
Something you might consider about this idea is the possibility that, instead of eliminating the problem, the target turns it to his own ends. Canonically, there are creatures - certain dark gods, but especially demons- that thrive on hatred, and revulsion, and even chaos. I could see, say, an Infernal Exalt having a Permanant Charm that gives them essence based on how many people hate them - essentially taking the "Anti-cult" and turning it into a (inadvertant) real Cult.
How would you even use it in a game?
From an NPC perspective: Mr. Bad, a villain the players have encountered recently, has a negacult. He uses it against the PCs. The PCs then must decide to continue their current goals or take a momentary break to track down the source of Jimmy's new karma troubles. Most likely they choose the latter, and an adventure ensues.

From a PC perspective: Joe, having realize negacults are possible, works one up of his own. They're currently hunting down Mr. Evil, but have had trouble in the past with Goldfinger. Joe sets his negacult up in as safe a location as he can and sics it on Goldfinger, hampering his plans while still focusing on their primary goal.

And the gods of corruption, death, decay, etc would all not exist as powerful gods.
Why not? Nothing in this setup stops people from praying to and fearing death, corruption, or decay.

Something you might consider about this idea is the possibility that, instead of eliminating the problem, the target turns it to his own ends. Canonically, there are creatures - certain dark gods, but especially demons- that thrive on hatred, and revulsion, and even chaos. I could see, say, an Infernal Exalt having a Permanant Charm that gives them essence based on how many people hate them - essentially taking the "Anti-cult" and turning it into a (inadvertant) real Cult.
That'd be cool. I'll have to contemplate how it would work.
Dealing with cults and Negacults, as it were, to me seems like something you REALLY don't want to do... not if your PCs are solars.

Want to know WHY it's a bad idea?

Say, you get a solar... he's essence 3, he's got linguistics 5 and socialize 5. He can get access to the following charms with relative ease.

"Any Linguistics Excellency (likely 2nd)"

"Whirling Brush Method"

"Flawless Brush Discipline"

"Letter with-a-letter technique"

"Twisted Words Technique"

With those charms in various combos, the Solar can create a book. But it won't be ANY book, it'll be a book that glorifies the Solar, to make people LOVE him. The effect is started by LOOKING at the cover of the book, with its illustration done by the solar of a single character that he wishes to put there.

And he can KEEP making books after books and seed them where he wants.

This could start up multiple cults for people that the solar wants, including himself.

Now used in conjunction with all the socialize charms, you're going to see why Solars just make people cry when they socialize.

The solar can make entire groups of people love or hate people as they wish with a few motes and a few hours.


This is the effect you're going to get when your players REALIZE what you've given them.

They'll cheerfully use this to bugger up everyone they don't like. From the Realm to the Unconquered Sun if they don't play ball.

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