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Fandom Another Story (REBOOT)

Amerikia1126 said:
Oh god.
He'd probably freak out.
xD Yeah, maybe.

It really depends on if Ori's accepted, though. They're kind of powerful, and some of their abilities might be a problem (Soul Link in particular)
Skychild said:
....Rin Okumura

Deadpool, huh? ...Y'know, it would be super easy to set some part of him on fire right now. Just a little flame. Nobody would know it was him, too... "-name is Sadao Maou..." Maybe his foot or something... "-Just standing around looking dead inside..." Yeah, that would be fun to watch...

"-by my actual name, Satan."

Rin jerked his head up, looking at Sadao with big eyes. Did he just say that his real name... Is Satan...?

Rin inspected him from head to toe.

Was he hearing things? Is he going insane already?!

...Nonono, he probably didn't say that.


"Yo! Furry! Get over here! "Mr Satan" here needs some professional help."

Rin shifted his gaze to America.

His words hit him like a bus. Mr. Satan?

He heard it, too.

That guy actually said that. Was this some kind of sick joke?

"You think that's funny? Calling yourself Satan?" Shock quickly turned into anger as his eyes met Sadao's. His grip on Kurikara tightened, however, he did not plan on drawing the sword as long as he didn't have a good reason to. Did he have a reason? Only if this guy really was the devil himself, his biological father.

"Because it sure as hell isn't."
Second time around, and we're all still pissing off Rin. Some things never change.
I am so stress for what I have to do today, last night it felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest.
ChoasMaker said:
I had to register for school but I thought I was going to have to deal with people I didn't want to see.
Ah, okay. Glad to hear you didn't have to ( :) )

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