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Realistic or Modern Another zombie rp

Daniel looked at the girls hand and reluctantly held his out and stretched Victorias hand "You shouldn't give your name out so easily, and since you did I think it's only fair I give you mine as well; Daniel Wellson" his hand then parted while he looked over his bag to see if he had what he needed "I hope we can continue on the right foot" it was his turn to smile as he questioned weather he should part now or keep talking to Victoria, who seemed like she had a good head on her shoulders.

Just then someone came running into the grocery store as he was forced to look the way the sound was made "Hello" he simply stated, when getting closer to the door in order to see what had caused such a huge amount of noise he could saw a swarm of zombies coming this way "Were you bitten?" he asked, he knew that the newcomer would have to be killed right away if that was the case, or else they would soon be bitten themselves.

@Amanda Cromwell @DragonOverlord
Blaine shook his head. "I-I dont think so...No pain..." He said, trying to catch his breath. He looked around, realizing where he was. It was a nice looking grocery store, but the fresh vegetables were tempting him. "Can I...Have some?" He asked. He saw there were maybe a bruise here and there on them, but other than that they looked fine.

@Amanda Cromwell
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Tabitha hung her head when the girl had said she didn't recognize her by her youtube name after that the girl had turned and started to head towards the front door to leave but just as Tabitha was about to walk away she remembered that the question still lingered in the air how did the girl know her middle name "W-wait!" Tabitha stuttered as she dropped her bag and ran as fast as she could, just as the girl was about to walk out the door Tabitha had manged to grab her by the arm keeping her from leaving "I-if you didn't know me as a youtuber then how did you know my middle name?" Tabitha questioned again letting go of the girls arm but this time Tabitha put her hand on the door to keep the girl from trying to leave "Is it really you har-" Tabitha's sentence was cut off when someone else had burst through the door rather frantic causing Tabitha to jump back, it had appeared that the newcomer didn't even notice her or the other girl standing right in front of the door and rather went up to one of the other survivors in the store asking for help Tabitha couldn't help but overhear their conversation before speaking up "Sure help your self to as much as you want not like we own the place or anything we are all just trying to make it here just like everyone else trying to scavenge what they can" Tabitha said as she walked over to the newcomer pulling out what appeared to be another screwdriver from her pocket "Here take this it isn't safe to go alone out there without a weapon you don't know when zombies will try to give you the chomp or even other humans" Tabitha continued handing the extra screwdriver over to the newcomer before walking back towards the girl "Oh names Tabitha by the way if you need someone to tag along with don't be afraid to ask me" Tabitha called back to the newcomer before walking back to the girl to finish her sentence "So as I was saying harley?.." Tabitha continued before the girl had a chance to leave. @Dlabell9 @DragonOverlord
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When Alex offered to carry her bag, she declined. "No, its okay. Pregnancy just has its pros and cons. The backache just comes with it, whether I carry the bag or not." She laughed it off. Because her stomach started feeling heavy, she started holding it while keeping her gun holstered in the strap of her bag." When encountered by Shayne, Lexi didn't have a very good vibe because of the way approached them. Luckily his Shotgun wasn't pointing at her stomach, otherwise she would have freaked out and shot him. Her Hormones were out of whack, so she could lash out at him, but tried to keep calm so she doesn't break her water prematurely. "Well that wasn't very nice." she said before turning over to Alex.

Because of the bad first impression, Lexi had her doubts, but knew Shayne was right about travelling together.

@The Dragon Rider
Blaine offered a thanks to Tabitha and pocketed the screwdriver. He then picked up a tomato and bit into it. In the world before the apocalypse, he HATED tomatoes! But now, he couldnt care less if they had been chewed up and spit out, he would have eaten them. He wiped off some of the juice that ran out of his mouth, onto his sleeve. "These are amazing! But, uh, is this place zombie-proofed?" He asked, noticing the doors had been unlocked and the windows were big enough for a human to fit through.
Daniel sighed with relief as he heard the person who had just busted in wasn't infected but then realized they were all in much greater danger, within a few minutes they could all die from a zombie sneaking up to them from any windows or the now busted back door "This place isn't safe, i'm getting out of here, if you want to join me..." he trailed of awaiting for Victoria and- he realized he didn't know this persons name, he'd have to ask that later though, for now he needed to get out of that store while he could.

@Amanda Cromwell @DragonOverlord
"Wait, you may wanna grab some food. It's hard to come by out there." Blaine said, getting her attention. "Depending on how long you've been here, we may not be in too much danger. Let's stock up before we go!" He said to the person in front of him. "We should also get a plan together before we just run into a bunch of deadly zombies waiting to eat us."

Mitchell shook his head groggily, reaching out to slam his alarm clock onto snooze again. Then he remembered just where he was. He jolted up with a start, mentally checking that he still had his gear. Clothes? Check. Bowie Knife? Check. Bow? Check. Quiver of Arrows? Check. Backpack? Check. Satisfied, he checked his surroundings. All clear. Sleeping on the flat roof of a house had been a good idea, he reckoned. None of the drifters had shown any ability to climb, and he didn't think any other people would be on his roof for any reason. Not for a while, anyway. His food supplies were low. The thought had surfaced as if from nowhere. Checking his backpack, the thought was correct. Time to go out for food, to hunt.

He reasoned that the grocery store would have people buzzing around it like flies, so hunting seemed the best option. He sure was glad he had read so many books when he was younger, especially since that included a few survival books. In any case, the best route out of town was past the damn grocery store. The drop wasn't too far, certainly not enough to get hurt. With that he set on his way, backpack on his back, knife in pocket, bow in hand, and the quiver at his hip. As he passed the store, he made his way around the SUV parked outside and... Wait. There's not usually an SUV parked here, some idiot must have driven in with that thing. Drifters will surely be converging. Deciding on safety in numbers, Mitchell walked in to see a young, handsome teen standing next to a pregnant woman, both having a shotgun pointed at them by another man. That just isn't right, Mitchell's morals called, until they heard the other man was NOT trying to rob them. Then he made eye contact with the teen.

@Shimakage Thunder @The Dragon Rider
Shayne sighed at his Outburst, he just tended to forget that he was not around soldiers anymore.

"I'm sorry it's just..... some crazy stuff is going on out there and I just....."

Shayne shook his head, the image of his Mother and younger brother partially eaten appearing in his mind. He opened his eyes and looked to Alex and Lexi

"How good are you with that gun?"

He asked Lexi as he reached into his bag and pulled out one of his hand guns, checking everything was ok he turned to Alex

"We all need to be armed, how good of a shot are you?"

He asked as he pushed a gun into Alex's hand.
"Its alright. If that gun was pointing at my stomach, you wouldn't be standing right now." Lexi kinda gave Shayne the death stare. "I lost my Husband a couple days ago, so I'm not looking to lose my baby either." When asked about how good she was with her Gun, Lexi replied a little brashly due to her hormones. "I used to be in the Military. That should be self-explanatory." Although she did have fast reaction time, it was impaired by her pregnancy, so getting up close and personal was a big no-no, since it was risky and especially much more dangerous.

@The Dragon Rider @giraffesarebetter
Shayne nodded and scratched the back of his head, he had not realized she was military as well

"Sorry to hear that. My mom and brother were um taken about a week ago"

Shayne looked around the store and frowned

" We don't have a lot of time before something else is drawn here, these stores will be like fire for moths it will draw out everything"

Shayne made a mental check for what they would need

"We should grab what we can get and make tracks"

@Shimakage Thunder
Alex Carter

Alex's eyes widen as the guy shoves the gun into his hands. "A really bad one, man, I've never even touched a fucking gun before." He holds the weapon gingerly, on its side in his palms. The guy was obviously scared of the machine, and wanted no part in using it. "There's some water and canned food over in that direction," Alex says, nodding his head to the left of the store. "But there's a bunch of people over there, or there was."

@Shimakage Thunder @The Dragon Rider

Austen Schmidt

Austen nods and walks down river a bit, finding a place where the water was only a few inches deep before crossing over. She jogged over to where Maya was waiting for her, her nearly empty bag hitting the base of her back at every step. "Lead the way, Maya," Austen says, motioning forward. As they walk, Austen's steps are almost completely silent simply by habit, and if she were to try, there would hardly be a sound at all. "You don't happen to know of a sporting goods store around here, do you? I could use a bow, for hunting. You can only get so much with trapping..."

Shayne could see the freaked out look in Alex's eyes and nodded once the information was provided. Putting an arm over his shoulder he moved with Alex and Lexi. He had parked his SUV around the back and locked it up. Looks like he was no longer travelling alone then. He chanced a few looks at Alex and saw that the kid was seriously freaked out, he thanked god that Lexi was military as well. While Lexi piled dry food and bottles of water into carts Shayne turned to Alex. Putting a hand on his cheek he forced Alex to look at him.

"Listen I know your probably freaked out right now so take a few deep breaths, I have a plan"

Shayne mimicked deep breathing to get Alex to follow it.

@giraffesarebetter@Shimakage Thunder
Alex Carter

Alex blushed lightly in response to his face being touched. He attempts to force it back down, but based on the heat in his cheeks, it was only getting worse. As Shayne instructs him to take some deep breaths, he does, calming himself down and as a result, his blush faded. Alex cleared his throat and stepped back, Shayne's hand falling from his face. "Right. So, plan. You have one?"

@Shimakage Thunder @The Dragon Rider
Shayne grinned and nodded

"That I do, a friend of mine has a house out in the country side. I scoped the place out on my way into the city and its defensible. The plan is to gather as much supplies as possible and head for it and you and Lexi are coming with me"

Shayne grabbed A cart and led both Alex and Lexi out the back where the SUV was and began loading it up. All of a sudden there was screaming from inside the store. Swearing to himself Shayne turned to Alex and lexi

"Get in the SUV hurry!"

He closed up the boot and ran to the drivers seat, Seeing Lexi strapped into the back and Alex next to him in the passengers seat he fired up the SUV and took off hearing people scream as Shayne drove, One hand on the wheel the other hand on Alex's and giving it a comforting squeeze.

@Shimakage Thunder
Lexi just got into the backseat. Only just in time as well. "I sure as hell hope there are Doctors and Healthcare providers at this Safe Place you speak of." She said, her voice full of fear and doubt. Because she just met both men, she has yet to trust either one. She sighed in pain as she started feeling her contractions act up. Lexi took deep breaths to relax herself as she held her swollen belly. In an attempt to relax, she tried stretching out her legs, taking up the entirety of the Backseat, leaning against the Car Door. "I also hope there are comfortable beds..." She sighed once more before caressing her belly to ease the pain.

@The Dragon Rider @giraffesarebetter
Alex Carter

Alex, with wide eyes, moves his hand away from Shayne's. He didn't even know if her really liked guys, plus, he just met this guy. Not to mention the way he just came bursting in, ordering them around. "Yeah, that's probably important," Alex says, turning to look at Lexi and seeing her rubbing her stomach. "Are you alright? Do you need anything?" He was a bit worried about the slightly older woman, with all the stress she was under, with being seven months pregnant during the apocolypse. Hell, being seven months pregnant in the real world was stressful. Either way, none of this was good for her or for the baby, and Alex knew it. Besides, being so worried about Lexi was a good distraction from Shayne's advances. Is he even advancing? Alex thinks, suddenly. I don't know him, maybe he's just an affectionate guy. Fuck, I don't even know if he's into dudes! He shakes his head slightly to clear his mind.

@Shimakage Thunder @The Dragon Rider
Shayne kept driving and after Alex left his hand go he made a phone call. He had a friend who could possibly help, god knows they would need a doctors help if she was going into labor.

"How far along are you lexi?"

He asked as he kept driving, he looked to Alex, he may have come on strong but he needed to clear the air with Alex both in regards to his preferences and how Alex felt and possibly wanted to proceed.

@Shimakage Thunder @giraffesarebetter
Harley's eyes widened as the girl she was talking to mentioned their name, sadly she didn't see much time to finish this conversation at the grocery store "We should finish this conversation elsewhere before the zombies get here, the back door seems open, let's go" she ran across the store and headed out, soon finding an alley which seemed safe "I know a place not too far from here, it might be safe"

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"Seven Months. The baby is far from due..." She took another deep breath. She then grabbed her Jacket out of her Rucksack and made a makeshift pillow out of it. It did help her feel a little better. "I think I just need some rest, I haven't been getting very much sleep either." Lexi was still in pain, but as long as she was resting, she would be okay.

@The Dragon Rider @giraffesarebetter
Tabitha nodded in response before wasting no time to hustle as she ran over and grabbed her bag off the ground quickly slinging it over her shoulder but just as she was about to whistle to call her cats over before running after the girl through the back door which Tabitha assumed was harley as a loud smashing sound echoed through out the store followed by a loud alarm which blasted through out the store it had appeared that a zombie had broken through one of the windows shattering glass causing the alarm to quickly react and go off "This isn't good this place is going to be the number one zombie hot spot in all of the city!" Tabitha yelled over the loud alarm echoing throughout the store as herds of zombies were already wandering towards the entrance banging on the windows and doors. Tabitha had then bolted towards the back entrance as her three cats quickly followed behind her but just as she was about to run out the door Tabitha stopped quickly turned around and called throughout the store "If anyone is still here I wouldn't stay much longer if I were you!" Tabitha screamed through out the store before bolting out the back door and quickly slamming it behind her bolting after harley as her three cats raced along her side, the truth be told Tabitha didn't know if anyone was still in the store and she really didn't want to stick around to find out what happens.

@Amanda Cromwell
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As Maya watched Austen cross the river she smiled and began to walk "It's right over there" she pointed to a wooden house with three floors "My family and I used to come to this town every now and then" when asked for a sporting store she tilted her head I think there was a little one, it's a long walk to it though, but it might be good to drop by and search for some weapons" when the two finally reached the door Maya pushed it lightly trying to to make any sounds "Well, we're here, i'll be upstairs" she said, leaving it to Austen weather she wanted to go to the third floor as well or not, she sighed as she made her way to the third floor, luckily for them both, the cans were still neatly lined up in a corner of the room just how Maya had left them this morning.

Austen Schmidt

Again, Austen nods, it was obviously a habit of hers. Instead of following Maya up the stairs, she looks around on the ground floor, wandering into the kitchen. She picks up some random things like a small cookbook and an odd looking spoon and inspecting them. Coming out of the kitchen, she goes into the living room to see a bookshelf. A smile graces her features as she runs her fingers over the spines. Books were a passion of hers, and finding a whole, undisturbed shelf of them was amazing to her.

@The Dragon Rider @Shimakage Thunder
Victoria looked at someone rushing towards the door and she could open it because they blocked it and said to her self "Oh great, Thanks very much". She then saw the zombie coming close to her like about 10 feet away. She then grabbed her sword that was on her back and sliced the zombie in half. She the put it away and walked towards the door and said "Can you please move from the door so I can get out" She said yelling at whoever was behind the door.


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