Anyone else plays World of Warship?

I tried to play, but for some strange reason it just wouldn't run on my computer. So technically no, but I'm still trying to get it to work.
Snowlands said:
I tried to play, but for some strange reason it just wouldn't run on my computer. So technically no, but I'm still trying to get it to work.
Man that got to be suck. What's the problem?
Well, I mean when I first found the game and began to run it on my system, things were going smoothly. Then came up the create an account page, and things just went to hell from there. It wouldn't allow me to create an account, periodically freeze, crash, black screen, white screen, just all sorts of junk. I tried to remove the program and re-install multiple times, but to no avail.
Snowlands said:
Well, I mean when I first found the game and began to run it on my system, things were going smoothly. Then came up the create an account page, and things just went to hell from there. It wouldn't allow me to create an account, periodically freeze, crash, black screen, white screen, just all sorts of junk. I tried to remove the program and re-install multiple times, but to no avail.
Have you tried not to play it with Steam? Install it separately, register an account in their website and such
I am in love with World of Warships and play on the NA server. I'm really sad because the premium Japanese harbor is beautiful and I mostly play IJN Carriers so not having it is a drag.
Nobuyumi said:
I am in love with World of Warships and play on the NA server. I'm really sad because the premium Japanese harbor is beautiful and I mostly play IJN Carriers so not having it is a drag.
Premium always gets the coolest thing
Yes and No. I mean they made New York look great and its a standard. Hawaii on NA server is ok.
Nobuyumi said:
Yes and No. I mean they made New York look great and its a standard. Hawaii on NA server is ok.
Do you guys got Ars Nova port?
[QUOTE="too much idea]Yup! It's really cool!
The Ars Nova skin tho. Dayum

There is actually a beautiful Ars Nova mod that mods most of the ships to look like them.


Nobuyumi said:
There is actually a beautiful Ars Nova mod that mods most of the ships to look like them.

Iirc there was an official event where we can use Battleship Yamato?
[QUOTE="too much idea]Iirc there was an official event where we can use Battleship Yamato?

I know the battleships of tier V had been released like Kongo and Haruna. Idk about Yamato.
Nobuyumi said:
I know the battleships of tier V had been released like Kongo and Haruna. Idk about Yamato.
Not IRL Yamato, but this Yamato

[QUOTE="too much idea]Not IRL Yamato, but this Yamato

Oh right, that was an april fool's joke last year!

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