Other any astrology nerds here

ahh, im not super into it but i'm interested in learning more because i love using and understanding symbology in media and astrology/tarot are really popular for that

also, i love those pop-psychology personality tests even if they're not accurate.

i dont think i believe in astrology but i love comparing the personality descriptions to myself and other people ^^

i'm a taurus with pieces moon i think lol, the birthday on my profile is my real one 

i think i've read a few online charts, they're not always very accurate for me tho ^^;; i dont remember what they said specifically tho... it was awhile ago
I find astrology academically fascinating, but I put zero faith in it.  For one, those personality traits they list are always so general and open to interpretation.  And, they're so very often wrong.  Like, most of my cousins are the same sign as me, but the only personality traits we share are just as likely the result of upbringing as anything else.  
there are multiple signs like moon/venus/dominant signs blablabla that can dictate someone's behavior; astrology never says that every person under (month_day) through (month_day) is exactly the same. also the personality traits that are listed in those posts are always posted by bad astrologists who just want to pass around a popular astrology post lol
I've never met anyone who didn't fit their sign, honestly. But again, you have to look at the whole natal chart rather than just the sun sign.
The positions of other signs in the chart can almost completely change how another sign manifests itself, which I felt that the other chart that was linked earlier in the thread didn't represent well. It gave you the basic level of how that sign would act off on its own in that position, but not the influence that other signs can influence it. I find this one to be the most accurate one I've taken so far. There was another that was far more interactive and interesting to look at, but I can't find it for the life of me, so this chart calculator will have to do. Generally speaking, there will always be things in birth charts that don't quite fit in, and that's simply the nature of the birth chart. It can not take into account everything that has happened in your life and how it has changed you personality wise, and so it will never be 100% accurate.
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The positions of other signs in the chart can almost completely change how another sign manifests itself, which I felt that the other chart that was linked earlier in the thread didn't represent well. It gave you the basic level of how that sign would act off on its own in that position, but not the influence that other signs can influence it. I find this one to be the most accurate one I've taken so far. There was another that was far more interactive and interesting to look at, but I can't find it for the life of me, so this chart calculator will have to do. Generally speaking, there will always be things in birth charts that don't quite fit in, and that's simply the nature of the birth chart. It can not take into account everything that has happened in your life and how it has changed you personality wise, and so it will never be 100% accurate.

i do really like this chart!
o k so like i'm really into astrology and i love incorporating it into my rp's! i was just wondering if there were any other ppl who were into astrology too.

do y'all have some kind of prejudice against some signs? like for me if i find out someone is a virgo i'm just like "bye" like i cannot get along well with any virgo at all lol

Oh man heck yeah! Also I know how you feel about Virgos. My brother is one and hes the worst -_-. But not all are bad. :3
And see, that's one of the things that I hate about astrology.  Aside from the fact that it ignores things like genetics, culture, upbringing and free will, it encourages prejudice.  Yes, it's based on birthday and not skin color, but it's prejudice all the same.  
no offense but why are you even posting in a pro-astrology thread if you hate astrology so much??? like it's pointless and just gets us off the topic. we like astrology. you don't. is it impossible to just let people enjoy things??
Okay, I do take the blame for not choosing my words better.  I am sorry for any offense.  

 I had taken the purpose of this thread to be more open discussion.  As I said, I do find the subject fascinating, but my interest is academic, rather than personal.  When I said I hated astrology, I misspoke.  I don't hate it, or those who adhere to it, even if I do find it a very shaky philosophy upon which to build one's life.

Again, I apologize, and do hearby bow out of discussion.
thank u for explaining

n don't worry i don't dip outta a conversation once i figure out someone's a virgo, i just. get suspicious lol. 
i appreciate your explanation. astrology has been built for thousands of years and parts of it may not be accurate, but a great deal is.

i hate aquarians for personal reasons that i won't speak on, but i won't hate someone just because of that.
no. it might explain a lot. i've found people awful and then discovered they were aquarians and it suddenly made sense. i've never changed my opinion of someone based on their sign, though. i just know that from personal experience aquarians and geminis are not the people i typically want around.

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