TV & Film Any Supernatural or Charmed Fans?


• Stay Wild Moon Child •
Just wondering if there was anyone on here who watches Supernatural, or who watches Charmed re-runs. Both are my all time favorite shows, I love how Supernatural takes on a different perspective of all the monsters and demons than what the Charmed ones fought.
Yep! I'm a big Supernatural fan and have been watching since Season one. Unfortunately, I haven't the time to keep with this most recent season because of school, but I'll binge watch it once it comes out on Netflix. Har, har, har. I can't say much about Charmed, since I've never seen it, but I have a lot of friends who have enjoyed it.
My first experience with Supernatural involved spiders... I never tried watching it again.

But I used to watch Charmed. Mostly on and off. Charmed wasn't one of my favorite series, so I never made a point of actually trying to record episodes (or catch up on Netflix) on a regular basis. Though I did enjoy the episodes I watched.
I've yet to see Charmed, in fact at the moment I can't even recall what it's about, though it sounds familiar, lol.

But Supernatural... It's a truely amazing series. Second favorite of all time. Crazy talented cast of actors, with a story that holds deep sentimental value for me in several ways. I just love it... Can't remember a show ever making me laugh and cry the way I have with them!
Supernatural is one of my all time favorite shows... I got a little mad when they basically rewrote the lore on Leviathans, but I have since moved past that.
Oh, Charmed. I started watching it back in fifth grade when Paige was introduced. I never watched any of the older episodes and after a while, I just stopped watching. I do love Cole though. He has to be my favorite character of all. Now, if he had stuck around, I probably would've too.
I watched Charmed from season 4 to 8 when it aired, then I went back and watched the other seasons. I have the whole show on dvd and have probably seen all the episodes 3 times. I haven't watched Supernatural as much, I'm currently halfway through season 9, but I love it too.
I've never seen Charmed, but I have however seen Supernatural. I love the show- so much. I went on a major Netflix binge when I saw the first three episodes. Otherwise, is Charmed good? What's the main plot line? :3
I have seen both, but I watched Charmed with my mother when I was much younger, so I don't remember very much. I have, however, watched Supernatural much more recently. It's a really great show, and I binged on it for awhile before I moved on to a new show.

The fandom scares me though ;~;

im a fan of SPN! I just recently caught up a few weeks ago, actually. I hadnt watched any of season 9, I cant believe I waited that long to watch it after that cliffhanger


but yeah, I agree, the fandom isnt all that great if you ask me. I try to stay away from the general group and stay in my own corner with some friends, usually 8') works better that way

[QUOTE="Air The Sunbro]The fandom scares me though ;~;

Heheh, yeah we can be scary sometimes! After all, we have a gif for everything. Anywho, I love our fandom even though some of us are pretty creepy.
JJRose said:
Just wondering if there was anyone on here who watches Supernatural, or who watches Charmed re-runs. Both are my all time favorite shows, I love how Supernatural takes on a different perspective of all the monsters and demons than what the Charmed ones fought.
I'm a big fan of both, I've watched Charmed re-runs so much I practically have each episode memorised word for word xD
Supernatural is by far my favorite CW show. It had a hint of X-Files in it, but is more fun. (Not knocking X-Files. It's a really great show as well.)
Please tell me you guys have seen the Supernatural Parody by the Hillywood Show on youtube! If not, go watch it. It's completely amazing on it's own. But when it's beginning to end...

You just have to see it for yourself, I don't want to spoil it! (Spoilers for season 10) [media]

Needless to say, I absolutely love Supernatural. But I have yet to watch season 10, because I always wait for the DVD and it's too expensive to buy right now. :(
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Supernatural all the way. My friend got me into it again after I stopped watching at season 3. Now up to Season 11 and I can proudly say the show has ruined my emotions as well as my life.


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