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Fantasy Another superhero rp occ

No one is black in th rp 🤣 and I meant ethnicity wise anyway. Portia is Afro Latino I think. Tho
Again we had an african but she gone now. Portia is definitely afro latino tho. Have you seen those lips? That hair? That's straight hispanic. I was going to make her speak spanglish too but I thought it was too much. Like I said she is me lol And Matteo is Italian, which is why I gave him an Italian name and a tanner skin tone like Portia. They look like they could be siblings if her hair wasn't dyed blue.
Yeah know what I got it boom don’t worry. Imma make a student teacher. So he will be an active sidekick that does a mentor program. And he will be a black npc. And then I’ll make my Polynesian . Cus npc are easy af.
Again we had an african but she gone now. Portia is definitely afro latino tho. Have you seen those lips? That hair? That's straight hispanic. I was going to make her speak spanglish too but I thought it was too much. Like I said she is me lol And Matteo is Italian, which is why I gave him an Italian name and a tanner skin tone like Portia. They look like they could be siblings if her hair wasn't dyed blue.

Ms. Abdu is African
Yeah we got good enthic diversity along with sexual preference if that’s the correct term....ok I’ll shut up now
Lol you tried your best. At least you weren't culturally insensitive so you did good buddy.

Ms. Abdu is African
I thought she was Arabian to be honest with you. I got straight Arabian Nights and Jasmine vibes from her. That's cool though
And now ladies and gentlemen (but mainly ladies )
Standing in this corner at 5’8 172 lbs, ready to confuse you sexually and be your best friend maree’s older adopted sister I give you Samoa the samoan!!!!
Lol you tried your best. At least you weren't culturally insensitive so you did good buddy.

I thought she was Arabian to be honest with you. I got straight Arabian Nights and Jasmine vibes from her. That's cool though
Well she is Afro-Arab. She is from Saudi Arabia, they have a lot of Afro-Arabs. I based her off my friend. But i mean like she is african though cus that what all Afro-Arabs are.
I see what you're doing you temptress. Tryna make Portia like women. I WILL NOT BE TRICKED BY THE SAMOAN BEAUTY. I don't even like girls but damn I love me a good samoan. Them and latinos mmmmmmmmmmmm that's my weakness. That's two characters of yours that are trying to trap me now lmao

Well she is Afro-Arab. She is from Saudi Arabia, they have a lot of Afro-Arabs. I based her off my friend. But i mean like she is african though cus that what all Afro-Arabs are.
Oh my gosh I love itttttt the diversity
Oh wait no wrong character I’m legit so stupid, no Ms. Abdu isn’t the one from Saudi She us Egyptian Lol I have another character called abdu that I made recently I got confused af.
And now ladies and gentlemen (but mainly ladies )
Standing in this corner at 5’8 172 lbs, ready to confuse you sexually and be your best friend maree’s older adopted sister I give you Samoa the samoan!!!!
Is it ok that since I’m a male playing a femal character I’m perfectly ok with her flirting with my girl......
Ooooowwww stop making me laugh, the whipped my ass today and my body feels like it’s gonna fall apart. And you two are killing me.
River will eat you both. And I said stupid useless
Summon small animels that legit are just random animels with not abilities whatsoever

Or the ability to turn into a badger but only when no one is looking so as soon as someone sees her boom she a human again
Eat me RAVAGE me. I think we put out a combo of both. I mean you could make her like Maui and tranform into certain animals with a magical hook. or something along the lines of that.

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