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Realistic or Modern Another zombie rp

Kevin rolled what the girl had said around in her head as the other left to presumably go get some water. It made sense, he grudgingly decided, and he couldn't hold it against her, though he still wished she'd just come through the front door. But then she handed him a can of food, and he didn't understand anymore. He looked up, confusion obvious on his face and he was going to ask her why, but she was off. Of course, then the girl from earlier came back, and she looked pissed. He guessed that even in times like this, some people couldn't be bought simply by a soup can. Especially good considering that they were surrounded by food cans. He cleared his throat awkwardly as he turned to face the girl he had told where to find the water before the vent fiasco. "Um, hi." He gave a small, short wave. "So we never got around to names. I'm Kevin. Thanks for not killing me as soon as you saw me."

@nighttimecatplayer @Nklai
(Lack of format due to being on tapatalk)

Austen Schmidt

"Anywhere and nowhere." Austen smirks at the other girl, finding her slightly amusing. "What are they? The supplies, I mean?" She knew that, judging by the girl's size, she couldn't carry anything heavy for long. And, judging by the look of her, she had grabbed something along the lines of canned food. Cans, of course, get heavy.

@Shimakage Thunder

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"Well, at least you weren't bitten by one of those things." She said calmly as he told her about how he got hurt. "They're scattered across the store. I take whatever I can, then move on. With this baby, insomnia, heartburn and backache, I can only carry so much. So I have to travel light usually speaking. I'm hoping to find a Settlement. The last thing I need is being alone when I have this baby." When he hissed at the Anti-Septic Spray, she smirked, not wanting to laughing even though it was super tempting. When asking about when the Baby is due, Alexia just started cleaning the wound, but to get all the blood off, she used Nitrogen Peroxide. Afterwards, she gently started bandaging it. "The Baby's due in two and a half months from now." She answered, looking down at her enlarged stomach. "Everyday, when I think I can't possibly get any bigger, I do. That's why I hope I can find a safe place."

Tabitha had continued her search for any edible items for her three cats searching through the aisles of the store going through row to row self to self but just as Tabitha was about to give up her search when she had noticed something on the far back on one of the shelf's Tabitha quickly stood up as much as she could reaching for the item finally she manged to grasp it and pulled it back it appeared to be a dry bag of cat food it was small but it was better then nothing it would at least last the three for a few days. Tabitha quickly stuffed the cat food into her bag before continuing her scavenging the bag was starting to get a bit heavy and was starting to weigh Tabitha down a bit so she decided to take a break and search for the nearest object she could find to sit on. Soon Tabitha was resting on a stack of crates as she sat her bag on the ground next to her before quickly looking around the store "So much for a welcome party.." Tabitha muttered to herself still embarrassed from the recent even earlier she was sure that she hadn't made a good impression with her crash entrance if anything it made her look like a complete idiot and only ended up attracting zombies and ticking people off. Tabitha had continued to sit on the crates in silence thinking to herself before remembering her three cats where still outside with the zombies walking around and since the folks at the store didn't appear to be hostile Tabitha could let them inside away from the dead. Tabitha had quickly grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder as she jumped up and ran through the aisles towards the entrance bursting through the door as she ran outside luckily most of the zombies had wandered off but a few where still lingering around which quickly the remaining zombies toke notice of Tabitha as they had started to wander in her direction at this Tabitha quickly had sat her bag down and pulled out the screwdriver waiting for the zombies just to get within reach as they slowly walked towards her moaning. Soon the zombies where just a few inches away and at this Tabitha made her move quickly stabbing the first in the knee causing it to fall to the ground Tabitha then rammed the screwdriver in its head before yanking it out and dodging out of the way of another zombie who had tried to attack her from behind, Tabitha repeated the process as she stabbed the next one in the knee causing it to collapse before stabbing it in the head this time she flung the screwdriver at the last remaining zombie as it went strait smack through its head causing it to collapse to the ground Tabitha then walked over and yanked it out wiping the blood off on the ground before walking back over to her bag which was resting on the ground and tucked the screwdriver inside. Tabitha then slung the bag over her shoulder once again and whistled a few moments of silence went by causing Tabitha to grow more worried by the second before finally midnight first appeared followed by cuddles and lastly gideget "What trouble have you guys been up to" Tabitha chuckled as she petted the three who where rubbing her legs as they meowed in response "Come on I think its safe for us to go inside" Tabitha continued as she walked back towards the entrance of the store opening the door as the bell rung, Tabitha waited for her three furry companions to walk inside before entering herself.

Francesca Salazar-Esperanza

Frankie found herself with a small grin on her face. She stuck her hand out for the stranger, who she now knew was named Kevin, to shake. "Well, this is more a time for allies than it is for enemies," she said simply. "I'm Francesca, but most people call me Frankie." She looked about the store, laughing dryly. "Lots of people thought that today was a good day to stock up on supplies, it seems." she murmured, mostly to herself. She hoped that none of the people in here were planning on killing anyone to loot their bags. She had had many close calls with people like that, and a few of them had been people she believed to be her friends.

She took a deep breath and looked around the store, pursing her lips. She needed a blunt, noiseless weapon. Her gun was good, but it attracted an awful lot of unwanted attention. She preferred hand-to-hand for close range combat, but when your opponent was constantly trying to bite you and didn't feel pain, well... It got more than a little difficult.​
Harley soon found herself right outside the door to the grocery store she had visited yesterday. A worried look appeared on her face when she saw zombies laying all over the ground, being carful to not step on them she made her way for the door and pushed it slightly, knowing well that the bell that hung near it would cause attention, a small quick ring was heard before she stood on her tiptoes and grabbed the bell, setting into place, she looked over and immediately knew she had made a mistake coming back here, she saw a girl who had also just entered the store with three cats who were presumably hers, in a worried fit she put her hand inside, carefully she moved her hand from one thing to another until she could feel the tip of her knife, quickly removing her hand she proceeded over to some shelves trying to pay no mind to the girl, if she was a threat then she was at least armed. Harley looked over most of the items in the shop were already rotten, which was a shame since she would have gladly taken everything. Soon, her eye was caught by a can of tuna and soup, she got down, rearching for both cans as that would be enough supplies for at least today, she could always comeback tomorrow when the place was empty.

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Alex Carter

Alex nods. "A safe place would be nice. I guess I'm looking for one too." Alex watches as the woman bandages his arm. "My only asset is my strength, but maybe we could look together? Safety in numbers and shit." He runs his free hand through his hair, before offering it to Alexia. "I'm Alexander Carter. Most call me Alex. I can pack a pretty mean punch, and can lift a lot, including you, if need be. Would you like to be my Zombie Apocalypse Partner?" He smiles a bit, his greenish eyes lighting up.

@Shimakage Thunder
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Tabitha had continued her search scavenging any remaining items she could find in the store while her three cats had wandered off on their own she had also noticed that yet another new person had entered the store but for some reason Tabitha got a strange vibe about her than the rest, Tabitha tried not to stare but for some reason she couldn't help but keep her eyes off the newcomer as she searched the store that was until she noticed that midnight had wandered over to the girl and meowed behind her rubbing her leg causing Tabitha to run over frantically "U-uh no midnight leave the nice girl alone" Tabitha rushed as she picked up midnight into her arms "S-sorry about that midnight can tend to be a bit friendly when he is hungry" Tabitha continued to the newcomer but just as she was about to turn to leave she stopped "Say...You look familiar from somewhere do I know you?" Tabitha said as she set midnight back onto the ground watching as he quickly toke off somewhere into the store before turning back to the girl "Naw probably just imagining things sorry to bother you or anything" Tabitha said as she turned to leave before adding in one last thing "Oh names Tabitha by the way I don't know about everyone else in the store but on my part nice to meet you" Tabitha added before finally taking her leave as she wandered back around the store. @Dlabell9
giraffesarebetter said:
Alex Carter

Alex nods. "A safe place would be nice. I guess I'm looking for one too." Alex watches as the woman bandages his arm. "My only asset is my strength, but maybe we could look together? Safety in numbers and shit." He runs his free hand through his hair, before offering it to Alexia. "I'm Alexander Carter. Most call me Alex. I can pack a pretty mean punch, and can lift a lot, including you, if need be. Would you like to be my Zombie Apocalypse Partner?" He smiles a bit, his greenish eyes lighting up.

Alexia was reluctant at first, but then she shook hands with Alex. "My name's Alexia, but most people just call me Lexi. I was in the Military. Well, at least until I wanted to settle down and start a Family, but...You can see how that went." She said, holding her belly as she looked down at it. "Now c'mon, let's check out the rest of the store, you lead, I'll follow."

Victoria woke up from her a long nap, she was still in her little hide out where she trains at. She then puts on a sports bra on with some jeans and black converses and also her bag. She thought that she might need to get more supplies to help her live though the shit that is going on. Once she got dressed she walked out side with her favorite weapon which is the crossbow. There was always this little grocery store by where she trains to get food and drinks with her friends. Well now it's just full of zombies. She walked with her weapon in her hand and saw a back door to the grocery store,she hen went and tried to open it but it was locked. Victoria the graves her axe out her her bag and tried to open it and it worked. Once she got inside she saw lots of supplies her, and she knew that she was safe to walk in to. Victoria then saw some bottles of water and ran over to it. She dropped something by accident and it was a loud noise,she hoped that no one heard her not even thou de zombies.
Maya gave a small smile to her new acquaintance "Seems like a nice place, i'm from another town not too far from here...on a car at least" she didn't seem like a threat or at least not for now, so being honest with her suplies was probably a good choice "Just some canned food and a few batteries, I managed to store them in a third floor of a house not so far from here, I should just go back for them and then be on my way, I don't really like to spend much time in a certain place"

Daniel could only hear the back door of the grocery store bust open as he lowered his head down to his shoulders he didn't really care to see who it was as only a human could make that much noise trying to get in a store and then dropping that made such a loud noise, as far as he was conceded he only needed to be wary of zombies "Could you be any more louder, I don't think the flesh eaters heard you" he remarked angrily, the person could have easily entered through the from front door which was open as far as he knew, he turned around grabbing another water bottle stuffing it into his bag, he saw the person who had abruptly entered the door was a woman, still afar he looked at her quickly he continued to scavenge for food, not taking much importance in her weapons, rolling his eyes her got closer to her and picked up what she had dropped, giving it back to her without saying a word, concentrating back to his supplies.

@Amanda Cromwell
Noise was becoming louder and more frequent, Kevin noticed, the gloomy atmosphere of the store only added to by the rank air and sound of an ax hitting a door. There was way too much noise. There was too much going on. Too many people around. He was trying to listen to it all, and while what all was happening might be important if, say, a zombie entered the store, at the moment it was useless. It ended with a resounding thud of an object, though, and he realized he had started looking at a shelf at some point with a look of terror plastered to his face. He remembered that Francesca- she had said she was called something else, what was it?- had been talking and turned to her with a look of sheepish apology.

"Sorry, I might not've caught everything you just said," Kevin said, hunching his shoulders and staring right below her eyes. He really didn't feel like looking anyone in the eyes right now. He dared to meet her eyes, only to find she hadn't even been waiting for a response from him. He turned away from her, pursing his lips and touching his face for a second before looking back at Frankie- Frankie, that was it!- and asking, "So, um, you mentioned needing allies? Does that mean you wanna work together for the moment or just not kill each other or what?"

As Harley was about to get up she could feel something rubbing against her leg, looking down it appeared to be a cat, one of the three the girl was, accompanied by, after hearing the cats name it reminded her of a cat her old friend used to have, she smiled as she remembered her old childhood friend. When being asked if they knew each other Harley could just shrug "I don't remember you to be fully honest" she kept on walking around cheating bags of food as the girl rejected the idea of them knowing each other "if you say so" Harley muttered as she grabbed a bag of chips and examined them, as she turned them trying to cheek if they were still good, once the girl said her name there was a small chance this was the same girl from so many years ago, she quickly turned "My name's Harley, I think we do know each other" she dropped the bag of chips onto the floor and ran over to here "Tabitha...Prairie?"


Francesca Salazar-Esperanza

Frankie shrugged, adjusting the bag on her shoulders. "Take it however you want," she said simply. She sighed irritably at all the noise and she shook her head. She was going to have to leave here soon, but a part of her didn't want to. It had been some time since she had been around so many people, and it was making her feel safe, even though she knew it should have been doing the opposite. She missed being social and having people to rely on. She now lead a rather lonely existence, and she just wanted some company. She was lonely.

"I'm gonna look around for some kind of blunt weapon," she said. "If you want to work together, let me know before I leave." She then began her search around the store, eyeing all the others warily as she went. She didn't trust a single one of them, but the air didn't feel too tense. It was a nice change. Things almost felt comfortable.​
Tabitha had stopped when she heard someone call her name it appeared that it was the same girl that she was talking to a few moments ago but this time she had called her by her middle name "Yes?" Tabitha called quickly spinning around from one of the shelf's she was searching "Wait..How do you know my name middle name was Prairie?..I only told you my first name not my middle.." Tabitha said as the tone in her voice quickly changed to a more sour level before changing back to a more perky happy tone "Wait You must be one of my fans! You must have watched my youtube channel right? That's the only possible way you would know my middle name! Before the whole outbreak people biting other peoples faces off thing I was a famous youtuber called nighttimecatplayer but you can just call me night! I would still rather be preferred to be called night than my real name anyway but I am getting off track here anyway its so cool to meet one of my fans! You know not dead I mean sure I had tons of fans back in the day but now most of them are walking corpses on the streets so its cool to meet a fan still alive that remembers me anyway" Tabitha excitedly said before staring at the ground rubbing the back of her head at the thought of no one remembering her.

Victoria turned around and heard someone talking to her and said angrily "Well I'm sorry it's not my fault that I got hurt trying to run away from these asswhole how want to eat me alive" she and said walking and going to grab some supplies. Once she was done with getting the things she need, lucky the guy was still there and went up to him and said "I think we went off in a bad start,my name is Victoria" she said with a smile putting her hand out and hopping that he would shake it.
Austen Schmidt

Finally, the girl seems to have some sense. "I'll go with you." Austen wasn't really entirely sure where that came from, she didn't help people. She didn't travel with them either. "I'm Austen." She definately didn't give out her name. Everyone she'd known long enough to give a name, she'd given them Andy, a nickname her father used. That's where she was headed. To find her parents. They were alive, she knew they were. The house had been so fortified, and they were so prepared. There was no way her parents were dead.

@Shimakage Thunder
"I don't know yet to be honest. I want it to be a surprise." She said, looking down at her baby bump as she followed him. "As long as I don't have him or her in the middle of being attacked by those things, I don't really care either." Lexi added as she thought about childbirth. The thought of it still made her cringe since it was her first child. She began holding her back, seeing that she felt a bit of backache as well, and her rucksack didn't exactly help.

Kevin watched Frankie go, excited at the prospect of having someone to travel with. There was safety in numbers, and he missed people, anyways. He was a delicate little butterfly who loved interacting with people so why not group up with someone? Then she left, and he decided to follow after her. He was probably making a mistake trusting her this early on, but he was lonely, and he wanted to have somebody to talk to, someone he could rely on to back him up. He had been lonely and it had only been a week. He didn't know how he would survive a month or, god forbid, a year like this.

"Well then," he said, following after her and scanning the shelves they passed for anything that could be used as a weapon, "I guess I'm coming with you."

Alex Carter

"Yeah, having a kid in the midst of an attack would probably really suck. I don't know about not knowing though. Like, when I have kids, I think I'd want to know if it was a boy or a girl." He shrugs, "I don't know I've not really put any thought into it." Alex looks back to make sure Lexi was still following him, and sees that she was holding her back. "Hey, let me carry that," he says, motioning to her bag. There wasn't really anything in his bag, so adding hers wouldn't be a big deal. As the come out of the clothing section and into the frozen goods (my Walmart, like I said. Its really fucked up xD ), the 19 year old stops to wait for her to hand him her bag. "You might wanna keep the gun, though, I can't shoot for shit."

@Shimakage Thunder
Harley lifted her eyebrow as she crossed her arms "Sorry, I think I have the wrong person, iv'e never heard of nighttimcecatplayer before, so not really a fan" she moved away feeling down, then again reunions in a time like these don't happen and the person she grew up with could very well be dead at this point, no use in looking for her.She hung her head while heading for the door "I'll be going in that case, good luck I guess" her hand reached out for the doorknob once again quietly turning it and stepping out the door, planning to go look around the city for some other supplies.

Shayne had come across the grocery store, taking out his shotgun he went inside. He crept quietly listening for anything that would give away if someone was here. Turning a corner he spotted a teenager and a pregnant woman. Looking fed up he spoke out.

"Really what is this, the View?. you both should not be here chattin' like school girls"

Shayne put away his Shotgun and looked around.

"I have an SUV outside we need to grab what we can we have to stick together

@Shimakage Thunder @giraffesarebetter

(Anyone wanna talk possible Romance for Shayne? :P )
"Would you really? Thanks" Maya was surprised to see someone take interest in helping her, then again she could possibly want to steal from her, realizing she was wishing for the worst to be brought upon her she erased the thoughts of Austen being a bad person, they could share the food just fine enough without there being a need for conflicts "Nice to meet you Austen, i'm Maya, anyway, we should get going now, before someone else finds the stash and takes them for themselves" she pulled her bag close to her shoulders and awaited for Austen to cross over to her.

Blaine ran through the alleys, dodging zombies. He had no weapons, they were all stolen by the group that had decided to exile him, because he said he couldn't be at their beck & call every minute of every day...The douchebags! He came across a grocery store and ran inside, slamming the door. He heard voices and decided to run and try to get to them. "Hello!?" He yelled, looking for the people whose voices these belonged to.
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