Anybody else on PS3?

Tong Quan

Pecak Silat Master
I'm currently using PS3, and am always looking for new play buddies. I have Dragonball Xenoverse, The Darknes, COD Advanced Warfare, Aliens vs Predator and Haze. I also have Saints Row 2 and DOA 5. Anybody interested, hit me up. My PSN name is TurlesIncarnate
I still do. My PSN tag is JILLSCOTTNCE but unfortunstely i have none of those games. I have BO2, Destiny, Little Big Planet 2, Minecraft, The Last Of Us, and a few more games but the ones i stated were my multiplayer ones.
Same system different games. Kinda sucks, but thank you. Always nice to know I'm not the only one still in the last gen.
Same system different games. Kinda sucks, but thank you. Always nice to know I'm not the only one still in the last gen.
[QUOTE="Tong Quan]Same system different games. Kinda sucks, but thank you. Always nice to know I'm not the only one still in the last gen.

I have an XboxOne as well. Same gamertag. You can still add me, and if you'd like check out some of the games I listed. They should be super cheap by now and they are pretty fun.

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