TV & Film Any Doctor Who fans?

Klutzy Ninja Kitty

The Fluffy Awwwsassin
I've been a Doctor Who fan for about the last two years ever since a friend of mine introduced me to it. So if you're a fan, let's have some Doctor Who discussion! Whovian's unite!

Who is your favorite Doctor and why?

Favorite companion?

Any Doctor or companion you actually don't like?

How long have you been a fan?

How did you become a fan?

Did you watch the first episode of series 8? If so, what do you think of Peter Capaldi?

I'll answer any of my own questions if anyone is interested, but I'm just curious about you guys. :)
Matt fucking Smith, He was there when i first came in and he did the Dr amazingly.

Clara, The Impossible girl


3 years

I was in my room be...Chillling and after i was done relaxing I turning through the channels and i was in the middle of the Episode were the were being made in ww2.

Peter will do well, I liked him. I hope he brings a cold logic to the character.
Always wanted to know why that show is so good... It's on netflix right? I'll look for it and see how far I get
Yes it Is on Netflix

Omg David Tenant or Matt Smith Hotties they were the best doctors.

Favorite companion totes is Rory what a dope

I dont like the new doctor

Been a fan since I was 16 5 almost 6 years.

Peter * makes raspberry noise*

Irish Ice Queen
Awesome that there are a few other fans on here! :D

But to answer my own questions...

My favorite Doctor is the 10th followed by the 11th in second place and the 9th in third. I also like the 7th Doctor. :)

My favorite companion is Rose with Donna in second place and Clara in 3rd. (Clara is growing on me more with every episode she's in. ^^ )

I don't like Martha Jones or Amy Pond too much. Amy tried to seduce The Doctor on the night before her wedding! T_Tx I've disliked her since that. lol.

I've been a fan for like 2 years now. (All the waisted years! I wish I would have known about it sooner. lol.)

I've been watching series 8 and seen all the episodes so far. Peter Capaldi is okay I guess, but he's not enjoyable for me yet. I've really only been watching for the good stories, Clara, and humor, not because I enjoy Peter. But I don't know... maybe I'll warm up to him eventually, because there were a few Doctors I didn't really like at first.
I just started watching maybe a couple months ago. Missed some because my husband watched some without me. Last episode we watched was the one where River tries to kill the Dr in Nazi Germany.
My favorite Doctor is David Tennant, because...

Donna Noble. That's really all. Donna is the most important. Donna and the Doctor's platonic companionship was even more important.

I'm not too fond of Amy or Clara, but it's not like I hate them either. Just a vague sense of dislike.

I've been actively interested for about two years.

My friends introduced me via excessive fangirl squealing and hurried blabbering. I figured it was good if they refused to be cohesive about it, and watched.

I have so much hope for Peter. Deviating from the young and eccentrically popular type is more than welcome to me. I hope he knocks some sense into Moffat about female characters.
Who is your favorite Doctor and why?

Eleven/Matt Smith. I think he mastered the Doctor really well. He's wise beyond years and yet still approaches the entirety of everything like an innocent child with a wild sort of wonder and respect.

Favorite companion?

I have to say that Rose and Donna tie for me. I loved them both. Rose I loved mainly because of her growth while going through time and space with the Doctor. In the beginning, she was a whiny baby who just wanted to fly away from it all. But near the end, she had witnessed practically everything and knew that life was life. And it was beautiful.

Donna was just brilliant. Beyond brilliant. She was just fucking perfect.

Any Doctor or companion you actually don't like?

I do not like Tennant/Ten. He was too angry and too... volatile to me. I understood that he was this big emotional mess and all, but wow... I just had a hard time seeing him hurting so many things for the sake of one. He was the Doctor. Instead of making that sort of sacrifice, he was supposed to find the solution. Chris and Matt would've had no trouble doing that.

I also didn't like Martha Jones all too well. I liked her near the end of her run, but before that she just seemed waaaay to into getting into the Doctor's pants. Chill, hun. You're traveling time and space. That should be your main priority at the moment, right?

How long have you been a fan?

Oooh... I would say a little over two years.

How did you become a fan?

Tumblr. lol I had seen Supernatural and saw that tumblr loved it. So I decided to find another great series and boom! I was sucked in.

Did you watch the first episode of series 8? If so, what do you think of Peter Capaldi?

I actually have not seen Capaldi yet. Though I heard he's not as lovable as Matt. But who knows? When I get time to sit and marathon him, I'm sure I'll have a more astute opinion.
Who is your favorite Doctor and why?

Matt Smith - the Eleventh Doctor. I love his quirky personality, and his snark, but also his take-no-prisoner attitude towards those who mess with his friends. This also contained, in my opinion, one of the BEST story arcs in the entire series (River Song).

Favorite companion?

This is a three way tie between Rose, Amy and Clara -- I love Rose's tenderness and her connection with Ten, Amy's wit and the way she grew throughout her arc and Clara's devotion to the doctor, no matter WHICH doctor, but also her ability to keep him on track, like no other companion could.

Any Doctor or companion you actually don't like?

I was never a huge fan of Donna Noble - She was too abrasive and blunt.

How long have you been a fan?

Two years.

How did you become a fan?

A dear friend and writing partner of mine recommended the show and I was -hooked- immediately.

Did you watch the first episode of series 8? If so, what do you think of Peter Capaldi?

I've watched the vast majority of series 8 -- I like Capaldi, though it's hard coming off of Matt Smith to accept someone so severe and sober... but he's growing on me.
Who is your favorite Doctor and why?

11, because he is completely and utterly crazy. And Matt Smith is adorkable <3

Favorite companion?

Amy & Rory. I'm not sure why. Maybe because they were 11's first companions

Any Doctor or companion you actually don't like?

Clara is probably my least favourite. She looked like she was going to have an epic story line, when she first appeared in Asylum of the Daleks...and then she just failed.

How long have you been a fan?

Since S1 aired. (of the new series.)

How did you become a fan? dad watched the original he watched the new series too when it came on. I've tried watching the old series, and don't enjoy iy at all.

Did you watch the first episode of series 8? If so, what do you think of Peter Capaldi?

I did. And I want Matt back :P I feel like there were a few moments that would have been perfect for Matt (like the spoon), but really didn't work with Peter.
Who is your favorite Doctor and why?

Eleven, he's witty, funny, quirky, etc. I just really enjoy him

Favorite companion?

Amy Pond

Any Doctor or companion you actually don't like?

Donna Noble

How long have you been a fan?

Errr uhhh three-ish years

How did you become a fan?

I had heard a lot about Doctor Who (and was a mistook ten for seven at a convention (so embarrassing)) so, when I got Netflix, I started and haven't stopped since

Did you watch the first episode of series 8? If so, what do you think of Peter Capaldi?

Doesn't apply
Who is your favorite Doctor and why?

The 10th! I love his personality, and how 'fun' he is. I know some of the other regenerations are fun too, but his fun is more my kind of fun.

Favorite companion?

Donna. She's so sassy, and perfect for the Doctor. She didn't take his shit.

Any Doctor or companion you actually don't like?

I don't like the 6th Doctor, and I preferred Martha's characterization on Torchwood. Oh, I really don't like Perry. At all. Actually.

How long have you been a fan?

3 years maybe?

How did you become a fan?

One ex had me watch Blink, and another ex strapped me down and made me watch the Eleventh Hour. Somewhere after that I became a fan.

Did you watch the first episode of series 8? If so, what do you think of Peter Capaldi?

I love Capaldi. Here's to hoping Moffat doesn't write him into a corner.
Who is your favorite Doctor and why?

10th, Tennant did it perfectly that version of the doctor just seemed to get the broadest personality.

Favorite companion?

Rose, I'm not sure why but I think it was the Bad Wolf arc just being so good :3

Any Doctor or companion you actually don't like?

I really disliked Donna I'm honestly surprised to see people like her in this thread, I don't get it.

How long have you been a fan?

I started watching somewhere during season 3 of the new show I think. But I started from the beginning (of the new show).

How did you become a fan?

I watched Torchwood and realised it was a spinoff :P

Did you watch the first episode of series 8? If so, what do you think of Peter Capaldi?

I like him, but I'd have been quite happy to see a new regeneration for season 9 *shrugs*
Who is your favorite Doctor and why?

I used to not really like like Matt Smith when he came in, mostly because I loved David Tennant as the Tenth. But I got used to him after awhile, so basically all of them are my favorites, with David a little bit ahead of the rest of them. They all played their respective Doctor's personalities extremely well.

Favorite companion?

I like Clara, though I'd have to say that Jack Harkness is my favorite overall. I also enjoyed Wilfred Mott, however brief his time with the Doctor was.

Any Doctor or companion you actually don't like?

Amy Pond, and slightly less so Rory. Amy was alright at first... then the romantic subplot between her Rory, as well as the romantic tensions between her and the Doctor got old and extremely annoying to watch. So, yeah, by the time they and the Doctor parted ways I wasn't exactly sad... Actually I was glad to see them go.

How long have you been a fan?

About two or so years since I actually started watching the show, but I've liked Doctor Who since I was a kid.

How did you become a fan?

My Dad is a big fan of the series. He used to talk about it to me quite often, so I decided to give it a watch.

Did you watch the first episode of series 8? If so, what do you think of Peter Capaldi?

Despite what a lot of people say, I like Peter. His Doctor seems more like the Anti-Hero kind of Doctor than the Over the Top Protector of Pretty Much Everything that we got used to with the Tenth and Eleventh.
Who is your favorite Doctor and why?

9th Doctor, although I have a feeling I'll like 3rd Doctor quite a bit when I get to him. I'm still on 1st Doctor in working through the old ones...

To make this short, I like 9th Doctor because he wore leather, he was a badass, and he was a coward. He wasn't as over-the-top as 10th or 11th, nor as heartless as 12th. He was the easiest one to relate to. He had both whimsy and seriousness, and one didn't seem to overpower the other. I guess he seemed he most human to me xD .

Favorite companion?

Donna Noble. Her sass. Her status in life. The changes she went through and the way she grew, and the fact she was just a friend to the Doctor. It was beautiful.

Any Doctor or companion you actually don't like?

Clara. I find her to be a compulsive liar who never grows up or learns any lessons. Not to mention, I dislike how she is being used as a Deus Ex Machina by Moffatt.

How long have you been a fan?

Since 2013.

How did you become a fan?

My dear friend Lucy showed me Blink, but intentionally left it at a I went back and watched it from the start.

My friend Jason also showed me the Pompeii episode before then, but it didn't quite hook me. I was skeptical of how time was being mucked with.

Did you watch the first episode of series 8? If so, what do you think of Peter Capaldi?

I want to like 12th Doctor. I think I could. I'm just too frustrated with the writing/plot holes at the moment. I do think he's doing the best with what he has, and I find it fascinating how different he is from 9-11 (and war doctor), since he really is much more heartless than any of them.

[QUOTE="Klutzy Ninja Kitty]I've been a Doctor Who fan for about the last two years ever since a friend of mine introduced me to it. So if you're a fan, let's have some Doctor Who discussion! Whovian's unite! I'll answer any of my own questions if anyone is interested, but I'm just curious about you guys. :)

Who is your favorite Doctor and why?

That's tough, I'd say I'm torn between Tom Baker and David Tennant

Favorite companion?

Sarah Jane Smith

Any Doctor or companion you actually don't like?

Not a huge fan of #7 Sylvestor McCoy, like I don't hate him, but he's definitely bottom of the list

How long have you been a fan?

I've watched since I was 4 years old, in 1984. I'm also a third generation who fan, my grandmother started watching in 1964 when it started, my mom started watching in 1970 when she was 6.

How did you become a fan?

My mother watched and I would try to sneak in to her room on the nights it was on, sometimes I'd even fake having a nightmare so she'd let me sleep with her and then I'd peer out over the covers.

Did you watch the first episode of series 8? If so, what do you think of Peter Capaldi?

I think he makes a great Doctor, I love his accent.
Wow its been a while since I have watched an episode of this amazing show. I stopped watching after the 9th doctor. Sad times.
Was a fan until Tennant made that loooong and sad goodbye, and I was just starting with Doctor Who in general. After that, things looked and felt VERY strange, with Smith behaving like a wannabe autistic kid all the season, that strange forced lesbian couple (lizard lady and maso sub), and even Capaldi with his comeback with the ruthless, almost cruel, interpretation of the Doctor at the start of his season. At times I just laughed my ass off when he was shot on profile, guy looks too much with a rooster.
Huge fan of the new series, not so much of the old one yet (The First Doctor only, for now), the pacing is really really slow so it's hard to be excited enough to binge-watch it, and also there are the episodes with lost footage... ^^' The stories are great tho, The Aztecs and Keys of Marinus are two of my favorites!
Matt Smith is my favorite doctor with Capaldi and Tennant as close seconds. There was something about his goofiness that made him so lovable and it clicked with me >w< Capaldi was perfect and completely stole the scene multiple times, makes me sad that he's leaving, but I sure understand his reasons. I'm excited for Jodie around August, looks promising :3

It's hard to pick a favorite companion, but I think Donna. I liked the dynamic she and the 10th doctor had, which normally included of her complaining but sometimes also pointing out things the doctor himself hadn't thought of. I don't know, they had a nice partnership going, I'm going to miss her. I really really like River Song as well, for multiple and obvious reasons, she's so cool +O+

A companion I don't like? I would have to say Mickey. IDK it just felt like he was this person that was only there because he happened to be there at the wrong time, but I didn't feel like he contributed a lot to the story itself until the end... Honestly, I liked Rose's mom a lot more ^^' Wasn't a big fan of Nardole as well until the Capaldi seasons, then he grew on me with his over serious and sometimes awkward behavior >w<

For how long? I don't remember exactly... It was either one of Tennant's last seasons or Matt Smith's debut. My dad came up with the series for us to watch and we kinda made a deal out of it: I would watch Doctor Who with him, if he allowed me to show him MLP: FiM. In the end, we both like both shows a lot! OWO
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