting and stuff. Sometimes I will straight up be the one singing the music but the dream is still happening. It doesn't even have to be music I like but it's soooo auditory. I don't know how to express it other than that. It's so strong I feel like I can still hear it as an ear worm when I wake up.

Anyone else dreams extremely auditory over visual? I mean mine can be both at times. Colorful and wild but like lately very musically noisy.

Added: I DO not listen to music when I go to sleep. Just thought I would add that
As a matter of fact, yes. Last night, actually. The dream was nonsensical but that's to be expected with taking allergy medicine. Without going into unnecessary detail, I did hear this particular song that I have in my inventory of music. Before, I haven't listened to it in months. Both the dream and music were very vivid.
This post made me realize that I can't recall having a dream with music in it, which is shocking me right now....

Your dreams sound really fun!
As a matter of fact, yes. Last night, actually. The dream was nonsensical but that's to be expected with taking allergy medicine. Without going into unnecessary detail, I did hear this particular song that I have in my inventory of music. Before, I haven't listened to it in months. Both the dream and music were very vivid.
Oh my goodness yes!!!! I am not alone wooohooo
This post made me realize that I can't recall having a dream with music in it, which is shocking me right now....

Your dreams sound really fun!
They can be and im getting better at mastering them. I have always had pretty wild dreams. But that also means my nightmares can become horrible. I get sleep paralysis too if I get overheated while sleeping. I have oddly found saying the lords prayer in a horrible nightmare helps me have more control. Or saying any powerful poem really. I am not affiliated with religion it just happens to work and I remember it in sleep.

I have one interesting brain thats for sure but gosh darn lol
all the time! i don't think i dream without music in the background! and it's always music ive never heard before too. i wish i was that good at music production in my conscious life too.

Had one last night! But it was a stress dream lol

Soooo like we juuuuuust had a party with a game called dance dance Revolution and like it had this crappy plastic mat on the ground you stepp on giant square buttons.

Its not in the game but in my dream Olivia's Levitating song was playing and I was on the mat and each time in the song it goes "the milky way! We renegading! Yeah yeah yeah yeah!" I kept missing the buttons on the yeah yeah parts and the floor kept falling apart. Then like I got the hang of it but then the arrows in the screen didn't match the music and I started just stomping and the music was sooooo loud in my ears. So like in my dream I needed to get into the screen to escape before I fell thru the floor.

I woke up with an angry gf yelling for me to stop pulling on her pj's lol
I’ve never heard music in my dreams, it’s always been just scenarios happening, or I’m talking to someone. Never heard music

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