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Realistic or Modern Another zombie rp


Introverted fish
It's the current year and a fatal desease has been spreading across the world, causing those who get infected to strive to infect others, and if that's not bad enough, you can even become their meals, even if they don't need to eat.

You will need to watch out, for you never know what is hiding behind the shadows.

Will you be able to fit into a group of survivors? Or will you get eaten on your first day? Will you have enemies? of course, it is every person for themselves out here, and you can only trust so many people; so venture out into the world, let's see how long you can last.

(IMPORTANT: I will only be waiting for the people who have made it clear they want in (interest check) after all those people get their CS up we will start. Something else to take in mind is that I won't be accepting characters all the time, unless of course someone has left the rp. Some of you may be asking yourselves how we'll keep the rp going with no new characters, well I already know some people are going to kill their character(s) later on in the rp; I may or may not be included in this group of people > :D
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As the first rays of sunshine appeared in the horizon, the few survivors of the town of Hoffnung and the ones who live in it's outskirts are keeping on with their own ways of surviving, they think they're safe for now, away from the zombies and their reach, but soon a small hoard will cause all of the survivors to flee from what they now call safety.

Maya Anderson

Awoken by the first rays of sunshine on her face, Maya woke up to the sight she had last seen before going to bed: trees, she had thought sleeping in the forest near the town would be safer, since it was rumored the zombies came from city to city feasting on any flesh that could be found, she still hadn't gotten over the sights she had seen just a few days ago, leaving the big town was something she had wanted to for quite some time now, but she wasn't sure of the risk she would be taking, she needed many more supplies and more confidence in herself, she grabbed her cutter, trying to find anything edible.

Jack Lewis Denton

Surprisingly, Jack had already gotten up before the sun came up, it seemed every night that came sleep became harder and harder to find, he sighed as he walked over to the door, opening it and peeking his head out, it still seemed nobody was showing themselves, hell, he didn't even know if there were still people in town, for all he knew he could be the last person here, still hope was something that never ceased in him, hoping someone would eventually show, he couldn't make himself to leave the place where he could help others in need.
Francesca Salazar-Esperanza

Frankie was awoken by the cawing of a crow on her windowsill, and as she groggily opened her eyes, she glowered at the creature. She reluctantly got out of bed and opened her window, the crow flying away. She leaned out and peered around the town. Nothing of interest seemed to be happening at the moment, so she shut the window and walked into the kitchen of the apartment. She looked through the cupboards for anything edible, but when she found nothing, she groaned and grabbed her bag. She gathered up some some supplies before she set out, using the fire escape instead of the proper stairs, and then making her way to a corner store she hoped would have something edible.​
Kevin had fallen asleep curled up in a small car after having checked he had locked all the doors. As an added measure, he had slept in the trench between the front and back seat. Sure it wasn't comfortable, but not getting eaten trumped comfort. Slowly, he began to blink the sleep out of his eyes, sitting up after he had blinked most of the bleariness left from sleep away, looking cautiously outside all the windows to check for either zombies or humans. After determining that no, there was nobody nearby who might decide to kill him, he opened his bag, taking stock of his supply before frowning lightly. There was not enough water in this bag to keep him alive to see the end of the week. There wasn't enough food and water to subsist on for long, either.

He'd have to make a store run. Which meant he would have to leave the car. He grabbed the knife before closing his bag and throwing it over his shoulder, opening the car door and walking down the middle of the street as quietly as possible, checking to make sure there was nothing sneaking up on him as he made his way towards a grocery store.
Alexia awakened after what was considered a good night's rest. Last night, she had taken shelter inside a Grocery Store. It had mostly been looted, but she took refuge particularly in the Janitor's Office, since it seemed the safest. The store was empty from what she remembered. Sleeping last night sure was an annoyance. The young woman glanced down at her stomach, which was much bigger then it was six and a half months ago. How could someone so little get so big in there, she wondered. If this is what it was like to be creating life, it sure sucked considering on what she had to go through and the current situation they were in. A Doctor sure would be nice...It would be nice to know how her little one is doing. "God, I'm so over being pregnant...Just two and a half more months and you'll be out of there, so enjoy it while you can." She said, talking to her little one, who kicked in response.

Was it a boy a girl...? Guess she won't find out until the day comes. As she got up, Alexia checked her rucksack to make sure everything was in order. The dress she wore seemed alright too. No blood stains or anything. She looked at her Revolver, which was still fully loaded, but it wouldn't be long until she's completely out of ammo, so she had to make every shot count. She kept her gun at the ready as she continued to explore the back of the now deserted Grocery Store, hopefully there weren't any Zombies outside waiting for her or anything.
Tabitha sighed as she slowly trotted through the streets of the city kicking empty cans and other such trash out of the way. Soon the sun had began to slowly rise upon Tabitha's face shinning brightly, though Tabitha was already awake for quite some time in fact it had been days since Tabitha slept and showed on her face both her eyes strung with dark circles. Now a normal person would tell her to sleep but if its one thing Tabitha learned from playing all those video games is to keep moving at all times you never know when a herd of zombies might be just behind the next corner waiting to sink their teeth into your skin. It had also been quite some since Tabitha had eaten along with her three cats food had became scarce in the city due to when the outbreak started the previous citizens grabbed what they could and left and the remaining food was ransacked by any remaining hungry scavengers. Now in these days a person would be dying just to get a good meal and fresh meat which is why Tabitha is often weary of strangers due to the fact of those strangers seeing her or her three cats as a fresh meal which is why the three always have to stay by Tabitha's side or else they might end up with an arrow in their head, even Tabitha herself would never go that low to eat her cats even if she was starving she would rather give up her own meal just so her animals could eat she loved them with her life as if they where her own child and Tabitha would be devastated if anything happen to them. But now Tabitha walked the streets starring at the ground her hands in her pockets of her blue hoodie as she slowly kicked a single empty metal can across the barren streets of the once proud city, midnight slowly trotted along Tabitha's side as the sun shimmered off his black coat gideget was batting at the can that Tabitha was kicking running around in circles as if it was a game and cuddles strayed off from the group chasing a rat but still making sure to stay in plain site as the group trailed the huge city.
Austen Schmidt

Austen had been up for three hours. After getting out of the tree she slept in- only about 7 feet off the ground, of course- she checked the traps she'd set the night before. Finding nothing but a small rabbit, killed it quickly and set to roasting it above her coals from the evening before's fire. The small girl dug a hole to place the remains in, as to not attract unwanted attention from animals or the Turned. Despite not being all that hungry, Austen eats all of it, knowing it could be a week before she ate again. The woods outside the small town of Hoffnung weren't exactly teeming with wildlife. Now, as the sun comes up, Austen sets out to the small stream to refill her water. Hydration was the utmost priority in situations like this. Food, you could go a couple weeks without. Water, though, without that you're dead in 3 days time.

@Shimakage Thunder
After checking the back of the store, seeing that the back entrance was barricaded, probably in an attempt to keep the zombies out. Looks like an exit through the back door would be too much work. All she could do was hope that the store did not fill up with Zombies overnight. Upon entering the store, it seemed so far vacant. In the distance, she see another man heading towards the store. Probably a Looter. She may want to go find a place to hide. The last thing she needed was for an encounter that may cost her the baby. With the time she had, Alexia made a break for the Pharmacy and hid there, hoping that the alleged looter would leave soon and then she could continue on with the rest of the day, hopefully find a safe haven soon. Running around in her current condition wasn't exactly healthy...

Kevin finally made it to a grocery store after an uneventful walk, something he was most grateful for. However, that ended when he stopped outside, noticing another person was already in the store. They could be hostile. He hadn't seen many people since the first day, and he wasn't sure just how feral the world had gone yet. But still- they could be hostile. They could kill him. But, he reasoned, they might not. And even if they would, what if they didn't see him? It could work, he reasoned, he could be stealthy when he wanted to. Besides, he needed supplies, and it would be better to die now than to wait and die of dehydration or hunger, right? Those were probably really painful ways to die. He remembered watching something on dying of hunger and that was not the way he wanted to go.

Marty would be screaming at him right now, he reflected, opening the door and slowly and quietly snaking himself inside. He knew this grocery store well, thankfully, and first things first, he went in the direction of the water bottles, trying to keep as quiet and to himself as possible.

@Shimakage Thunder
Tabitha and her three furry companions continued their trail through the streets of the city in silence heading towards the direction of the woods on the outskirt of town, Tabitha's plan was getting out of the city and moving to another location to try and find any resources since the city had been completely looted and offered no remaining supply's useful to her. But now Tabitha's peaceful walk was interrupted when she saw someone entering what appeared to be a grocery store causing Tabitha to duck into the nearest alley way not wanting to be seen. Tabitha called for her three cats as quietly as she could which came running to her side into the alley as Tabitha continued deeper into the dark alley trying to find another way around wanting to avoid all contact at all costs with any other humans. But instead of finding another way around Tabitha came face first with a zombie causing her to jump back a little but as Tabitha was about to scream she covered her mouth not wanting to attract any attention before realizing the zombie was pinned to the wall. Tabitha couldn't help but feel bad for the zombie because if you think about it that zombie was once a person who probably had an amazing family and kids and a wife and a job but now he is just sitting her rotting away like trash. Tabitha sighed as she pulled out the screwdriver from her bag as the zombie tried to reach for her moaning midnight cuddles and gideget inched a little close to the zombie but stayed back far enough out of its reach to observe it "Sorry.." Tabitha quietly say as she stabbed the zombie once in the head with the screwdriver watching its body go limp before slipping the screwdriver back into her bag she then motioned for her three cats to follow her as she slipped back out of the alley way figuring the person she saw earlier was probably gone by now and her guess was right as the front of the grocery store was now empty but Tabitha still tried to stay low crossing in front of the store just to be safe. Finally Tabitha was far away from the store when she saw yet another person who appeared to be heading in the same direction but this time Tabitha was in plain site and she saw no where to escape to no alley way to run and hide in so Tabitha ran towards the nearest building and flattened her body as much as she could into the wall and hoped that the person didn't notice her before realizing her three cats where still out in the street she gave a small whistle and the three all ran off trying to find places to hide behind.

@mikaluvkitties @giraffesarebetter

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@nighttimecatplayer @mikaluvkitties @giraffesarebetter

Francesca Salazar-Esperanza

When the corner store proved to have had all of its goods completely looted, save for some moldy bread and fruits, Frankie began to make her way to the nearest grocery store. She new this would be risky, grocery stores drew people in like moths to a flame. However, with her stomach sore from not eating for the past few days, this risk was inevitable and absolutely had to be taken. She adjusted her bag, which was heavy on her shoulders, and she began jogging to the nearest grocery store.

Just to her luck, she spotted some people and realized she wasn't the only one who had the same idea. "Damn," she cursed under her breath. She ducked into an alley, leaning out to look at the store. Should she wait? Or should she be brave? She rolled her shoulders and took a deep breath, and then, while keeping low to the ground, she started her way towards the store. On her way there, however, she saw a girl pressed up against the wall. She stopped for a moment, looking at her, wondering if she would be a threat, before she carried on and pushed open the door, a bell tinkling. She winced at the noise, but quickly scurried away to the canned goods section.​
Alex Carter

Alex leaps into the nearest aisle when yet another guy comes into the store. "Shit!" He whispers, having scraped his arm on the corner of a shelf. He gets up, holding his now lightly bleeding arm and crouches as he makes his way toward the back of the store, hoping for a built-in Pharmacy like the grocer's in his hometown. "Thank the god damn lord." Upon reaching the Pharmacy, he begins searching the shelves for some band aids and maybe some neosporin. Turning a corner, he comes face to face with a woman, a pregnant woman. "Woah!" Alex nearly shouts, a hand flying up over his heart. "Scared the shit outta me lady!"

@Shimakage Thunder
Kevin's head snapped up at the sound of a bell ringing, but when he didn't see anyone immediately behind him he continued on his way towards where the water should be. He wasn't sure any water would be there, but hey, it was a small town and there were a lot of cars lying around town. And, y'know, how much water could one carry? He'd have to remember to loot any bodies he came across. Suddenly, there was a shout, and he jumped, landing on his knees in front of some water. Convenient. He didn't want to see any more people than he had to, so he took the knife to the plastic of the water case, cutting it open with a sound louder than he would've liked, flipping it closed and pulling his bag off his shoulder to throw a few in his bag.

It wasn't a lot of an improvement, but there were others here and they could very easily decide to kill him. And he, despite what anyone might say, did not feel like dying today. Not this early in the day, anyways. His feelings on the matter might change by noon, but for now he felt like fighting to live. So, he had water, now he needed food. Canned food lasted longer, so it only made sense to head in the direction of the canned foods aisle. Of course, just his luck, somebody else was already there. He went stock still, and as soon as he could move, slowly moved over to some food, remaining eye contact carefully, as he said, "Hi."

Maya remembered she had seen a river not to far from where she was, trying to remember it's exact location. Upon walking for a shot amount of time she found herself by the rive she had seen the day before a smile brightened her face as she kneeled down and took some water into her hands brining it up to her mouth "Finally" taking a few more sips of water she cleaned her face dripping with the liquid using her hand "So much for canned food" at first it had seemed like a good idea to take everything she could from a local supermarket, but running from zombies with such a heavy bag was difficult she eventually had to drop all her food, luckily she had stored them in a nearby house, where she hopped nobody would find them.

She placed a hand onto the grass and lifted herself back up "Might as well go back to town now".

The young man who came into the Pharmacy startled Alexia as well. So much for waiting for the Scavengers to pass, because one of them already found her. Scared, Alexia drew her gun and aimed it at him, holding her stomach protectively as she sat against the wall. "Who the hell are you?" She demanded, clocking the gun, which was now ready to be fired.


Francesca Salazar-Esperanza

Frankie looked over at the newcomer, and she narrowed her eyes at him. She looked him over, wondering if he posed as a threat or not. "Hi," she said cautiously. She watched him as she grabbed three cans of large soup cans. She hoped she would be able to live on half a can a day, so that meant she would be good for six days. She heard the commotion going on in another part of the store, and she looked at the stranger next to her. "Hey. You know if there's any bottled water here?" she asked bluntly. She wasn't sure if she could trust him or not, but she didn't feel like wasting her time. Even if he said there wasn't water, she'd still go check anyways. Just in case.

Austen Schmidt

Austen had been watching the girl having been silent the entire time she was walking. Hearing her plan to go to the town, she sighs, speaking up. "Not the best idea, you know." The small blonde takes out her water bottle and opens it, filling it straight from the river. "There'll be looters, probably some turned. Dangerous." Screwing the top back on, Austen stands and looks at the other girl from across the river.

@Shimakage Thunder
Tabitha had noticed that the person walking down the street had saw her but luckily luck was on her side as the person ignored her and continued on their way it appeared that this person also was heading towards the grocery store spiking Tabitha's curiosity "If all those people are going to the same place that means it must have something good in there" Tabitha thought to herself as she whistled louder this time calling back her three cats which all came running to her side "And if something is good in there then I want to be the first to get dibs" Tabitha continued out-loud as she quickly raced back towards the grocery store her three cats racing behind her to keep up. Now Tabitha was kneeling in front of the same store she quickly gave another single to her three cats and they bolted towards another alley way "Stay there" Tabitha whispered as they ran not wanting to attract the extra attention bringing her cats inside with her. Now that her three cats where safely out of site Tabitha peered into the window of the store she saw in fact many more people than she saw go into the store which meant that walking through the front door would attract to much attention so Tabitha quickly ran to the side of the store trying to find another way in, soon she had found a vent that lead into the store it appeared that the vent cover was rusting and decaying meaning Tabitha could easily pull it off and her guess was right as she ripped it off the hinges and threw it behind her as it clattered to the ground. Tabitha bit her tongue a little as the vent made a little to much noise than she hoped for but Tabitha quickly brushed it off as she got on her knees and she started crawling into the vent, about five minutes had passed when a loud snapped sound was heard That cant be g-" Tabitha didn't even get to finish her sentence as the vent gave in under her and she came crashing into the store landing on top of once of the self's which smashed into the ground knocking cans and other items everywhere. @Shimakage Thunder @mikaluvkitties @Nklai
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Kevin was shocked at what a great reception he got from the girl- which was sad, because he shouldn't be relieved just because someone had decided to at least err on the side of civil as they chatted.

His face flooded with relief, and he began, "Um, yeah, did you live here, 'cause if you did it's right where the water always is. If not, I'd be fine-" He would've continued, but a noise sounded and all the sudden a vent fell through the ceiling. He watched, horrified as it fell right on to the canned goods. It was like watching a train wreck. As soon as it fell, he ran over to see how much damage had been done to the cans. Thank god there wasn't anything sharp lying around, right? It could've been much worse than the admittedly minimal losses of food. However, there was still the problem of why it fell in the first place- sure, it could just be rust, but it could be a zombie. Slowly, he bent down, flicking open his blade, only to see some chick. He immediately sat up, and he was honestly just surprised he hadn't honest to god screamed in rage.

He silently examined a few soup cans, checked they weren't concentrated, and shoved them in his bag, almost nicking his finger. Finally, he said in a quiet, almost silent voice, "Why didn't you just use the door?"

@nighttimecatplayer @Nklai
Harley opened her eyes squinting while blocking the sun out with her arm she gave a loud yawn as she dragged herself out of bed, it had only been a week but she was already having trouble, she lifted up from the couch as she went over to the kitchen of the house she was currently staying in, at the sight of all the food she had gathered up now gone she bit her lip in rage "fuck...well back to the grocery store"

She grabbed her bag tightly as she steeped foot onto the battlefield that was now the town, surly if she had got robbed then there were still some people left in the town, she didn't exactly know if it was a good thing or a bad thing but for now, she had to give it a shot.

Jonathan had been walking all morning until he had reached a little town where his family used to go on vacations.

He needed to reach a pharmacy or some place he could rest for a while, he had been trying to open all and any doors he found, he was about to give up until he tried one last time to open a door, the doorknob twisted slowly and eventually he was in, he was giddy, not knowing if anyone was inside, he tried to be as quite as he could, but eventually found himself tripping over a bag as he made a loud thud against the floor.

@nighttimecatplayer @mikaluvkitties

Francesca Salazar-Esperanza

Frankie looked at the girl, almost moving to draw her gun. Why the hell would someone be in the vents? She too a few steps closer to the girl, her hands on her hips, one of her hands over the handle of her gun. "Why were you even in there? Do you know how much noise you just made?!" She was clearly irritated, and as she shook her head, she walked to the edge of the aisle to peer out the front doors, making sure no Corpses had taken interest in the noise. Thankfully, there were just a few meandering about, and although they were walking towards the doors, there weren't many of them. Yet.

"Great, you attracted some Corpses," she said bitterly, turning to glare at Tabitha. She sighed heavily and stalked off to the water, collecting a few and opening them, filling up her half-empty milk jug with some water. She headed back to the canned goods aisle, placing a hand on her hip and pushing her hair to the side and out of her face. She looked at the two, eyes slightly narrowed. She hadn't had any decent interaction with anyone in a long, long time.​
Tabitha blushed as she rubbed the back of her head embarrassed of the mess she caused at least it appeared the people there wasn't hostile "Sorry...I just didn't know if you guys would put a bullet into my brain if I just barged into the store so I thought taking the vents would be a more silent approach.." Tabitha said to her new acquaintances as she slowly brought herself to her feet dusting herself off before bending over and picking up some of the cans stuffing them into her bag "Thanks for not stabbing me in the face" Tabitha continued as she picked up one of the cans handing it over to Kevin "Oh and the corpses outside? I wouldn't worry about them give them some time and they should wander off on their own if not I can just go and bash their brains in all over the street" Tabitha continued as she stuffed some more cans into her bags before wandering off into the store making her way into the pet aisle trying to find any canned food for her three cats. @Nklai @mikaluvkitties
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Maya was startled at the girl who seemed to have popped up out of nowhere, making her fall back down again, luckily she didn't seem to have any intentions of harming her so still laying back she responded "Well, that's true but I left some supplies back there and even with that it won't be enough for me to survive more than a week outside this town" she lifted herself back up again "Where are you headed? if you don't mind me asking that is"


Jack had decided to leave the house to scout the streets for anyone who might have dropped a weapon of sorts, but quickly turned around as he heard a loud crash by the room he had just left, the worse part was, his hammer was in his bag, which he had left by the entrance, trying not to make a sound he quickly made his way to the entrance, there, he saw that someone had tripped with his bag, then again maybe it was just a zombie, the slower ones were known for being clumsy.

Ashley had been awake since the sun had come up, she was an early bird and that certainly proved to be quite useful in some situations, this was the prime example, since morning had hit, she had managed to loot a grocery store and a library, which had more things than she would have expected, and at this point she wanted to return to her hideout and eat something, anything, her stomach seemed to be growling louder every minute and the attention of any possible survivors or zombies was sure to get caught by her, which would lead to her death, she soon arrived at her hideout, a school, it was an ideal place since it had a gate she could close if needed to, and even if it didn't have a lock, she could easily barricade it with seats and desks, how she would drag a huge desk from upstairs to the entrence gate she didn't know, with her skinny figure and little to no muscle it would prove to be a hard task, but she'd manage somehow, for now she was just happy to be in a safe place.

Daniel had awoken not too long ago since had planned on doing many things before he was ready to leave his hometown, supplies here were being taken everyday and at that rate, they would run out soon. He already had his plan set up, he would get as many supplies as possible and head to the outskirts of town- the forest where he'd just try and find any berries or anything he could use to then make his way to the next passing town, hoping it would have more food and essentials than what this town had left, and he only had a few more places to look, one of those would be the grocery store, and when he approached it he knew this wasn't going to turn out well, there seemed to already be more people than he had expected, he quietly entered through the back door, making sure to close it behind him, progressively waking forward collecting food, he looked over to the people who had arrived before him, he didn't have any intentions to chit-chat with anyone so ignoring them would be best, especially when he planned to take as much as he needed.

@nighttimecatplayer @giraffesarebetter@mikaluvkitties
Alexia had her doubts when the Ex-Model told her that he wasn't going to hurt her. However, pointing a Gun at a wounded man was kinda low. The young Mother-To-Be simply lowered her Revolver and put it away. Slowly getting up, she grabbed a First Aid Kit. "Let me see your wound. I used to be a Medic in the Military." She had a change of heart and decided to help him. After all, it was nice to see another friendly face after so long. Suddenly, she heard a loud crash coming from outside the Pharmacy. "I'll patch you up first, than we can go take a look at what's going on." She said, alarmed. Alexia than set the Kit on the counter and opened it before grabbing his arm to take a closer look at the Wound he had sustained. "So how did this end up happening?" She asked, grabbing some Anti-Septic Spray.

@giraffesarebetter @mikaluvkitties @Nklai

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